How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He is confused.

Probable no votes on clean repeal w/no replace:

Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
Susan Collins - Maine (voted against the repeal bill in 2015)
Shelley Moore Capito - WV (voted for in 2015)

Possible No:

Rob Portman - Ohio (voted for in 2015)
Dean Heller - Nevada

Moran, Lee & Paul would flip to yes on clean repeal.
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He is confused.

Probable no votes on clean repeal w/no replace:

Lisa Murkowski - Alaska
Susan Collins - Maine (voted against the repeal bill in 2015)
Shelley Moore Capito - WV (voted for in 2015)

Possible No:

Rob Portman - Ohio (voted for in 2015)
Dean Heller - Nevada

Moran, Lee & Paul would flip to yes on clean repeal.

Welp get them on record. I'd imagine the OH voters aren't going to be too happy that Portman voted to repeal it when he knew it would never happen and is now reneging because it may happen.

Protect Kasich and his dumb ass choice to expand Medicaid rather than do what's best for the country.
So, honest question. What do some of y'all think will happen in 2020? Will trump run again? If so/ will he win? If not will a different Repub (or non Dem ) win? Or will the democrats do *whatever * it takes to take back the presidency?
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Welp get them on record. I'd imagine the OH voters aren't going to be too happy that Portman voted to repeal it when he knew it would never happen and is now reneging because it may happen.

Protect Kasich and his dumb ass choice to expand Medicaid rather than do what's best for the country.

Yep. Put it to a vote even if its a loser. That way the votes are on record
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So, honest question. What do some of y'all think will happen in 2020? Will trump run again? If so/ will he will? If not will a different Repub (or non Dem ) win? Or will the democrats do *whatever * it takes to take back the presidency?
Frankly, not sure why he would want anything to do with after all the BS he has and will continue to deal with, but his ego will not allow him to leave if he does not think he got what he wanted accomplished done.

Dems will continue to learn nothing and will trot out losers like Warren, Sanders, Booker, Cuomo, etc. Heck, would not be shocked at all to see Michael Obama get in on the action since his husband still thinks he is POTUS. Of course they will do anything to win the WH back. If there is real election "Scumbaggery" to be done the Dems usually have that covered.

If Trump leaves (which he won't) likely will see Pence be the Reps choice.
Frankly, not sure why he would want anything to do with after all the BS he has and will continue to deal with, but his ego will not allow him to leave if he does not think he got what he wanted accomplished done.

Dems will continue to learn nothing and will trot out losers like Warren, Sanders, Booker, Cuomo, etc. Heck, would not be shocked at all to see Michael Obama get in on the action since his husband still thinks he is POTUS. Of course they will do anything to win the WH back. If there is real election "Scumbaggery" to be done the Dems usually have that covered.

If Trump leaves (which he won't) likely will see Pence be the Reps choice.

Pence is good but I'm not sure a "sexy" enough candidate to beat whatever (probably ) idiot the dems put on the ticket
Get every one of those sons of bitches on record. Anyone who promised a repeal and votes no needs to be recalled (if that can happen).
It's already happening. Didn't catch their names, but two Senators who voted repeal in '15, when it was just grandstanding because they knew Obama would veto the bill, have came out and opposed the new (old) plan to repeal without replacing.
ACA is unsustainable and will continue to get worse, but nobody wants to give an inch to fix it. Well, eff it. Repeal, and then we'll see people start coming to the bargaining table on a replacement.

Also, the focus has been on who should pay and how much, state vs. federal, when the REAL focus should be on the exorbitant costs of healthcare in this country and what we need to do to reign it in immediately.
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Im no fan of mitch. But hes not to blame on the legislative debacles since the election. Paul Ryan needs to drive legislation out of the house before the senate takes it up. Everything is stuck in the house.

Mitch definitely needs to do a better job getting these votes in the senate. But some of those Rs dont really vote party line, while the dems do.

Plus, libs HATE Mitch but love Ryan. Thats pretty telling and says alot.

Really, Ryan is trying to stay in the front of peoples minds, but not make any waves. That way he can gear up for a presidential run. We need just the opposite.

Also, Trumps team must shoulder some blame. They need to get some of this stuff through, or it could be trouble come 18 and 20

Not really. Read an article today that there are nearly 230 House-passed bills awaiting action in the Senate. Plus, even though imperfect and flawed, the House did pass a Health care bill that ended the mandate.
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I've never in my life seen so much intra-party dysfunction. As a Conservative, I have to give the Left credit on this one trait, they know how to unify on critical votes and policy for the most part, they don't give two shits about what the other party, talk radio, and certain Conservative media types think. Mitch McConnell needs to lead or retire, period. Sick.And.Tired.Of.Excuses
So, honest question. What do some of y'all think will happen in 2020? Will trump run again? If so/ will he win? If not will a different Repub (or non Dem ) win? Or will the democrats do *whatever * it takes to take back the presidency?

I think the Democratic strategy at this point with their partners in the media is to have such a daily assault on Trump that the country is just fatigued with it all by the time 2020 rolls around. Trump doesn't help sometimes with the childish tweets.

I mean I posted on here the other day a reporter, I think from the Washington Post, who said they had tracked down every cargo ship that had Ivanka Trump products on it, where the ships came from and where they were going. This coming from the same media that wouldn't investigate the IRS scandal during the Obama years....but they are following the cargo ships of the President's daughter's clothing line!

4 years of this will probably have enough people tired of hearing about it, hearing about Trump malfeasance whether true or not, tired of twitter wars...that he will lose.

The campaign will be brutal. It will be odd to cause unlike previous campaigns where each candidate is interviewed by multiple news channels and goes on all the late night comedy shows Trump will have few places to go to. Fox and Friends, Hannity, interview with other Fox shows, maybe 60 minutes but all those times he called into Morning Joe (they helped normalize him) in the last campaign, all the late night shows (Fallon messing up his hair) aren't going to happen this time. Maybe a return trip to Fallon but MSNBC, CNN, NBC news, ABC, any other comedy show will be off the table. Either they will refuse to interview Trump or he will refuse to talk to them.

Trump won last time in part because Hillary was so personally unpopular, she had a ton of baggage, middle America loathed her as much or more than any Democrat in our lifetime. Next time around Trump will be running against a much younger candidate, nice looking probably with zero baggage and will get such fawning coverage by 90 percent of our media that it might even make Obama blush. And Trump will have a 4 year record of governance to defend...

And he needs some wins. Tax reform, start building miles and miles of that wall, forget healthcare for now and let obamacare problems continue to mount...pass a major infrastructure bill...a couple of major things have to get done or he will lose next time: florida and north carolina and the blue wall he won last time but not 'bigly'. Those margins can easily be reversed if he and the Republicans don't get their shit together.
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The R's simply cannot get out of their own way. I am convinced we will be here in 6 months pissed that nothing has gotten through on tax reform.

Washington is broken beyond repair.
The GOP establishment is a big part of the swamp, and an even bigger threat to Trumps agenda than the democrats ever could be.

I don't see how Paul Ryan and McConnell don't resign. It has to be embarrassing being such failures, but neither one probably have much integrity or shame.
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Looks like now the plan is the same as '15. Full repeal, but not replace, then take two years to come up with a replacement. Pretty sure full repeal will take 60 votes. Not sure how they plan to get it done, but after every other failure, it's worth a try.

McConnell will find a way to screw this up, too. In fact some GOPers already came out against it.

Nice leadership Mitch.
ACA is unsustainable and will continue to get worse, but nobody wants to give an inch to fix it. Well, eff it. Repeal, and then we'll see people start coming to the bargaining table on a replacement.

Also, the focus has been on who should pay and how much, state vs. federal, when the REAL focus should be on the exorbitant costs of healthcare in this country and what we need to do to reign it in immediately.

Cleaning up the corruption would solve all problems. But that ain't going to happen with these swamp creatures.
4 years of this will probably have enough people tired of hearing about it, hearing about Trump malfeasance whether true or not, tired of twitter wars...that he will lose.

If Trump being president for 4 years keeps Hillary out of office, that's a win. With her levels of corruption there's not telling what the next 8 years would be like. She was fitting the turn this into a one party system and plant her Clinton roots even deeper.

It was such a win, IMO, that I wouldn't be too upset if the WH went to the Ds. We dodged a bullet and also shook up their whole party. They took a beating in more ways than one, even if Trump does virtually nothing for the next 3.5 years..
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