How will they rule ??!

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No, jam, I don't. Carson is more than likely wrong, but the theory is interesting to think about.

As for Tuesday, the dems lost because they didn't get their base out to vote, and people are really, really tired of politics as usual.

"When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout Egypt. And all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere."
Genesis 41:56-57

Again, I don't know who built the pyramids or why. But, aliens?......
I know it's not as plausible as the entire universe being created in 6 days, two of every species on Earth in one wooden boat, or a woman being turned into a pillar of salt, but it is fun to think about.
Joseph used the pyramids as a storage bin for his grain operation, just as Noah built the ark to save his family from a world wide flood - it's all in the book of Genesis. Whats so hard to understand?
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People love Carson because of his personality, his demeanor and his story. I doubt that will be enough to see him through, but it's not outlandish to think it might. Every seems to agree that politicians suck and politics such - and then weirdly we want to insist everyone has the same sort of experiences as those politicians.

Were I more energetic, I'd go quickly pull 50 religiously themed comments from past presidents to easily show that Carson isn't really "out there" in his beliefs. One of the more interesting aspects of the sudden evolution on gay marriage is to watch people so angrily denounce others who disagree with them, when only 3 or 4 years earlier they held the same position. Not only must you think what I think, you must evolve along the same timeline! otherwise, of course, you're a bigot....
I know I'm in the minority on this board, but the older I get, the more important Genesis becomes. It explains a lot about middle east conflict that still exists today, and Jesus referred back to Genesis events often in the NT.
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I know it's not as plausible as the entire universe being created in 6 days, two of every species on Earth in one wooden boat, or a woman being turned into a pillar of salt, but it is fun to think about.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. If you can believe those 10 words - as I do - the rest of it is pretty easy to accept.
I don't know who built the pyramids or what they were used for. The important thing here is that a frontrunner for the presidential election feels the need to express is unusual opinion about it.

Its just a dumb thing to say for someone in his position, even if he thinks it. That's what should concern people.
You can still be a Christian and not accept everything written in the Bible as fact.
No actually, you can't.

But before I draw a line in the same, I want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying, for example, that the Bible can't be taken literally at every instance? That there are differing interpretations of what a given thing in the Bible means? If that is what you are saying, yeah, agreed, common sense.

If, instead, you are saying you are free to pick and choose which parts of the Bible you believe, accepting some things and rejecting others according to your own discretion and judgment - then yes, certainly, anyone can determine for themselves what they think. But if you do that, you're not a Christian. Words have meanings, etc. etc.....
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Anyone see the major liberal media outlets yesterday mention that the California Merced stabber was Muslim? Me neither
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No actually, you can't.

But before I draw a line in the same, I want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying, for example, that the Bible can't be taken literally at every instance? That there are differing interpretations of what a given thing in the Bible means? If that is what you are saying, yeah, agreed, common sense.

If, instead, you are saying you are free to pick and choose which parts of the Bible you believe, accepting some things and rejecting others according to your own discretion and judgment - then yes, certainly, anyone can determine for themselves what they think. But if you do that, you're not a Christian. Words have meanings, etc. etc.....
Well sure, I think it's all a matter of personal interpretation. You might believe at one time Noah was floating on a globe of water surrounding the earth in a mighty ark. I might think your version was an exaggerated story of Noah building a pontoon boat for his family and their pets. There're a lot of things in the Bible that don't add up. People can have divergent opinions and still be Christians.
I don't know who built the pyramids or what they were used for. The important thing here is that a frontrunner for the presidential election feels the need to express is unusual opinion about it.

Its just a dumb thing to say for someone in his position, even if he thinks it. That's what should concern people.[/QU

Why? Because it ain't what a "normal" candidate would say?

And the cycle continues.

And y'all wonder why shit gets worse.

Keep voting, though. For the children!
Well sure, I think it's all a matter of personal interpretation. You might believe at one time Noah was floating on a globe of water surrounding the earth in a mighty ark. I might think your version was an exaggerated story of Noah building a pontoon boat for his family and their pets. There're a lot of things in the Bible that don't add up. People can have divergent opinions and still be Christians.
It adds up if you understand the actual translations.
I understand Carson's personal theory about Egyptian pyramids is crucial to our times - and that's what it is, a theory, he's not saying the Bible says that BTW. But before we all go bonkers at this obvious disqualifying revelation, I'd point out that Hilary had seances in the White House and "spoke with" Eleanor Roosevelt regularly, and that Bernie Sanders has said i) that lack of sex contributes to cervical cancer and ii) women fantasize about gang rape.....
Who the hell cares about Carson's biblical views? Christians aren't a threat to our society in the slightest. That's a moral code that doesn't harm anyone. "Oh, no. They're not cheerleaders for gays. Rabble Rabble!"

Islam is the only religion that is a threat to modern day society and western civilization. So eff them. But the far left tries to focus on people' religious views as some slander against that candidate while ignoring that progressivism is every bit of a religion as anything else is, in my opinion. That's probably why so many of them don't say anything to Muslims. They both share the same mindset that you must adhere to their ideology or suffer the consequences.

I'm for a candidate with common sense, someone who isn't apologetic for our culture and success, someone who can get our finances in order and keep us safe from illegals/threats and keep in mind what made our country so successful in the first place.

The truth is, there is not a single candidate the left is offering that will better us in the slightest. Your options are a career liar/criminal Hillary or a socialist who will hurt our economy/kill our finances even further. So go ahead and make fun of the right but they're better than anyone the left offers.
Never have defended Obama. Never will. Don't know where you get that from. Keep assuming things though.

At every turn, but your not partisan.[eyeroll]
Like I said. I'm never going to join this circle jerk. The majority of this board is red and it's a lot more fun to ruffle the feathers of the flock than a couple stray birds. Hillary is a liar and a crook. Happy? "Wahh. Don't talk about my team. Wahh."

It adds up if you understand the actual translations.
Warrior is all knowing and the supreme judge of all things. If you need to know anything about life just ask him. He is the Paddock Jesus.
The thing about most "centrist" or "non partisan" hacks on here is that they will sing about how if ever there were anyone who was not as corrupt or liars like all of the others, they would vote for them. Well folks, you have one in Carson, He does not get into the mud slinging or bad mouthing anyone. He is also not part of the Washington inside. But, these supposed "centrist" are doing just as we knew they would, start coming up with all kinds of lame excuses not to follow up on their promises. Just like the politicians that they are going to vote for.
Never have defended Obama. Never will. Don't know where you get that from. Keep assuming things though.

Like I said. I'm never going to join this circle jerk. The majority of this board is red and it's a lot more fun to ruffle the feathers of the flock than a couple stray birds. Hillary is a liar and a crook. Happy? "Wahh. Don't talk about my team. Wahh."

Warrior is all knowing and the supreme judge of all things. If you need to know anything about life just ask him. He is the Paddock Jesus.

Well, not close to all knowing but smart enough to know when someone is not telling the truth.


I dont know if its what a normal candidate would say or not. Its just not what any front runner should ever say, imo. That he went down this rabbit hole is probably more dumb than what he actually said.
Let me know what US residents ought to do about global warming after this is fixed:

"China, the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gases from coal, has been burning up to 17 percent more coal a year than the government previously disclosed"

"the new figures add about 600 million tons to China’s coal consumption in 2012 — an amount equivalent to more than 70 percent of the total coal used annually by the United States."

"The increase alone is greater than the whole German economy emits annually from fossil fuels." !!!
The thing about most "centrist" or "non partisan" hacks on here is that they will sing about how if ever there were anyone who was not as corrupt or liars like all of the others, they would vote for them. Well folks, you have one in Carson, He does not get into the mud slinging or bad mouthing anyone. He is also not part of the Washington inside. But, these supposed "centrist" are doing just as we knew they would, start coming up with all kinds of lame excuses not to follow up on their promises. Just like the politicians that they are going to vote for.
I'm not voting. If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it. I think that was Twain? This country has become a farce and unless it's rebuilt from the ground up nothing is going to change. Big business rules and whoever wins will cater to the money that got them there. I make fun of Trump and Carson because they are easy targets. And because I know it will piss guys like you off. You're like my father, father in law, and all their buddies rolled into one. You think you have all the answers and know what "it's" all about. I honestly don't care because I know nothing is going to change for the middle class. But when I see opportunities for jokes, I'm going to take them.
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I understand Carson's personal theory about Egyptian pyramids is crucial to our times - and that's what it is, a theory, he's not saying the Bible says that BTW. But before we all go bonkers at this obvious disqualifying revelation, I'd point out that Hilary had seances in the White House and "spoke with" Eleanor Roosevelt regularly, and that Bernie Sanders has said i) that lack of sex contributes to cervical cancer and ii) women fantasize about gang rape.....

The allegation made by Bob Woodward in a book was that Clinton had imaginary therapeutic conversations with Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research. That has nothing to do with seances or dead people or spirits, it's just a rolling playing exercise.

How someone as brilliant as Carson could believe that a biblical figure named Joseph, not the great Egyptian civilization, achieved one of the architectural wonders of the world that many have said could not even be duplicated even with today's technology is beyond ridiculous.
I don't know who built the pyramids or what they were used for. The important thing here is that a frontrunner for the presidential election feels the need to express is unusual opinion about it.

Its just a dumb thing to say for someone in his position, even if he thinks it. That's what should concern people.

Didn't Carson actually say this several years ago, and recently confirmed them again recently when asked? Sounds like people are digging more now.
The allegation made by Bob Woodward in a book was that Clinton had imaginary therapeutic conversations with Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research. That has nothing to do with seances or dead people or spirits, it's just a rolling playing exercise.

How someone as brilliant as Carson could believe that a biblical figure named Joseph, not the great Egyptian civilization, achieved one of the architectural wonders of the world that many have said could not even be duplicated even with today's technology is beyond ridiculous.

I'm not saying I agree with Carson's theory on this, but the Genesis 41 account says Pharaoh put Joseph, a Jew, in charge of all of Egypt after he interpreted his dream.
Didn't Carson actually say this several years ago, and recently confirmed them again recently when asked? Sounds like people are digging more now.

It's something called "vetting". Folks like to kick the tires before they put down their money so they know what they're getting.
Ben Carson just said dogs could fly!


Ok - I'm just kiddin about that one.
I'm not voting. If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it. I think that was Twain? This country has become a farce and unless it's rebuilt from the ground up nothing is going to change. Big business rules and whoever wins will cater to the money that got them there. I make fun of Trump and Carson because they are easy targets. And because I know it will piss guys like you off. You're like my father, father in law, and all their buddies rolled into one. You think you have all the answers and know what "it's" all about. I honestly don't care because I know nothing is going to change for the middle class. But when I see opportunities for jokes, I'm going to take them.


You're right, though. What I don't get about your schtick is why you heavily favor one side over the other. I assume that goes back to your daddy issues.

Your point is dead on, though. I don't understand why people don't see that it's all a farce.

What percentage of citizens voted in the last presidential election?
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What percentage of citizens voted in the last presidential election?

It's later afternoon, I'm well past having lost focus at work, so I did some Googling.

During the 2012 presidential election, the voting-age population in the U.S. was about 219,000,000. Of that number, there were about 153,000,000 estimated registered voters. A total of about 126,000,000 votes were cast in the presidential race.

So in 2012, about 70 percent of the voting-age population was actually registered to vote, and 82 percent of those registered voters cast a ballot in the presidential election. But in total, that only amounted to about 57.5 percent participation from the entire voting-age population.

Here's a link to a voter turnout report done by