How will they rule ??!

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Heisman, couldn't you argue modern day society and western civilization are killing what God/Science created?

You're right, though. What I don't get about your schtick is why you heavily favor one side over the other. I assume that goes back to your daddy issues.

Your point is dead on, though. I don't understand why people don't see that it's all a farce.

What percentage of citizens voted in the last presidential election?
I target the right to piss off guys like warrior. And you're probably right about the daddy issues. But you'll never see me propping up Hillary or the Democratic Party. I do dislike the extreme right more. I like guys like Chomsky, who some may consider liberal, but he calls out both sides and has been very critical of Obama and Hillary.
I'm not voting. If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it. I think that was Twain? This country has become a farce and unless it's rebuilt from the ground up nothing is going to change. Big business rules and whoever wins will cater to the money that got them there. I make fun of Trump and Carson because they are easy targets. And because I know it will piss guys like you off. You're like my father, father in law, and all their buddies rolled into one. You think you have all the answers and know what "it's" all about. I honestly don't care because I know nothing is going to change for the middle class. But when I see opportunities for jokes, I'm going to take them.
Yeah, I probably am like them. I believe that we can turn things around if everyone (the little people) really got educated enough about what was going on and got pissed about it. If you could take the passion (without the violence) that happened in Maryland and Ferguson and put it to good use, that would be a step in the right direction. I am for total change in government and the way they do business. If you are serious about not voting and are just on here to poke fun of people, then you are as much of the problem as others. People voted for Obama because they thought he was a change. The joke is on them. My question to you is this, Did you vote then and did you vote for him? Be honest, you once cited that I was a partisan person. To a certain degree, yes I am. When it comes to conservatism, I will vote more republican because they are more in line with what I think. But, I will vote across party lines if I thought the person was good and a sincere person about what they were going to do as long as it is not detrimental to the principals of what our nation was built upon.
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The allegation made by Bob Woodward in a book was that Clinton had imaginary therapeutic conversations with Jean Houston, co-director of the Foundation for Mind Research. That has nothing to do with seances or dead people or spirits, it's just a rolling playing exercise.

How someone as brilliant as Carson could believe that a biblical figure named Joseph, not the great Egyptian civilization, achieved one of the architectural wonders of the world that many have said could not even be duplicated even with today's technology is beyond ridiculous.
Once again showing your partisanship. Own it Deee. Everyone knows what you are.
Didn't Carson actually say this several years ago, and recently confirmed them again recently when asked? Sounds like people are digging more now.
They are afraid of him. He is a new a fresh look for our politics and is gaining ground. The same people who were saying this about Obama are now attacking Ben. Hypocrites, the lot of them, and Deee is leading the charge here.
Yeah, I probably am like them. I believe that we can turn things around if everyone (the little people) really got educated enough about what was going on and got pissed about it. If you could take the passion (without the violence) that happened in Maryland and Ferguson and put it to good use, that would be a step in the right direction. I am for total change in government and the way they do business. If you are serious about not voting and are just on here to poke fun of people, then you are as much of the problem as others. People voted for Obama because they thought he was a change. The joke is on them. My question to you is this, Did you vote then and did you vote for him? Be honest, you once cited that I was a partisan person. To a certain degree, yes I am. When it comes to conservatism, I will vote more republican because they are more in line with what I think. But, I will vote across party lines if I thought the person was good and a sincere person about what they were going to do as long as it is not detrimental to the principals of what our nation was built upon.
I agree with a lot of what you said; the passion and channeling it in the right direction. I'm just so disenchanted with everything that I don't care anymore. The last election I voted in was 2004 and I voted for Kerry. I was in college at the time, a student senator/political science major, and I was completely against thre Iraq decision and the Bush administration. After Kerry lost I just didn't care anymore, changed my major and political aspirations. It all worked out for the better and I'm doing what I really love anyway. But that was the start of my dissent into utter disdain for the government and American politics. Looking back Kerry would have been just as bad, but I was young and thought anything was better than Bush.
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They are afraid of him. He is a new a fresh look for our politics and is gaining ground. The same people who were saying this about Obama are now attacking Ben. Hypocrites, the lot of them, and Deee is leading the charge here.

Yep. They're afraid of him because he is a threat to the black vote (libs need blacks to feel like victims and see them as their saviors) and turns that victimhood nonsense on its head. They're also terrified of Rubio too. Basically, anyone that isn't an old white person really hurts their constant minority pandering and stereotyping of Cons being only old white people.

I mentioned it earlier but I love how race was a huge factor with the left when it came to Obama and that made him off limits but Carson is fair game. It's weird that Cons are labeled as such "racists" for not liking Obama but for some reason really value Carson? Classic.

I also believe the liberal media has helped drive Trump's momentum because he'd be easier to beat head-to-head.
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People on the right attacked Obama's lack of experience and rightfully so. I mean look at where it got us. Are these same folks going to be ok with Carson who has zero experience? I'm not talking about career politician experience. I'm talking about experience in governing, foreign policy, economic policy, etc. I have no doubts that the guy is intelligent in his own arena, but we are talking about the leader of country? I know people will say, "anything is better than Obama." And maybe they are right, but this has to be disconcerting for voters.
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People on the right attacked Obama's lack of experience and rightfully so. I mean look at where it got us. Are these same folks going to be ok with Carson who has zero experience? I'm not talking about career politician experience. I'm talking about experience in governing, foreign policy, economic policy, etc. I have no doubts that the guy is intelligent in his own arena, but we are talking about the leader of country? I know people will say, "anything is better than Obama." And maybe they are right, but this has to be disconcerting for voters.

I think it's probably more to due with people being sick to death of politicians in general and constant rhetoric, which is why the two leading candidates on the right are people with no political experience. However, you make a valid point. It should be cause for concern.

Obama had a ton of baggage before he got elected and so much cause for concern but it was ignored.
People on the right attacked Obama's lack of experience and rightfully so. I mean look at where it got us. Are these same folks going to be ok with Carson who has zero experience? I'm not talking about career politician experience. I'm talking about experience in governing, foreign policy, economic policy, etc. I have no doubts that the guy is intelligent in his own arena, but we are talking about the leader of country? I know people will say, "anything is better than Obama." And maybe they are right, but this has to be disconcerting for voters.
Yes but, many of the voters who are now saying that would vote Obama again if he could run a third term.
Yep. They're afraid of him because he is a threat to the black vote (libs need blacks to feel like victims and see them as their saviors) and turns that victimhood nonsense on its head. They're also terrified of Rubio too. Basically, anyone that isn't an old white person really hurts their constant minority pandering and stereotyping of Cons being only old white people.

I mentioned it earlier but I love how race was a huge factor with the left when it came to Obama and that made him off limits but Carson is fair game. It's weird that Cons are labeled as such "racists" for not liking Obama but for some reason really value Carson? Classic.

I also believe the liberal media has helped drive Trump's momentum because he'd be easier to beat head-to-head.
Yes, we have seen one on here who was crying racist and then as soon as Carson becomes a contender he shows his true colors with the UNCLE BEN remarks. I won't mention names but, everyone knows who I am referring to.
I think it's probably more to due with people being sick to death of politicians in general and constant rhetoric, which is why the two leading candidates on the right are people with no political experience. However, you make a valid point. It should be cause for concern.

Obama had a ton of baggage before he got elected and so much cause for concern but it was ignored.
People have a tendency to gloss over things if they like what they are hearing.
Obama will go down as a really good president. I cant imagine what the history books will say.

Why can't Obama just appoint himself King?
I think it's probably more to due with people being sick to death of politicians in general and constant rhetoric, which is why the two leading candidates on the right are people with no political experience. However, you make a valid point. It should be cause for concern.

Obama had a ton of baggage before he got elected and so much cause for concern but it was ignored.

I think it will settle down as primaries start to roll in. Electing someone without any type of executive experience, let alone one with facially unworkable ideas, is borderline irresponsible. It's a hard job. And ideally we'd find out a lot more about the candidate's projected advisers and possible candidate appointments beforehand, but at this point that's a pipe dream.
People on the right attacked Obama's lack of experience and rightfully so. I mean look at where it got us. Are these same folks going to be ok with Carson who has zero experience? I'm not talking about career politician experience. I'm talking about experience in governing, foreign policy, economic policy, etc. I have no doubts that the guy is intelligent in his own arena, but we are talking about the leader of country? I know people will say, "anything is better than Obama." And maybe they are right, but this has to be disconcerting for voters.

Agree totally. I you were on the board of directors of General Electric or Exxon and bringing in a new CEO, if you had this guy's resume would you even give him a sniff? At least Trump has experience at running a big organization so he has the necessary executive and managerial skills for the job. I'm not voting for him for other reasons but at least he's qualified, clearly Ben isn't.
Love how dems have this perspective on Carson. Dude sucks, yet we're gonna take the opinions of someone who'd vote Bernie or Hillary? That's kinda arrogant. Dems have no insight. At all.
Well folks, you have one in Carson, He does not get into the mud slinging or bad mouthing anyone. He is also not part of the Washington inside. But, these supposed "centrist" are doing just as we knew they would, start coming up with all kinds of lame excuses not to follow up on their promises.

I love Teddy Roosevelt. He's probably the best mix of politician, leader, and visionary that we've ever had. I admire the man deeply and wish our country could be blessed with POTUSes like him every single election.

That being said, I don't want the man doing brain surgery on me. Why should I? Just because he's a savant in the White House doesn't mean he could be a good surgeon unless he put just as much time, effort, and talent into becoming a surgeon as he did into becoming a president.

Why should the reverse be acceptable? If you're not willing to let a really good politician cut a tumor out of your brain, why should you be willing to let a really good surgeon run your country?
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Love how dems have this perspective on Carson. Dude sucks, yet we're gonna take the opinions of someone who'd vote Bernie or Hillary? That's kinda arrogant. Dems have no insight. At all.
Their stances and pols have been coddled to cause that arrogance and lack of self-awareness. They are above even discussing their candidates...each page here has some GOP candidate getting picked apart and those same posters (like their chosen go-to media) refuse to mutter a word about a candidate under FBI investigation and is, at best, an insufferable liar with a terrible record. Deee using the word "vetting" and taking the exact opposite position he did with Obama is perfect. Again, HRC has the highest approval rating with their party of any candidate.
Agree totally. I you were on the board of directors of General Electric or Exxon and bringing in a new CEO, if you had this guy's resume would you even give him a sniff? At least Trump has experience at running a big organization so he has the necessary executive and managerial skills for the job. I'm not voting for him for other reasons but at least he's qualified, clearly Ben isn't.
You all voted for a community organizer to run the most powerful country in the world. Let that sink in a bit before you cast more stones at someone who has a resume far more accomplished than anything Obama could have ever dreamed of.
Bluegrass Politics ‏@BGPolitics 4m4 minutes ago

Somewhat related..94.5m adults not in the workforce nationwide.

How many of those are by choice? My wife and my next door neighbor are the only two working women in the nearest dozen or so homes to me. There's a growing trend of women...sometimes men who are staying home to raise their children. With many daycare/pre-schools charging $250+/week per kid the cost/benefit of couples with children working outside the home isn't there.
How many of those are by choice?
If you can put a roof over your head, food on the table, cloths on your back without working thanks to hammocks of safety nets built by liberals rather than going to a J-O-B....what's the choice? if you can't get those lavish benefits doled out bye Democrats to support yourself & family then your choice is work or die of exposure I suppose.
I will always have KY in my heart, but the best decision I ever made was moving away from there. There is just not much opportunity like there is in other states. Most my friends who are in KY are pretty much stuck in the mud financially.
I love Teddy Roosevelt. He's probably the best mix of politician, leader, and visionary that we've ever had. I admire the man deeply and wish our country could be blessed with POTUSes like him every single election.

That being said, I don't want the man doing brain surgery on me. Why should I? Just because he's a savant in the White House doesn't mean he could be a good surgeon unless he put just as much time, effort, and talent into becoming a surgeon as he did into becoming a president.

Why should the reverse be acceptable? If you're not willing to let a really good politician cut a tumor out of your brain, why should you be willing to let a really good surgeon run your country?
I think the point you are missing is the fact that he is not part of the political inside and some are just tired of the same old stuff so, they are willing totake a chance on him.
If you can put a roof over your head, food on the table, cloths on your back without working thanks to hammocks of safety nets built by liberals rather than going to a J-O-B....what's the choice? if you can't get those lavish benefits doled out bye Democrats to support yourself & family then your choice is work or die of exposure I suppose.
Dude, until the 1940's very few women worked, there was no safety net and people survived. A lot of couples have realized that they don't really need that 3500-4000 sq ft house, that one half that size will do nicely. With a $1000/mo mortgage vs a $3000/mo and not paying $20K+/yr in child care expenses that eliminates the need for both parents to work and raises the quality of the family. Something you would think conservatives would applaud.

On the flip side, GOP and so called conservatives have lobbied and worked for the better part of the past 35 years to tilt all the rules in favor of business and upper management and stripped the power of labor and their ability to collectively bargain. You want to favor policies that depress the wages of working people in favor on the 1% then don't be shocked when those people say "f#@k it" and look to milk the system whatever way they can. Can't everyone be a doctor, lawyer or indian chief. When it's more important to protect CEO golden parachutes than the 100s/1000s of workers who actually made the widgets then you reap what you sew. Newton's 3rd law of motion applies to more than just physical objects.
The brunt of the boomers have not hit SS and Medicare. The math is impossible long-term.
I don't think it's impossible but nobody has the stomach for the cuts and/or extra $$ that needs to come from somewhere else.

The Millenial generation dwarfs the boomers in size so there are obviously ways to fix the coming crisis. They will be half of the work force by 2020. But nobody has the balls to do anything until it's a full blown crisis and then it's more kicking the can down the road.

Move the tax from 6.2 to 7.2%, get rid of the cap on taxing earnings, decrease the cost of living adjustment and up the retirement age, boom fixed. If people had the choice of this or no social security, I think they'd get on board. And it leaves off means testing, which is the most politically challenging fix as everyone is pretty much opposed to that.
How many of those are by choice? My wife and my next door neighbor are the only two working women in the nearest dozen or so homes to me. There's a growing trend of women...sometimes men who are staying home to raise their children. With many daycare/pre-schools charging $250+/week per kid the cost/benefit of couples with children working outside the home isn't there.

More economical to downsize and have 1 spouse stay home with the kids? Whats wrong with that? Once daycares hit a breaking point (assuming they do, since many of them are funded by govt vouchers), then they'll drop their prices. Its the free market at work.

100 million not working out of 330 million total population? That number is disturbing really.

But did you see the new "unemployment numbers"? Theyre down so the economy is rolling - most libs.

On the flip side, GOP and so called conservatives have lobbied and worked for the better part of the past 35 years to tilt all the rules in favor of business and upper management and stripped the power of labor and their ability to collectively bargain. You want to favor policies that depress the wages of working people in favor on the 1% then don't be shocked when those people say "f#@k it" and look to milk the system whatever way they can. Can't everyone be a doctor, lawyer or indian chief. When it's more important to protect CEO golden parachutes than the 100s/1000s of workers who actually made the widgets then you reap what you sew. Newton's 3rd law of motion applies to more than just physical objects.

False. This is also the free market at work. You will be paid what youre worth. If all you can do is pull a lever, youll be paid accordingly. If you can run a multimillion dollar company, youll be paid as much as you can get.

Don't like your lot in life? Improve. Learn a skill. Get educated. Build relationships. Stop having your hand out. Once the hand outs stop, then people will be motivated to better themselves.

Youre right about one thing though: people are on the verge of quitting but its because of the ridiculous handouts; not the top 1%. Right now, people who can work the system can make more money than a middle class wage earner; and not have to work. That's wrong. All the people putting on their ties, carrying their lunch pales, etc are nearly at the breaking point where they'll quit.
You all voted for a community organizer to run the most powerful country in the world. Let that sink in a bit before you cast more stones at someone who has a resume far more accomplished than anything Obama could have ever dreamed of.

The choices were Obama vs. a 73 year old 3 time cancer survivor with a functional illiterate for a running mate. Both held the same job US Senator.

Folks can draw as many comparisons as they want about past (or present) Presidents successes or failures in light of their previous experience and qualifications. However the important thing is to make good decisions on the next election and vote for people who are the most likely to succeed regardless of party. IMO the guy that really stands out from the pack is John Kasich.
100 million not working out of 330 million total population? That number is disturbing really.

It's actually about 93 Million and it's based on people 16 years of age or older. If you subtract people over 65 and likely retired thats 46 Million, then if you look at the number of full time students that's another 20 Million you need to subtract. That leaves about 27 Million many of who are disabled.

So yes it's still a big number but that number is likely to rise no matter who we elect as president based on the vast number of unskilled and semiskilled jobs being replaced with technology. There is a thread on the main board that talks about that trend in detail. A recent Wall Street Journal article stated that in the next 15 years or so nearly 50% of all jobs will be eliminated.
I don't think it's impossible but nobody has the stomach for the cuts and/or extra $$ that needs to come from somewhere else.

The Millenial generation dwarfs the boomers in size so there are obviously ways to fix the coming crisis.

When GOP leaders have mentioned changes they have been accused of wanting granny pushed over a cliff by people like you.

Do you have any data that shows the ratio of payers to payees is going to increase per the last quote above?

Edit: So you want the payroll tax increase huh?
The choices were Obama vs. a 73 year old 3 time cancer survivor with a functional illiterate for a running mate. Both held the same job US Senator.
Same disingenuous dipshit campaigned for Obama again in 2011...also was on Obama way early before McCain got the nomination.
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Obama says no to Keystone pipeline.
To no one's surprise.

In 2011 he said "we can't drill our way to lower gas prices". Since then the private sector did just that forcing OPEC to increase supply and lower the cost of crude. He has now proceeded to take credit for what that lower cost of energy has done for our economy.
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