How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Where HRC and her supporters should be nervous:
-Her high negatives and high positives are much worse than Obama's
-Polling since 2012 has been very consistently wrong toward Dems. There were multiple Senate races that were supposed to be tossups and were lost by more than 5 points by Dem incumbents.
-By the media pulling their punches on her screwups, when the ads run ad nauseum next fall it will be new information for some voters
You know Matt Jones is rethinking things today. He predicted an easy Conway win in GYERO yesterday.
Eh, someone on twitter tried to crow the results to him and he responded that Conway won the 6th district he is targeting to carpetbag into

he's running & has been running for months. trying to pretend that he is torn over doing it is just an act. truth if it ever came out is that he is the one who pursued running for the slot, not the Dems approaching him. Dems would not invest 3 days of bringing him to Washington for training if he had not already committed to them he was running.
All Barr needs to do is pull the show where he was touting the KyConnect at the mall and said he had no idea there were fines related to UCA. I think he has been set on running as well but last night had to be a shock to his confidence.

Two other tidbits from last night I found interesting. Maine of all places shot down $15/hr minimum wage. And the State DNC leader blamed the losses on Trumpism.
Obama has crushed Kentucky. It appears this election shows that citizens are sick of him and anyone on his ticket. I'd like to see how many voted straight GOP ticket. Grimes almost lost to someone you couldn't pick out of a lineup. Edelen DID lose to someone you couldn't pick out of a two person picture

I just wish Obama would leave now

I voted straight Republican - no way was I going to vote for a Democrat who is in the tank for Obama (Conway, Grimes)
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It doesn't matter.

Obama is just that toxic.

I think KY Repubs would vote for Christian Laettner before anyone associated with Obama.

I don't think that you can completely credit the GOP win to Obama. Jack Conway was an awful candidate at the top of the ticket and he was a drag on the other Dems. He was outperformed by several democrats in statewide races including in Louisville (Jack's home). In the debates, he came off as arrogant with his sneers and constant giggling when Bevin made points that he didn't like. The CJ's lead political writer, Al Cross, even pointed out that Jack is a bad retail politician and doesn't enjoy meeting the voters. Let's give Jack a little credit for the loss.
Its super to see that there is still hope for this country when you see folks on both sides of the aisle starting to wake up to the Obama disaster and the Dems far left agenda and not wanting any part of it. I used to be Independent, but the Dems have gotten so extreme that I had no choice but to go all in on Republicans. I will not forget the Bush disaster so I am not blindly thinking the GOP is this great party, but I just cannot take all of the extremes the Dems are offering now.
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:100points: Via Slate:
In a little-watched speech at an NAACP banquet in Charleston, South Carolina on Friday, Hillary Clinton addressed “the box”—the section on job applications that requires applicants to indicate whether they have a criminal record. Specifically, she boldly (?) claimed that under an HRC presidency, “former presidents won’t have to declare their criminal history at the very start of the hiring process.”
:100points: Via Slate:
In a little-watched speech at an NAACP banquet in Charleston, South Carolina on Friday, Hillary Clinton addressed “the box”—the section on job applications that requires applicants to indicate whether they have a criminal record. Specifically, she boldly (?) claimed that under an HRC presidency, “former presidents won’t have to declare their criminal history at the very start of the hiring process.”
Just another example of how Hilary and other politicians will do or promise anything to win elections. How anyone thinks this is a good idea is beyond me. She is a complete disaster.
Haven't seen that on this board
Very true, but this board is pretty extreme. I think in the general public there are folks who consider themselves Democrats who are not happy with the direction Obama has taken this country (especially now that the real Obamacare ramifications are coming to fruition). The big question in the next POTUS election is how many Independents can the GOP gain. I am starting think there is a good shot they get enough to keep Obama's 3rd term out of office.
too bad Planned Parenthood has murdered most of the future bench for the democrat party

no wonder they are forced to turn to Mexico & C. America to fill out their rosters
I couldn't pull the trigger on Bevin (left it blank for gov), but it didn't bother me to watch Conway admit defeat last night.

Bevin won because of low voter turnout, and the trending mood of voters right now. People are really tired of politics as usual.

Allison Ball and Quarles are impressive IMO.
I am starting think there is a good shot they get enough to keep Obama's 3rd term out of office.
I am still not optimistic. CA/IL/NY/PA/NJ creates such a deficit in the electoral college and then you have all the national forces (media, unions, academia, pop culture, etc) focused on destroying one person on the right for 6-7 months. That is the core of what Obama's focus with Organizing in Action will be when he leaves office and what he has been working to fund for quite a while. If they can get FL to lean-blue consistently it will get even tougher.
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Whoever wrote that the Republicans nominated the only guy who couldn't win needs a keyboard timeout. Conway is the consummate career politician whose negative ads were trite and boring. Time for a new gig. Lol

Might want to reread what I wrote. I said they nominated the one guy who could lose. There's a big difference there.
I couldn't pull the trigger on Bevin (left it blank for gov), but it didn't bother me to watch Conway admit defeat last night.

Bevin won because of low voter turnout,
and the trending mood of voters right now. People are really tired of politics as usual.

Allison Ball and Quarles are impressive IMO.

Actually the voter turnout was up from the last Governor's race. In 2011, turnout was 28.6% and this time it was 30.7%. That low percentage sure didn't hurt the democrats in 2011 when they won all but one statewide race.
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The true long lasting legacy of Obama. Completely hollowing out the Dem bench everywhere in the country save the extreme liberal mega city enclaves. State of Kentucky a perfect example of the rest of the country - where do future Dem candidates for office come from? Grimes gonna take on Bevin for Gov in 4 years? Who the hell are they putting against Rand Paul next yr now that Edelen crashed into a flaming dumpster? Who on the bench to take on McConnell in 5 years? For chrissake they are begging radio sports talker Jones to be their best chance of maybe flipping a congressional seat.

And this same empty bench status is occurring nationwide as Dems are being kicked out EVERYWHERE. Over the next decade they will fail to field viable candidates for Gov, US Rep, and Senate seats in the vast majority of the 50 states.
About time for AlbanyCat to tell us what an electoral titan Obama is.....
I don't live in the state but as a supporter of cock fighting I'm glad Biven won, as everyone should know cock fighting creates jobs and is good for the economy.
We & everyone else who have odd-year elections are stupid beyond reason also, FWIW. All these state office holders should have the balls (or ovaries) to say they will only serve for 3 years & their office will be up for reelection of 4 year terms in 2018.
3.3+ million registered voters in Kentucky. 974,344 total votes were cast in the governor race (just under 30 percent of registered voters). Bevin won with 511,771 (around 15.5 percent of registered voters).
True (well, almost - Secretary of State website shows 3.201 million registered voters, making turnout 30.4%) - but I'm not sure what they says. Don't think it says much about Bevin, but just reflects voter apathy. Same trend we've seen for years, decades really. Beshear was re-elected in 2007 with 29.7% turnout, for example.....
It's more about who turns out than the total turnout number. In this race, Conway wasn't exactly an inspiring candidate to his base. Bevin isn't the most inspiring candidate either, but my thought is that there was a lot more motivation for folks to come out to support him.

(1) The growing anger in this region toward the president and his administration.
(2) The growing anti-establishment sentiment that's risen in the Republican Party and the perception that Bevin is not a lifer politician.
(3) Like it or not, the whole Kim Davis controversy and Bevin's perceived support of religious freedom in the eyes of the uber religious portion of his base.
How do you pay for school? Loans or grants?

Out of pocket. I'd advise many to do the same and if they can't do it then don't bother going back. Loans are a disaster and take forever to pay off. I learned from from that mistake the hard way but finally paid my debt off.

But I'm sure this was intended to be an insult and I'd expect nothing less cobsidering the source.
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Love the narratives that desperate anti-conservatives are propping up only to be struck down by pesky facts & truth

Kim Davis' district voted Democrat. Which isnt a shock because SHE IS AN ELECTED DEMOCRAT.
Conway got his head handed to him outside of Louisville and Lexington. He even lost Pike County which Al Cross said hadn't gone for a Republican governor candidate in over 100 years. Woodford was another usually reliable democrat county that went for Bevin.
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Love the narratives that desperate anti-conservatives are propping up only to be struck down by pesky facts & truth

Kim Davis' district voted Democrat. Which isnt a shock because SHE IS AN ELECTED DEMOCRAT.

Yeah, everyone's opinions are well documented about Matt Jones but Drew Franklin prolly needs to STFU when it comes to this complicated adult stuff.

Stick to Taco Bell & flirting on Twitter w/ Chelsea Gates, bub.
About time for AlbanyCat to tell us what an electoral titan Obama is.....
GOP was dead in 2008 per Albany. Really dead.
No doubt though we will see a bunch of excuses and very little internal challenging of where the Manhattan and NoCal ivory tower liberals have taken the party and forced elected Dems to never defy Obama.
Just wondering if you got grants to pay for school or any assistance from the government, which you have. Always find it humorous those who are against handouts yet benefit from them.
That argument is lazy as hell. If you can't distinguish the difference b/w an POV that entitlements and govt are growing at too rapid of a pace (per the govt itself) and need reigned in vs the POV that all govt spending is bad (which I never see any rep making)....then you need to stop labeling yourself as the grand poobah of logic and reasoning.
All the faux moderates got today is trolling about cockfighting and Kim Davis. Disciplined lot for sure.
Gary Johnson would have supported Bevin over Conway for sure..
That argument is lazy as hell. If you can't distinguish the difference b/w an POV that entitlements and govt are growing at too rapid of a pace (per the govt itself) and need reigned in vs the POV that all govt spending is bad (which I never see any rep making)....then you need to stop labeling yourself as the grand poobah of logic and reasoning.
No, its a basic logic that you hate hand outs and then receive hand outs, then I dont know what to say. Same as Bevin, didnt obtain insurance, factory burns down, accepts gov. bail out, claims against bail outs.
Just wondering if you got grants to pay for school or any assistance from the government, which you have. Always find it humorous those who are against handouts yet benefit from them.

So somehow by this logic, me taking a loan , WHICH I PAID BACK PLUS INTEREST is exactly the same as illegals' benefits and career welfare recipients & systems alike?
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Love the narratives that desperate anti-conservatives are propping up only to be struck down by pesky facts & truth

Kim Davis' district voted Democrat. Which isnt a shock because SHE IS AN ELECTED DEMOCRAT.
It's interesting. My mom's side are all democrats. They vote straight democrat. But they are really conservative republicans haha it's funny to hear them talk about tree huggers and then turn around and vote straight democrat. People are just dumb. They don't know who they are or what they believe.