How will they rule ??!

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GOP worries healthcare fail hurts tax reform push

House Republicans aired concerns that the failure of healthcare legislation Friday will hinder the push for tax reform, the next major item supposedly on the GOP docket.

Even apart from political considerations, GOP lawmakers fear that the failure of the Obamacare repeal measures makes it more difficult to push tax reform on the scale that they hoped because of the fiscal arithmetic involved.

The key consideration is that the Obamacare replacement measure would have cut tax revenues by roughly $1 trillion over 10 years. Lowering the baseline for tax revenues would mean that Republicans, seeking to cut tax rates without adding to the deficit, would have to cut fewer tax breaks to make up the lost revenue.

"This was really important, especially for setting up tax reform," Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., said in the moments after the healthcare bill was pulled. "Remember, this would have lowered the baseline for tax reform by a trillion dollars." The bill's failure, he said, "makes tax reform harder."

Rep. Kenny Marchant, R-Texas, a member of the panel, said the committee would meet Tuesday morning to discuss the path forward given the failure of the healthcare bill and its implications for tax revenues.
Single payer health care and measly 5% tax cuts here we come.

Look at the time stamp of this tweet.

GOP worries healthcare fail hurts tax reform push

House Republicans aired concerns that the failure of healthcare legislation Friday will hinder the push for tax reform, the next major item supposedly on the GOP docket.

Even apart from political considerations, GOP lawmakers fear that the failure of the Obamacare repeal measures makes it more difficult to push tax reform on the scale that they hoped because of the fiscal arithmetic involved.

The key consideration is that the Obamacare replacement measure would have cut tax revenues by roughly $1 trillion over 10 years. Lowering the baseline for tax revenues would mean that Republicans, seeking to cut tax rates without adding to the deficit, would have to cut fewer tax breaks to make up the lost revenue.

"This was really important, especially for setting up tax reform," Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky., said in the moments after the healthcare bill was pulled. "Remember, this would have lowered the baseline for tax reform by a trillion dollars." The bill's failure, he said, "makes tax reform harder."

Rep. Kenny Marchant, R-Texas, a member of the panel, said the committee would meet Tuesday morning to discuss the path forward given the failure of the healthcare bill and its implications for tax revenues.
Thanks Paul Ryan, you useless sack of shit.

God damnit, I hate that motherf*cker.
Just checked the headlines at Every headline is about failure of Republicans, repudiation of Trump, etc. For the Ds, this is a get out of jail free card.

LOTS of ppl want him gone.....clearly

It's a very strange period of 'mini history'

Irrespective of how any of us feel about Trump......isn't it really peculiar -- and a little unsettling --- how we're all supposed to think that the media and most of our politicians are acting NORMAL right now.....

that openly calling for your legally elected President to be removed, overthrown, or outright killed is -- normal

that dedicating almost all of your time, resources and headline space to DOGGING every.single.thing he does -- and openly pulling for him to FAIL -- is NORMAL

that we're not supposed to be able to put 2 and damn 2 together and see how the media is SCARED and suddenly CASTIGATED -- and that MIGHT be driving some of their behaviors......nah -- situation NORMAL

and all that lost billionaire money in Russia -- all those *REALLY* wealthy people that are telling our media what to tell YOU -- so your opinion will be guided to specific conclusions.......we're not supposed to be bright enough to see that the PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT is **NOT PLEASED** with the flyover states electing someone who CANT BE SO EASILY CONTROLLED......we're not supposed to THINK that,,,,,,and NOT talking about that....not acknowledging that.....IS F'ING NORMAL????

AND this outlandish New World Order Human-Ponzi-Scheme that so many politicians and popes keep telling us about -- but we're not supposed to talk to EACH OTHER suddenly THREATENED by rising NATIONALISM in Russia, France, the UK, Philippines, the USA and other places......suddenly people are having a change of heart about how their govt's should work......we're not supposed to see ANYTHING BUT WHAT THE TELESCREEN TELLS US -- and that's FKING NORMAL!??!?!?

The G'D NCAA is threatening a State within the Union* with an ULTIMATUM to overturn the democratic process and decision legally made within that state.....they're planning to inflict MORE economic HARM to North Carolina because they don't agree with the State's decision on a SOCIAL POLICY......a F'ing SOCIAL POLICY ABOUT TOILET USE......we're supposed to keep nodding our heads at the wisdom of those who run the NCAA and NBA and NFL and their VALUES LADEN effort to threaten the democratic process at the grass roots level while hoping LIKE HELL they can take more of your money while they EMPHASIZE ****GAMES**** more thoroughly within our culture......going along with that SHITIS SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL?????

these are the same ppl that are normally preaching to you about how concerned they are about BULLYING by the way --- F'ing Hypocrites and COWARDS -- Fk the NCAA, NBA and NFL -- I genuinely wish ILL FINANCIAL FUTURES, ATTENDANCE RATES AND WIDESPREAD SYPHILLIS ON ALL YALLS ASSES

This damn nation has never been perfect -- but we have some sick ass people with more power in their hands than is healthy

People need to start ACTING LOCALLY to push ready to stand for SOMETHING that f'ing matters before you wake up and realize that DEEPLY DISTURBED PEOPLE HAVE BEEN OPELY F'ING YOU AND LAUGHING AS THEY DO IT

Fukkkk these BShit Marxist Coward Cornhollin' Asshats -- I'm ready to PISS GASOLINE ,and walk headlong into a Marxist "PROTEST" -- alone if needs be

* link to the story if interested - prob old news to most of you ---


we're going to Savannah tomorrow so that should be fun.....I like that place
it calms me ... I really like the old book stores

have a nice night ya'll

I win. It's about 4:20 in the morning and I'm still drinking and digging tunes...Sooner or later we're gonna have to fight for what we want, I'm your huckleberry.
Spot on and epic wyvern post.

I think too much about how/why people find that stuff normal. The mind control has been so successful. It's a "moral" thing to these idiots. If you don't think all that shit wyvern listed is normal, you are a very bad person because they said so! Don't you want to be a good, progressive person, boys and girls? It's scary, and tbh, I still don't see how we prevent the NWO takeover. There is no gd way, for example, the conservatives are blessed with another lame candidate like Hillary who allowed a dude like trump to be elected. And I'm still not convinced trump aint possibly a piece to this NWO takeover. We're only going to be even more divided as a country when he leaves office. Some dem savior will come along and do lord knows what to "save" us. I just don't see it. This bs is generations in the making.
Spot on and epic wyvern post.

I think too much about how/why people find that stuff normal. The mind control has been so successful. It's a "moral" thing to these idiots. If you don't think all that shit wyvern listed is normal, you are a very bad person because they said so! Don't you want to be a good, progressive person, boys and girls? It's scary, and tbh, I still don't see how we prevent the NWO takeover. There is no gd way, for example, the conservatives are blessed with another lame candidate like Hillary who allowed a dude like trump to be elected. And I'm still not convinced trump aint possibly a piece to this NWO takeover. We're only going to be even more divided as a country when he leaves office. Some dem savior will come along and do lord knows what to "save" us. I just don't see it. This bs is generations in the making.

I think the media (about 96% of the traditional vehicles anyway) truly think that most Americans are just damn idiots

Most of us are NOT sophisticated --- and we're just about the national / genetic opposite of a polished European (and look where that's getting them -- too damn polite to interrupt the hostile cultural take overs)

BUT -- there are a LOT of 'average Americans' that have good bullshitski detectors, strong intuition about FRAUDS and HUCKSTERS but at the same time... generally want to stay away from politics and be left ALONE

when I think of those type of citizens it's across the board -- maybe it's a Baltimore urban dude here or a rural Ky guy there or a damn swap dwelling LA boy -- whatever.

THOSE folks are waking up and realizing this isn't POLITICS AS NORMAL --- people are starting to realize that .... you might just HAVE to start thinking about where you'll draw a line / get involved and/or just FIGHT some of the madness that's happening

That includes plenty of good people on the 'traditional left' --- it's CRITICAL that people on the Left become more like George Orwell and LESS like Karl Marx / Trotsky or the BUSH_CLIT's

you don't have to suddenly betray your convictions or become "conservative" -- just apply logic

The conservative types should always be expected to do the same if we were seeing an all pervasive take over from a hyper radical Right Wing movement right?

and when I say hyper radical - I'm thinking a step or two worse than where we were with the Project for a New Amer. Century "Wage Preemptive War to Make the World SAFE For Democracy ((AND Freeeedome fries)))) crowd....."

picture that clan in charge again but upping the ante on the wars - activating and USING the Miliary Commissions Act, Patriot Act and some of the Mental Health Initiatives put in places BEFORE OBama-lama-ding-dong.........think of them using that shit to truly surprise, silence, and impression ANYONE who pushes back

we've woken up to a place where both the R-Wing and L-wing are serving up a choice between "1984" or "Brave New World"

(prefer your totalitarianism with a velvet glove? or just a big boot up your arse?)

I still back Trump not because he's infallible or perfect or THE ANSWER to our problems

I think he's the TYPE of candidate we need to start putting into office in order to have a SHOT at reversing the damned ALIGNED COURSE our "left" and "right" seem to have agreed on.......

I honestly think you have leaders in Russia and the US right now that are telling the globalist / NWO Crowd to go to hell -- and that's a good thing

France and others are trying to do the same

are they perfect leaders? hell no
do they have their own agendas? naturlich, mean fruend!

they'll have to be kept in check like anyone else -- which is why we don't want to do away with this form of govt .... we just need more rational people to

and get involved to counter balance the 'Revolution' which will do MOST of us irreparable HARM
I was outnumbered at work but I made them think. They were mad and frustrated refusing to entertain the idea that they have been brainwashed with group think. I showed them how TED talks works and who funds that bs after showing the vid. As the saying goes. It is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.
Nothing like rooting and actively working against a healthcare plan that has given millions of Americans access to care. If/when Obamacare 'explodes' it will be Trump and Republicans with egg on their face. You've been actively rooting for failure, doing your best to impede it from succeeding, and Americans are stupid, but not that stupid.

So much whining...i mean winning. I see Trump tried to take credit for another company that is adding employees that they announced several years ago. Credit for all good but accepts no blame for anything bad.

On a side note, Illinois introduced a bill to legalize marijuana. Will see if the 'states rights' administration starts going after these states who have legalized it.

On another side note, I'm pretty certain that screwduke is paid by the Trump campaign.
True but Ryan did a very poor job of selling it. Not even Trump could save the bill. It was pretty much doomed from the start.

Yep. Shouldve never put forward anything that wasnt already discussed, negotiated, etc; and a sure thing to pass.

To rush this thing and try to ram it down everyones throats without knowing if it even had the votes was incredibly stupid, and a colossal failure; regardless of the content of the bill
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If/when Obamacare 'explodes' it will be Trump and Republicans with egg on their face. You've been actively rooting for failure, doing your best to impede it from succeeding, and Americans are stupid, but not that stupid.

This level of delusion it takes to believe that really is astonishing.

But there is no doubt the media and all the radical retards on the left will blame the Republicans for the inevitable failure of a law passed without a single Republican vote.
On a side note, Illinois introduced a bill to legalize marijuana. Will see if the 'states rights' administration starts going after these states who have legalized it.

Its asinine to blame this administration for not legalizing marijuana. Its not up to the executive branch to just ignore the law.

The legislators need to grow a pair and decriminalize it.
I was outnumbered at work but I made them think. They were mad and frustrated refusing to entertain the idea that they have been brainwashed with group think. I showed them how TED talks works and who funds that bs after showing the vid. As the saying goes. It is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.
Absolutely fantastic.
To rush this thing and try to ram it down everyones throats without knowing if it even had the votes was incredibly stupid, and a colossal failure; regardless of the content of the bill
I almost wonder if Trump told Ryan to do that. To humiliate him, similarly what he did to Romney.
I was outnumbered at work but I made them think. They were mad and frustrated refusing to entertain the idea that they have been brainwashed with group think. I showed them how TED talks works and who funds that bs after showing the vid. As the saying goes. It is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.
That was great, very informative.

As crazy as this sounds I wish they would have calmed downed and surrounded that dude then debated with him. Bull in the ring. No yelling at him. Make him talk until he cries his snowflake heart out. Once he realized that his ideas and feelings were not in danger throw a MAGA hat on him send him back home to mommy with a job application.
As crazy as this sounds I wish they would have calmed downed and surrounded that dude then debated with him. Bull in the ring. No yelling at him. Make him talk until he cries his snowflake heart out. Once he realized that his ideas and feelings were not in danger throw a MAGA hat on him send him back home to mommy with a job application.

I remember when i was young.

If I president. I'd legalize murder like that Phillipino Duernte guy.

If murder legalized. Man, I'd kill people who thought they were in the clear. Yeah. Somebody might kill me. But I'd be on the offensive. Vigilante. We need that.