Priebus just said that Trump feels he was misled, and that people were unloyal. He also said Trump is firing a warning shot, wants to be very clear and let it be known that he will not govern on a partisan level like we saw between the two factions of Republicans on health care, and that his administration is now open to working with Democrats on bipartisan health care reform since both sides of Republicans have had seven years to get this done, yet still can't get on same page and meet in the middle to even vote on a bill.
Since the two factions of Republicans are unwilling to meet in the middle, wanting everything their way or the highway, they have left Trump with very few options. Trump is placing the blame solely on them. He's coming to the realization that far right/Freedom Caucus Republicans will never get on the same page with the moderate/establishment Republicans, leaving his majority party useless, and the only way to pass health care reform is with Democrat support/votes.
You think Ryancare was bad? Just wait and see what we get once Democrats get their grubby hands on it. It's coming. Democrats have zero interest in repealing any part of Obamacare. Only way they'll support a bill is if it's a fix, an improvement and complete bailout of Obamacare, fully intact.
P.S. Jim Jordan, head of the Freedom Caucus, said yesterday that they didn't refuse to vote for the bill because of the bill's ideology, but they refused to vote for it because of its low poll numbers. If that's not a crock of shit, then I don't know what is. Obamacare is as popular as it has ever been in the polls, over 50%, so if it's all about poll numbers, then does that mean the Freedom Caucus would vote for Obamacare? Sounds like an excuse to me. High ranking members have actually abandoned the group because of this debacle. Amateur hour, indeed.
P.S.S. The market is still losing. After the health care bill failure it suffered its biggest loss in Trump's presidency. Dow is poised for its longest losing streak since '11. One of the main reasons the market was so bull on Trump is because of tax reform. Those in the know, know that big time tax reform took a big hit and is looking less likely. Matter of fact, Trump's entire agenda has suffered a major set back.