How will they rule ??!

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I almost wonder if Trump told Ryan to do that. To humiliate him, similarly what he did to Romney.

I'm not sure. I know in trumps comments immediately after withdrawing it, he was over the top in his praise for Ryan. Came off as odd to me.

Liberals have completely destroyed the word racist. It means nothing these days.

Yep. It's a total slap in the face to anyone who experiences real actual racism.
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BLM are Marxist frauds at the top and just a repeat of the bolshevik vanguard political groups featured with much success in the early 20th century

Bill Ayers really likes them though

They are openly attacking selected portions of our republic (namely local/municipal police and the nuclear family) - I think they should be considered a terrorist group

Anyone who's in the org who has just been truly ignorant about their goals of eradicating our economic system and engaging in violence -- should start a movement that includes black churches, focused on a renewed focus on the original family unit and self-sufficiency

But that's just a white dude talking (happens to be a white dude that wishes our black friends well though) .....

wishing the regular folks / non-Marxists among them well .... while the press fans the flames of a well stoked fire that's intended to kick off social conflict (including the anticipated counter-rev responses that are coming....and already starting appear I think) ... that's part social engineering / part human chess........

One of the absolute - never changing -- core tenants of Marxism is that the wheel of history doesn't move -- without conflict pushing it along.

So "be the hammer" - and plan to make order out of chaos,,,,,,

they just REALLY suck at it

Why isn't the media talking about the latest GREAT LEAP FORWARD FOR THE WOKERS/THE PEOPLE/SOCIAL JUSTICE,,,,,,in Sunny Venezuela,......?

haha --- damn it'd be funny if it weren't so f'ing sad
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If interested -- here's a link to an article where I read up on BLM and their supporters

Compared their goals / quotes side by side with historical Marxists / Communists

and contrasted them with Booker T Washington, Alveda King and Ben Carson etc

free read if you wanna.......
imo blm is just the "cause de jour" of the anarchist soros funded liberals. IT has stuck with them b/c they have the whole slavery grievance to prop up the anarchist/liberal agenda which did not stick with the rich white kids in occupy wall street. Blacks will always cling to that sad grievance even when actual slaves from Africa come over and surpass them. ha
another weekend of Trump playing golf like he said he would never do. Another $3 million cost to taxpayers to maintain Trump's lifestyle.

And of course another day of Trump lying about it. I can't wait for this traitor to be impeached.
another weekend of Trump playing golf like he said he would never do. Another $3 million cost to taxpayers to maintain Trump's lifestyle.

And of course another day of Trump lying about it. I can't wait for this traitor to be impeached.
When did you ever care about the money that was spent by Obama in his 8 years? Hypocrite.
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When did you ever care about the money that was spent by Obama in his 8 years? Hypocrite.
Oh I didn't care but Republicans sure did...and Trump sure did. He railed and railed against Obama golfing and swore he'd be way too busy to do such a thing. Yet here we are, 12 weeks in, and he's golfed 9 of those weeks. He'll end up costing taxpayers more in a year than Obama cost in 8.

It's just the latest example of someone who lies constantly and thinks the rules don't apply to him.

Same guy who spent two weeks working on healthcare reform; yet Democrats 'rammed' it through in only 13 months. Republicans blasted Obamacare for 7 years and the best they could come up with was a POS legislation that no one could support except Trump and Ryan evidently.

The great negotiator who was gonna repeal Obamacare on DAY 1 got trumped by Republicans who didn't take well to his ultimatum.

The only thing he's done is remove regulations that hurt consumers and workers. For absolutely no reason. The latest Senate bill passed gives ISPs the right to share your private info with anyone with no safeguards whatsoever. Why? Have no idea. It doesn't help anyone except the rich and powerful. Which is exactly what he intends to do with every bill or EO he passes.

On top of this, he's now sending the message that it's ok for the US and it's allies to kill civilians indiscriminately overseas. Once or twice you can chalk up to a mistake but this has now happened 3-4 times since Trump took over. Irresponsible and he's just creating the next Al Queda or ISIS iteration with each child or mother he kills.
imo blm is just the "cause de jour" of the anarchist soros funded liberals. IT has stuck with them b/c they have the whole slavery grievance to prop up the anarchist/liberal agenda which did not stick with the rich white kids in occupy wall street. Blacks will always cling to that sad grievance even when actual slaves from Africa come over and surpass them. ha

there's a paper that discussed how Soros has a goal to being a NATIONAL POLICE FORCE to the US

and supposedly that's his prime interest in supporting BLM - they are helping promote the idea that our current police force is so messed up - that maybe a wide scale transformation is needed --

there for a while (about 2 months ago) he was having one of the BLM founders put up in a $16M estate that belonged to some associate of his.......ha!

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I guess Trump and all the legislators who ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare didn't get the memo that no one cares about repeal.

the more I think about it
the more I'm convinced that 2-3% of our population really even understand -- what it IS .... what it proposes --- when it'll be fully implanted and what will change

I know I don't understand it
This health care debate is all a big joke. The drug companies, the insurance companies, and the medical community along with the trial lawyers have their hooks inside every Americans pocketbook. Health insurance here in Taiwan is only a few hundred bucks for a family of four, drugs are provided by the government plus most drugs you can just buy at the drug store. They have tort reform so the limits if a doctor screws up are quite low.

Doctors here are very respected but make nothing like the ones in the state. The public mindset is completely different than in the states. My blood pressure melds here are 25 US dollars a month compared to the 220 dollars I was paying in Nevada and that's without a doctors visit.
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Yeah. Thank God for those American research and development drug companies that have to jump through all those federal rules and regs to keep people safe while dumping MILLIONS to bring a drug to market just so a bullshit company in Taiwan can manufacture a generic form of that pill for your cheap and poorly informed ass.
Yeah. Thank God for those American research and development drug companies that have to jump through all those federal rules and regs to keep people safe while dumping MILLIONS to bring a drug to market just so a bullshit company in Taiwan can manufacture a generic form of that pill for your cheap and poorly informed ass.
Look'n for somethin free,
Hear the kind man ask his friend,
Hey what's in it for me?
Dog eat dog.
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another weekend of Trump playing golf like he said he would never do. Another $3 million cost to taxpayers to maintain Trump's lifestyle.

And of course another day of Trump lying about it. I can't wait for this traitor to be impeached.
What would Trumps's weekend cost the U.S. if he wasn't playing golf? My guess is it would be much the same.
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Priebus just said that Trump feels he was misled, and that people were unloyal. He also said Trump is firing a warning shot, wants to be very clear and let it be known that he will not govern on a partisan level like we saw between the two factions of Republicans on health care, and that his administration is now open to working with Democrats on bipartisan health care reform since both sides of Republicans have had seven years to get this done, yet still can't get on same page and meet in the middle to even vote on a bill.

Since the two factions of Republicans are unwilling to meet in the middle, wanting everything their way or the highway, they have left Trump with very few options. Trump is placing the blame solely on them. He's coming to the realization that far right/Freedom Caucus Republicans will never get on the same page with the moderate/establishment Republicans, leaving his majority party useless, and the only way to pass health care reform is with Democrat support/votes.

You think Ryancare was bad? Just wait and see what we get once Democrats get their grubby hands on it. It's coming. Democrats have zero interest in repealing any part of Obamacare. Only way they'll support a bill is if it's a fix, an improvement and complete bailout of Obamacare, fully intact.

P.S. Jim Jordan, head of the Freedom Caucus, said yesterday that they didn't refuse to vote for the bill because of the bill's ideology, but they refused to vote for it because of its low poll numbers. If that's not a crock of shit, then I don't know what is. Obamacare is as popular as it has ever been in the polls, over 50%, so if it's all about poll numbers, then does that mean the Freedom Caucus would vote for Obamacare? Sounds like an excuse to me. High ranking members have actually abandoned the group because of this debacle. Amateur hour, indeed.

P.S.S. The market is still losing. After the health care bill failure it suffered its biggest loss in Trump's presidency. Dow is poised for its longest losing streak since '11. One of the main reasons the market was so bull on Trump is because of tax reform. Those in the know, know that big time tax reform took a big hit and is looking less likely. Matter of fact, Trump's entire agenda has suffered a major set back.
Iraqi Prime Minister al Abadi says ISIS military defeated 'within weeks'

“We are defeating them militarily,” al Abadi told “Fox News Sunday.” “As a terrorist organization … they will try. So that's where we need the efforts of others. Flush them out of Syria and other places.”

Iraqi forces, backed by a U.S.-led international coalition, early this year drove Islamic State fighters from the eastern part of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city. And the fight has now moved to Mosul’s densely populated western neighborhoods.

Al Abadi also suggested Sunday that President Obama didn't want to get involved in the fight against the Islamic State, or ISIS, but was forced into the situation when the terror group crossed the Syrian border and occupied 40 percent of Iraq.

“He just wanted just to forget Iraq,” the prime minister said. “I mean, slaughtering people. There was a lot of pressure on President Obama."

He also said the United States appears determined to defeat ISIS and that the U.S. and Iraq are allies.

Trump campaigned on a promise to dramatically ramp up the assault on Islamic State militants and has vowed to eradicate ISIS. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis recently met at the State Department with al Abadi and foreign officials to explore new ideas to expand the fight against ISIS in Mosul.

I'm still fairly optimistic about Trump. He can still (and has already) get good things done without Paul Ryan and others, like that EO on coal hes supposed to do tomorrow I think.

Hes done quite a lot of good things even with the billion obstacles put in his way by Obama, pathetic Judges, idiot republicans and democrats etc...
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I was optimistic because tax reform and the repeal of Obamacare were real possibilities.

I don't give a shit about coal EOs or the protection of a dying industry.

Repealing Obamacare would have saved the country from that noose, and tax reform would have helped all Americans.

Now we see the Republicans never had any intention of actually repealing Obamacare.

And since Ryan and the establishment tried so hard to keep Obamacare in place under a different name, contrary to their explicit promises to voters, we now aren't going to get any meaningful tax reform.

Just better hope Kennedy or Ginsburg croak or retire in the next year and a half, because if we're within 18 months of the end of Trumps first and final term, there's no way that seat is getting filled.
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[laughing] Which suggest she only left him because staying with him at the time was bad for Hillary's campaign. She's was willing to sacrifice her marriage for Hillary. Damn, that's loyalty.

I'm still fairly optimistic about Trump. He can still (and has already) get good things done

Me, too. No reason not to be. Although, I completely understand why the Freedom Caucus did what they did, but Republicans, as a whole, kind of fvcked Trump.

Make no mistake, the bill was shitty, and was far from a repeal but, imo, the cons from the fall out of not voting for it far outweigh the pros.

There is one pro; no Ryancare, but there are a dozen cons, some very damaging to Trump's agenda going forward.
Reports that Democrats are receiving tons of pressure from the red and purple states they represent, and that at least 10 are expected to flip and vote for Gorsuch. The rest of the Democrats are scrambling, trying to figure out how to keep their party together in opposing, and are expected to ask to delay the vote for a week to buy some time.
Rep. Poe Resigns From House Freedom Caucus Over Health Care Bill

Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) resigned Sunday from the House Freedom Caucus in protest over the group's opposition to the Republican-backed health care bill.

Today, Poe said that House Speaker Paul Ryan was willing to work with the caucus on making changes to the bill, but he was never going to get their votes.

"The goalposts kept getting moved," Poe said. "And no matter what, at the end of the day, 'no' was the answer."

He said now that the Republican Party is in power, it's time to learn to say "yes" and lead.

Because that didn't happen with this health care bill, Poe said, ObamaCare is now "the law of the land," which is a disaster.

He said we must come together to find solutions to move this country forward, and he believes leaving the House Freedom Caucus will make him better able to do that.

"I think it's best for me - and even for the caucus - that I not be a member of the Freedom Caucus."
This health care debate is all a big joke. The drug companies, the insurance companies, and the medical community along with the trial lawyers have their hooks inside every Americans pocketbook. Health insurance here in Taiwan is only a few hundred bucks for a family of four, drugs are provided by the government plus most drugs you can just buy at the drug store. They have tort reform so the limits if a doctor screws up are quite low.

Doctors here are very respected but make nothing like the ones in the state. The public mindset is completely different than in the states. My blood pressure melds here are 25 US dollars a month compared to the 220 dollars I was paying in Nevada and that's without a doctors visit.

sounds like damn fine logic/points IMO
appreciate that actually -

I think you're seeing the issue systemically / holistically (whatever) as opposed to the way Lotsa-Media (INC) Outlets will just present it ----not only entered down in terms of the objective facts

... and what verbiage is IN the Directive [[["directive" b/c -- a creepy CHUNK of the R/D Party rules ....have started to fall into the (i) Exec order (ii) Policy by non-elected Enforcement Organs of the State, (iii) Int'l Treaty adoption/americanized to the public, (iv) late-night-no one really read it-vote for it when 14 people are in the room ABORTIONS of democracy ]]]] --- isn't really shared in a way that ever truly benefits the electorate

Little Bush Admin (tm) also had an executive branch ppm for "mental health screening" that should have / should still bother --- John Q Citizen (or even your average -- Antonin B. Comrade) quite a bit as well....

get to play the Strat at my friend's studio Wed though -- so that's trickling happiness into my brain-soup like an unregulated-pulsing-pituitary gland!!!!

& I mean that in a good way!
sounds like damn fine logic/points IMO
appreciate that actually -

I think you're seeing the issue systemically / holistically (whatever) as opposed to the way Lotsa-Media (INC) Outlets will just present it ----not only entered down in terms of the objective facts

... and what verbiage is IN the Directive [[["directive" b/c -- a creepy CHUNK of the R/D Party rules ....have started to fall into the (i) Exec order (ii) Policy by non-elected Enforcement Organs of the State, (iii) Int'l Treaty adoption/americanized to the public, (iv) late-night-no one really read it-vote for it when 14 people are in the room ABORTIONS of democracy ]]]] --- isn't really shared in a way that ever truly benefits the electorate

Little Bush Admin (tm) also had an executive branch ppm for "mental health screening" that should have / should still bother --- John Q Citizen (or even your average -- Antonin B. Comrade) quite a bit as well....

get to play the Strat at my friend's studio Wed though -- so that's trickling happiness into my brain-soup like an unregulated-pulsing-pituitary gland!!!!

& I mean that in a good way!

What would Trumps's weekend cost the U.S. if he wasn't playing golf? My guess is it would be much the same.

I am OK with a "Public Directive" being issued that NO President can ever play golf while serving out their term

But a President is a human being and WILL need some time to step back from the job and 'reset/take a breath' ..... so they can't NOT have relative down time.

BUT I agree that it's F-ING-OBNOXIOUS the way a wide SWATH of our political professionals aren't just ..... out there playing golf .... it's a whole system that's lost control and I feel like we're being SMIRKED AT quite a bit
Iraqi Prime Minister al Abadi says ISIS military defeated 'within weeks'

Al Abadi also suggested Sunday that President Obama didn't want to get involved in the fight against the Islamic State, or ISIS, but was forced into the situation when the terror group crossed the Syrian border and occupied 40 percent of Iraq.

“He just wanted just to forget Iraq,” the prime minister said. “I mean, slaughtering people. There was a lot of pressure on President Obama."

Hate to defend Obama, but....a little revisionist history going on here by Iraq.

Iraq wanted the U.S. to come in and defend the Iraqis without putting up any defense of their own. They didn't want to commit their own troops, who would run and retreat at the first sight of conflict with ISIS, which is why ISIS so easily captured that 40% of Iraq. This, after the Iraqis used the sovereignty we worked so hard to give them to very disrespectfully kick us out back in 2011 by refusing to let us continue having any military presence there unless our troops were subject to Iraqi law (which we would never permit).

The U.S. response to Iraq in 2014 (and rightfully so): " Grow a spine and put some skin in the game, and we will help you. But it's YOUR country,YOU defend it."

Also, Iraq's ruling Shiites were themselves in no small measure responsible for the rise of ISIS by shunning a coalition with the Sunnis and oppressing them, causing their disenfranchisement, which led to the radicalization of former Baathist party members.
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Freedom caucus needs primaried. Every single one of them. No excuse for voting no based on public opinion only

Maybe all the primary challengers can run on repealing Obamacare like every single Republican did last cycle.

If the establishment wants to implement a Democrat policy instead of repealing like they promised, get the fvcking Democrats on board. Don't expect people to cave to the establishment demands to vote for a shitty policy simply because they have Rs next to their names.
Freedom caucus needs primaried. Every single one of them. No excuse for voting no based on public opinion only
I can't speak for all Freedom Caucus members, but as for Jordan, from the interviews and excuses/reasons he's given, it's becoming obvious this was personal, and he was throwing a fit, pushing back because his bill was passed over by the majority for Ryan's bill.

Like Poe said, the answer from the caucus was always no, regardless. The goalposts kept moving. They wanted it their way or no way. Trump tried to work with them.

They went to Trump and demanded essential health benefits be removed; mandates, maternity care, mental health coverage, etc...Trump agreed. Days later they came back saying that wasn't enough and demanded coverage of preexisting conditions be removed. Since that was a promise to the American people that Trump outright and openly swore to keep, he's refused and ended all negotiations
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