How will they rule ??!

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We'll add 1/10 of a percent to the tax rates we were thinking about implementing

BAM Bill Cosby just found like all sorts of billions of dollars to save tax reform.
If you honestly are falling for them telling you $9 billion
Take it up with Trump. It's the exact reason he did health care first. He needed the wiggle room to go as big as he wanted to. When you only get a 5% cut instead of 10-15%, don't bitch.
Also, you keep saying this, but completely ignore that they allowed even shittier legislation to stay intact. This bill may not have been perfect, but it was ten times better than Obamacare.

It was not 10 times better than Obamacare. I don't care what Paul Ryan's estimates of cost savings were.

We need to go back to square one.

Open insurance markets across state lines.

Allow all people above the line tax deductions for health insurance, not just business and self employed.

Incentivize the use of HSAs.

Require all doctors and medical service providers to post prices.

That get's us 90% of the way to making this country better.
We need to go back to square one.
That's never going to happen. Why can't you comprehend this? No matter how bad you want it to, it's fantasy. Today was the chance. Obamacare is here to stay. Just watch. Dig this page up and remind me when it happens. There's no going back, and no new bill moving forward.
Twitter and facebook keep censoring conservatives but allows everything if you're anti-white or a Democrat.

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That's never going to happen. Why can't you comprehend this? No matter how bad you want it to, it's fantasy. Today was the chance. Obamacare is here to stay. Just watch. Dig this page up and remind me when it happens. There's no going back, and no new bill moving forward.

I'd prefer to have it all collapse under Obamacare passed by Democrats rather than collapse under Obamacare passed by Republicans.

That about sums it up.

Repeal and replace was promised over and over. I hope they're all voted out for trying to pull this Ryancare bullshit.
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I'd prefer to have it all collapse under Obamacare passed by Democrats rather than collapse under Obamacare passed by Republicans.
That's the thing, they're not going to allow it to collapse and leave sick people uninsured. That's political suicide. They're going to fix Obamacare, fully intact.

I've seen five - six different Republicans interviewed since the bill was pulled, Establishment and Freedom Caucus, all gave the same answer about what's next. Nothing. Obamacare is the law for the foreseeable future, it must be fixed with Democrat help, and we're moving on to tax reform.
That's the thing, they're not going to allow it to collapse and leave sick people uninsured. That's political suicide. They're going to fix Obamacare, fully intact.

I've seen five - six different Republicans interviewed since the bill was pulled, Establishment and Freedom Caucus, all gave the same answer about what's next. Nothing. Obamacare is the law for the foreseeable future, it must be fixed with Democrat help, and we're moving on to tax reform.

Then I guess we vote them all out of office and try again.

I'd prefer the country not suffer under Obamacare. But what are you going to do? Taking a shit in a box and marking it Republican doesn't make it good policy. It makes it the same Democrat shit with new owners.

All the Republicans ran on repeal and replace. Along with Trump. That had me optimistic. That and tax reform. Now it's readily apparent that it was all absolute horseshit and they never intended to actually do any of it. I'm glad I didn't fall for it and actually vote for any of them that were a party to this.

So whatever I guess.
They couldn't get their own GD party together on this, what in the hell makes anyone think they could get together with the dems to fix Obamacare? LMAO, this is going to explode, forcing the need to restructure the whole damned thing... which is good.
So to sum up this afternoon, there was no way I was going to be able to actually concentrate on being productive at work with the game looming tonight and bitchass Paul Ryan gave me a way to calm my nerves and pass some time.
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It's coming. You think it's big government now, just wait until Shumer is calling the shots.

Trump and the GOP should face it: There's only one option left to fix health care

There is another option for getting a bill passed. President Trump and the Congressional Republican leadership would have a much easier time working with the Democrats—with whom they have more in common.

After almost two months of collaborative effort by the House Republican leadership and the Trump administration, it is now crystal clear that the ideological differences between hard-right conservatives and most Republicans, are so wide, a deal cannot be done that accommodates them.
Oh and I would to talk about how you guys are against socialized medicine and want to repeal it and replace it with... socialized medicine. That just goes to show the 2 shitty parties are really the same, they just use different labels (Obamacare) to rile up the sheep.
So the GOP's version of socialized medicine failed. They could just vote to repeal the ACA and open everyone up to the free market. I wonder why they won't, oh yeah, the 2 shitty parties are the same.
That's how I thought it happened.

Regardless, our govt is forcing citizens, maybe even illegals idk, to fn purchase health insurance. That's the craziest shit I've ever heard of, and there's no way that's legal. If Trump can't get that retarded crap scrapped, then F him for that.
You're forced to buy auto insurance and have been your whole life.
All the Republicans ran on repeal and replace.
I believe that's before they actually got a true feel of the situation and realized the government can't give people an entitlement, then take it away. At this point, they might as well been voting on a bill to ban food stamps.

This was made very clear when the Freedom Caucus bill, which was a true, non big government, conservative bill, received much less support than Ryan's bill. There's way more moderate Republicans open to entitlement health care than there are Freedom Caucus members. Unfortunately, it's here to stay. It's was just better off not staying as Obamacare.
So the GOP's version of socialized medicine failed. They could just vote to repeal the ACA and open everyone up to the free market. I wonder why they won't, oh yeah, the 2 shitty parties are the same.
Yes. Absolutely correct. The moderate and establishment Republicans won't go for that now. Obamacare set a precedent and now we must suffer. Not enough Freedom Caucus Republicans to save us from big government health care.
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Common core is a problem. You can't see that because you are too close to it. However, I can still see the wrong views being put out by teachers. They do not have to be high school or college (in which I have one son as well) to have to liberal a stance. You see only what is in front of you and not what is out there.
I will actually agree that Common Core is a problem. Basically all of my teachers say it was not a good transition, and it's not the way to teach. Nothing but standardized tests, formed by Feds. The teachers only teach content in a test. Literature is being replaced with less interesting historic documents, nonfiction writing. Teaching has become robotic in some ways.

However, I don't think there is widespread political propaganda in the schools. That's nonsense. Liberals don't own K-12 education. You can take my word for it, there are no subtle political messages inserted by teachers. The education system is too intricate, and too many people are involved for there to be a mass conspiracy from the top down. This should be the least of your worries.
In the great state of Alabama, there exists a law that stipulates that if one posses enough cash to cover damage and injury costs of an at-fault accident, you DO NOT have to carry vehicle insurance.

Ain't that a ****ing peach of an idea?
In the somewhat mediocre state of Kentucky where I live, you have to.
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LOL I thought everyone realized what a dumb ass argument that auto insurance argument was, but they were just making it because it was the only thing they had before the Supreme Court just decide to pull some shit out of their ass.

No, being required to buy auto insurance to be licensed to operate a motor vehicle on public roadways is not the same as being required to buy a product because you're alive.
In the somewhat mediocre state of Kentucky where I live, you have to.

you are only required to do so if you want to drive legally. you don't drive, you live in a city and use public transportation, you don't buy auto insurance. the difference is with the healthcare mandate is you have to buy it regardless if you use it or not, you know to pay for those that don't work and get it anyways for free to them. the ACA is just one big tax.
A real ****ing shame that Nancy ****ing Pelosi can stand up with a 2700 page book of a bill in her hands and demand it be passed before knowing what;s in it and the current R party can't find their ass with both hands.

I knew she had a big dick, but the biggest dick in DC is quite the honor.
Yep. Every time Trump made an amendment to satisfy Freedom Caucus members he lost moderate Republican votes. Every time he made an amendment to satisfy moderate Republicans he lost Freedom Caucus votes. Sad to say, but I'm not sure a health care bill will pass without Democrat supports.

Those two groups (Moderate, Freedom Caucus) will never get on the same page. One group wants full repeal, the other group has fell down the entitlement rabbit hole.
Pulling it was right move. Without the votes no need to let it go down.

Now, as trump just said, let obamacare implode on its own. Then come back to the table with more leverage.

I don't think it was an awful bill. I understand why tried it phases, to avoid reconciliation. But I just don't trust ryan to follow through with the other phases.

The freedom caucus does need to get their head out of their ass. I'd feel much better if it were a principled stance. But it felt like a shakedown to me. They won't get everything they want. It just won't happen because it won't pass.
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Republican officials in Congress and the White House are now openly discussing finding a GOP replacement to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as Speaker of the House, after Ryan failed to pass the American Health Care Act out of the House and misled the public and President Donald Trump when he promised repeatedly the bill would pass.

Read all the quotes. Does anyone actually talk like that?

Feels like all the things people "said" were carefully worded and therefore written.

Which makes me think no one is worried being the source for this article.

Meaning is is clearly a Breitbart propaganda piece from the White house and I LOVE it.
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I don't think it was an awful bill. I understand why tried it phases, to avoid reconciliation. But I just don't trust ryan to follow through with the other phases.
Yeah, state lines, public option, market base system, etc, etc... were supposed to come in phases two and three. Ryan just doesn't have enough trust on the hill.

As you said, yes, all that could have been included from the get go, but then it would have been filibustered by the Democrats in the Senate, so phases were needed.
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I can't believe some of you guys think the Dems will suffer or be blamed if/when Obamacare fails. You know how this works. The Rs have the White House, the Senate, the House - they own everything, will be blamed for everything. That's true always - and with Trump in the WH and the media playing song leader, it will be 100x as true......
Just checked the headlines at Every headline is about failure of Republicans, repudiation of Trump, etc. For the Ds, this is a get out of jail free card.
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"That begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as Obamacare…You're going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it's going to be so easy."


"Now, I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject, Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."

He tried. Trump can't make them sign a new bill lol. He isn't a dictator. But I do think he will get a bill signed before he leaves office.