How will they rule ??!

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Once again, a vote against Ryancare is a vote against Ryancare. Obamacare was voted on and approved years ago
The point is simple, though. By voting against this bill, by default, it leaves Obamacare fully intact. Right now Obamacare is as popular as it has ever been and it's here to stay.
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It's starting. Trump sure in the hell isn't going to own this. Ryan is to blame for a shitty bill, but the Freedom Caucus is also to blame for helping a shittier bill stay intact.


I think they are both getting what they want...
LOL the freedom Caucus is to blame for not eating Paul Ryan's shit. That's good.
You're right. Instead, they allowed Obama's shit to keep stinking the place up.

You do realize there's no new bill coming, and they can't allow Obamacare to collapse. The last thing they can do is let Americans go without health care. The only option now is to work with the Democrats and fix Obamacare, fully intact.
At least everyone knows its Obama's shit.

They absolutely can allow Obamacare to collapse. The middle class and poor are going to be crushed with outrageous premiums and shitty health care just like was always intended.

I can only hope it hits Obama voters the hardest.

The other option would be to do what they were all elected to do. Repeal and replace.
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They absolutely can allow Obamacare to collapse
Watch and see. Republicans will be sucking off Democrats, trying to fix Obamacare, fully intact, with Schumer calling the shots. They will not allow it to fully collapse and have Americans lose insurance all together. Not happening. Big, big government is coming. Obamacare is here to stay, will be even bigger and more intrusive.
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There's a reason I took the R away from my voter registration and went independent.

It was on full display today. The Republican party is an unprincipled embarrassment.

Thankfully the Freedom Caucus was there to stop Paul Ryan from getting all Republicans to own Obamacare's failure.
Thankfully the Freedom Caucus was there to stop Paul Ryan from getting all Republicans to own Obamacare's failure.
But they also just stuck America with Obamacare for good. It's not going away now. It will be fixed and kept intact. Refuse to accept it all you want, but it's coming. Again, this was really it. Trump has moved on. As shitty as Ryancare was, it was still better than Obamacare.
[laughing] Paul Ryan just said Obamacare is the law of the land for 2017 and will be for the foreseeable future. He's ready to move on with Trump and the rest of the agenda.

One last time, this was the only chance, there's no other plan, Obamacare is here to stay.
You should read the comments on these tweets sharing a story about "deaths of despair" are on the rise in white working class. Tons of sick individuals especially that of blacks who hate whites.

Whites always get lectured but it's a huge portion of the black community who is filled with the most vile hate toward whites.

Check some of these out.

So let me get this straight, self loathing whites and identity politics and pro black/anti-white crowd, we're supposed to just step aside, give everything up, fund people that hate us and usher in our own demise on what grounds am I obligated to give everything to this type while they same crowd hates our guts yet wants the country that was created by those they hate?

Sick of the hypocrisy and Democrats embracing and promoting racism and hate toward whites.
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[laughing] Paul Ryan just said Obamacare is the law of the land for 2017 and will be for the foreseeable future. He's ready to move on with Trump and the rest of the agenda.

One last time, this was the only chance, there's no other plan, Obamacare is here to stay.

Hopefully this is the end of Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment.
Elaborate on that. Why was the country going to be so much better off having Ryancare rather than Obamacare?
For one, no mandate breaking the back of Americans and small businesses. I could just stop here. Two, it saved 330 something billion on the deficit. Three, leveraged 9 billion in taxes to headstart tax reform. Four, it put a cap on Medicaid and gave power back to the states on how to spend it.
Hopefully this is the end of Paul Ryan and the Republican establishment.
Still isn't the end of Obamacare, though. Bigger and better, it's coming.

Oh, and now tax cuts are in trouble. That 9 billion all but guaranteed it didn't add to the budget. He will not get the votes if his tax reform adds to the budget. Serious problem going forward. Trump doesn't cut taxes and get the economy going, it's over.
But they also just stuck America with Obamacare for good. It's not going away now. It will be fixed and kept intact. Refuse to accept it all you want, but it's coming. Again, this was really it. Trump has moved on. As shitty as Ryancare was, it was still better than Obamacare.

Idk how govt works at all. Not a clue. Sooo, why can't Trump just executive order his way around this? Isn't that how Barry dealt with shit?

$9 billion is what's sinking tax reform. Jesus ****ing mary and joseph. The IRS sent out $6 billion in fraudulent refunds last year [edit: that might not have actually been last year or a single year, I just grabbed the first headline that came up for IRS fraudulent refunds but the point remains]. And we're going to blame the ****ing freedom caucus and $9 goddam billion dollars for these stupid sons of bitches intentionally sinking tax reform?
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So that gives the green light for Trump to roast these idiots? Paul Ryan is a such a fn snake.
Yep. Seven years of pissing and moaning, and none of them had a clue. Couldn't even get a decent repeal/replace intact and come together for a vote.

Bunch of bums, the lot of 'em. Now they're divided, at each other's throats, playing the blame game, while the Democrats sit back and laugh, and Obamacare rapes us all.
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$9 billion is what's sinking tax reform.

9 billion is what was keeping it from adding to the budget. Without it, those "bigly" tax cuts, bigger than Reagan could end up, being meh in order to come under budget.

And the market agrees. Biggest drop today since Trump got elected. They were so bull on Trump because of these huge tax cuts, now not so confident. Deep in the red.
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So I obviously know nothing about how this works. They can't make changes to the bill over the next few weeks to make it to get the needed votes, then have a vote in a month? Why is today the last and only day we can ever vote?
And we're going to blame the ****ing freedom caucus
They're all to blame. The Freedom Caucus just like the establishment. Again, when you're the party in power you have to come together and sacrifice. Both sides can't keep the position of our way or no way; otherwise, they stay divided and their majority is non existent.
So I obviously know nothing about how this works. They can't make changes to the bill over the next few weeks to make it to get the needed votes, then have a vote in a month? Why is today the last and only day we can ever vote?
Because Trump said he's moving on. He's done with health care. He gave these idiots two months of his first 100 days and they wasted his time.
Idk how govt works at all. Not a clue. Sooo, why can't Trump just executive order his way around this? Isn't that how Barry dealt with shit?
Democrats voted Obamacare into law. Trump cannot create new law with an EO. Only way to do it is through Congress.
9 billion is what was keeping it from adding to the budget. Without it, those "bigly" tax cuts, bigger than Reagan could end up bring meh.

And the marker agrees. Biggest drop today since Trump got elected. They were so bull on Trump because of these huge tax cuts, now not so confident. Deep in the red.

You are saying billion, right? With a B? $9 billion is what's sinking tax reform? There are some companies in the US that pay more than that in income taxes in a single year. And that's going to sink tax reform for a country with the largest GDP on the planet?
Democrats voted Obamacare into law. Trump cannot create new law with an EO. Only way to do it is through Congress.

Trump could do it exactly how Obama did it.

It was totally illegal, but I'd love to get some Court precedent limiting EOs.
They're all to blame. The Freedom Caucus just like the establishment. Again, when you're the party in power you have to come together and sacrifice. Both sides can't keep the position of our way or no way; otherwise, they stay divided and their majority is non existent.

Just because the Republicans are in power, doesn't mean they should now at like Democrats blindly signing on to the establishment agenda and passing shitty legislation.
You are saying billion, right? With a B? $9 billion is what's sinking tax reform? There are some companies in the US that pay more than that in income taxes in a single year. And that's going to sink tax reform for a country with the largest GDP on the planet?
Do you not get that they can't add to the budget or it'll never pass. I'm not an economist, but I trust Trump was worried about this for a reason. It's the main reason they tackled health care first, so they could add wiggle room to go big on tax reform.
Just because the Republicans are in power, doesn't mean they should now at like Democrats blindly signing on to the establishment agenda and passing shitty legislation.
Cool. They can spend four years arguing over who the biggest amateurs are, nary a clue on how to govern, while nothing gets done. Keep it up and Trump will be negotiated with Democrats for votes to get his agenda passed.
It's $9 billion.

What I'm saying is Haliburton stuffs that in their socks each time they visit the White House.

If you honestly are falling for them telling you $9 billion is going to sink the entire tax reform, that they can't make it work because of $9 billion, then I don't know what to tell you.
Trump could do it exactly how Obama did it.

It was totally illegal, but I'd love to get some Court precedent limiting EOs.

That's how I thought it happened.

Regardless, our govt is forcing citizens, maybe even illegals idk, to fn purchase health insurance. That's the craziest shit I've ever heard of, and there's no way that's legal. If Trump can't get that retarded crap scrapped, then F him for that.