How will they rule ??!

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Nunes just said the Intelligence Oversight Committee is paying very close attention to the newest Wikileaks. Didn't offer an official comment on the substance, but let it be known that they're watching.
Political speak. How many times over the years has the government been looking closely at things only to just "look" closely at things.
This, and people are crazy if they thought the swamp would be drained after a month. It will probably take a few years to rid the govt of most of these assholes. I think things will be much different and better by 2018 or 2019.
What kind of hole would have been left if they had fired a lot of them the first few days.
So your best estimate of how the greatest intelligence agency on earth would kill somebody is to randomly take control of their car and crash it into a palm tree?

There was a Wikileaks dump today. You should catch up on that, then come back if you want to discuss the ways the greatest intelligence agency on earth would contemplate killing someone.
Did Trump know the Wikileaks dump was coming? He makes his wiretapping claims out of nowhere; when asked, Conway said, with a shit eating grin, that he has his sources; MSM, Democrats, intelligence agencies go into to full blown denial mode; boom, Wikileaks drops this shit.

After reading those leaks, and seeing exactly what the CIA is capable of, knowing they were given full reign over themselves by Obama with no oversight, is there really any questioning that they weren't surveillaing Trump; or, for that matter, anyone and everyone they saw fit?
When Obama is convicted of Treason of the highest manner. How do you think they kill him? I hope someone in a Gallagher's outfit smashes his head like a watermelon live on TV.

Willy, you are a reasonable man who loves weed, does it irk you that Hillary is allowed to walk?

You nail that bitch and maybe, MAYBE, you can think about ruining Obama and all the POS in Washington that stand for what those two do.
they're really trying to make that narrative work.


Worked with Podesta and Hilldawg on Uranium deal. History of working with the DNC. Obama 86 his team with the sanctions but kept this fat sack around to set up Flynn, Sessions, and anybody else who would talk to him. Obama and deep state had a couple other Krems die timely deaths to cover tracks.

The left is done. The CIA is done. The NSA is done. The FBI is done. The lights are on and now the roaches will scatter. Year Zero.
Willy, you are a reasonable man who loves weed, does it irk you that Hillary is allowed to walk?

You nail that bitch and maybe, MAYBE, you can think about ruining Obama and all the POS in Washington that stand for what those two do.

Totally reasonable Mash.

I think we should smash her brains out too for Treason. So to answer your question. Yes, it burns me up that coont gets to breathe air.
Did Trump know the Wikileaks dump was coming? He makes his wiretapping claims out of nowhere; when asked, Conway said, with a shit eating grin, that he has his sources; MSM, Democrats, intelligence agencies go into to full blown denial mode; boom, Wikileaks drops this shit.

After reading those leaks, and seeing exactly what the CIA is capable of, knowing they were given full reign over themselves by Obama with no oversight, is there really any questioning that they weren't surveillaing Trump; or, for that matter, anyone and everyone they saw fit?

Trump seemed surprised. Like he didn't remember Edward Snowden telling us this years ago. Ed made it clear the govt had EVERYTHING. And people didn't give a shit.

But, thankfully, our new president knows now. I expect all that domestic spy shit will be dismantled ASAP.

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There was a Wikileaks dump today. You should catch up on that, then come back if you want to discuss the ways the greatest intelligence agency on earth would contemplate killing someone.
LOL. Yeah. Talk about rubes. You guys are so naive it is blinding. You have no idea of how the game is played or for how YOU are played. It really is cute to watch such cuddly innocence being mocked. That "leak" is about as legit and substantive as the piss I just took. I am embarrassed to read such tripe. They really are dumbing things down. Honing in on those Trump voters.
Yup, Trump should have.

Trump should've walked into offices and asked "Raise your hands if Obama appointed you" then say GTFO of here to the ones who did.

Politically speaking he is playing his hand pretty damn good right now. He sets up the media every time with misinformation to expose a bigger story so that they will shit all over themselves trying to proof him wrong only to expose the real damage. It is comical and the useful idiots on this board fall for it every time. Trump is a liar it was only a few terrorist that Obama released. Dummies.

Watch that sick man quote come back up when the Weiner drops. Dumbass Lynch will be calling for blood in the streets. What about Maxine Watters from 2013 telling everybody you better get in line because Obama has info on us all.

This is truly amazing times. The DNC and the left just can't believe that can't get anything to stick on DJT. They are all compromised so when they bring up the question of what does Russia have on him? They are being sincere in a way because all of those corrupt snakes owe somebody for the baby pics. Sick ass monsters will soon meet their demise.

LOL. Yeah. I'll just throw out some BS that means or refers to absolutely nothing at all. Make a few insults. Take a piss. Make a few more insults. Tout how smart I am to make me feel better about myself. Throw in one more insult just for the heck of it. Then go back to watching reality TV cop shows otherwise known as "how stupid people go to jail" shows.
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Politically speaking he is playing his hand pretty damn good right now. He sets up the media every time with misinformation to expose a bigger story so that they will shit all over themselves trying to proof him wrong only to expose the real damage. It is comical and the useful idiots on this board fall for it every time. Trump is a liar it was only a few terrorist that Obama released. Dummies.

Watch that sick man quote come back up when the Weiner drops. Dumbass Lynch will be calling for blood in the streets. What about Maxine Watters from 2013 telling everybody you better get in line because Obama has info on us all.

This is truly amazing times. The DNC and the left just can't believe that can't get anything to stick on DJT. They are all compromised so when they bring up the question of what does Russia have on him? They are being sincere in a way because all of those corrupt snakes owe somebody for the baby pics. Sick ass monsters will soon meet their demise.
I agree. Trump is a very good strategist. Theres always a method behind things he does. Trump is almost always 10 steps ahead of the democrats and MSM.

Every time it appears Trump is 'doomed' or 'in trouble' Trump already has the rats running into the mouse trap. It happens every time.
Ever watch those reality TV cop shows otherwise known as "how stupid people go to jail" shows? The mass marketing of an all knowing police state is so strong that when people get arrested they just assume CSI knows where, when, and how they did it. Like any time they are questioned the mass computer resources of the state knows all and they are powerless to answer otherwise. The presupposition of being confronted by an all-knowing entity. It never would occur to them that if they just shut up they'd be going home in an hour, instead they talk themselves into a lengthy jail sentence just purely based upon the presupposition of an all-knowing omnipotent police force.

Fear, consumption, comply, and control.

You now are not sure of your TVs, your radios, your refrigerators. Your cars might kill you, even.

Welcome to the compliance state. Little white mice. Forget seeing the strings, you don't even know to look for them.
LOL. Yeah. Talk about rubes. You guys are so naive it is blinding. You have no idea of how the game is played or for how YOU are played. It really is cute to watch such cuddly innocence being mocked. That "leak" is about as legit and substantive as the piss I just took. I am embarrassed to read such tripe. They really are dumbing things down. Honing in on those Trump voters.
Trying to bring us to yours and the left level of intelligence.
LOL. Yeah. Talk about rubes. You guys are so naive it is blinding. You have no idea of how the game is played or for how YOU are played. It really is cute to watch such cuddly innocence being mocked. That "leak" is about as legit and substantive as the piss I just took. I am embarrassed to read such tripe. They really are dumbing things down. Honing in on those Trump voters.
[laughing] Rube? Naive? Again, introspection, get some.

That leak is as legit as it gets. Democrats calling for an investigation into who the actually leaked the information confirms that. They're worried Obama's political weapons have been exposed.

Not to mention, 10 years, +10,000 documents leaked, not a single one fake.

Dem lawmaker calls for investigation into CIA's leak of hacking tools
I would think that the Germans might not be as prolific at hacking as the Russians, but I would think they would be more accurate and precise. You haven't heard about the German hacks have you? Exactly.
That's why even though I disagree with him on 90% of everything he believes, I like Rand Paul. Love his daddy.

You want to really put a dent into the domestic spying shit and the FISA nonsense, he's your man or at least as good as you're going to get. It killed me watching those Republican "debates" and watching a complete utter worthless tool like Trump get fawned over even though he obviously needs somebody to tie his shoes each morning and then listen to Rand Paul get ignored while he was literally shouting at them to "GET A WARRANT" before you even think about wiretapping somebody. He was on a whole nother level and because of it they just ignored him. Like pearls before swine. They had no idea of how he was touching, moreso than any other candidate by far, the very issues that are swirling around right now with all this domestic spying shit. He was all over that with the correct answers and nobody listened.
I can go from one day advocating Universal Healthcare to the very next in lauding Rand Paul. When your mind has been cleared of its partisan cobwebs and is finally agile enough and nuanced enough so that you can truly see, then that will be the beginning.
All of you that are surprised with this should hopefully now start waking up. This kind of stuff has been going on for years like a lot of other things that people have blown off as conspiracies. Many on the left are all in on this and some on the right. Controlling the masses has been the goal all along.
That shit ain't an issue to most folks. They don't know or care. It doesn't matter.

It really is hard to talk to people. They don't understand how big of a bullet head nuke we dodged with the side of beef in pant suites. I was explaining the Year Zero stuff to a coworker. She wasn't too concerned because she doesn't have anything to hide. Unbelievable. Sheep believe they chose their life I guess. They don't understand they use algorithms from every piece of information you release to control your next move to create an illusion of choice. GIVE ME BACK MY FREEDOM you spying sick trash.

I am bout to binge Mr. Robot again to see what I missed after all this election mess. I still fill like Elliot when Craig told him not to look at the files. "You look at the files didn't you." No going back to sleep now.
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