How will they rule ??!

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If you get popped for a random test you’re got if you’ve used recently whether it was on the clock or not. Duh. I’ve been tested three times in the last two years though now that you have me thinking about it. You think that’s a real deterrent? Whatever, you’re obviously talking about this from a theoretical perspective and not a practical one, so keep thinking whatever you like. Yes, there are many regulations in place to make sure everyone is sober all the time. You are safe.

? I don’t run anything. Other than machines. Ovens, crushers, pulverizers, calorimeters, scales. What gave you that idea?

Its a major deterrent because noone wants to lose those precious jobs because so very few are left, thanks to obama.

So you are a coal miner?
See you don't even know. Meanwhile, on the flip side, I'm the one telling the thread about the rightwing personalities like Patrick Bet-David too.
I don't ignore school shootings, but even if I did, it would have no bearing whatsoever with respect to me not "lking" abortions.

It really is incredible what passes for "thinking" between people like you and dion.

You people have no idea what your "arguments" reveal about you, and even less the magnitude of your error. As I said, if I was still amenable to voting left, your postings alone would convince me otherwise. Never mind dion's revolutionary communist takes.
My political stance is neither left nor right.
My stance is that your rights end where mine begin.
You have a right to your religious beliefs and a right to be outraged over an abortion given to a 12 year old child rape victim..... But your rights end where that rape victim's BODY begins.
You have a right to a weapon of war but my children have a right not to be slaughtered in school by your weapons. The compromise would be limiting who can access those weapons and removing them from the mentally ill or dangerous.
But like I said..... You ignore those gun issues and the slaughter of LIVING, BREATHING children while simultaneously having a laser focus on clumps of cells in another person's body.
Hypocrisy and idiocy all rolled into one.
My political stance is neither left nor right.
My stance is that your rights end where mine begin.
You have a right to your religious beliefs and a right to be outraged over an abortion given to a 12 year old child rape victim..... But your rights end where that rape victim's BODY begins.
You have a right to a weapon of war but my children have a right not to be slaughtered in school by your weapons. The compromise would be limiting who can access those weapons and removing them from the mentally ill or dangerous.
But like I said..... You ignore those gun issues and the slaughter of LIVING, BREATHING children while simultaneously having a laser focus on clumps of cells in another person's body.
Hypocrisy and idiocy all rolled into one.
Let's take these seriatim:

1. False - based on your quite vocal opinions on here, your political views are objectively to the left.

2. You read something like that somewhere, but your version is nonsense. It makes no practical sense.

3. This is far too vague (which is one of your most glaring weaknesses when debating) to make an actual call here. A viable fetus ALSO has legal rights, so tighten up the scope of your point, do whatever you've got to do. It's hard to believe, given how much you clamor on about abortion in here, that you haven't gotten a grip on that.

4. Gun laws don't prevent gun crime. I've already outlined a foolproof plan (and I know you've read it before, because we've discussed it on here) to eliminate school shootings. Gun laws may or may NOT "help", my plan will end them. So quit hand-wringing about gun laws, and get serious about ending school shootings, or, like I said earlier, STFU about it. As long as you prattle on about gun legislation, I know that you're not REALLY serious about ending school shootings.

5. Well, at this point, you're just kind of rolling previous points into a homogenized mess, so I won't even comment on that "glop"
Let's take these seriatim:

1. False - based on your quite vocal opinions on here, your political views are objectively to the left.

2. You read something like that somewhere, but your version is nonsense. It makes no practical sense.

3. This is far too vague (which is one of your most glaring weaknesses when debating) to make an actual call here. A viable fetus ALSO has legal rights, so tighten up the scope of your point, do whatever you've got to do. It's hard to believe, given how much you clamor on about abortion in here, that you haven't gotten a grip on that.

4. Gun laws don't prevent gun crime. I've already outlined a foolproof plan (and I know you've read it before, because we've discussed it on here) to eliminate school shootings. Gun laws may or may NOT "help", my plan will end them. So quit hand-wringing about gun laws, and get serious about ending school shootings, or, like I said earlier, STFU about it. As long as you prattle on about gun legislation, I know that you're not REALLY serious about ending school shootings.

5. Well, at this point, you're just kind of rolling previous points into a homogenized mess, so I won't even comment on that "glop"
It can be easily verified that the parts of this country with the strictest gun laws (Chicago, DC, etc.) have shown no declines in gun violence. Passing laws that criminals ignore and will continue to ignore is akin to pissing up a rope. The only individuals who abide by the gun laws are law abiding citizens (see how that works?). Criminals are CRIMINALS and don't abide by laws. How obtuse does Dion, et al, have to be to not understand plain, basic English? Clown, talking with these brainwashed idiots is like a Martian talking to a fungo bat.
Excuses and semantics. For real, what's the difference?
The difference is that "imaginary line" is not so imaginary. It literally separates one country from another, One form of government from another. Geography isn't a free for all, we can't all just prance into anywhere we want in the world and force them to accept us, feed us, house us. Those lines exist for a reason. You say we are "Built on the rule of law" yet excuse it for immigrants. We have legal processes for people from the other sides of those "imaginary lines" to cross it and work here and live here. That's the difference between crossing the Rio Grande and crossing the county line. You can't just make the world one big free for all, it would be chaos and war galore.

But you have no issues with a One World Government or One World Order because Kumbaya and Utopia and whatnot.
science says their are many genders because it is a social label. You are confusing sex and gender. and sex is also not binary because you can be intersex with allows for basically an infinite number of variations. sex is bimodal and always has been and you are probably to stupid to even understand what that means.
SCOTUS has made it clear, that the Federal government can't endorse or ban abortions. Constitutionally, it is not a matter for the Federal government to decide. So the candidates, Federal politicians, and those that feel one way or the other about it on here; need to STFU about it.
I thought they ruled that the USSC court couldn't decide for every state, not that Congress couldn't pass a law one way or the other. No?
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My political stance is neither left nor right.
My stance is that your rights end where mine begin.
You have a right to your religious beliefs and a right to be outraged over an abortion given to a 12 year old child rape victim..... But your rights end where that rape victim's BODY begins.
You have a right to a weapon of war but my children have a right not to be slaughtered in school by your weapons. The compromise would be limiting who can access those weapons and removing them from the mentally ill or dangerous.
But like I said..... You ignore those gun issues and the slaughter of LIVING, BREATHING children while simultaneously having a laser focus on clumps of cells in another person's body.
Hypocrisy and idiocy all rolled into one.

You're truly deranged. I am probably 90% accurate in saying that Trump's shooter was a lot like you.
They ruled Roe v Wade was a bunch of legal nonsense, as most scholars agreed. There is no god given right to kill babies protected from infringement by the US Constitution.

So states are free to ban baby killing if they so choose.

Federal legislation on abortion would be tested under other constitutional considerations, but there is no god given right to kill babies.
The only thing that stays in your system (urine, mouth swab) longer than 3 to 4 days is weed. I'm not positive about Psilocybin (I've never even heard of someone testing for that)

A hair test will f*** you for months though. DOT testing (which is what most people go by) tests for these in their drug panel:

  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Cocaine.
  • Amphetamines.
  • Opioids.
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)

    Just out of curiosity. A quick show of hands for those that have tapped all 5 of those at some point in your lifetime

    The real travesty is, that the one that's most likely to get you popped is the least harmful. And the one that is probably the most abused, most likely to contribute workplace safety issues, even after it's out of your system (due to contributing factors like being dead tired after a late night using it) isn't even ON the f****** list. (Alcohol)
I believe my company does some sorta level testing for thc now. As long as your under the right lines you pass. I dunno details cause I've never been tested. Alcohol only if they perceive your drinking.

Drug testing as a whole you have to eff up pretty bad or get hurt to get tested. They are pretty lenient unless they just don't like you.

I have to operate different versions of fork lifts and some other pivs around lots of humans that don't pay a bit of attention to you. Well I did before I went on leave for treatments. You have to be careful. Ppl on phones with ear buds ignoring signs and walkways will just step right out in front of an 16000lb machine with long projectiles in front. And that's our fault somehow
Fox is faux conservative. There are some there but lots of lefties.
They're Conservative for about 4-5 hours each evening. The rest is garbage.

The best sources now for honest takes and exposing the real agendas, whether one agrees with them or not, are those not tied to any legacy Media anymore. Megyn Kelly, Tucker, Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owen and the like.
I agree, but I do watch The Five, Gutfeld, and Jesse. The Five is much better when Harold Ford is on instead Tarlov. I also watch Outnumbered at noon if I have time. Those are the only things I watch on fox, absolutely nothing else on any other media outlet. I enjoyed OAN until the liberals removed it. Now you have to pay to get it.
I pretty much ditched Fox during Trumps presidency, Maybe a show every now and then, but nothing for the past few years, up until the RNC and i only watched Fox for the portions of the RNC I watched. I think I turned it on when I heard about the Assassination Attempt, but outside of that, I Pretty much ignore them.
USSS counter sniper whistleblower letter.

The problem is I don't trust this administration to replace those in charge of the Secret Service right now with a lame duck President and not knowing who will be President 6 months from now. Whoever they put in will have an Interim tag or be a lame duck. Trump needs to hire his own top shelf security outfit to supplement whatever garbage the Secret Service gives him.
I’m not sure when that clip was filmed. But you can be absolutely sure that they will eliminate the judiciary as an obstacle to their agenda.

I don’t see a future for this country if she wins. Those kinds of reckless statements are how secession happens.
Said it before and will say it again. She's a puppet for the Globalists. This election isn't about Trump vs. Kamala, It's about Americas survival as a nation vs. ceding our sovereignty over to the Globalist tyrants.
Sure it is. You just don't realize it.
So I want more stringent border restrictions, more police, a strong military, low taxes, the death penalty, tougher crime laws, limits on abortion, no trans allowed in women's sports, crackdown on homelessness, and tougher penalties for drugs. Is that liberal?
I also support unions, teachers, the LGBTQ community, a clean environment, and green energy. Is that conservative?
Like I said.... Don't fall entirely into the right or left pigeon hole.
Stolen. We all know it. They all know we know it. You know it.
Facts for fools....Your cult leader tells you what to think.


I’m not sure when that clip was filmed. But you can be absolutely sure that they will eliminate the judiciary as an obstacle to their agenda.

I don’t see a future for this country if she wins. Those kinds of reckless statements are how secession happens.
There won't be. We've been ar war with globalists for quite some time and we still have politicians and people concerned about "decorum" and "optics." These people silence their opposition, try to imprison them, shoot them, accuse them of being "gang rapists" and our side is concerned about decorum? The psychotic left is trying to colonize us, enslave us, they want government to control every aspect of your life (which appeals to the left's base because personal responsibility does not exist).

We've got leftists arguing to get to expose your little kid with their sick trash and then don't want you knowing about it. We've got them importing millions and millions of savages who rape, steal, and kill. Not a single word from the white feminists who act like they care about women. They don't speak for guys dominating their sports so why would they speak against migrant rape of women? But they will sure be stunning and brave if a Catholic place kicker talks about Catholic values to Catholic students.

It's all so exhausting as they come at you from every position. Evil does not sleep. You have to be on the offense at some point and the right never is.