How will they rule ??!

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Clapper told us there wasn't, also the Russian ambassador isn't a spy. You still miss the point, it was released as being overheard while routine listening was being undertaken. Only it's illegal to listen to anyone inside the US without a warrant, even foreign dignitaries. So either there was a warrant on Trump Tower,or on the Russian ambassador.Both situations are bad.
How do you know the Russian ambassador isn't a spy?
Not even 2 months in, man. Damn.

Again, my point and direct question to you is: You'd sooner be dealing with a known evil in Hillary or wading thru this bullshit?

edited for being a dick. Sorry.

Idgaf if he beat Oprah. Point is he lied to me already, and appears to play the same games as these career politcians that are working very hard for him.

Drain the swamp. Day 1, first week, he wasn't bringing justice to Hillary. He said this before he was elected. Day 1, first week after he was elected he brushed that off, said he would not be pursuing Hillary, and in fact they were friends. TMFS.

Healthcare same sort of deal.

Mfer works for our crooked ass govt so far. F him till he decides to buck the system like he campaigned on.
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Trump lied again this morning on Twitter. How many days in a row is it now?
Krazy, even if the client is unable to pay their deductible their provider will at least get paid something if the client has any less than minor medical event. Sadly, $8000 is a pitence when it comes to medical bills.

With the wave of new policy this isn't accurate anymore. Healthcare centers are pre qualifying people and deductibles have to be paid before insurance approves procedures.

I had to do it twice last year when I ruptured my achillies and when we had our 3rd child. All money besides my 20% had to be paid up front. Which was like $1000 each time and manageable........$8000 to get an operation, GTFO I'll just go ahead and die!
So now you're saying that something will be done...
Healthcare has been f'd up for 50+ years and we all know what the final solution will be. We will end up with a universal care system in the next 10-20 years. Everybody in healthcare knows it, everybody in the healthcare insurance business knows it. Every politician knows it. The day that health insurance became a necessity for 99% of people to seek treatment for any serious ailment we were on that road to universal care. If you don't know it then your head is in the sand. I think you realize it too but would rather cut off your right arm than to admit it. Which is exactly where the GOP finds itself. I don't think most candidates who campaigned against Obamacare thought Trump had any chance at winning. They figured they could just continue to be the contrarians and would never have to address the issue. HRC would win and the next and maybe final steps to universal care would be taken and they would have plausible deniability for any blame with regards to problems with the system. I honestly believe that and believe that is why we never saw any GOP plans for replacement.
Hey, 2 months or 2 some point they will have to address it. In the meantime I'll be :popcorn:
I obviously can't speak for every Republican, but that is not where I find myself at all. My problem with the ACA is that it contradicts the very idea this country was founded upon, individual liberty. I would love for every American to be able to get high quality health care whenever they need it. I think for the most part they do now because hospitals can't refuse treatment. However, I can't get past the the problems of how universal health care would have to be provided. By necessity, it would require redistribution of wealth. In other words, it would require for the Government to take money from one individual and give it to another individual. That runs counter to the very idea of our Republic. It violates the rights of the person from whom money is being taken without their consent. I have a hard time with that, no matter how large the need of the people to whom money is being given. Charity is voluntary and the federal government has no place in forcing it upon its citizens.

My preference to what you say the ultimate outcome will be, is for local governments to provide basic health care to its citizens. That is far more appropriate than the Federal Government doing it. Localized control and management will be more cost effective and will allow each citizen to have a larger voice in how it is accomplished. Also, if a person doesn't agree with how it is carried out on a local level, he/she can move to avoid it. When the Feds do anything, a single person's voice is small, and there is no way to escape the consequences.
I obviously can't speak for every Republican, but that is not where I find myself at all. My problem with the ACA is that it contradicts the very idea this country was founded upon, individual liberty. I would love for every American to be able to get high quality health care whenever they need it. I think for the most part they do now because hospitals can't refuse treatment. However, I can't get past the the problems of how universal health care would have to be provided. By necessity, it would require redistribution of wealth. In other words, it would require for the Government to take money from one individual and give it to another individual. That runs counter to the very idea of our Republic. It violates the rights of the person from whom money is being taken without their consent. I have a hard time with that, no matter how large the need of the people to whom money is being given. Charity is voluntary and the federal government has no place in forcing it upon its citizens.

My preference to what you say the ultimate outcome will be, is for local governments to provide basic health care to its citizens. That is far more appropriate than the Federal Government doing it. Localized control and management will be more cost effective and will allow each citizen to have a larger voice in how it is accomplished. Also, if a person doesn't agree with how it is carried out on a local level, he/she can move to avoid it. When the Feds do anything, a single person's voice is small, and there is no way to escape the consequences.

Well said, completely agree
Summary of Wikileaks drop from this morning with CIA focus.

Disclaimer: This list was copied from another quite dubious website that frequently has breaking information, but is also frequently wrong. However, based on what I've read from numerous sources, this list seems fairly accurate so I'll throw it out here. Don't bet your mortgage on it....


- CIA had espionage division more powerful than NSA with no checks and balances whatsoever.
- CIA's secret hacking division produced a huge amount of weaponized malware to infest Iphone, Android phones AND lost control of it.
- CIA negligence sees it losing control of all cyber weapons arsenal sparking serious proliferation concerns.
- Obama CIA built most powerful cyber attack arsenal, costing US taxpayers $100+ billion. Lost it ALL to the enemy as previously stated.
- This whole thing got leaked on the "darkside" to hackers, but was later released to Wikileaks by one of the hackers that possessed it.
- CIA illicitly hoarded 'zero day' attacks, putting at risk industry and government.
- Obama admin used their advanced cyber attack arsenal against private citizens. Wikileaks implies Trump was spied on with this.
- CIA hackers celebrated what they saw as the financial largesse of Obama towards them with a "Obama Make it rain" gif.
- Obama gave unlimited power to the CIA to gain favors and not end up like JFK.
- CIA went from searching for zer0-days via code analysis to inserting CIA coders in major US tech companies to implement backdoors directly.
- CIA turns Smart TVs, Iphones, gaming consoles and many other consumer gadgets into open microphones.
- CIA can spy on you through your smart TV.
- Jointly developed CIA+MI5 malware infests Samsung smart TVs to turn them into covert microphones.
- CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in the world into listening devices.
- CIA turned every Microsoft Windows PC in the world into spyware. Can be activated backdoors on demand, including via Windows update.
- ^ESPECIALLY Windows 10.
- Skype voice conversations are converted into text in real-time, scanned for contents of interest and stored in CIA spy cloud.
- CIA = Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Google.
- CIA has tools to remote control chips in cars, trucks, planes, medical devices and hospital tech with assassination potential.
- CIA hacker malware a threat to journalists: Infests Iphone, Android bypassing signal confide encryption.
- US Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base
- CIA deliberately mimics the hacking protocols of Russia to obfuscate their own hacks.
It really is simple about Obamacare. Very smart people created it with the sole intent to blow up the Healthcare system to where it could be 100% controlled by government. Socialized medicine. We can all come up with all sort of theories, etc. about it but that is the nuts and bolts of it.
No where in the world is healthcare "100% controlled by government". It is made accessible to 100% of the citizens as it should be.
Obamacare was created as a step to make healthcare accessible to all. People should not be forced into bankruptcy because their child becomes ill. People in rural towns shouldn't lose their hospitals and healthcare facilities because they aren't as profitable as facilities in larger communities. It wasn't always that way. Hospitals and clinics used to be almost entirely run by religious and humanitarian organizations, not to make those organizations untold riches but to provide services to their fellow men. Then the profiteers got involved. They built shiny temples to the healthcare gods, took over the healthcare landscape.

The question that needs to be asked is why did Republicans make such a stink over Obamacare promising to repeal it only to offer as its replacement a plan that is nearly identical except will fail more quickly?
A better question is why did anyone believe that they would do anything different?

You know that no mandate to purchase will only drive up premiums even faster as those who will choose not to buy will be those who are the most healthy. Insurance works by spreading the risks. More healthy people in the risk pool means lower premiums, fewer means higher premiums. And those who choose not to buy...some of them will become ill, be involved in accidents. They will receive care for which they cannot pay, the cost of that care will be passed on to you and me.
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Actually I will admit through my wife's stories and work relationships, just like any field of work, those people tend to love what they do and are truly fascinated enough that if they were earning a living they would still be happy. I mean shit that I found sickening TBH these people light up with excitement to see the next whatever operation or whatever.

I hate needles and therefore I have to be dragged to the damn dr or almost dead and need an ambulance. So her/their fascination is almost disgusting to me but if I was rich she would work for free!
I have not been to a doctors office in 3 or 4 years. Last time I went it had been about 5 years or so between visits. At 59, my wife has been ragging on me of late and I told her yesterday I will make an appointment today for a checkup. Still waiting to call a doctor as I do not have a specific family doctor, never had one. In the military, you had checkups every year and it was always someone different. Procrastination is my watchword when it comes to doctors and dentist.
Summary of Wikileaks drop from this morning with CIA focus.

Disclaimer: This list was copied from another quite dubious website that frequently has breaking information, but is also frequently wrong. However, based on what I've read from numerous sources, this list seems fairly accurate so I'll throw it out here. Don't bet your mortgage on it....


- CIA had espionage division more powerful than NSA with no checks and balances whatsoever.
- CIA's secret hacking division produced a huge amount of weaponized malware to infest Iphone, Android phones AND lost control of it.
- CIA negligence sees it losing control of all cyber weapons arsenal sparking serious proliferation concerns.
- Obama CIA built most powerful cyber attack arsenal, costing US taxpayers $100+ billion. Lost it ALL to the enemy as previously stated.
- This whole thing got leaked on the "darkside" to hackers, but was later released to Wikileaks by one of the hackers that possessed it.
- CIA illicitly hoarded 'zero day' attacks, putting at risk industry and government.
- Obama admin used their advanced cyber attack arsenal against private citizens. Wikileaks implies Trump was spied on with this.
- CIA hackers celebrated what they saw as the financial largesse of Obama towards them with a "Obama Make it rain" gif.
- Obama gave unlimited power to the CIA to gain favors and not end up like JFK.
- CIA went from searching for zer0-days via code analysis to inserting CIA coders in major US tech companies to implement backdoors directly.
- CIA turns Smart TVs, Iphones, gaming consoles and many other consumer gadgets into open microphones.
- CIA can spy on you through your smart TV.
- Jointly developed CIA+MI5 malware infests Samsung smart TVs to turn them into covert microphones.
- CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in the world into listening devices.
- CIA turned every Microsoft Windows PC in the world into spyware. Can be activated backdoors on demand, including via Windows update.
- ^ESPECIALLY Windows 10.
- Skype voice conversations are converted into text in real-time, scanned for contents of interest and stored in CIA spy cloud.
- CIA = Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Google.
- CIA has tools to remote control chips in cars, trucks, planes, medical devices and hospital tech with assassination potential.
- CIA hacker malware a threat to journalists: Infests Iphone, Android bypassing signal confide encryption.
- US Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base
- CIA deliberately mimics the hacking protocols of Russia to obfuscate their own hacks.
if true.
And we pay dearly for that "convenience" too.
There are lines for non-critical procedures. And maybe that's why Canadians and Europeans are healthier than Americans. They take care of themselves so they don't have to wait for some preventable, self-imposed medical need.
Diet and exercise has a lot more to do with that than the healthcare system.
Do you only focus on Trumps lies? I bet every politician you have heard of has, by 10am, lied today at least once.

Why is Trump so special to you?

Bc he campaigned on draining the swamp and not being a politician. He is a politician now, playing by their rules.

Summary of Wikileaks drop from this morning with CIA focus.

Disclaimer: This list was copied from another quite dubious website that frequently has breaking information, but is also frequently wrong. However, based on what I've read from numerous sources, this list seems fairly accurate so I'll throw it out here. Don't bet your mortgage on it....


- CIA had espionage division more powerful than NSA with no checks and balances whatsoever.
- CIA's secret hacking division produced a huge amount of weaponized malware to infest Iphone, Android phones AND lost control of it.
- CIA negligence sees it losing control of all cyber weapons arsenal sparking serious proliferation concerns.
- Obama CIA built most powerful cyber attack arsenal, costing US taxpayers $100+ billion. Lost it ALL to the enemy as previously stated.
- This whole thing got leaked on the "darkside" to hackers, but was later released to Wikileaks by one of the hackers that possessed it.
- CIA illicitly hoarded 'zero day' attacks, putting at risk industry and government.
- Obama admin used their advanced cyber attack arsenal against private citizens. Wikileaks implies Trump was spied on with this.
- CIA hackers celebrated what they saw as the financial largesse of Obama towards them with a "Obama Make it rain" gif.
- Obama gave unlimited power to the CIA to gain favors and not end up like JFK.
- CIA went from searching for zer0-days via code analysis to inserting CIA coders in major US tech companies to implement backdoors directly.
- CIA turns Smart TVs, Iphones, gaming consoles and many other consumer gadgets into open microphones.
- CIA can spy on you through your smart TV.
- Jointly developed CIA+MI5 malware infests Samsung smart TVs to turn them into covert microphones.
- CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in the world into listening devices.
- CIA turned every Microsoft Windows PC in the world into spyware. Can be activated backdoors on demand, including via Windows update.
- ^ESPECIALLY Windows 10.
- Skype voice conversations are converted into text in real-time, scanned for contents of interest and stored in CIA spy cloud.
- CIA = Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Google.
- CIA has tools to remote control chips in cars, trucks, planes, medical devices and hospital tech with assassination potential.
- CIA hacker malware a threat to journalists: Infests Iphone, Android bypassing signal confide encryption.
- US Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base
- CIA deliberately mimics the hacking protocols of Russia to obfuscate their own hacks.



Again, tell us something new, or better yet, DO SOMETHING. Looking at you Trump. Our last administrations told us this junk was perfectly fine. What are you gonna do about it?

Not jack shit, imo. He would be assassinated before he could ever dream of stopping or reforming this crazy train. Not necessarily his fault, but this junk is on his watch now.
I obviously can't speak for every Republican, but that is not where I find myself at all. My problem with the ACA is that it contradicts the very idea this country was founded upon, individual liberty. I would love for every American to be able to get high quality health care whenever they need it. I think for the most part they do now because hospitals can't refuse treatment. However, I can't get past the the problems of how universal health care would have to be provided. By necessity, it would require redistribution of wealth. In other words, it would require for the Government to take money from one individual and give it to another individual. That runs counter to the very idea of our Republic. It violates the rights of the person from whom money is being taken without their consent. I have a hard time with that, no matter how large the need of the people to whom money is being given. Charity is voluntary and the federal government has no place in forcing it upon its citizens.

My preference to what you say the ultimate outcome will be, is for local governments to provide basic health care to its citizens. That is far more appropriate than the Federal Government doing it. Localized control and management will be more cost effective and will allow each citizen to have a larger voice in how it is accomplished. Also, if a person doesn't agree with how it is carried out on a local level, he/she can move to avoid it. When the Feds do anything, a single person's voice is small, and there is no way to escape the consequences.
And the Feds always take a lot more than they need because of the lack of real oversight.
I obviously can't speak for every Republican, but that is not where I find myself at all. My problem with the ACA is that it contradicts the very idea this country was founded upon, individual liberty. I would love for every American to be able to get high quality health care whenever they need it. I think for the most part they do now because hospitals can't refuse treatment. However, I can't get past the the problems of how universal health care would have to be provided. By necessity, it would require redistribution of wealth. In other words, it would require for the Government to take money from one individual and give it to another individual. That runs counter to the very idea of our Republic. It violates the rights of the person from whom money is being taken without their consent. I have a hard time with that, no matter how large the need of the people to whom money is being given. Charity is voluntary and the federal government has no place in forcing it upon its citizens.

My preference to what you say the ultimate outcome will be, is for local governments to provide basic health care to its citizens. That is far more appropriate than the Federal Government doing it. Localized control and management will be more cost effective and will allow each citizen to have a larger voice in how it is accomplished. Also, if a person doesn't agree with how it is carried out on a local level, he/she can move to avoid it. When the Feds do anything, a single person's voice is small, and there is no way to escape the consequences.
I realize we are mincing words but providing healthcare is no different than providing a military, providing public schools, providing public roads, providing police and fire protection.
Providing someone a place to go get healthcare isn't the same and writing them a check. They can't barter or sell their access to healthcare. We would pay for it the same way we pay for our military. Do you think the government is violating our rights to fund our military? How else do you suggest it be done?

Your message above in inconsistent. If healthcare is provided at the local level then still somebody will have to take money from the citizens to provide it. And unless there is some "redistribution of wealth" then poor areas will end up with poorly funded centers of healthcare and wealthy areas will have well funded healthcare.
But let's run with your idea for a the people in Harlan or Owsley counties have to stay home to get their care? Do they get a get a healthcare card that is only in Harlan county? I mean if I'm a Woodford or Oldham county taxpayer I don't want those poor hillbillies coming up here and consuming resources I paid for...

Lastly, saying that by being local it allows people to leave if they don't like the way things are is overly simplistic. Few people, especially poor people are able to freely move. Especially elderly and special needs people who have the biggest need for care.
But maybe the healthcare system is part of their incentive to be active and eat healthier.
Unlikely, Europeans have been eating healthier for years. Many of them buy their food the day they are going to eat it. By that I mean fresh, they have many more opportunities than we do and better access for fresh food than we do. I don't want to be like Europe in most areas but, their diet and a less stressful life style would be agreeable.
Obviously we'll never really know for sure, but I think we pretty much know for sure at this point Michael Hastings was murdered by the CIA. It was pretty apparent before we knew for sure the CIA was exploring the use of hacking into vehicles to carry out assassinations.
I realize we are mincing words but providing healthcare is no different than providing a military, providing public schools, providing public roads, providing police and fire protection.
Providing someone a place to go get healthcare isn't the same and writing them a check. They can't barter or sell their access to healthcare. We would pay for it the same way we pay for our military. Do you think the government is violating our rights to fund our military? How else do you suggest it be done?

Your message above in inconsistent. If healthcare is provided at the local level then still somebody will have to take money from the citizens to provide it. And unless there is some "redistribution of wealth" then poor areas will end up with poorly funded centers of healthcare and wealthy areas will have well funded healthcare.
But let's run with your idea for a the people in Harlan or Owsley counties have to stay home to get their care? Do they get a get a healthcare card that is only in Harlan county? I mean if I'm a Woodford or Oldham county taxpayer I don't want those poor hillbillies coming up here and consuming resources I paid for...

Lastly, saying that by being local it allows people to leave if they don't like the way things are is overly simplistic. Few people, especially poor people are able to freely move. Especially elderly and special needs people who have the biggest need for care.
We've been through this before, but I will reiterate my thoughts. Providing military, public roads, police and fire protection is in no way similar to providing health care. First, those things are part of the Constitutional authority of the Federal Government. Health care is not. Second, health care is an individual purchase. It benefits the individual buying it. The military, public roads, police and fire protection are not individual purchases. The Federal Government has no place in education. If you carry your logic forward, the same argument can be made for food, clothing, housing, etc. None of that is consistent with the idea of individual liberty.

My message is not inconsistent at all if you understand the Constitution. Many things can be done at the State and Local Government level that are inappropriate to be done at the Federal level. The Federal Government should, and does, have very strict limits on its powers. State and Local Governments have much less restrictions for the very reasons I pointed out; a person has much more influence over decisions at the State and Local Government level than they do at the Federal level, and citizens can move if they don't agree with the decisions at the State and Local level, whereas, decisions at teh Federal level cannot be escaped. Therefore, it can be appropriate for Local Governments to subsidize services where it is inappropriate for the Federal Government to do the same.

You are arguing from the standpoint of what in your mind provides the optimal solution to the problem as you see it, and you are willing accept that the Federal Government has the authority to implement any solution that seems to address whatever societal problems they are attempting to address. I don't agree with that view. I don't think it's consistent with what our founding fathers believed. The first question that should be asked any time the Federal Government wants to do anything is whether or not it is consistent with individual liberty and the Constitution. If it is not, it really doesn't matter what the potential merits of the program are. If it is consistent, then merits should come into play. Unlike what most people today believe, the Federal Government was not constructed with the idea that it is a societal problem solving organization. It was constructed with the idea of protecting individual liberty, nothing more, nothing less.
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Idgaf if he beat Oprah. Point is he lied to me already, and appears to play the same games as these career politcians that are working very hard for him.

Drain the swamp. Day 1, first week, he wasn't bringing justice to Hillary. He said this before he was elected. Day 1, first week after he was elected he brushed that off, said he would not be pursuing Hillary, and in fact they were friends. TMFS.

Healthcare same sort of deal.

Mfer works for our crooked ass govt so far. F him till he decides to buck the system like he campaigned on.

Put your dick back in your pants and quit borrowing worry like a bored housewife. GD, I've known sorority chicks with a firmer grasp.

Again, you can yell and scream and kick puppies all you want to with your stance of holding Trump's feet to the fire, I'm over here still happy as ALL HELL the left wasn't allowed to continue @ full-throttle. Call me crazy, but I'll take a watered-down Trump version over ANYTHING the left had to offer. Politics is 100% compromise, if he hits on 1/3 of his promises, he'll out-perform every other GD President of the past 20+ years. So, again, calm your tits, have some vision, some patience and try to find something that fulfills that hole you wanted Trump to fill.
Put your dick back in your pants and quit borrowing worry like a bored housewife. GD, I've known sorority chicks with a firmer grasp.

Again, you can yell and scream and kick puppies all you want to with your stance of holding Trump's feet to the fire, I'm over here still happy as ALL HELL the left wasn't allowed to continue @ full-throttle. Call me crazy, but I'll take a watered-down Trump version over ANYTHING the left had to offer. Politics is 100% compromise, if he hits on 1/3 of his promises, he'll out-perform every other GD President of the past 20+ years. So, again, calm your tits, have some vision, some patience and try to find something that fulfills that hole you wanted Trump to fill.

The mf'n alternative was Hillary Clinton. You'd think people would have more perspective but hey, this is the country that elected Obama twice.
Rand and freedom caucus hold press conference with their own bill for Obamacare

Want complete repeal vote and THEN vote on replacement. Im in agreement with them.

Mash, just because Paul Ryan introduces a bill doesn't mean that it's trump. Hopefully people will rally around rand and we will go ahead and get the repeal done
Want complete repeal vote and THEN vote on replacement. Im in agreement with them.
I think this is scary to some because what if after they repeal, vote on replacement doesn't go as planned, Democrats sabotage, etc...? Then, Obamacare has been officially repealed from earlier vote, yet entire country's health care is left in limbo with no replacement.

Mash, just because Paul Ryan introduces a bill doesn't mean that it's trump. Hopefully people will rally around rand and we will go ahead and get the repeal done
Even if Trump decides to go with this one, this isn't the final version. They're going to be transparent about it, allow it to go through the mark ups, where input can be given by all and amendments be made.
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