How will they rule ??!

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We need to get this under control before real violence happens. Sanction matches and allow the Memes to determine the victory of the minds.

Son of Sen. Tim Kaine one of six arrested after protesters disrupt Trump rally at state Capitol Saturday
Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a St. Paul native, released a Tuesday night statement through a spokesperson to the Pioneer Press.

“We love that our three children have their own views and concerns about current political issues,” he said. “They fully understand the responsibility to express those concerns peacefully.”
Woody Kaine was seen with four people who lit fireworks inside the Capitol, Linders said. Police are investigating whether Kaine was one of the people who was lighting the devices.


Woody Kaine


Alt Knight Based Stickman Captain Texas

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I hope every woman that skips work today to throw a temper tantrum loses their job.

A day without feminist is a great day. Real women made a choice today that will help their family first. Crazy how this has turned on them. Just like a 2 year old you give them what they want and they will do the opposite.

I am glad women have rights to work. Our family wouldn't be able to afford what we have without my wife working. I hope both of my daughters do something they love. If they want to stay home and take care of their family that is okay. The pressure on women to work is unfair. My roommate from college works and his wife stays home with the kids. She has a college degree but decided to stay home. She struggled with that at first while her friends were in the work force. It shouldn't be that way.

I was fortunate enough to marry an RN and we didn't have to put our kids in all day daycare 5 days a week. Feminist want to break up the family.
A day without feminist is a great day. Real women made a choice today that will help their family first. Crazy how this has turned on them. Just like a 2 year old you give them what they want and they will do the opposite.

I am glad women have rights to work. Our family wouldn't be able to afford what we have without my wife working. I hope both of my daughters do something they love. If they want to stay home and take care of their family that is okay. The pressure on women to work is unfair. My roommate from college works and his wife stays home with the kids. She has a college degree but decided to stay home. She struggled with that at first while her friends were in the work force. It shouldn't be that way.

I was fortunate enough to marry an RN and we didn't have to put our kids in all day daycare 5 days a week. Feminist want to break up the family.

Yeah, my wife has a pharmD. Her wonky retail schedule relegated my career to 'stay-at-home and work on contract' status once we started having kids. After about 2-3 years of that, she was openly pining to switch roles b/c she felt like she was missing out on everything. She blames her overly progressive mother for forcing the whole "don't depend on a man for ANYTHING" mentality (even though her husband was a fine man) from such an early age, which was, in actuality, just a guise for forcing unrealistic career choices onto her at a very early age. She'd LOVE to be at home baking cookies and playing dress up, but she feels that her mother indoctrinated her to think that such a role is less than for women to hold. She says she KNOWS this b/c she still holds contempt for those whom she deems "real women" who get to be full-time mothers and wives. It's a totally ****ed up situation; brain vs emotion.

Meanwhile, it took me 5 years to hammer out the details of how to do this job in even a half-assed manner while she could do my Dad role and her job with both eyes shut. The one thing I've learned from ALL of this role swapping after about 8 years of it is that no man can ever, EVER, duplicate or otherwise replicate the love, patience and grace of a mother at home. Apply that logic to every working mother you see with a kid in detention at school...
Today is apparently national woman's day and women are staying home from work? I'll be looking forward to national men's day when men get to stay home.

You know....since it's about equality and all.
They fought so hard for the right to work, equal pay and all that... just to play hookie.

They really are becoming men. Are they unionizing?
It means if u really want something to be true, just rub the magic pea and go to your happy place and it shall be.

Absolutely despise these male/female double standards. If any one of us rubbed our magic cucumber in a happy place we'd be arrested for indecent exposure.

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Monica Crowley, who was set to take a job in Trump's administration, but was then harassed, attacked, besmirched and sabotaged, speaks out for the first time since, and about the "toxic and poisonous atmosphere of personal destruction in D.C. and the media."

BBC reports child porn to Facebook, Facebook fails to take it down, then reports BBC to the police.

Facebook failed to remove sexualised images of children

Facebook has been criticised for its handling of reports about sexualised images of children on its platform.

The chairman of the Commons media committee, Damian Collins, said he had "grave doubts" about the effectiveness of its content moderation systems.

Mr Collins' comments come after the BBC reported dozens of photos to Facebook, but more than 80% were not removed.

They included images from groups where users were discussing swapping what appeared to be child abuse material.

*When provided with examples of the images, Facebook reported the BBC journalists involved to the police and cancelled plans for an interview.

*It subsequently issued a statement: "It is against the law for anyone to distribute images of child exploitation."

Mr Collins said it was extraordinary that the BBC had been reported to the authorities when it was trying to "help clean up the network".

On its welcome page, Facebook says it does remove obscene material.

"Nudity or other sexually suggestive content" it states are not allowed on the platform.

It encourages users to report inappropriate content via its "report button".

To test Facebook's claim, the BBC used the report button to alert the company to 100 images which appeared to break its guidelines. They included:

  • pages explicitly for men with a sexual interest in children
  • images of under-16s in highly sexualised poses, with obscene comments posted beside them
  • groups with names such as "hot xxxx schoolgirls" containing stolen images of real children
  • an image that appeared to be a still from a video of child abuse, with a request below it to share "child pornography"
Of the 100 images only 18 were removed.

*According to Facebook's automated replies, the other 82 did not breach "community standards". They included the apparent freeze frame.

Facebook's rules forbid convicted sex offenders from having accounts.

But the BBC found five convicted paedophiles with profiles, and reported them to Facebook via its own system. None of them were taken down.

*So the images were bad enough for Facebook to report BBC to the police for sending them in the complaint, but not bad enough to violate Facebook's own community standards?
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Democratic members of Congress have their work cut out for them......the very very vocal and extreme part of their constituents are going to make it difficult to maintain their core voting base during the next election cycle.

Liberal activists are increasingly upset at what they see as too little opposition to President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and are even threatening to run primary challengers against Democrats in the Senate who end up supporting Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Nearly a dozen influential liberal groups fired off a letter this week calling Judge Gorsuch “an ultra-conservative” and demanding a more unified opposition.

“We need you to do better,” the groups said in the letter, which was organized by NARAL Pro-Choice America.

Several news outlets reported that the groups may even back primary opponents against Democrats who don’t show enough opposition.
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Fake news pros. Make up sexism about others while, wait for it..... being sexists yourselves. Brilliant.

Brzezinski rips ‘long legs and short skirts’ on Fox News’s ‘Outnumbered’

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski on Wednesday returned fire at Fox News’s “Outnumbered,” referring to the show’s female co-hosts as “all of these people with long legs and short skirts [who] talk about how people feel about the news.”

"Yesterday, they had a show on Fox called 'Outnumbered,’” he continued, before Brzezinski added: "And all of these people with long legs and short skirts talk about how people feel about the news.”

"But they have like 30 women or something and then they get one guy in the middle, and it's called ‘Outnumbered,’ right?"

"And all these legs," Brzezinski added.

The conversation on "Morning Joe" volleyed quickly between Brzezinski and Scarborough from there, with Scarborough accusing the "Outnumbered" hosts of being "sexist."

"People said she was crying and tearing up because she was upset! Nothing sexist there," he said.

Oh, and speaking of Joe and Mika being sexists and trying to call other women out for "long legs and short skirts", like it's somehow wrong or bad, they're also hypocrites:
