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yet Castro lived to be a 100. was he CIA all along?

Hopefully we find out more info now. The JFK files are suppose to drop in October. Let's see if they back that timeline up or release something of the like. John F Kennedy Redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted redacted. Grassy knoll redacted redacted redacted redacted. Book depository redacted redacted redacted redacted.
Did any of you watch the Spicer press conference today? The double-speak and horribly bad propaganda is so outrageous that even bad SNL parody doesn't approach it. It was a clown show. I am trying to decide to what degree the mockery is purposeful? To truly believe they can say anything no matter how absurd then march off in a huff like some ridiculous Alice in Wonderland character? It would be hilarious were it not so serious.
Crazy that the Meme War was real. My head is on full blown today. How can anybody go back to regular TV after this mess? God I hope the dumbass NWO and Obama still refuse to stand down. I want another big data dump to drop the last shovel of dirt on the Nazi's grave while DJT pours out the 40 to liberal tears.
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If Trump were impeached and Spicer were fired, I would go into withdrawals like a crack addict. I'd have to watch Abbot and Costello reruns in a loop for a month while mainlining red bull.
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Did any of you watch the Spicer press conference today? The double-speak and horribly bad propaganda is so outrageous that even bad SNL parody doesn't approach it. It was a clown show. I am trying to decide to what degree the mockery is purposeful? To truly believe they can say anything no matter how absurd then march off in a huff like some ridiculous Alice in Wonderland character? It would be hilarious were it not so serious.
Had you been watching the last 8 years of double talk? Where were you then? Don't answer that, the brown on your nose says it all
Going to Arby's tomorrow to order a junior side of beef to celebrate "A day without a woman" as president. Then probably watch some Le Pen youtube smack downs of Merkel and hijabs. I will be home with my 2 girls while my wife works. God Bless America for allowing women in the work force. My wife is a patriot RN who will be helping other women who are sick instead of calling in.
Watching this much news cannot be healthy. I forgot what daylight feels like. What happens if you go outside? I think my can opener is an NSA plant. Why does Donald Trump try so hard to contort his face into an Elvis-like expression? Do you have any idea of how long he practiced that in the mirror?
Trump's war on press no match for Obama's

I've been debating this column in my head for weeks, because with some folks it seems as if there is only one allowable position when it comes to President Donald Trump: He's the most dangerous president ever, and nothing good can come of his tenure.

If you want to go that route, go ahead. I am not attempting to defend Trump.

What I am deeply concerned about is the way the media have been covering him and, in some cases, feeding that worst-ever narrative. Trump is being treated unfairly in some parts of the mainstream media, and unless we deal with it honestly and openly, we are the ones who will wind up losing credibility even as we point our fingers at Trump for his lies.
The dems are in complete retreat mode:

First it was Russians hacked the election nevermind how insane that is (yeah they are so good, they let hillary win the pop vote and made certain states win to win the electorate. The real reason is to try and smear his voters and undermine the election) so they called for investigation. The NYT even posted an article on Jan know when Obama was still president that intelligence was investigating the Trump camp. Guess where they were operating out of.....Trump Tower.

Now Trump says the Obama admin tapped the white now they are caught in a back peddle to say oh no Russians didn't hack there was no investigating. The media and dems are so pathetic right's almost laughable.
Tom Cotton just said that, for the first time, after several requests prior, the House Intelligence Committee was granted access to the classified information pertaining to the Russian investigation. He said this access was finally granted to them by the Trump administration, not the Obama administration.

Wonder why the Obama administration was ignoring/denying their earlier request for this information? Does the Obama administration know there's zero evidence of collusion there? Are they covering up something? What's the deal? Why purposely impede the investigation that Democrats have been howling for for months?
I completely agree, and won't for a second debate it, but Obamacare has set a precedent that's irreversible. Whether we like it or not, Democrats have succeeded in turning health care into an entitlement. Republicans going back to the way it was and leaving those groups of people with nothing is political suicide at this point.

Right. Republicans need to look at other ways of relieving us of the financial burdens of modified obammer care....say with tax cuts.
I like how Trump says he endorses something or signs an EO or anything else of substance because you can tell he's never looked at nor studied for a single minute anything he is talking about or certainly signing. When he signs those EOs it is funny as hell because you can tell he's never read them. He looks at them with this puzzled look on his face like he is signing autographs or something he's never seen before in his life.
Sorta like Congress did in passing the unaffordable healthcare act.
Flynn never should have stepped down in hindsight. Their outrage would have been over in five minutes and all it did was empower them. If Pence doesn't go on television, he never resigns, I bet & it's dealt with internally.
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Flynn never should have stepped down in hindsight. Their outrage would have been over in five minutes and all it did was empower them. If Pence doesn't go on television, he never resigns, I bet & it's dealt with internally.

Nah gave them confidence to go after another one. They would still be fighting Flynn on what he is hiding instead of the leaks. Hildabeast tweeted all cocky.
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So going on the CNN just to see what's news . . . one very small headline on the rightmost side about wikileaks "CIA hacks TVs and phones worldwide, WikiLeaks claims"

WHAT! That's just a subhead in the third column that nobody even looks at? Is it not news because everyone just assumed that as true, or is it not news because CNN is bullshit?

It's even worded snarkily "Wikileaks claims" . . . seriously disturbing.
Reporters quoting various anonymous CIA sources tonight -- "This is really bad.", "A day of reckoning.", "People within the agency will definitely lose their jobs.", "There is heavy shit coming down, scrambling to figure out who gave away these secrets."
To think Trump's first visit as POTUS was to the CIA. He likely knew the house was going to be cleaned.
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CIA, DOJ Sued Over Leaks of Classified Info About Former NSA Flynn

The CIA and Departments of Justice and Treasury are being sued by a prominent legal organization for their role in leaking highly classified material as part of an effort to undermine the credibility of former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to an announcement.

Judicial Watch sued multiple agencies after they failed to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests, which must legally be handled by these agencies in a timely fashion.

The lawsuit moved to unearth "any and all records regarding, concerning, or related to the investigation of retired Gen. Michael Flynn's communications with Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak between October 1, 2016 and the present," according to a statement by Judicial Watch.

"In its complaint Judicial Watch asks the court to order the agencies to search for all records responsive to its FOIA requests and demonstrate that they employed reasonable search methods; order the agencies to produce by a specific date all non-exempt records and a Vaughn index of all withheld records; and instruct the agencies to cease withholding all non-exempt records," the organization explained in its statement.
Democrats Now Demonize the Same Russia Policies that Obama Long Championed

ONE OF THE most bizarre aspects of the all-consuming Russia frenzy is the Democrats’ fixation on changes to the RNC platform concerning U.S. arming of Ukraine. The controversy began in July when the Washington Post reported that “the Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces.”

Ever since then, Democrats have used this language change as evidence that Trump and his key advisers have sinister connections to Russians and corruptly do their bidding at the expense of American interests. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, spoke for many in his party when he lambasted the RNC change in a July letter to the New York Times, castigating it as “dangerous thinking” that shows Trump is controlled, or at least manipulated, by the Kremlin. Democrats resurrected this line of attack this weekend when Trump advisers acknowledged that campaign officials were behind the platform change.

This attempt to equate Trump’s opposition to arming Ukraine with some sort of treasonous allegiance to Putin masks a rather critical fact: namely, that the refusal to arm Ukraine with lethal weapons was one of Barack Obama’s most steadfastly held policies.
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Cut him off almost as fast Don Lemon did when he heard the phrase "fake news". Good God! These asswipes don't even try to hide their corruption.

Let them keep going down that vile, destructive road. The one where they know good and damn well going down it means doom but they go down it anyway, all because it leads to so many superb opportunities to resist offending social groups with so many special, sensitive needs. btw, f'k them all.

The lines in the movie The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo as spoken by the great actor Stellan Skarsgard come to mind - and to paraphrase from memory best that I can: why is it that the fear of offending is often greater that the fear of pain? But you know what? It is. That is the essence of this media and liberals, knowing the pain and suffering being caused to our great society is in favor of not offending these wretched, filthy scum.