How will they rule ??!

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I think this is scary to some because what if after they repeal, vote on replacement doesn't go as planned, Democrats sabotage, etc...? Then, Obamacare has been officially repealed from earlier vote, yet entire country's health care is left in limbo with no replacement.

Country sucked back before Obamacare when taxes were lower, insurance premiums were lower, the Supreme Court hadn't established a precedent that the government can force you to buy things from private companies against your will, adults could be on their parents' health insurance until the age of 25 and government dependency hadn't been expanded to a larger group of people.

Not sure how the country would manage if Obamacare was repealed.
Nunes just said the Intelligence Oversight Committee is paying very close attention to the newest Wikileaks. Didn't offer an official comment on the substance, but let it be known that they're watching.
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Read Vault 7 leak:


Jason Bourne knew.
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This vault 7 shit is massive. Unfortunately it doesn't really shock me what Obama was doing with the CIA. Every agency under him was running wild.

I hope Trump will look into cutting it back. I understand some spying will always be needed, but I can't imagine the IC should be doing as much as it is. Every single GD call and text shouldn't be being watched by somebody.
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Country sucked back before Obamacare when taxes were lower, insurance premiums were lower, the Supreme Court hadn't established a precedent that the government can force you to buy things from private companies against your will, adults could be on their parents' health insurance until the age of 25 and government dependency hadn't been expanded to a larger group of people.

Not sure how the country would manage if Obamacare was repealed.
I completely agree, and won't for a second debate it, but Obamacare has set a precedent that's irreversible. Whether we like it or not, Democrats have succeeded in turning health care into an entitlement. Republicans going back to the way it was and leaving those groups of people with nothing is political suicide at this point.
lol so govt healthcare is cool if your team is the one doing it? As long as it's transparent and stuff. Get real. This shit is way overstepping govt boundaries....whatever that means.

I still don't know how it became accepted. Obama spent 8 years trying to make it work. It didn't really, but what did work is the idea that it's your right to have govt mandated healthcare. And we don't have polirciams with balls to reverse that idea. They want in on the action, too. F that.

Like how govt somehow convinced us illegal immigrants have the same rights of legal immigrants, or even citizens. It's your right to live here, everybody.

What if all those samsungs that caught on fire were just failed assassination attempts?
Put your dick back in your pants and quit borrowing worry like a bored housewife. GD, I've known sorority chicks with a firmer grasp.

Again, you can yell and scream and kick puppies all you want to with your stance of holding Trump's feet to the fire, I'm over here still happy as ALL HELL the left wasn't allowed to continue @ full-throttle. Call me crazy, but I'll take a watered-down Trump version over ANYTHING the left had to offer. Politics is 100% compromise, if he hits on 1/3 of his promises, he'll out-perform every other GD President of the past 20+ years. So, again, calm your tits, have some vision, some patience and try to find something that fulfills that hole you wanted Trump to fill.
This, and people are crazy if they thought the swamp would be drained after a month. It will probably take a few years to rid the govt of most of these assholes. I think things will be much different and better by 2018 or 2019.
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Rand and freedom caucus hold press conference with their own bill for Obamacare Want complete repeal vote and THEN vote on replacement. Im in agreement with them.

Mash, just because Paul Ryan introduces a bill doesn't mean that it's trump. Hopefully people will rally around rand and we will go ahead and get the repeal done

Trump endorses House Republican healthcare plan, opposition grows

"President Donald Trump on Tuesday endorsed a plan by Republican U.S. lawmakers to replace the Obamacare healthcare law but influential conservative groups came out strongly against it, complicating the proposal's prospects for passage in Congress."

Trump on House GOP health care bill: 'I'm proud to support the replacement plan'
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Tuesday he was "proud" to support a GOP-authored plan to replace Obamacare.

His remarks at a meeting of Republican House members reflected the most explicit White House endorsement yet of the replacement health care plan, which was formally introduced on Monday evening but has drawn criticism from some conservatives.
"I'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the House of Representatives and encouraged by members of both parties," Trump said at the meeting, held in the White House East Room.

"We're going to have something that is going to be much more understood and much more popular than people could even imagine," Trump said. "This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor. This will be a plan where you can choose your plan. You know what the plan is -- this is the plan. We're going to have a tremendous success. It's a complicated process, but actually it's very simple -- it's called good health care."
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Strategically, Trump should withhold any endorsement or comment. Let the new healthcare plan receive feedback as it stands without his input. There are many who will throw tantrums based on anything he does....just because its him. Why give them the opportunity when he doesn't have to...yet.

Once they've thrown their arrows and screamed, then respond accordingly.
This vault 7 shit is massive. Unfortunately it doesn't really shock me what Obama was doing with the CIA. Every agency under him was running wild.

I hope Trump will look into cutting it back. I understand some spying will always be needed, but I can't imagine the IC should be doing as much as it is. Every single GD call and text shouldn't be being watched by somebody.
Yet if there is a terroist attack you will complain that it wasn't thwarted.
Terrorist organizations use all of these methods and media to communicate. Our enemy's use it. We can learn to use it or have it used against us.
If the CIA is doing it, you know that the KGB, the Chinese, the Koreans, ISIS, Iran and every other enemy is either doing it or trying to do it. Pandora's box was opened too long ago to ever expect it will ever be any different.
Nobody likes it but likes the alternatives even less.
Trump endorses House Republican healthcare plan, opposition grows

"President Donald Trump on Tuesday endorsed a plan by Republican U.S. lawmakers to replace the Obamacare healthcare law but influential conservative groups came out strongly against it, complicating the proposal's prospects for passage in Congress."

Trump on House GOP health care bill: 'I'm proud to support the replacement plan'
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Tuesday he was "proud" to support a GOP-authored plan to replace Obamacare.

His remarks at a meeting of Republican House members reflected the most explicit White House endorsement yet of the replacement health care plan, which was formally introduced on Monday evening but has drawn criticism from some conservatives.
"I'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the House of Representatives and encouraged by members of both parties," Trump said at the meeting, held in the White House East Room.

"We're going to have something that is going to be much more understood and much more popular than people could even imagine," Trump said. "This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor. This will be a plan where you can choose your plan. You know what the plan is -- this is the plan. We're going to have a tremendous success. It's a complicated process, but actually it's very simple -- it's called good health care."
LOL, you could always choose your doctor, choose your plan. All it takes is enough $$. Every doctor won't accept every plan, therefore if you cannot afford the plan "your" doctor accepts then you're SOL. Kind of like keeping your doctor with Obamacare.
Not only is Trump steeling Obama's plan, he's steeling his lines!
Strategically, Trump should withhold any endorsement or comment. Let the new healthcare plan receive feedback as it stands without his input. There are many who will throw tantrums based on anything he does....just because its him. Why give them the opportunity when he doesn't have to...yet.

Once they've thrown their arrows and screamed, then respond accordingly.
That ain't his style.
@catfaninsc I take that back. From your second link:

Trump had not yet weighed in overtly on the Republican plan until Tuesday afternoon. Earlier, he tweeted support for the bill but also suggested there were elements of the measure that could be changed.

So it looks like Trump made those comments from your link after his earlier "up for review and open for negotiations" comments. Which means somewhere throughout the day he changed his mind and is, in fact, planning to go with this bill.

Still doesn't mean he's automatically going to sign it if he doesn't like what he sees when it hits his desk, but you are correct, he has thrown an endorsement behind it and plans to go with.
Obviously we'll never really know for sure, but I think we pretty much know for sure at this point Michael Hastings was murdered by the CIA. It was pretty apparent before we knew for sure the CIA was exploring the use of hacking into vehicles to carry out assassinations.

This is all but certain now. To the extent it wasn't already
I like how Trump says he endorses something or signs an EO or anything else of substance because you can tell he's never looked at nor studied for a single minute anything he is talking about or certainly signing. When he signs those EOs it is funny as hell because you can tell he's never read them. He looks at them with this puzzled look on his face like he is signing autographs or something he's never seen before in his life.
I'm just glad that we can even be talking about shitcanning Obamacare.

We could easily be having a conversation about Obamacare morphing into Hillarycare and imploding even worse if she won.

The GOP bill is the first sketch of it and there will be changes made to it. Not gonna freak out yet, but as I said, lets be happy that we can even talk about it.
I think this is scary to some because what if after they repeal, vote on replacement doesn't go as planned, Democrats sabotage, etc...? Then, Obamacare has been officially repealed from earlier vote, yet entire country's health care is left in limbo with no replacement.

Even if Trump decides to go with this one, this isn't the final version. They're going to be transparent about it, allow it to go through the mark ups, where input can be given by all and amendments be made.

Not scary to me. Those of us who get off our ass and work will be fine. I was a lot better off before Obamacare as far as how much I paid
Ain't covered now. Family is. Will be in 30 days if I decide it's worth it.
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So your best estimate of how the greatest intelligence agency on earth would kill somebody is to randomly take control of their car and crash it into a palm tree?

could start to explain several of the mysterious deaths surrounding the Clintons from private planes going down and "car crashes". i dunno just saying. they had a lot of people killed.
When Obama is convicted of Treason of the highest manner. How do you think they kill him? I hope someone in a Gallagher's outfit smashes his head like a watermelon live on TV.
They should punish him by having him read every single Buzzfeed article for the next 20 years. He will get cancer from it and die.
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So your best estimate of how the greatest intelligence agency on earth would kill somebody is to randomly take control of their car and crash it into a palm tree?

Yes. No one would ever know it was they thought.

Of course if they knew there would be a data dump outing their ability to do this, they may have gone a different direction.
We've been through this before, but I will reiterate my thoughts. Providing military, public roads, police and fire protection is in no way similar to providing health care. First, those things are part of the Constitutional authority of the Federal Government. Health care is not. Second, health care is an individual purchase. It benefits the individual buying it. The military, public roads, police and fire protection are not individual purchases. The Federal Government has no place in education. If you carry your logic forward, the same argument can be made for food, clothing, housing, etc. None of that is consistent with the idea of individual liberty.

My message is not inconsistent at all if you understand the Constitution. Many things can be done at the State and Local Government level that are inappropriate to be done at the Federal level. The Federal Government should, and does, have very strict limits on its powers. State and Local Governments have much less restrictions for the very reasons I pointed out; a person has much more influence over decisions at the State and Local Government level than they do at the Federal level, and citizens can move if they don't agree with the decisions at the State and Local level, whereas, decisions at teh Federal level cannot be escaped. Therefore, it can be appropriate for Local Governments to subsidize services where it is inappropriate for the Federal Government to do the same.

You are arguing from the standpoint of what in your mind provides the optimal solution to the problem as you see it, and you are willing accept that the Federal Government has the authority to implement any solution that seems to address whatever societal problems they are attempting to address. I don't agree with that view. I don't think it's consistent with what our founding fathers believed. The first question that should be asked any time the Federal Government wants to do anything is whether or not it is consistent with individual liberty and the Constitution. If it is not, it really doesn't matter what the potential merits of the program are. If it is consistent, then merits should come into play. Unlike what most people today believe, the Federal Government was not constructed with the idea that it is a societal problem solving organization. It was constructed with the idea of protecting individual liberty, nothing more, nothing less.
Very well said and quite possibly the best post in political thread history.

If you didn't read this before, read it now. If you read it before, read it again.