How will they rule ??!

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I'll just drop this NYT front page cover with headlines here.....interesting news that day.....

I wonder what's more likely.

Vault 7 is actually some earth shattering revelations about the powers that be.

Vault 7 is going to be some Trump documents because Assange was killed weeks ago and the powers that be have taken control of WikiLeaks.
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Tucker is doing a segment on Snopes and Politifact fact checking this guy, calling him a liar, without even contacting him for his side of story, that he saw with his own eyes, when he said the Democrats didn't stand for Owens' wife.

Once he contacted them to explain his side of the story they doubled down and blew him off. It wasn't until four days later when he was able to produce video evidence they retracted, yet still didn't issue him an apology.

These are our "fact checkers", specifically tasked to weed out fake news on Facebook. When in reality, both are partisan liberal hacks, who need to be fact checked themselves half of the time.
No we have a capatlist system. That system says get up off your butt and afford your care, if it doesn't in full there is help, but you have to try.

The reason govt healthcare was going to work was less people filing bankruptcy on expensive emergency services because they have insurance. Then we saw the available policies were garbage and we were tricked into some BS.

This really isn't as easy as let the incompetent govt handle it.

That's like saying krazykats will do Z's job for less so let's replace Z. Then I'm doing a job for less, with a lot more mistakes and double time on easy problems. Is it worth the savings? No, it isn't. So now we have to charge more to cover our stupid mistake........and in your case there is no competition keeping the govt cost in check.

That's the part you miss I think. The competition and intelligent buyers are the best way to keep prices down just like in every other industry in America.

Anybody that wants to trust the dumbass politicians with their life can go move to cuba and get your government healthcare.
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Everyone does. Instead of paying "350" like the poster says it is funded as all other services are, in taxes. Everybody pays. The costs are a fraction of what they cost now. You get more care and you pay less, Much less. Because everybody is paying and nobody is charging 2000% on a kids' medicine just because as a parent they know you will pay.

All of that nonsense is gone overnight. All we have to do is realize that we can do the same thing every other country does, get rid of the biggest budget buster we have at the same time, not ever have to worry about this as an issue again, then find something else to fight about because none of us ever have to worry about getting sick again.
Taxes and more taxes. Tomorrow I am voting no on a bill my small city here is proposing to help build more school rooms and upgrade the school (that is what they are telling everyone). 2.99% increase tax on property and homes. It's crazy, we just had an increase at the beginning of the year that jumped my payment up $65.00 a month as it is. Now, they want this increase on $239,000.00 I have left to pay on this place. Taxes you say, the liberal fix to all that ails you. Moronic.
That's the part you miss I think. The competition and intelligent buyers are the best way to keep prices down just like in every other industry in America.
Really, so how's that working out?

You can't have the free market driving down costs in a cartel driven healthcare system. That is fools gold. Not going to work. Talk about socialized medicine and big government intrusion, you'd need to call out the national guard to break that gang up.
For a fleeting moment you folks saw the light and there was hope. In that moment my greatness was revealed. Then you retreated back into your propaganda and ignorance towards the dying of the light.
I'll just drop this NYT front page cover with headlines here.....interesting news that day.....

Yes. Sneaky bastards tried to hide that headline and put that same story online with a totally different, non incriminating headline.

The only way you saw that particular headline is if you were a liberal (doubt many conservatives subscribe) who gets their print version.

The only reason it's making the rounds today is because of Trump's accusations; otherwise, no one would have been the wiser about the headline switcheroo.
Eventually, the taxes you pay will not allow you to live the lives we live now. Democrats will see to that if they get their way. Here is a little test for everyone to take. Take one month and count up all that is paid in taxes. Look at all of your bills, gas, water, electric, phone lines, every thing you do. Me and my wife did that one month and found that around half of our money goes to taxes. It will piss you off.
For a fleeting moment you folks saw the light and there was hope. In that moment my greatness was revealed. Then you retreated back into your propaganda and ignorance towards the dying of the light.
Get your thing out of your mouth and quit sucking yourself. You should be embarrassed.
Really, so how's that working out?

You can't have the free market driving down costs in a cartel driven healthcare system. That is fools gold. Not going to work. Talk about socialized medicine and big government intrusion, you'd need to call out the national guard to break that gang up.

Then so be it. Demand more transparency within the health care system. Stop politicians from taking money from big pharma. Stop allowing them to advertise their pills on tv to push the drug culture. Stop allowing the food industry to poison us with garbage. Tax the hell out of any product that leads to the diseases I am paying for. Give the tax breaks to health foods and gym memberships. Stop taking my tax dollars to push opioids on patients then give them free Naloxone so they can stay alive until the first of the month to get more money for another free trip to the ER while some tax paying hard working family waits with a real illness for care they can't get.
I'll just drop this NYT front page cover with headlines here.....interesting news that day.....

And don't forget, just yesterday, Clapper vehemently denied there ever being a FISA warrant granted. So, there are only two options.

Either he lied about Americans being spied on... again; or the intelligence agencies under Obama's administration were illegally wiretapping the Trump campaign.
You guys are falling right back into the same stupid propaganda that keeps this insane healthcare system in place.

Do you really think in England, a place that gave us BREXIT, would tolerate that shit if that is the case?

We have a sick system. Nobody else does it because it is madness and greed. Retreat into the same type of ignorant propaganda that kept smoking going strong for 50 years just based purely on the strength of propaganda over facts, logic, and reason.

Z, you're simply trolling now, you know damn well there are lines for medical procedures with universal healthcare.
Months long waits for a procedure that takes less than a month to get done here, unless of course you can pay to get bumped up.
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And don't forget, just yesterday, Clapper vehemently denied there ever being a FISA warrant granted. So, there are only two options.

Either he lied about Americans being spied on... again; or the intelligence agencies under Obama's administration were illegally wiretapping Trump and his aides.

Please god let Trump do the right thing and blow the NSA up. Give us back or liberties and freedom. The police state must come to an end.
Really, so how's that working out?

You can't have the free market driving down costs in a cartel driven healthcare system. That is fools gold. Not going to work. Talk about socialized medicine and big government intrusion, you'd need to call out the national guard to break that gang up.

I think it was going well until we gave out $10,000 deductibles with $400 a month premiums! My god what's the point?

I've never in my life paid more than 650 a month and always had a 1000 deductible with copay and 80/20 splits.

If you had preexisting conditions sure it was tough, but that is your dumbass fault too for not continuing coverage of some sort.
Let me approach this in another way.

There are two categories of fake hate crimes- hoaxes and false flags. A hoax occurs when the victim fabricates the crime. A false flag, which is probably not as common as a hoax, occurs when someone actually does commit the crime, to try to case blame on an opposition group (e.g, the Reichstag burning).

From what I read, it's highly unlikely that this crime was a hoax, and I am not disputing the veracity of the report. From what I understand, the victim really did get shot, and he was an innocent victim. The question is, who did it, and why? I don't know, and neither do you. At some point, we'll probably find out. My point was that, whether or not, this was a real hate crime or a false flag from some demented SJW, the perpetrator is invariably going to say something like "get out of my country". The hater will do it because that's what he thinks. The SJW will do it so that the media can blame for Trump for "creating the climate of hate" and the SJW movement scores a point.

Now, in this case, because it's not likely that the SJW would resort to shooting someone (but as I mentioned, they are becoming increasingly unglued), I suspect that this perp was a real life hater, and probably a crazy one to boot. If so, the media will never let us hear the end of it, and Trump will be blamed- and I'm sure the name Bannon will be mentioned as well. If it turns out to be some Berkeley eccentric, the media will not give the story a great deal of further attention.
Finally someone who gets it. Thank you for using logic instead of the same old media fear mongering.
Actually you want to fix cost, lower the level of malpractice insurance doctors must carry! That's a huge expense
Does anyone else find it amusing the MSM, Democrats, all were proclaiming, without a doubt, Trump was colluding with Russia, citing all of these anonymous sources as "proof", now after Trump's tweet storm about the wiretapping, setting a fire to it all, they're all pivoting, walking back their claims, trying to put the fire out.

I've seen/heard/read more Democrats and MSM members say there's zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion in the past two days than I have during the entire five months since this all began. There's a reason for that. They know they've been found out. All the sudden saying Trump is innocent is their way of trying to hurry up and put the story/narrative to rest.
I like how we are supposed to believe former Obama officials when they say no spying happened. These people lied about everything the last 8 years. But we are supposed to all of a sudden act like they are finally telling the truth about something? Get real.
Actually you want to fix cost, lower the level of malpractice insurance doctors must carry! That's a huge expense

At some point it will all come to a big crash. At the apex of the medical industry in the United States is making money . . . lots and lots of money. Doctors, for example, make a lot of money in the US and for a number of reasons, one of those is related to what you cite, their risk of being sued for medical malpractice, a risk that physicians in many countries do not face, at least not to the same extent / level of risk as in the US. For this as just one reason - risk - American physicians feel entitled to lucrative compensation.

However, that is not to say the cost of such insurance could not be lowered with no change to their risk. Still, because that risk is unchanged there will be no adjustment to what physicians expect as a natural compensation amount for the level of risk taken in a vocation / career that can be ruined in a single step with a single client (patient). Maybe a better solution would be an adjustment to the laws that have resulted in medical malpractice litigation rates and cost being more than double all other developed countries. This is the one country where you can wake up in the morning and say "I think I'll go to the doctor and have something done, just for shits and giggles", and almost all - 100% - of the risk is on the provider, regardless of whatever stupidity involved in getting a process started.

I've had so many discussions with Europeans over the years on these issues. When you visit Europe and do business with them, this is just one of the many topics they like to probe Americans about. I tell them this: for the US medical system to become like Europe's, physicians in the States will not be able to make as much money. To this they agree. I explain to them, as a result, the quality of care will diminish greatly over time as the quality of persons entering the industry will also diminish. To this they disagree, as they envision the medical industry as some sacred attraction that will bring the best people to it, no matter what the level of reward may or may not be (moral code of man relied upon over his right to reward himself for his efforts).

In almost ANY western European country the average physician earns less than 100k per year. That's a pauper's wage for a doctor in the States.
[laughing] Just thought I check it out to see what's crackin' tonight and, damn, even Don Lemon is defending Trump against the Russian accusations, reminding his guest, a couple of times, that there is zero evidence of collusion.

The media has done a complete 180 on this matter since Trump's tweet storm. Basically all of them are calling the dogs off, which makes me really think that Trump is on to something. Those tweets struck a nerve and sent a message.
Actually I will admit through my wife's stories and work relationships, just like any field of work, those people tend to love what they do and are truly fascinated enough that if they were earning a living they would still be happy. I mean shit that I found sickening TBH these people light up with excitement to see the next whatever operation or whatever.

I hate needles and therefore I have to be dragged to the damn dr or almost dead and need an ambulance. So her/their fascination is almost disgusting to me but if I was rich she would work for free!
[laughing] Just thought I check it out to see what's crackin' tonight and, damn, even Don Lemon is defending Trump against the Russian accusations, reminding his guest, a couple of times, that there is zero evidence of collusion.

The media has done a complete 180 on this matter since Trump's tweet storm. Basically all of them are calling the dogs off, which makes me really think that Trump is on to something. Those tweets struck a nerve and sent a message.

This is false. He reminded them that there is 0 evidence of Trumps claim and all this does is turn it back to the Russian conversation.

Lemon also had the CEO of Newsweek on who seemed to be conservative and that had a solid back and forth that even led Lemon to say yea but Trump said Obama did this not the FBI, CIA or DoJ.

Also sighted that the one being tapped was the Russian ambassador which is how they caught Flynn.
[laughing] Just thought I check it out to see what's crackin' tonight and, damn, even Don Lemon is defending Trump against the Russian accusations, reminding his guest a couple of times that there is zero evidence of collusion.

The media has done a complete 180 on this matter since Trump's tweet storm. Basically all of them calling the dogs off makes me really think that Trump is on to something. Those tweets hit a nerve and sent a message.

Trump is absolutely correct that Trump tower was tapped.
Flynn was in Trump Tower when he had the conversation with the Russian ambassador, the ambassador was also in the US.
Since the ambassador was in the US he by law does not fall under jurisdiction to be listened to by the NSA.
We know the call was listened to, that's how the leaks got out, so either Trump tower was bugged or the ambassador was, both illegal.

You'll also notice we're getting all these anonymous sources and spokespeople speaking for people denying it, but the actual people that would be involved aren't denying it, they get wiggle room that way if it's proven later.

Now the Dems are walking back the Russian collusion nonsense.
Trump knew exactly what he was doing with the tweet storm. A major news source wasn't going to break the story, if one did they would immediately be called alt right and pushed aside, but if Trump releases they all would cover and the message would be sent loud and clear.
This is false. He reminded them that there is 0 evidence of Trumps claim and all this does is turn it back to the Russian conversation.

Lemon also had the CEO of Newsweek on who seemed to be conservative and that had a solid back and forth that even led Lemon to say yea but Trump said Obama did this not the FBI, CIA or DoJ.

Also sighted that the one being tapped was the Russian ambassador which is how they caught Flynn.

The Russian ambassador couldn't legally be tapped since he was in the US.
Buddy I pay $350 a month with a wife, 7yo, 5yo and 9 month old baby. My deductible is $1000, and we have a family max out of pocket of $3000.

I don't worry too much about healthcare.
But your employer is paying likely another $1000-$1500 per month on top of what you pay. Lose your job tomorrow and see what you'll pay. I pay about $220/month for a high deductible plan, $3000 deductible and $5000 MOOP...but my employer is pitching in another $700/mo for my wife and myself.
This is false.
Umm... no. I just watched it. The guy wearing the bow tie brought up Russian collusion, and Lemon interrupted him and said we need to remind our viewers there's been zero evidence of collusion found so far.

Then, again, the bow tie guy brought up Russian collusion, saying it has to be true or why else would Putin help Trump and hurt Hillary? Lemon responded, again from all evidence, there's no proof of collusion.

Lemon went on to say that hurting Hillary wasn't proof either, and that maybe Putin just disliked Hillary that much, and that doesn't mean he was colluding with Trump.
No we have a capatlist system. That system says get up off your butt and afford your care, if it doesn't in full there is help, but you have to try.

The reason govt healthcare was going to work was less people filing bankruptcy on expensive emergency services because they have insurance. Then we saw the available policies were garbage and we were tricked into some BS.

This really isn't as easy as let the incompetent govt handle it.

That's like saying krazykats will do Z's job for less so let's replace Z. Then I'm doing a job for less, with a lot more mistakes and double time on easy problems. Is it worth the savings? No, it isn't. So now we have to charge more to cover our stupid mistake........and in your case there is no competition keeping the govt cost in check.

That's the part you miss I think. The competition and intelligent buyers are the best way to keep prices down just like in every other industry in America.
Intelligent buyers?
So when you find out your kid has Leukemia you're going to from doctor's office to doctor's office shopping for Leukemia treatment? Right?
Find yourself injured in an calling to find the least expensive ambulance to get you to the hospital? Then interviewing multiple doctors to see which one will give you the best deal on treating your injuries?
Do you have the medical expertise to interview multiple oncologist to determine which one can best treat your cancer?

Calling available Obamacare policies "garbage"...aren't insurers saying that they're losing money on those "garbage" policies? They're expensive because they contain the pool of people with pre-existing conditions many of whom are costing the insurers $100 of thousands if not millions of $$ per year.

The rest of the world has figured out that they can provide quality healthcare to their populations for a fraction of what Americans pay. I guess they got the monopoly on all the "intelligent buyers".
Saw this last week but wanted to make sure it was clear (I know I posted some long stuff)

Former AG calling for resistance to our current President -- and then some
Put into context with the V. Jarrett 'hq' for unseating a legally elected Pres
and the Holder/Obama effort to sue states and change state level district maps etc
.....both sides slowly getting a taste for blood as they meet in public protest

Yep. They were trying with everything in them to prevent trump from taking office. Even after the election. Right up to the last few minutes.

Soros Minions. He's forming a army.

Forming? It's already here. In the form of Paid protesters and Internet posters.

I think it's because a while back the US decided that we were going to side with Sunni Muslims over Shiite Muslims

Oil. That's the difference. We piss off the Saudis, they starve us with oil. It'll be that way till we're energy independent
Z, you're simply trolling now, you know damn well there are lines for medical procedures with universal healthcare.
Months long waits for a procedure that takes less than a month to get done here, unless of course you can pay to get bumped up.
And we pay dearly for that "convenience" too.
There are lines for non-critical procedures. And maybe that's why Canadians and Europeans are healthier than Americans. They take care of themselves so they don't have to wait for some preventable, self-imposed medical need.
A major news source wasn't going to break the story, if one did they would immediately be called alt right and pushed aside, but if Trump releases they all would cover and the message would be sent loud and clear.

Yep. Msm swallowed the bait on that one. It was everywhere. What a cook and how he'd lost it.

Then he had proof it was true. Oops. Not only that, but since it was true and there was no evidence at all of his team colluding with russians; it ended that whole story.

Surely you don't believe what you just wrote?
If a judge issues the warrant, anyone can be legally tapped.


You're right. Unless there was perjury in the affidavits used to obtain the warrant
And we pay dearly for that "convenience" too.
There are lines for non-critical procedures. And maybe that's why Canadians and Europeans are healthier than Americans. They take care of themselves so they don't have to wait for some preventable, self-imposed medical need.
And we pay dearly for that "convenience" too.
There are lines for non-critical procedures. And maybe that's why Canadians and Europeans are healthier than Americans. They take care of themselves so they don't have to wait for some preventable, self-imposed medical need.

Shit, ain't no canadian or euro vagina trap healthier than me, son.
If this Russian crap eventually goes away I wonder what new story the Dems and MSM are coming up with right now to take its place.