How will they rule ??!

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Surely you don't believe what you just wrote?
If a judge issues the warrant, anyone can be legally tapped.

Of course they can, but why would the NSA be listening to a call between the Russian ambassador in DC and Flynn located in Trump Tower?

You missed my point, if the call was being placed to Russia then the NSA can listen without a warrant, which is how it was presented by the media and the Dems as how the call was recorded, but it wasn't placed to Russia.
Of course they can, but why would the NSA be listening to a call between the Russian ambassador in DC and Flynn located in Trump Tower?

You missed my point, if the call was being placed to Russia then the NSA can listen without a warrant, which is how it was presented by the media and the Dems as how the call was recorded, but it wasn't placed to Russia.

And we pay dearly for that "convenience" too.
There are lines for non-critical procedures. And maybe that's why Canadians and Europeans are healthier than Americans. They take care of themselves so they don't have to wait for some preventable, self-imposed medical need.

Convenience? Look, if you require surgery it isn't convenient. I had back surgery 2 years ago, simple same day surgery, non life threatening. However, I was in agony, unable to sleep, work to my full extent, enjoy hobbies or my family.

From the time I went to the neurosurgeon for the first apt, until my surgery was approx. 3 weeks. In that time I did research on what recovery would be like, got into some online forums, folks in Great Britain waited up 18 months for the exact same microdiskectomy that I had, unless of course they were willing to pay to bump up.
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Hopefully Vault 7 isn't another blue balls event.

If you told me the NYT or another MSM outlet was dropping an expose at 9 am, I'd assume it's going to be 100% bullshit with anonymous sources making claims. I would also know 100% without a doubt that expose would be something intended to damage Trump.

With Wikileaks, we know will get the source documents and at this point have no way of knowing what the leak will be about.

Really is amazing the "journalism" we get from the American MSM outlets.
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Wonder what the knot of top of that Berkley antifa's head looks like today?

Good old #basedstickman broke a 1" hardwood dowel smack dab across the top of it a couple of days ago. I'm talkin' *BAP!!!

This is false. He reminded them that there is 0 evidence of Trumps claim and all this does is turn it back to the Russian conversation.

Lemon also had the CEO of Newsweek on who seemed to be conservative and that had a solid back and forth that even led Lemon to say yea but Trump said Obama did this not the FBI, CIA or DoJ.

Also sighted that the one being tapped was the Russian ambassador which is how they caught Flynn.
Awe man, it's amazing how members of the shitty 2 parties are so partisan that they can make up complete lies about what they saw.
Intelligent buyers?
So when you find out your kid has Leukemia you're going to from doctor's office to doctor's office shopping for Leukemia treatment? Right?
Find yourself injured in an calling to find the least expensive ambulance to get you to the hospital? Then interviewing multiple doctors to see which one will give you the best deal on treating your injuries?
Do you have the medical expertise to interview multiple oncologist to determine which one can best treat your cancer?

Calling available Obamacare policies "garbage"...aren't insurers saying that they're losing money on those "garbage" policies? They're expensive because they contain the pool of people with pre-existing conditions many of whom are costing the insurers $100 of thousands if not millions of $$ per year.

The rest of the world has figured out that they can provide quality healthcare to their populations for a fraction of what Americans pay. I guess they got the monopoly on all the "intelligent buyers".

I'll respond to both of your post here:

1- I understand my employer is paying a ton, as is yours! And I've had insurance through 3 other employers and indepedant policy as well. I'm aware of the cost, the point wasn't me bragging, but it was a get it through work is better than Obamacare options.

2- yes they are garbage because it's a high premium with extraordinary high deductibles. The people going on Obamacare couldn't afford insurance originally so how is that policy helping except in catastrophic situations?

The companies are losing money because for years insurable clients were all of a sudden busting through the flood gates which is the the downside to it. Those people before could get policies just not the preexisting conditions.

Again there is no easy fix on insurance, and believe it or not I think this was the plan from the jump to get anything in place knowing it was a loser proposition, and move and manuever from there. I think Z is closer to right than wrong, but worrying about a Dr or nurse profiting is weak if he doesn't care about McDonald's profits! And for the life of me I don't see why anyone trust our govt to run an insurance program. Our govt sucks as does everything it touches! The best thing about our govt is that it was designed to stay out of our lives, but that sure is changing.
The President can wiretap anyone he wants - he doesn't need a warrant or a judge's approval. It may not be right or moral or popular, but he can legally do it.
It really is simple about Obamacare. Very smart people created it with the sole intent to blow up the Healthcare system to where it could be 100% controlled by government. Socialized medicine. We can all come up with all sort of theories, etc. about it but that is the nuts and bolts of it.
All you need is some bs reason. National security would be one.

We have evidence trump is conspiring with Russia to hack the election. NSA/ATT/whoever, give us those files, please. No problem, boss, whatever you need.

Here's your pass phrase

lol that's a trap if Ive ever seen one.

Remind me what Wikileaks released earlier and what came of all that? The buzz was amazing, but the results were non existent.

Did help trump beat Hillary, which was good, but the end game? Just like Snowden and NSA stuff, Wikileaks didn't impact real shit, so it might as well not exist, imo. Not until somebody in our govt validates it and sticks is to the Clinton's, for one.
If accurate....and that's always an "if" with this stuff....

Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.

The first full part of the series, "Year Zero", comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. It follows an introductory disclosure last month of CIA targeting French political parties and candidates in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election.

"Year Zero" introduces the scope and direction of the CIA's global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of "zero day" weaponized exploits against a wide range of U.S. and European company products, include Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.

For Wyvern....

The increasing sophistication of surveillance techniques has drawn comparisons with George Orwell's 1984, but "Weeping Angel", developed by the CIA's Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones, is surely its most emblematic realization.
Of course they can, but why would the NSA be listening to a call between the Russian ambassador in DC and Flynn located in Trump Tower?

You missed my point, if the call was being placed to Russia then the NSA can listen without a warrant, which is how it was presented by the media and the Dems as how the call was recorded, but it wasn't placed to Russia.
So once Russian spies come to America the NSA should stop tapping their lines? Maybe it was the FBI that was doing the tapping.
How do you know there wasn't a warrant?
When it comes to issues surrounding national security you cannot expect that the intelligence community is going to freely reveal their sources and methods. Seems as if that would be pretty commonly understood.
So, you'd rather have Hill Dawg? I Cause, I'd bet my sweet ass that she'd have a GD plan for an "end game" that you wouldn't agree with either.

I'm taking whatever the **** I can get right now, as you should be.

That's the pussy attitude that got us where we are today. We The People are supposed to be running this country in case you forgot. Just keep accepting and normalize this bs.

Republicans want "universal healthcare". That's disturbing.

Republicans do not want to punish criminals like Hillary. That's disturbing.

Trump was elected because he was gonna buck that trend. Not so fast my friend...
So once Russian spies come to America the NSA should stop tapping their lines? Maybe it was the FBI that was doing the tapping.
How do you know there wasn't a warrant?
When it comes to issues surrounding national security you cannot expect that the intelligence community is going to freely reveal their sources and methods. Seems as if that would be pretty commonly understood.

Clapper told us there wasn't, also the Russian ambassador isn't a spy. You still miss the point, it was released as being overheard while routine listening was being undertaken. Only it's illegal to listen to anyone inside the US without a warrant, even foreign dignitaries. So either there was a warrant on Trump Tower,or on the Russian ambassador.Both situations are bad.
Intelligent buyers?
So when you find out your kid has Leukemia you're going to from doctor's office to doctor's office shopping for Leukemia treatment? Right? ".

You kidding me ? You're such a POS that you wouldn't interview multiple doctors of your kid had a life threatening disease?

Wow. I knew you were an iffy individual. But anyone who would do what you say Is complete scum. Bottom of the barrel.and they should Do us all a favor and disappear because they are worthless garbage.
That's the pussy attitude that got us where we are today. We The People are supposed to be running this country in case you forgot. Just keep accepting and normalize this bs.

Republicans want "universal healthcare". That's disturbing.

Republicans do not want to punish criminals like Hillary. That's disturbing.

Trump was elected because he was gonna buck that trend. Not so fast my friend...
Not even 2 months in, man. Damn.

Again, my point and direct question to you is: You'd sooner be dealing with a known evil in Hillary or wading thru this bullshit?

edited for being a dick. Sorry.
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You kidding me ? You're such a POS that you wouldn't interview multiple doctors of your kid had a life threatening disease?

Wow. I knew you were an iffy individual. But anyone who would do what you say Is complete scum. Bottom of the barrel.and they should Do us all a favor and disappear because they are worthless garbage.

Fuzz lets refugees take communal showers with his family.
Interesting. 4th paragraph.

The CIA uses hacking techniques from other countries to misdirect blame for hacks.

So am I to believe Russia is stupid enough to hack the DNC and leave behind tell tale signs of Russian hacking, or that maybe, just maybe, Russia is pretty sophisticated and the firms hired by the DNC to come to the conclusion that Russia did the hacking may be a little less sophisticated than a nation state?
The President can wiretap anyone he wants - he doesn't need a warrant or a judge's approval. It may not be right or moral or popular, but he can legally do it.

In Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code *War and National Defense", Subchapter 1, Section 1802, we read the following:

(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year...

This is a common problem. People who have no idea what they're talking about, trying to sound like someone who knows what they're talking about.

Google can tell you what a law says. But not what it means or how it applies
So, the "Russian Hackers" may have very well been CIA...or anyone else sophisticated enough to duplicate the electronic fingerprints of another entity.


And just to be clear, Seth Rich was murdered for leaking the DNC info to Wikileaks.

Anyone who attempted to hack the DNC and cover their tracks is something else entirely.
I'll respond to both of your post here:

1- I understand my employer is paying a ton, as is yours! And I've had insurance through 3 other employers and indepedant policy as well. I'm aware of the cost, the point wasn't me bragging, but it was a get it through work is better than Obamacare options.

2- yes they are garbage because it's a high premium with extraordinary high deductibles. The people going on Obamacare couldn't afford insurance originally so how is that policy helping except in catastrophic situations?

The companies are losing money because for years insurable clients were all of a sudden busting through the flood gates which is the the downside to it. Those people before could get policies just not the preexisting conditions.

Again there is no easy fix on insurance, and believe it or not I think this was the plan from the jump to get anything in place knowing it was a loser proposition, and move and manuever from there. I think Z is closer to right than wrong, but worrying about a Dr or nurse profiting is weak if he doesn't care about McDonald's profits! And for the life of me I don't see why anyone trust our govt to run an insurance program. Our govt sucks as does everything it touches! The best thing about our govt is that it was designed to stay out of our lives, but that sure is changing.
Krazy, even if the client is unable to pay their deductible their provider will at least get paid something if the client has any less than minor medical event. Sadly, $8000 is a pitence when it comes to medical bills.

Z and I are on the same side of this debate but I think his "no profit" comments are poorly stated though he usually makes wonderful, well worded ones.
There should remain a for profit arm of medicine for elective procedures like breast augmentations, face lifts and other cosmetic procedures. But general medicine should not be an avenue to untold riches. The Frist family here in Nashville has made billions with HCA. Much of it by buying small rural hospitals and closing them to drive business to their larger hospitals where they can make more money. What that has done is to make care less accessible and further eroded rural America.
Medicine is more or less a monopoly. Other than for cosmetic procedures doctors aren't out there competing against one another. It is a utility that when most people use it, it of necessity not choice. Hell, you probably don't even know or ever see more than half the providers that will bill you. Ever seen the pathologist that examines your biopsy? Know what lab did your blood work? The radiologist that reads your X-ray or MRI? Ever been presented with a menu or price list of procedures?
Non-profit "government" healthcare works all over the world. Is it perfect? Of course not. Neither is our system.
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