How will they rule ??!

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I haven't read past this post, but I agree on this 100% and my wife is a nurse and pretty attest that you are very accurate.

But it isn't so easy as to say no profits and let the govt handle it.

See that is where conservatives nosedive left/right. Govt control of anything sucks! Period and that isn't debatable by anyone at this point.

So I'm not sure of the right answer but I'm positive that Obamacare is as useless as the $8000 deductibles combined with $400-$800 a month premiums it produces.

Also, and you can bank on this no matter the country, doctors and nurses make a profit. It's how they survive......why in the hell would they agree to make less for the same liability and stress?

If you don't like the pharmaceutical reps swaying doctors for lining their pockets I agree totally(since my kids are supposed to be on riddelin at 5 and 7). But as a responsible adult I kindly told their doctor to GF themselves and get better. Didn't pay the bill either and when they called about it I asked to speak with the "very busy" doctor and explained in my most professional voice until she got better she could take that bill and some riddelin and see which one last longer. I've seen her once since and she isn't to friendly and I like it that way.

See I'm not pro profits and doctors, but I'm certainly against govt run Medicare because then the only people overcharging is the govt and our level of healthcare only goes down.

Good on you, sir, for telling that doc what she could do with her Ritalin. "Get better"... beautiful. Well done.:100points:
Watch it, this line of thinking may align you with people who think we should vent these people more before allowing them into this country as long as they can assimilate.
We absolutely should be vetting these people. Very minimal exposure to how many of them we allow in. Bare minimum.

Europe will find out the hard way that thinking you can assimilate these people is horribly naive, just as the entire Bush Doctrine was horribly naive.

You can't use your own values to understand another. You must be capable of a brutal examination of the truth and also be prepared for what it may reveal. There are horrors that our Western ideals are not capable of grasping. Your average housewife in Minnesota is not going to understand this:

Caution. This is brutal but it is meant to underscore we are not prepared to understand what we are making decisions on and, well, SOMEBODY better be. I know that video is hard to watch but I honestly believe everyone that thinks Europe and the United States is prepared to just wholly absorb tens of thousands of these people just are dangerously naive.
I believe there is nothing enduring we can do there. All the lives we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan were of fleeting indifference to the thousand year rivalries that rule those regions. As long as you are standing there with your checkbook open then they will listen to you. The absolute instant you are not they will revert to exactly what they always have been.

The flaw in the Bush Doctrine is that it presupposes all people in all cultures are capable of sustaining democracy. I believe that was naive.

Arab Spring was nothing more than a naive Western pipe dream. Theocracy fundamentally is not compatible with Democracy.

Agree with everything you said except one thing

"Theocracy fundamentally is not compatible with Democracy"

Democracy comes from the Athenians really - and all we mean when we use that word is that people are able to control their destiny by having input to the type of govt they have

SO.......Democracy could decide that Theocracy is what they want

That's why the Bush era idea of "making the world safe for democracy" never made any damn sense to me....and I say "Bush era" because they were outspoken about that approach....the last admin seemed to use very similar tactics as far as I could tell

"All Art is Propaganda" by George Orwell -- it's a great collection of essays and there are a few GREAT ones that touch on politics (imagine that) -

He gives a great account to the idea that neither "left" nor "right" like to one held down by specific definitions on what their words actually mean......I think American politicians are guilty of this when it comes to talking about "democracy".......

here's his quote ---

"In the case of a word like democracy not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is rusted from all sides" [emphasis mine-Wyvern]

"it is almost universally felt that when we call a country 'democratic' we are praising it; consequently the defenders of very kind of regime claim that is it a democracy and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way.:

(excerpt from the book noted above / essay is called "Politics and the English Language")


a minor point in THIS conversation really -- but I believe we (collectively/politically) need to get down to brass tacks (and I really respect how Orwell did it - even though he was something of a Leftist) in terms of WHAT we're saying and WHAT we mean ----
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That's what a lot of all inclusive liberals refuse to accept. It's not racist or xenophobic. Many, many, many Muslims living in the ME are stuck in the 7th century. They interpret their good book literally, and do things exactly the way the book describes.
Can we get this Z everyday? I mean I might not see eye to eye with everything you are for, but I at least can understand your side!
Agree with everything you said except one thing

"Theocracy fundamentally is not compatible with Democracy"

Democracy comes from the Athenians really - and all we mean when we use that word is that people are able to control their destiny by having input to the type of govt they have

SO.......Democracy could decide that Theocracy is what they want

That's why the Bush era idea of "making the world safe for democracy" never made any damn sense to me....and I say "Bush era" because they were outspoken about that approach....the last admin seemed to use very similar tactics as far as I could tell

"All Art is Propaganda" by George Orwell -- it's a great collection of essays and there are a few GREAT ones that touch on politics (imagine that) -

He gives a great account to the idea that neither "left" nor "right" like to one held down by specific definitions on what their words actually mean......I think American politicians are guilty of this when it comes to talking about "democracy".......

here's his quote ---

"In the case of a word like democracy not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is rusted from all sides" [emphasis mine-Wyvern]

"it is almost universally felt that when we call a country 'democratic' we are praising it; consequently the defenders of very kind of regime claim that is it a democracy and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way.:

(excerpt from the book noted above / essay is called "Politics and the English Language")


a minor point in THIS conversation really -- but I believe we (collectively/politically) need to get down to brass tacks (and I really respect how Orwell did it - even though he was something of a Leftist) in terms of WHAT we're saying and WHAT we mean ----
Vern, rather than me paraphrasing badly, I recommend the following reading. This is one of the better efforts I have read and if you can fully digest it all then you'll at least have a clearer understanding of how I see it than if I attempt to explain it or even more importantly argue it here on this message board:
Wikileaks sure knows how to wet a whistle. Here's to hoping they deliver something juicy.

Can we get this Z everyday? I mean I might not see eye to eye with everything you are for, but I at least can understand your side!

Don't reply to his shitpost and you will. The Antifa mask will come off and he will quit with the trick or treat games. Expect stupid prizes when you play his stupid games. Catch him on the real and engage.
That's what a lot of all inclusive liberals refuse to accept. It's not racist or xenophobic. Many, many, many Muslims living in the ME are stuck in the 7th century. They interpret their good book literally, and do things exactly the way the book describes.

Let's go over this again and explain why mass immigrations hurts both countries.
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I haven't read past this post, but I agree on this 100% and my wife is a nurse and pretty attest that you are very accurate.

But it isn't so easy as to say no profits and let the govt handle it.

See that is where conservatives nosedive left/right. Govt control of anything sucks! Period and that isn't debatable by anyone at this point.

So I'm not sure of the right answer but I'm positive that Obamacare is as useless as the $8000 deductibles combined with $400-$800 a month premiums it produces.

Also, and you can bank on this no matter the country, doctors and nurses make a profit. It's how they survive......why in the hell would they agree to make less for the same liability and stress?

If you don't like the pharmaceutical reps swaying doctors for lining their pockets I agree totally(since my kids are supposed to be on riddelin at 5 and 7). But as a responsible adult I kindly told their doctor to GF themselves and get better. Didn't pay the bill either and when they called about it I asked to speak with the "very busy" doctor and explained in my most professional voice until she got better she could take that bill and some riddelin and see which one last longer. I've seen her once since and she isn't to friendly and I like it that way.

See I'm not pro profits and doctors, but I'm certainly against govt run Medicare because then the only people overcharging is the govt and our level of healthcare only goes down.
Obamacare is useless as the Republican plan will be too as will everything else until we finally do what the rest of the entire world does and go to Universal Healthcare (Single Payer) and finally mercifully put an end to the "for profit" healthcare industry.

You will not ever have to worry about your healthcare again. You will not have to worry about your children or your parents. You will not have to choose between caring for your wife or selling your home. All these horrors go away the minute we finally mercifully put an end to making money off the sick and the elderly.
[laughing] I've heard it all now. Trump has new criticism facing his travel ban. Critics are now claiming the travel ban is bad for tourism and will ultimately hurt the economy. They're just pulling things out of their asses at this point.

We all know this doesn't need explaining, but for one, I seriously doubt there are tourists from those six country pouring into the US on vacation, spending boatloads of money, contributing tons to the economy.

Secondly, if by some remote chance there are, the ban isn't indefinite, and will be over in 90/120 days, so pretty sure the economy will survive.
Obamacare is useless as the Republican plan will be too as will everything else until we finally do what the rest of the entire world does and go to Universal Healthcare (Single Payer) and finally mercifully put an end to the "for profit" healthcare industry.

You will not ever have to worry about your healthcare again. You will not have to worry about your children or your parents. You will not have to choose between carring for your wife or selling your home. All these horrors go away the minute we finally mercifully put an end to making money off the sick and the elderly.

this is where you are confusing. so you are for big government in this regard of your healthcare? you would rather pay your premiums to the government rather than a private insurer and trust the government to be responsible with this new huge infux of cash?
this is where you are confusing. so you are for big government in this regard of your healthcare? you would rather pay your premiums to the government rather than a private insurer and trust the government to be responsible with this new huge infux of cash?

Maybe the government shouldn't be making us sick in the first place number 1. Then how you going to force someone to give you their service? What about the rights of the person who wants to eat junk and smoke cigs all day? Should the gov make them stop? Control the healthcare. Control the people.
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[laughing] I've heard it all now. Trump has new criticism facing his travel ban. Critics are now claiming the travel ban is bad for tourism and will ultimately hurt the economy. They're just pulling things out of their asses at this point.

We all know this doesn't need explaining, but for one, I seriously doubt there are tourists from those six country pouring into the US on vacation, spending boatloads of money, contributing tons to the economy.

Secondly, if by some remote chance there are, the ban isn't indefinite, and will be over in 90/120 days, so pretty sure the economy will survive.

Ask Paris how that 50% reduction in tourism is going.
Healthcare is simply something that other people in civilized countries do not have to worry about. All of you are blinded by an incredibly powerful healthcare lobby that floods the airwaves with "socialized medicine" and "yeah, but you wait a year for care in Canada" type nonsense.

Universal Healthcare. Single Payer. We solve all our healthcare woes and we move on to exactly what everyone else is doing because it makes the most sense when you don't have a powerful extremely well funded lobby poisoning your minds.

Remember smoking? Remember how friggen hard that was for us to finally change? Do you think that was a mistake? The ONLY reason it took as long as it did was a powerful lobby poisoning your minds.

Do you really think every other country has it wrong but we, with our bloated and out of control system that is bankrupting our country and raising the price of kids' seizure medicine by 2000% is the RIGHT WAY?

Just allow yourselves to let the propaganda go and think for a moment. If you get sick you go to the hospital and get taken care of then you go back to your lives. There is no more profit to be had as a motive in taking care of you. It is a fundamental human right to seek care when you are sick. Nobody is looking to make a buck off of it. How in the name of GOD can you not see how that is the right thing to do? How is propaganda that powerful over you?
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Obamacare is useless as the Republican plan will be too as will everything else until we finally do what the rest of the entire world does and go to Universal Healthcare (Single Payer) and finally mercifully put an end to the "for profit" healthcare industry.

You will not ever have to worry about your healthcare again. You will not have to worry about your children or your parents. You will not have to choose between caring for your wife or selling your home. All these horrors go away the minute we finally mercifully put an end to making money off the sick and the elderly.

Buddy I pay $350 a month with a wife, 7yo, 5yo and 9 month old baby. My deductible is $1000, and we have a family max out of pocket of $3000.

I don't worry too much about healthcare.
Maybe the government shouldn't be making us sick in the first place number 1. Then how you going to force someone to give you their service? What about the rights of the person who wants to eat junk and smoke cigs all day? Should the gov make them stop? Control the healthcare. Control the people.
We're not reinventing the wheel here. It would be doing what EVERY other civilized country on earth realized a long time ago the right answer was: don't profit off the sick, the elderly, and the young. We just go to Universal Healthcare. A Single Payer and then finally, mercifully, our long national nightmare of healthcare is over and we move on to the other challenging problems since we all finally agree that nobody is going to be looking to make a profit off sick people.
If it doesn't affect quality, then why -- a lot of times -- when they have important, life threatening/saving procedures, do they specifically come here, willing to pay triple the price for our health care, and not get it done in their own country?
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We're not reinventing the wheel here. It would be doing what EVERY other civilized country on earth realized a long time ago the right answer was: don't profit off the sick, the elderly, and the young. We just go to Universal Healthcare. A Single Payer and then finally, mercifully, our long national nightmare of healthcare is over and we move on to the other challenging problems since we all finally agree that nobody is going to be looking to make a profit off sick people.

The lines for the dr. would be out the door sort of like an elementary school nurse office. Everybody needs a band aide. Wait your turn in line and hope to god she doesn't run out of the cool Sponge Bob ones and gives you a boring racist white privileged skin tone plain hospital Curad brand.
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so who pays for all this healthcare mr. socialist?
Everyone does. Instead of paying "350" like the poster says it is funded as all other services are, in taxes. Everybody pays. The costs are a fraction of what they cost now. You get more care and you pay less, Much less. Because everybody is paying and nobody is charging 2000% on a kids' medicine just because as a parent they know you will pay.

All of that nonsense is gone overnight. All we have to do is realize that we can do the same thing every other country does, get rid of the biggest budget buster we have at the same time, not ever have to worry about this as an issue again, then find something else to fight about because none of us ever have to worry about getting sick again.
The lines for the dr. would be out the door sort of like an elementary school nurse office. Everybody needs a band aide. Wait your turn in line and hope to god she doesn't run out of the cool Sponge Bob ones and gives you a boring racist white privileged skin tone plain hospital Curad brand.
Yep, that's the propaganda they use to keep you paying through the nose so that somebody can make money off your kid getting sick, your parents getting cancer, or your wife getting in a car wreck. They're there waiting to profit off of your ignorance.
Everyone does. Instead of paying "350" like the poster says it is funded as all other services are, in taxes. Everybody pays. The costs are a fraction of what they cost now. You get more care and you pay less, Much less. Because everybody is paying and nobody is charging 2000% on a kids' medicine just because as a parent they know you will pay.

All of that nonsense is gone overnight. All we have to do is realize that we can do the same thing every other country does, get rid of the biggest budget buster we have at the same time, not ever have to worry about this as an issue again, then find something else to fight about because none of us ever have to worry about getting sick again.

Just out of curiousity why do you think Trump is having to renegotiate every govt contract in order to save money? Is it because everyone knows the govt is a big cash cow they can milk?
Instead of a pill your kid needs costing $5 it is $500 because somebody wants a third boat in Miami at their vacation home they use every 3 years for a month.

So everybody with sick kids has to pay to fund that greed.

But for a tiny fraction of that paid in your taxes all that shit could be gone but simply by trotting out the "socialized" boogieman and the "long lines" and "waiting for a year" nonsense you choose to keep the same insane nonsensical for profit healthcare in place and you pay more out of your pocket because of it?

It just boggles the mind...
Yep, that's the propaganda they use to keep you paying through the nose so that somebody can make money off your kid getting sick, your parents getting cancer, or your wife getting in a car wreck. They're there waiting to profit off of your ignorance.

They still make profits Z, you're right that taxes go up to pay for everyone. What else happens is if you can pay you get moved up in line for procedures.
That isn't propaganda, it's a fact. So if you're fine with higher taxes, and waiting for procedures or paying extra to get moved up above the poors then universal is dandy.
you bitch about death panels now, wait until the govt is fully in charge of your healthcare. you want big brother making the decision on whether it is worth the cost to treat your cancer or attempt to while computer models are saying you have a less than 10 percent chance of living. you being a lowly middle class factory worker of course and not a big wig.
Instead of a pill your kid needs costing $5 it is $500 because somebody wants a third boat in Miami at their vacation home they use every 3 years for a month.

So everybody with sick kids has to pay to fund that greed.

But for a tiny fraction of that paid in your taxes all that shit could be gone but simply by trotting out the "socialized" boogieman and the "long lines" and "waiting for a year" nonsense you choose to keep the same insane nonsensical for profit healthcare in place and you pay more out of your pocket because of it?

It just boggles the mind...

Ok so 1) there is this thing called generics that is exactly what you speak of. 2) are you willing to do your job tomorrow for less money?
You guys are falling right back into the same stupid propaganda that keeps this insane healthcare system in place.

Do you really think in England, a place that gave us BREXIT, would tolerate that shit if that is the case?

We have a sick system. Nobody else does it because it is madness and greed. Retreat into the same type of ignorant propaganda that kept smoking going strong for 50 years just based purely on the strength of propaganda over facts, logic, and reason.
i'm an adult, i quit going to the dr and just hope i don't die. don't have time for it, family has a nice life insurance policy if i croak. called adulthood.
Please for the love of God get Angela Rae off CNN. Forever.

If they don't the Democrats may never win an election in the midwest again.
But what if the doctors and nurses making the same as teachers stop caring about theirs job, move on, etc... then highering practices, standards and quality go to shit?

So your child may be getting a $5 pill, but the doctor diagnosing and treating him/her could be a straight up quack. Sorry, but I'd rather pay more for high quality health care than less for VA type health care. The old saying rings true for every facet of life; you get what you pay for.
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But what if the doctors and nurses making the same as teachers stop caring about theirs job, move on, etc... then highering practices, standards and quality go to shit?
This isn't a theoretical discussion. The whole civilized world does it. We don't have to wonder about how it will turn out.

We can have the same cradle to grave coverage everyone else does and never have to worry about what will happen if we get sick again. It will be a non-issue. We will be fighting about other things but healthcare will not be one of them.

So your child may be getting a $5 pill, but the doctor diagnosing and treating him/her could be a straight up quack. Sorry, but I'd rather pay more for high quality health care than less for VA type health care. The old saying rings true for every facet of life; you get what you pay for.
Yep, that's the kind of propaganda that had you thinking it was safe to smoke in your kids' faces for 50 years, too.
No we have a capatlist system. That system says get up off your butt and afford your care, if it doesn't in full there is help, but you have to try.

The reason govt healthcare was going to work was less people filing bankruptcy on expensive emergency services because they have insurance. Then we saw the available policies were garbage and we were tricked into some BS.

This really isn't as easy as let the incompetent govt handle it.

That's like saying krazykats will do Z's job for less so let's replace Z. Then I'm doing a job for less, with a lot more mistakes and double time on easy problems. Is it worth the savings? No, it isn't. So now we have to charge more to cover our stupid mistake........and in your case there is no competition keeping the govt cost in check.

That's the part you miss I think. The competition and intelligent buyers are the best way to keep prices down just like in every other industry in America.