How will they rule ??!

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[laughing]Yeah, because Jews had a history of being terrorists, were directly responsible for dozens of attacks against America and its people, and worshipped an ideology/religion that's stuck in the 7th century.

Trying to compare the two, Muslims to Jews, just shows what a complete moron you are, and that you'll twist anything to fit your position and further your agenda.
if Islam is such a religion of peace and these muslim countries are as peaceful as the libtards say they are, then why doesn't the Michael Moore's of the world or Fuzz and his people travel to these countries and stay for an extended period of time living among the peaceful citizens and do their documentary to prove us all wrong? include some gays and women in their group for good measure. i would love to see it?
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if Islam is such a religion of peace and these muslim countries are as peaceful as the libtards say they are, then why doesn't the Michael Moore's of the world or Fuzz and his people travel to these countries and stay for an extended period of time living among the peaceful citizens and do their documentary to prove us all wrong? include some gays and women in their group for good measure. i would love to see it?
one woman from france I believe actually did. She got raped and murdered in less than a week. Pippa Bacca
Fuzz might want to think twice about traveling to Syria....

Debt repayment is VERY important in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) said, “the best among you are those best in paying off debt” and “procrastination (delay) in repaying debts by a wealthy person is injustice”.

Another hadith states “Whoever contracts a debt intending to repay it, Allah will repay it on his behalf, and whoever contracts a debt intending to waste it, Allah will bring him to ruin”.
Fuzz might want to think twice about traveling to Syria....

Debt repayment is VERY important in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) said, “the best among you are those best in paying off debt” and “procrastination (delay) in repaying debts by a wealthy person is injustice”.

Another hadith states “Whoever contracts a debt intending to repay it, Allah will repay it on his behalf, and whoever contracts a debt intending to waste it, Allah will bring him to ruin”.

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Second successful wave of airstrikes target AQ hideouts in Yemen, killing seven high ranking militants.

Intel as to where these AQ hideouts were located was gained from the intelligence gathered in the Yemen raid.
Maybe, maybe not. Have you not learned how unreliable these type reports really are?
The first victim of war is always the truth.
I'm not sure of the reason it's important for us to know about any of these attacks other than to beat one's own chest. Of course this administration is more than willing to take credit for anything they might consider a success but never accept responsibility for anything seen as a failure.

[laughing]Yeah, because Jews had a history of being terrorists, were directly responsible for dozens of attacks against America and its people, and worshipped an ideology/religion that's stuck in the 7th century.

Trying to compare the two, Muslims to Jews, just shows what a complete moron you are, and that you'll twist anything to fit your position and further your agenda.

Yeah, but for some reason culture after culture keeps finding reasons to persecute them. It's not convenient for you to criticize Jews today but if tomorrow there were millions of Jewish refugees looking for safe harbor, you'd declare..."The Jewish history of avariciousness, larceny, lying, manipulation and their questionable and usurious business practices.

You'd ctheir roles in the radical homosexual movement, the radical feminist movement, the pornography industry as well as their over-representation in the abortion industry. Their role in organized crime, in the slave trade, in the civil rights movement and in Communism, an ideology that is responsible for the deaths of untold millions and the repression of many millions more.

You would say it was Jewish supremacists behind the war against Christianity and Christmas. It is they who want God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and all symbols of Christianity removed from public life. That they have driven Christianity from the public schools despite Christianity being the majority religion. And that they had taken Christmas out of the public school calendar despite the fact that it is a statutory holiday and it is named Christmas"

Because that is what your type does.
fuzz, i will seriously start a kickstarter to fund you a bike trip across Syria to prove your non-bigotry.

I'm also in to help fund this trip for fuzz. Hey Fuzz, you going to put your money where your mouth is? Here's your chance to show us what real tolerance is.
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Who didn't see that coming? The only surprising part is they actually caught the guy.

I'm sure George Soros is involved in it too.

He's the head of the cabal, make no mistake

Oregon judge under investigation. An illegal, charged with a felony, was in her courtroom. ICE showed up and was waiting outside of the courtroom to apprehend him afterwards.

Court staff notified the judge of ICE's presence. The judge then proceeded to sneak the criminal illegal out of her courtroom through a back private entrance, so that he could allude ICE agents.

Suspects was caught two weeks later anyways.

Should be immediately removed and disbarred. As an attorney, we take an oath to uphold the law and constitution. I'm sure judges take stricter oaths. This violated both, to the extreme.

Also, why does the left hate entrepreneurs so much? Why do they hate the successful?

Because it defeats the ridiculous notion the state is required to fix all problems.
Just gonna drop this here since Z thinks the Robin hood method works

However, that's not to say I think Trump's expansion of big government much like Bill Clinton is going to be easy on millennials, anytime the government expands, in his case the military, that means taxes go up. But thats why the Bernout fans were the craziest if them all. The government always finds a way to outspend its means. It is not the responsibility of the people to correct the government, it is the function of the government to properly serve the people.
Should be immediately removed and disbarred. As an attorney, we take an oath to uphold the law and constitution. I'm sure judges take stricter oaths. This violated both, to the extreme.
Not to mention, what if there was an American(s) in her courtroom charged with the same exact crime, and this judge immediately turned around after letting this guy go, helping him sneak out the back, and found the American(s) guilty of or sentenced them for that same exact crime? How messed up is that.
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Maybe, maybe not. Have you not learned how unreliable these type reports really are?
The first victim of war is always the truth.
I'm not sure of the reason it's important for us to know about any of these attacks other than to beat one's own chest. Of course this administration is more than willing to take credit for anything they might consider a success but never accept responsibility for anything seen as a failure.

If the first victim of war is always the truth then perhaps you should be reminded this is not this old war's first news. Yet, how slow you are to apply this standard, never before in the 8 years of observing Obama's warring. Completely disingenuous of you to attempt to apply this moral mantra now, as it only makes you look foolish on top of revealing, as all of us know, that you do not support our troop's victories. To hear of their quality achievements would be received by you as bad news, because that is just how low and disgusting you are. Do not attempt to sell the message that you are simply not a "naïve" recipient of such news - as again, never before had you applied this standard. This war is old. The first victims were up for value long ago. Jump off a bridge.
If the first victim of war is always the truth then perhaps you should be reminded this is not this old war's first news. Yet, how slow you are to apply this standard, never before in the 8 years of observing Obama's warring. Completely disingenuous of you to attempt to apply this moral mantra now, as it only makes you look foolish on top of revealing, as all of us know, that you do not support our troop's victories. To hear of their quality achievements would be received by you as bad news, because that is just how low and disgusting you are. Do not attempt to sell the message that you are simply not a "naïve" recipient of such news - as again, never before had you applied this standard. This war is old. The first victims were up for value long ago. Jump off a bridge.
Take your halo off, Sunshine.
Questioning the accuracy of reports has ZERO to do with "supporting the troops".
And you'll need to remind me when I gushed over military operations reports over the past 8 years.
That said, I sure recall many of you down playing, trying to deflect any and all credit for killing Bin Laden when it happened. Guess you didn't support the troops then but do now?
Take your halo off, Sunshine.
Questioning the accuracy of reports has ZERO to do with "supporting the troops".
And you'll need to remind me when I gushed over military operations reports over the past 8 years.
That said, I sure recall many of you down playing, trying to deflect any and all credit for killing Bin Laden when it happened. Guess you didn't support the troops then but do now?

Lol. No you imbecile. We supported the troops and bashed obama for taking credit of what the troops did.
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My first response would be that "the media" is a broad-broad brush. Do you ignore the existence of a right-wing media?
You suggest that news organizations have a vested interest in the Democratic party...where is your evidence? Many news organizations are owned by non-news corporate conglomerates. ABC is owned by Disney, NBC is owned by General Electric, CBS is owned by Westinghouse. News organizations have a vested interest in stories that attract viewers/readers, not any particular political opinion. During the campaign season last year many complained that Trump got all the he complains that he is the object of coverage. If you were honest and observed you'd realize that news organizations are about the story, where ever the story might be.

Do journalist have a tendency to lean left? Yeah, they do. However not as much as you want to think. If you ever take notice, people drawn to certain professions generally fit similar personality molds. People in the arts (journalism is an art) are typically more liberal and open in their thinking. More accepting of things and people who are different, new ideas, etc. Musicians, actors, dancers...all the performing arts are dominated by people who liberal to very liberal. This isn't a new phenomenon, it isn't an American is universally true across the globe and has been so from the beginning of recorded time.
Similarly, there is a much higher propensity for men who are in the arts to be gay. Likewise, the ranks of women's professional sports is dominated by women who are gay. Why is that?

So you just contradicted yourself. You ask for my proof that the media has an interest in the democratic party yet you admit journalist by nature are liberal. Have you ever met a liberal republican? I would imagine they are very few and far between.

As far as your conclusion that news organizations being owned by corporations has no bearing on there reporting is just asinine. Take for example MSNBC. For favorable legislation for Comcast or any other company that needed media help. MSNBC could spew whatever garbage a particular politician or politicians wanted. Ed Schultlz was canned by MSNBC because he spoke out about TPP. MSNBC parent company Comcast was a big supporter of TPP.
Brawny mountain man is next. Dirty f*cks so dirty they're coming for our cleaning products.

[laughing] Can you imagine Little Jon dressed as a mountain man, pictured on the package of Brawny paper towels that are dyed back with gold $ patterns? I'd buy 'em.

[laughing]Not quite Little Jon but...

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My first response would be that "the media" is a broad-broad brush. Do you ignore the existence of a right-wing media?
You suggest that news organizations have a vested interest in the Democratic party...where is your evidence? Many news organizations are owned by non-news corporate conglomerates. ABC is owned by Disney, NBC is owned by General Electric, CBS is owned by Westinghouse. News organizations have a vested interest in stories that attract viewers/readers, not any particular political opinion. During the campaign season last year many complained that Trump got all the he complains that he is the object of coverage. If you were honest and observed you'd realize that news organizations are about the story, where ever the story might be.

Do journalist have a tendency to lean left? Yeah, they do. However not as much as you want to think. If you ever take notice, people drawn to certain professions generally fit similar personality molds. People in the arts (journalism is an art) are typically more liberal and open in their thinking. More accepting of things and people who are different, new ideas, etc. Musicians, actors, dancers...all the performing arts are dominated by people who liberal to very liberal. This isn't a new phenomenon, it isn't an American is universally true across the globe and has been so from the beginning of recorded time.
Similarly, there is a much higher propensity for men who are in the arts to be gay. Likewise, the ranks of women's professional sports is dominated by women who are gay. Why is that?
You seriously cannot be this ignorant. You must really be in agreement with the controlling media for the left leaning agenda's most spew. Pathetic really.
Yeah, and while Jews who were refugees tried to flee Germany countries like the US and others didn't want to accept them because people believed small minded stereotypes of Jewish people.
Amazing how history continues to repeat itself.

Hopefully 6 million Muslims won't have to die before bigotry is outright banned.
Jews did not behead people or mutilate them, or drown them. Again, are you really this stupid?
if Islam is such a religion of peace and these muslim countries are as peaceful as the libtards say they are, then why doesn't the Michael Moore's of the world or Fuzz and his people travel to these countries and stay for an extended period of time living among the peaceful citizens and do their documentary to prove us all wrong? include some gays and women in their group for good measure. i would love to see it?
Because they are cowards who don't believe their own BS.
Jews did not behead people or mutilate them, or drown them. Again, are you really this stupid?
Yet conservatives still didn't want them to enter the country.

Which is higher warrior, your age or your IQ? I'm thinking they are neck and neck.
Yet conservatives still didn't want them to enter the country.

Which is higher warrior, your age or your IQ? I'm thinking they are neck and neck.
You missed the point all together, obviously my small IQ seems gigantic compared to yours.
When you express ideas that are based on the idea that Russia is a threat to the US
Do you also consider the facts surrounding George Soro's post-Cold war investments in Russia during the Clinton eras?

Putin cut a LOT of that stuff out when he decided that foreign funded NGO's would no longer be tolerate

Question for ya Wyvern.

Bigger Communist Obama or Putin?