How will they rule ??!

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The only people who give a rats a$$ about this Russian BS are Dems, Obama nuthuggers, MSM, and some RINO's who despise Trump.

Your everyday American either knows nothing about it or simply does not give a crap. They are only worried about supporting their family, getting good healthcare, living in a safe neighborhood, etc.

Keep on doing you Washington DC....
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Was the John McCain / Lindsay Graham thing last night? Anyone watch it? Did they just suck each other off the whole time?
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This Senator is what is wrong with Washington. Been there since 2002, is the Senate Majority Whip, and thinks most of his people in Texas do not want a wall built. Guess those millions who voted for Trump in TX were really not interested in a wall. Another out of touch politician.

Until jokers like this guy and many like him are taken out of Washington its business as usual.


This Senator is what is wrong with Washington. Been there since 2002, is the Senate Majority Whip, and thinks most of his people in Texas do not want a wall built. Guess those millions who voted for Trump in TX were really not interested in a wall. Another out of touch politician.

Until jokers like this guy and many like him are taken out of Washington its business as usual.


I don't see any outrage over his responses. But plenty to be wary of. Seems some gop law makers are basically holding their finger in the air making sure the wind is blowing in the right direction before going all in one trumps agenda

Used this content in a Facebook reply to a liberal friend who touted the "smoking gun" evidence about Sessions. His reply, "I don't buy it."

Well, of course he doesn't----their blinders are on so tight it has to be making their heads hurt.
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Now that this information about Sessions is coming to light, I'm a little concerned.

We were heavily in the midst of accusing a nuclear super power of meddling in our election, talking about what threat they are to world security, and only one member of the armed services committee spoke to the Russian diplomat in the United States?

Are the other Congressmen wearing it as a badge of honor that they never even considered talking to Russia about the allegations while acting in their official capacity as members of various subcommittees?
I've heard "senator Al Franken" before, and maybe even seen him, but my mind told me it's not the guy who was pretty good, at playing characters like this...


It must another Al Franken. But I'll be damned. They were playing a tape of him describing how Trump is done because there is new evidence his administration talked to That Country We Don't Talk About. This is very, very serious. We just cannot be conducting business with the world, I guess. Better build a wall around our entire country and cut the sea cables, imho.
MJ feels bad for Steve Beshear, poor guy. He's the same age as Trump, btw. lol. Really great guy, 98% of his speech was right on track. Beshear, just a solid individual.
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MJ also feels bad for UL academic troubles. We need UL to be good a school...

Also supports the Biden Uncle Dad thing. Whatever makes you happy. No big deal...
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what do you think would happen if Obama trying to sabotage Trump's presidency succeeded and Trump resigned? How do you think the response would manifest itself?
I like Matt as a person but I think he is a New York Democrat living in KY.

I think Matt is a tool and is the kid that was put in the outfield in Little League and wore his glove as a hat and then dug for worms with his cleats. He's a giant arrogant nerd who now feels like he's an authority on everything.
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Finally - I didn't get to the "reparations article" like I wanted to - but started outlining it pen/ink

I did write about the pending re-emergence of President Obama into US Politics though

But what's REALLY cool is that he's teaming up with Eric Holder to front a new political organization called the "National Democratic Redistricting Committee" - linked here so you can see how "fairer: elections are going to start popping up at the state level - funded my unlimited corporate money and 100% fair lawsuits against states....cause THATS how you spell DEMOCRACY

Also, President Bush is back in the limelight kind of....he also wrote a book, like Obama and is making the rounds for various interviews ..... where it seems that he's being asked to criticize our standing President on his immigration strategy, unclear (but CERTAINLY NOT FAIR) ties to Russia and how Trump addresses the media,....

My hope is that the states would denied oversight / final say / SOMETHING when either major party comes in to "HELP" them re=draw maps for better results........

It's almost funny....but more nauseating than that.....
Now this one is actually an excellent point and I touched on it during the campaign. The sole bright spot all of you idiots may point to in Trump winning the election is that there is NO QUESTION that black reparations were on the agenda as payback if Hillary had won. I smelled that rotten egg from a mile away. Black Reparations is the crown jewel in the Al Sharpton/Jessie Jackson playbook as everything has to be about a payday to those two. I DO NOT support BLM or the rest of the race hustling that is going on in my Democratic party. We need to win because we're the true answer for the middle class recovery and the only thing that stands between our Treasury and the greedy assed Republicans bent on looting it before they head off to Russia to join their Russian billionaire buddies.

Kick Al Sharpton, Van Jones, Angela Rae, Don Lemon, and all the other race hustlers to the curb and let's get back to being the party of the middle class. You can't split a country along racial lines and expect to govern it. Take a gander at the middle east if you want to know how that shit turns out. Reject the ideas of those that see a growing minority base as the means to victory at the ballot box. Win on ideas, not on us vs the evil whities. That is campaign poison and yes I'm talking to you, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Get your hacks out of the way and let the Bernie people handle this.

If you had of listened to the people instead of cheating your asses off to nominate Hillary then Bernie would have spanked Trump's ass and we would not be on the outside looking in at Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania you dumb jackasses.
I'm currently in the Orlando area because my mother was injured in a fall and nearly died. At any rate, President Trump is visiting a private school in the Pine Hills (read: Crime Hills ) section of Orlando. Cool. Wish I could see him. Perhaps I'll catch a glimpse of Air Force One.

Heard about a Pro-Trump rally at Lake Eola Park tomorrow. I may attend.
Now this one is actually an excellent point and I touched on it during the campaign. The sole bright spot all of you idiots may point to in Trump winning the election is that there is NO QUESTION that black reparations were on the agenda as payback if Hillary had won. I smelled that rotten egg from a mile away. Black Reparations is the crown jewel in the Al Sharpton/Jessie Jackson playbook as everything has to be about a payday to those two. I DO NOT support BLM or the rest of the race hustling that is going on in my Democratic party. We need to win because we're the true answer for the middle class recovery and the only thing that stands between our Treasury and the greedy assed Republicans bent on looting it before they head off to Russia to join their Russian billionaire buddies.

Kick Al Sharpton, Van Jones, Angela Rae, Don Lemon, and all the other race hustlers to the curb and let's get back to being the party of the middle class. You can't split a country along racial lines and expect to govern it. Take a gander at the middle east if you want to know how that shit turns out. Reject the ideas of those that see a growing minority base as the means to victory at the ballot box. Win on ideas, not on us vs the evil whities. That is campaign poison and yes I'm talking to you, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Get your hacks out of the way and let the Bernie people handle this.

If you had of listened to the people instead of cheating your asses off to nominate Hillary then Bernie would have spanked Trump's ass and we would not be on the outside looking in at Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania you dumb jackasses.
Democrats aren't going to get the middle class back. That ship has sailed. Democrats have shown over the last 8 years that they don't give a crap about the middle class. Your party now is strong in New York and California, everywhere else is swinging to the republican side and seeing as liberals have been showing by their actions the last few years how can you blame them? The democrat party has become extremely un-American.
One thing conservatives need to do is just say eff Democrats. We don't need their approval on anything. We need to stop trying to get them to "validate" Trump. They're scum. They're not going to ever be an ally to us or the people. They are vile scum who plot and scheme 24/7 with the help of their media. Whenever something good happens with Trump, expect another distraction.

It's just noise for their retarded fan base. Worry about sticking to what he's going to do, don't even acknowledge their idiocy and let them yap while we let the scoreboard speak for itself.
One thing conservatives need to do is just say eff Democrats. We don't need their approval on anything. We need to stop trying to get them to "validate" Trump. They're scum. They're not going to ever be an ally to us or the people. They are vile scum who plot and scheme 24/7 with the help of their media. Whenever something good happens with Trump, expect another distraction.

It's just noise for their retarded fan base. Worry about sticking to what he's going to do, don't even acknowledge their idiocy and let them yap while we let the scoreboard speak for itself.
I can't take a party seriously that elects someone like Nancy Pelosi as their leader. If that is the person you want people to identify your views with I can't reasonably consider your position on anything. Having someone like that as the spokesperson for your party speaks nothing but a lack of common sense to me.
Sessions committed perjury. There is no question about it. He flatly denied talking to any Russian officials but now it turns out he talked twice to the Russian Ambassador who happens to be the top Russian intelligence agent on the planet. Doesn't matter in what capacity it was, it matters that when asked he should have said in his capacity as a member of the Senate Intelligence committee he twice spoke to the Russian Ambassador but at no time discussed anything to do with the campaign. That's a truthful response if he indeed didn't talk about campaign issues. But to flatly deny talking to the Russians is perjury, period.

That's perjury. You can double-down and lie more or choose to dismiss it, but there is simply no question that Sessions lied under oath about it.
the seal tribute trump did began with this and every president has done this since then.

the actual video of lenny doing what he did was absolutely awesome...... here

Sessions committed perjury. There is no question about it. He flatly denied talking to any Russian officials but now it turns out he talked twice to the Russian Ambassador who happens to be the top Russian intelligence agent on the planet. Doesn't matter in what capacity it was, it matters that when asked he should have said in his capacity as a member of the Senate Intelligence committee he twice spoke to the Russian Ambassador but at no time discussed anything to do with the campaign. That's a truthful response if he indeed didn't talk about campaign issues. But to flatly deny talking to the Russians is perjury, period.

That's perjury. You can double-down and lie more or choose to dismiss it, but there is simply no question that Sessions lied under oath about it.

He denied meeting with any Russian officials in his capacity as a surrogate for the Trump campaign. At least that's how I understood his answer in the confirmation hearing. He claims he met with the Russian ambassador in his capacity as a US Senator - and did not discuss the campaign at all - which is an important distinction.
Used this content in a Facebook reply to a liberal friend who touted the "smoking gun" evidence about Sessions. His reply, "I don't buy it."

Well, of course he doesn't----their blinders are on so tight it has to be making their heads hurt.

This breaks it all down and explains it better. Sad that the entire MSM is conveniently glancing over the specifics in the questions asked just to smear Sessions. It's also just as sad that a loud mouth, partisan shock jock seems to have more common sense than the entire press corps.

No, Attorney General Jeff Sessions DID NOT Lie Under Oath
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Sessions committed perjury. There is no question about it. He flatly denied talking to any Russian officials but now it turns out he talked twice to the Russian Ambassador who happens to be the top Russian intelligence agent on the planet. Doesn't matter in what capacity it was, it matters that when asked he should have said in his capacity as a member of the Senate Intelligence committee he twice spoke to the Russian Ambassador but at no time discussed anything to do with the campaign. That's a truthful response if he indeed didn't talk about campaign issues. But to flatly deny talking to the Russians is perjury, period.

That's perjury. You can double-down and lie more or choose to dismiss it, but there is simply no question that Sessions lied under oath about it.
If Bill Clinton can get away with having a private conversation with the AG while his wife is being investigated, then democrats don't have a leg to stand on. In other words, "What difference does it make"?- Hillary Clinton
The House is making it pretty clear they are pulling UNC's greatest whitewashing hits in their "Russian investigation"... who is running it, former North Carolina Governor Jim Martin?

This press briefing is the worst thing I've ever seen. It is just awful.
Sessions committed perjury. There is no question about it. He flatly denied talking to any Russian officials
That's false. Go back and look at the specifics of the questions he was asked . He wasn't asked "Did you ever communicate with Russia, ever, in any manner?"

He was specifically asked "Did you ever communicate with Russia regarding the 2016 election?" and "Did you ever communicate with Russia as a Trump campaign surrogate?"
Maybe the dumbasses at the confirmation hearings should have asked better questions.

"Trump is evil. The trump campaign is corrupted by Russian influence. Trump campaign surrogates spoke to Russia throughout the campaign. Did you speak to Russia?"

Only a goddam idiot would look at that question and think speaking to Russia in your capacity as a Senate Committee member would qualify as "yes".
The House is making it pretty clear they are pulling UNC's greatest whitewashing hits in their "Russian investigation"... who is running it, former North Carolina Governor Jim Martin?

This press briefing is the worst thing I've ever seen. It is just awful.
UNC is more trustworthy than the DNC!
The only reason Jeff Sessions is being attacked is because he is going to put those Pizza Party loving pedophile democrats in jail.
It's also a deflection from the real scandal that broke yesterday. The Democrats didn't hire those Muslims to do IT work. They paid them millions to hack the House computers, and steal hard drives and electronics.
We simply must have an independent investigation into the Trump campaign and the Trump White House's extensive ties to Russian intelligence agents. The American People need to know that their president is not a commie stooge on the Kremlin payroll with a gaggle of Russian billionaires in his back pocket. Too much smoke here for there not to be fire. Trump's very curious complete inability to criticize anything involving Putin/Russia suggests they have something on him, probably communicated in those meeting with Sessions.

Who peed on the president and when did they do it? The American people deserve the truth no matter who is holding the video.
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Only a goddam idiot would look at that question and think speaking to Russia in your capacity as a Senate Committee member would qualify as "yes".
Exactly. If he answers yes, then tries to explain it was as a member of the Armed Services committee and had nothing to do with the election, they would have taken it out of context, smeared him anyways, and tried to derail his confirmation, like they were already trying to do with the racist smear.
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