How will they rule ??!

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love the intelligent reading material. keep it up.

as to that last line, the little thing called the 2nd amendment and the 300 plus million guns in the hands of the more the willing throws a huge wrench in that playbook. they can protest all they want, but they aren't seizing shit!
Yeah, just not happening and they certainly have zero means or power even though they'd like to. Pretty damn close call with HC but lols sorry you lose. Make *zero* mistake about it, HC would've owned the judicial branch and the cuck Republicans would have laid down like carpet.

But she lost to Donald F Trump who drop kicked their ass halfway to Mars.

Nothing noted cracker Steve Beshear's fresh leadership can't fix!
How many people would you let in per year. How long is the waiting period? Answer it.

I honestly have no idea how many people should be let in a year. The idealist in me says "however many can find a job", but we've seen what an undercutting disaster the H1-B program is. The correct answers are 350k, and 5-10 years right?

My whole point is immigration is the most impossible issue in politics. The current immigration system is broken and only benefits immigration attorneys, and companies willing to outsource their tech department. If you enter the country illegally, you at least have easy access to American immigration attorneys, you can birth a kid, you can marry a citizen, I assume get whatever handouts people always talk about, etc. All of these things will improve your chances at residency. The incentives are completely retarded. Not only that, but you can't properly vet people, or pull off the "lets just take their best and brightest" fairy tale. If the government was good at hiring people, wouldn't we have better roads or something?

I'm good with halting immigration while some bureaucrat tries to sort this mess out, but I'm not good shitting on someone who ignores the 10 year waiting list because the system we have encourages exactly that.
Great point today that Trump purposefully cited Matt Bevin in order to completely upstage the Democrat's dumb asses trotting Montgomery Burns out there. Chess/checkers.

PLEASE Z drop a hot take on Beshear being a good move and the future is bright for your party. I'm literally begging you. Will be sweet tears of sustenance. I can tell it's setting in for you, just let it really flow...
Yeah, just not happening and they certainly have zero means or power even though they'd like to. Pretty damn close call with HC but lols sorry you lose. Make *zero* mistake about it, HC would've owned the judicial branch and the cuck Republicans would have laid down like carpet.

But she lost to Donald F Trump who drop kicked their ass halfway to Mars.

Nothing noted cracker Steve Beshear's fresh leadership can't fix!

So basically Establishment Republicans would've laid the carpet down for Establishment Democrats!! Shocked!

Remember when 1960 liberal hippies hated "the man". Oh boy, how times have changed.
I honestly have no idea how many people should be let in a year. The idealist in me says "however many can find a job", but we've seen what an undercutting disaster of H1-B program is. The correct answers are 350k, and 5-10 years right?

My whole point is immigration is the most impossible issue in politics. The current immigration system is broken and only benefits immigration attorneys, and companies willing to outsource their tech department. If you enter the country illegally, you at least have easy access to American immigration attorneys, you can birth a kid, you can marry a citizen, I assume get whatever handouts people always talk about, etc. All of these things will improve your chances at residency. The incentives are completely retarded. Not only that, but you can't properly vet people, or pull off the "lets just take their best and brightest" fairy tale. If the government was good at hiring people, wouldn't we have better roads or something?

I'm good with halting immigration while some bureaucrat tries to sort this mess out, but I'm not good shitting on someone who ignores the 10 year waiting list because the system we have encourages exactly that.

So you prefer anarchy? Don't like the law, break it.

And don't misunderstand me. I get (in part) where you're coming from on a few positions. But it's not impossible to pursue the best the world has to offer. The 65 immigration act under Kennedy has been the full driver of the system you claim to hate.

What it takes is considering Americans over foreigners and not relenting. It sucks that the world has refugees that need homes. But if America isn't the worlds police, which I don't fully agree with but most hold that position, then why on earth would we need to be the worlds battered woman's shelter? We don't, but decent people have been manipulated into believing they owe it. They don't.

I'm for immigration only with specific speciality and skill. Willing to provide assistance in aid to help them there, or in other counties. And it can be done. Globalist have pushed a narrative that it cannot.
But millions of them aren't good, decent, honest people ignoring the waiting list because it's too long to wait. They're ignoring it because they are criminals and would never be accepted.

And there's no a good way to reliably sort between the two groups, which is why I wrote the first part of the sentence you sliced. There's also not a good way of getting these criminals out once they are here without an insane overbearing police state. The incentives have to be right before any "who do we let in" discussions take place.
The old left (Humphrey Era) would never have accepted Marxist in their midst. When did they join forces? No doubt by 2008. Alinsky's ideas worked their way in until they took over. Part of it comes from permanent victim status of many of their voters.
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I appreciate the intelligent if not somewhat rambling response. It's a nice contrast to the frothing spittle-flecked neanderthals swinging on Trump's nuts around here. Sure, you swing on them too but, well, at least you know you're swinging.
We've been telling you the same thing for years. You're just the dullard who couldn't understand it. He's talking to idiots like you who don't understand capitalism, yet call for its demise. Why don't you show him your list of institutions that agree with you?
More empty rhetoric. More Big Spending Republicans with Big Plans for our money with no money to pay for it. More Trickle-Down Bread Crumbs off the Rich Man's Table tax cuts for his rich Wall Street buddies. More of Wall Street flying high while the midwest and the rust belt get nothing but lip service. More taking credit for everything not nailed down no matter how preposterous. More Big Intrusive Government run Healthcare from the Big Spending Big Government Republicans that think they know how to spend our money better than we do as they ramp up their death panels and slash our health coverage.

Spend, spend, spend and more debt, debt, debt, while shoveling a huge wad of horseshit at the poor suckers in the midwest and rust belt that are going to get stuck with the bill.

All planned, plotted, and sculpted by Trump's billionaire Wall Street cabinet. The richest thieves ever assembled that virtually assure the complete destruction of our middle class while they plan on high tailing it to Russia after they've stolen everything that isn't nailed down.

The largest transfer of wealth in human history is about to start, folks. From your pockets into Trump's friends pockets as they spend uncontrollably and get their golden parachutes ready so they can take off with their Russian billionaire friends and leave us stuck holding the bag.
You need new material. I read your stuff to help fall asleep, thanks for that.
BOSTON (CBS) – Democratic Congressman Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts said President Donald Trump’s address to Congress was a “significant shift” from previous rhetoric coming from the White House, adding also that the president has been treated unfairly by the media in recent months.

“I think his words were a significant shift from his previous, sometimes inflammatory rhetoric. I thought he was much more conciliatory,” Lynch told WBZ NewsRadio 1030’s Joe Mathieu. “He urged us at one part to get past the trivial differences and work together. That’s not been his mode of operating, at least up until this point.”

Predicted this weeks/months ago. Many of trumps moves will be so popular, dems in embattled areas will have no choice but to side with him; or surely be voted out.

Pretty incredible.

The old left (Humphrey Era) would never have accepted Marxist in their midst. When did they join forces? No doubt by 2008. Alinsky's ideas worked their way in until they took over. Part of it comes from permanent victim status of many of their voters.

When soros started putting up mega bucks, it out him in control. Destruction of the us dollar is what he wants. That's where these policies come from
Predicted this weeks/months ago. Many of trumps moves will be so popular, dems in embattled areas will have no choice but to side with him; or surely be voted out.

Pretty incredible.

When soros started putting up mega bucks, it out him in control. Destruction of the us dollar is what he wants. That's where these policies come from

Bingo. Soros thought he was gonna puppet HC. Man. We got lucky
if moderate democrats want to still exist, want to have a voice, they are going to have to break from this current dem party. this New York, L.A. coastal party will never resonate in the heart land or the rust belt. the dems that have some sense, the old school reagan dems, moderate dems are going to have to make a decision and make a play soon or they will cease to exist as far as having any political pull. and quite frankly the country is a better place with them in place. a moderate democratic party and a moderate republican party is good for the country. two different voices but one common goal is not a bad thing. this radical left thing we have going on is more than dangerous though.
We've been telling you the same thing for years. You're just the dullard who couldn't understand it. He's talking to idiots like you who don't understand capitalism, yet call for its demise. Why don't you show him your list of institutions that agree with you?

You need new material. I read your stuff to help fall asleep, thanks for that.

Z is similar to ESPN or Tipton or that Indiana hack. They and Z literally troll for attention. Y'all keep giving it to him/her and it feeds off of it. Zs life literally revolves around getting people to engage it. Honestly if no one replied for a few days, we would see a huge depression and maybe even treatment sought or forced.
Today while visiting Rinkeby, a "problem area" in Stockholm, we had to be "escorted" out by police as many men were getting agitated by our presence. The gist of the story is that the police advised us to leave and then said it would be smart to follow us to our car. They did not know where we had parked but are now claiming it was a coincidence that they followed us and was not an escort. It is safe to say that Stockholm is much more dangerous than Malmo.


What does one even say to this? I can't imagine being this big of a cuck. I feel like these idiots have the same mindset as most SJW goofs.
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Hopefully the hip hop culture goes back to it's roots and denounces the hijacking of the gangster movement. Hip Hop is dead.

Interesting take -- I've been a musician for about 30 years and think the same thing about Rock and Roll

it's not even a form of REBELLION anymore -- in fact, it has its own brand of conformity and overseers.....and I don't know that Rock (or ANY music) ever TRULY changed anything on a wide scale....
Today while visiting Rinkeby, a "problem area" in Stockholm, we had to be "escorted" out by police as many men were getting agitated by our presence. The gist of the story is that the police advised us to leave and then said it would be smart to follow us to our car. They did not know where we had parked but are now claiming it was a coincidence that they followed us and was not an escort. It is safe to say that Stockholm is much more dangerous than Malmo.

It's cool - I'm sure they'll stop with that little taste of Sweedish Appeasement and just let others live their lives.....Sweedishly
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Finally - I didn't get to the "reparations article" like I wanted to - but started outlining it pen/ink

I did write about the pending re-emergence of President Obama into US Politics though

But what's REALLY cool is that he's teaming up with Eric Holder to front a new political organization called the "National Democratic Redistricting Committee" - linked here so you can see how "fairer: elections are going to start popping up at the state level - funded my unlimited corporate money and 100% fair lawsuits against states....cause THATS how you spell DEMOCRACY

Also, President Bush is back in the limelight kind of....he also wrote a book, like Obama and is making the rounds for various interviews ..... where it seems that he's being asked to criticize our standing President on his immigration strategy, unclear (but CERTAINLY NOT FAIR) ties to Russia and how Trump addresses the media,....

My hope is that the states would denied oversight / final say / SOMETHING when either major party comes in to "HELP" them re=draw maps for better results........

It's almost funny....but more nauseating than that.....
But what's REALLY cool is that he's teaming up with Eric Holder to front a new political organization called the "National Democratic Redistricting Committee" - linked here so you can see how "fairer: elections are going to start popping up at the state level - funded my unlimited corporate money and 100% fair lawsuits against states....cause THATS how you spell DEMOCRACY

Oh mfer...this guy. Obama will do whatever he can to push this country towards war...if that's what it takes. In 8 years, if it's clear America has rejected the democrats worldly views, what will they do? What can they do? the smart and young Dems with a future will probably distance themselves. Could be why they were stuck with Hillary, trotted out fn Steve Beshear to respond to Trump. They are looking lame. They need Obama. He should have just appointed himself King.

What does one even say to this? I can't imagine being this big of a cuck. I feel like these idiots have the same mindset as most SJW goofs.

I say "would". Look at those child bearing hips. Willy would eat her afterbirth.

And I know how those babies were made. Seen it many times on the tubes. They call her a PAWG.
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Overplaying their hand or is it the Art of the Deal? Push as far as you can but be willing to accept a little less. Wait for normalization and then push farther.

You;ve neatly tied in two key principals of their original core beliefs - and I think the type of "slow motion revolution" you're ultimately describing is EXACTLY what's happening in the USA and around the world ---- (note that the push back for more national preferences is happening elsewhere - and in earnest - the USA isn't acting in a vacuum here, note France, Scotland, England, Philippines and others)

You mention the 'push as far as you can go' --- that's essentially the element of conflict that's part and parcel with Marxist teaching, Since Marx denied ANY type of spiritual / idealism / morality - he concluded (among other things) that history only changes because of conflict,,,,,,there's NO OTHER guiding hand aside from humans in turmoil,

And the source pf that ongoing turmoil?
Economic conflict because of unjust systems that benefit only the Capitalists and Bourgeois.
that's it -- no real reference to n=mankind being at its best when we're striving for higher goals or an afterlife -- even if we don't agree on what those are (those were 'concessions' from noted agnostic/atheist intellectuals like Aldous Huxley & Maxim Gorky....but Marx was a lot more intolerant and his followers tend to be as well......that's why they THROW THAT WORD AT EVERYONE SO's on their lips at all times because Intolerance is IN THEIR HEARTS

You mention post-conflict normalcy and then pushing for more change
Yes - that's the Hegelian Dialectic (purposely introduce conflict via an existing thesis and a new/opposed antithesis to create something NEW --- a political "Synthesis"

That's where Marx took his idea of "Dialectical Materialism" actually

And any reasonable person can SEE how this has worked over time
Socially you can look at the controversy and over emphasis on "transgender issues" and also ALREADY SEE the coming normalization of age limits for sexual contact etc

Politically - I'm taking a page from George Orwell's essay called "Politics and the English Language" (Book is called "All Art is Propaganda: and I cite it on the blog and have published a modest review of it as well)......

the way we communicate//speak is connected to the way we THINK.....
there are several political implications from this

1) If we are lazy or apathetic in our attempts to use concise words and truly gain mutual understanding with who we're conversing -- then you can start to make the mistake that they're using words with the same INTENT that you are.....or perhaps they have a definition for a word that you didn't even know COULD have more than one definition....that leads to lots being said and/or printed but no true communication and u;timely a dumbed down public who is increasingly unable to maintain accountability over the elected

2) Politicians are then easily able to make references to combating "Fascism" (one of Orwell's specific examples) - and since that sounds noble to everyone - they fully support the govt in their efforts,,,,,,meanwhile they don't know what the plan IS and they probably can't agree on how to define FASCISM

3) this reinforces the old idea that 'he who defines the terms of the debate - wins'......there's a lot of truth to that. If you ever encounter a hard left (or hard right for that matter) person and are engaging in a conversation -- you probably should sprinkle in some non-threatening (think Socratic method - Ben Franklin mentions it in his auto-bio and if you read Plato's Republic you see this incremental and mutually agreed approach at work to define something nebulous like "justice") questions early in the encounter to ask them what they mean when they say things like "fair share", "justice", "replace capitalism" (((with WHAT?))), ask then if they honestly understand the source of where their ideas are.......NONE of whats being said by the American Marxists is really that different than their predecessors -- many of them are still using the actual Communist Salute (raised fist --- here's a blog entry where I quickly show photos though time if you're interested --->

4) finally -- you start to factor in socially engineers guilt complexes, continually dumbed down language patterns and atrophied channels of meaningful communication, then set everyone against each other with constant fear conditioning of one kind or another and a BLIND COMMAND TO CONSUME>.............and it's a dictators wet dream

We're at a MAJOR crossroads right now

And it's also a major anniversary year for the communists
their 3rd (believe that's right) and final / successful revolution against the Czars was accomplished in 1917

The Socialists (many were affiliated with the "Menshevik" wing of the revolutionary party and weren't as fanatical) did most of the work and were native to Russia.....the Communists were brought in from various points of exile etc....they were never any more than 7% of the population of Russia and they almost immediately seized power from the Mensheviks - including exile, slave labor, or executions

and those were the Bolsheviks......the only ones you ever hear about in reference to the Revolution .... most of the Socialists that went along with it were devoured but the system they helped create

have a good night - I mean to write less and haven't slept in 2 days
That's some real shit. I 10000% see what's going on, how we've shifted to accept all these points you've hit, but I didn't know this has all been done before. History does repeat itself, and I am ignorant bc I frankly dgaf. What's wrong is wrong, and anybody should see that, but it makes a lot more sense when you lay it all out there like you just did, in a historical and scholarly manner.

I've literally spent at least 20 straight years reading history book after history book, supported by samples of literature and took on 4 new languages -- I don't say that for any other reason than to point out that I suddenly stopped reading new stuff after I completed "The Gulag Archipelago" and went from shock to anger .... to a sickening 'assembly of 2 and 2' when I cross referenced his experiences with some books I have on Marx and Communism (in their words as opposed to an antagonist) and then started listening more closely to the words being employed as well as the tactics ---- there social conflicts ... aren't being served up for the purpose of you "having the right answer"

the Progressives --- will continually Progress towards the goal they've ALWAYS HAD

Total control of capital and the means of production
and a WORLD Empire where Capitalism no longer exists

The typical communist option they'll extend to you goes something like this

1) Convert to the revolutionary mindset
2) Or be liquidated

I could provide citations and quotes on ALL this stuff -- and do on the Blog
I started to add pics of some of the books but that would get ridiculous real fast

We have to start asking better questions and adjusting the language we're employing for political purposes --

More empty rhetoric. More Big Spending Republicans with Big Plans for our money with no money to pay for it. More Trickle-Down Bread Crumbs off the Rich Man's Table tax cuts for his rich Wall Street buddies. More of Wall Street flying high while the midwest and the rust belt get nothing but lip service. More taking credit for everything not nailed down no matter how preposterous. More Big Intrusive Government run Healthcare from the Big Spending Big Government Republicans that think they know how to spend our money better than we do as they ramp up their death panels and slash our health coverage.

Spend, spend, spend and more debt, debt, debt, while shoveling a huge wad of horseshit at the poor suckers in the midwest and rust belt that are going to get stuck with the bill.

All planned, plotted, and sculpted by Trump's billionaire Wall Street cabinet. The richest thieves ever assembled that virtually assure the complete destruction of our middle class while they plan on high tailing it to Russia after they've stolen everything that isn't nailed down.

The largest transfer of wealth in human history is about to start, folks. From your pockets into Trump's friends pockets as they spend uncontrollably and get their golden parachutes ready so they can take off with their Russian billionaire friends and leave us stuck holding the bag.

Do you think Trump and Soros are on the same page / team?
I'm not trying to play 'gotcha' with this -- I'm just interested in what you think

My ASSUMPTION is that they can't be because their goals and ACTIONS seem diametrically opposed (Trump's emphasis on sovereign nationalism vs Soros "open society" and more New World Order type direction....

I don't know that we can label Trump as some kind of "sole architect' in this though

one reason is - it's still too early to REALLY tell what he's going to do - or try to do
early on however, I like the de-emphsis of open borders and bad policies / treaties like TPP

I started writing an article - meant to be a work in progress where I describe two 'possible futures' under this admin

the first discusses what things would probably look like - what kind g=of activity / alignments and outcomes we might see if he's truly who he says he is -- and this is just a sovereign / nationalistic type admin that's getting a really bad rap from the Marxists / Compliant media etc

The second option asks the question of what types of things would we start to see if he either goes power mad -- or was a wolf in sheep's clothing all along.....

I try to use consistent and realistic criteria for both side and examples from current media......

will update that one again soon too