How will they rule ??!

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We simply must have an independent investigation into the Trump campaign and the Trump White House's extensive ties to Russian intelligence agents. The American People need to know that their president is not a commie stooge on the Kremlin payroll with a gaggle of Russian billionaires in his back pocket. Too much smoke here for there not to be fire. Trump's very curious complete inability to criticize anything involving Putin/Russia suggests they have something on him, probably communicated in those meeting with Sessions.

Who peed on the president and when did they do it? The American people deserve the truth no matter who is holding the video.
I agree on a independent investigaton......into the Hillary Clinton email scam, and into if Obama knew about the private server! While we are at it, lets do a private investigation into Loretta Lynch and the corrupt Justice department under her. Too much smoke there, the American people deserve justice!
Here's the thing, Melania will certainly know if Trump gets his rocks off being peed on, and if she heard there is a Russian tape of Trump being peed on then she would immediately know that it is true. Too friggen weird not to be. So that would completely explain why she has refused to hold Trump's hand and visibly flinch whenever Trump touches her. She's been in those Russian brothels. She knows how nasty they are. She also knows if Trump only wants a drop or two or if he likes full on getting flooded. Those commies probably soaked him real good. Maybe a poot or two can be heard as well.
It's also a deflection from the real scandal that broke yesterday. The Democrats didn't hire those Muslims to do IT work. They paid them millions to hack the House computers, and steal hard drives and electronics.

Is that what occurred? Did anyone cover it?
It's also a deflection from the real scandal that broke yesterday. The Democrats didn't hire those Muslims to do IT work. They paid them millions to hack the House computers, and steal hard drives and electronics.

Hell of a double standard. Hillary actually lied to Congress and committed perjury, and these imbeciles voted for her to be President.
Is that what occurred? Did anyone cover it?
I linked an article a page or two back. It hasn't been proven that's exactly why they paid them millions, but something isn't on the up and up.
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In this post I will prove how utterly awesome I am. I will post something I have figured out based on my own private analysis that has not even been touched on in the press:

The leaks, at least the most damaging ones first involving Flynn and now involving Sessions... are not coming from infighting Trump staff or former Obama staffers or any domestic place else... they are coming from the Russians.

The campaign to discredit the United States political system did not end with the election. There is a clear and ongoing campaign to destabilize the United States government being carried out by Russian agents. They are timed and staggered to inflict and sustain the most damage over time which is a clearly strategic undertaking. They are designed to undermine the credibility of the US Government in carrying out its foreign policy in countering ongoing Russian military aggression and expansion while also undermining US intelligence agencies in monitoring and countering ongoing Russian intelligence operations in European elections including attempting to destroy the European Union.

The Russians are tipping their hand. I am quite sure the FBI understands this. That explains otherwise baffling FBI actions. They know this is afoot and they are desperately trying to track it down and stamp it out but who knows how high or where it leads.
Russian ambition did not end on November 8th. Anyone who in any way interacted with the Russians or had their activities monitored by the Russians is being leaked out in a carefully orchestrated manner to do the most damage.

Flynn talked to the Russians and that leaked out in full.

Sessions talked to the Russians and that leaked out in full.

Drip, drip, drip... they are still at work and active in undermining the United States and frankly we should kick their asses for it. Our leakers are the Russians. You know, the same ones that supplied all the shit during the elections.
This clearly is an ongoing active Russian intelligence operation. That is why the FBI will not even brief the House Intelligence Committee. They got stiffed.

I better be careful or somebody named Ogklov is going to wipe their salad finger across the bottom of my nose with a little dose of VX gas.
Russian ambition did not end on November 8th. Anyone who in any way interacted with the Russians or had their activities monitored by the Russians is being leaked out in a carefully orchestrated manner to do the most damage.

Flynn talked to the Russians and that leaked out in full.

Sessions talked to the Russians and that leaked out in full.

Drip, drip, drip... they are still at work and active in undermining the United States and frankly we should kick their asses for it. Our leakers are the Russians. You know, the same ones that supplied all the shit during the elections.

Where was your excitement and focus during Hillary's corruption, lies and obstruction "during" her POTUS campaign?
Whoopi can rot in hell, as can most extreme liberal dicks.

“She was just looking for attention. These military widows love their 15 minutes in the spotlight”, Goldberg said.
Z's theory that the Russians are behind the leaks is entertaining. It would take someone who truly hates America and wants to bring the country down to continuously work so hard against the success Trump Presidency. That's why I think his theory is bunk and it's actually the Democrat party.
Nobody cares about Russians. The true Bolsheviks are inside the Democrat Party.
and that is the truth behind the leaks . as much as I hate to say it , the Russians are not fools. All the leaks; all the little tidbits of info nabbed by the dems is info released by the Russians in an effort to discredit Trump. It does not take an idiot to see that putting the stamp "Russian ally" on a politician is the kiss of death. The Russians were scared sh!+less that Trump would get elected and they are very shrewdly working the media and dems to tear him down.
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I am supremely confident it is the Russians.
What about the nine intelligence members that the media is citing as anonymous sources, who leaked them the classified information? Is the media actually getting their information from Russia? Are you saying the American liberal media is colluding with Russia, actively working to bring down the US government in an act of treason?
I think Matt is a tool and is the kid that was put in the outfield in Little League and wore his glove as a hat and then dug for worms with his cleats. He's a giant arrogant nerd who now feels like he's an authority on everything.
Matt Jones likes to refer to himself as a new democrat. He's too stupid to know it, but that's his problem. The old democrats that people respected like Harry Truman, J.F.K., and Wendell Ford. Well that democrat party is long gone. Truman, J.F.K., and Ford would roll over in their graves if they could see the weirdos that has taken over their party. And I've heard talk that Matt might run against Mitch McConnell for the U.S. Senate. OH what I would give to see this happen. No one would vote for MJ, the Louisville fans would vote against him because he's a jerk. The republicans & moderates wouldn't vote for him because he's a liberal new democrat, as well as being a jerk. Almost no one likes this guy personally & even fewer likes his politics. I don't know where this clown thinks his votes will come from.
Matt Jones likes to refer to himself as a new democrat. He's too stupid to know it, but that's his problem. The old democrats that people respected like Harry Truman, J.F.K., and Wendell Ford. Well that democrat party is long gone. Truman, J.F.K., and Ford would roll over in their graves if they could see the weirdos that has taken over their party. And I've heard talk that Matt might run against Mitch McConnell for the U.S. Senate. OH what I would give to see this happen. No one would vote for MJ, the Louisville fans would vote against him because he's a jerk. The republicans & moderates wouldn't vote for him because he's a liberal new democrat, as well as being a jerk. Almost no one likes this guy personally & even fewer likes his politics. I don't know where this clown thinks his votes will come from.

I agree. His only liberal base would be Lexington. He says he's from Eastern Kentucky but those folks have been hit hardest by liberal polices. So I really don't know where his votes would come from. I would love for someone to beat out McConnell but I would want someone in the mold of a Jim Webb or a Donald Trump.
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What about the nine intelligence members that the media is citing as anonymous sources, who leaked them the classified information?
You are confused and are misstating facts. I am not responsible for what you do not know. What I am sure of is my own intelligence and if I say the Russians are the ones behind this then they are the ones behind this. They did not stop at the election. Their efforts are ongoing and have extended into undermining the Trump administration.

The House Intelligence Committee is complaining today about the FBI refusing to cooperate with them. That's probably because the FBI is struggling with how far this operation extends and where its tentacles reach, exactly. The FBI is hunting Russians, not reporters or politicians.

Any politician that has said one thing to the Russians then another thing in public is open to being targeted. So far Flynn and Sessions have gotten leaked as having talked to the Russians but then denied it in public. The Russians, of course, would immediately recognize that as a vulnerability. Then it is only a matter of when they want to reveal the lies and through who and in what way. With of course the desire of such leaks to weaken and undermine the US political system.
MJ feels bad for Steve Beshear, poor guy. He's the same age as Trump, btw. lol. Really great guy, 98% of his speech was right on track. Beshear, just a solid individual.
The only issue I have with Beshear is did he really need to feature his nuts so prominently in his response? I mean he sat there with Dick Cheney nuts just poking right into the camera. Not a good look to the nation. All everyone was thinking was "why is this old guy all sprawled out with his nuts showing" and the subliminal message was one of dominance. These are my nuts. I am more powerful than you are.

There are supposed to be people around that understand optics and can say something like, "Hey, less nuts" before this stuff goes on television.

You are confused and are misstating facts. I am not responsible for what you do not know.
I'm not confused. That's exactly what has been reported as to where the leaks came from. So, just like I said, the liberal media are lying about their sources being nine intelligence agents, but in reality their sources are the Russians. Which means the liberal media are colluding with the Russians to bring down the government. They are traitors to America. Time to string them up. Morning Joe first.
I absolutely could beat Mitch Mcconnell with Matt Jones. It would fully test my powers but I could do it. Of course Jones would have to be willing to listen to me in sort of a Bannon/Trump way... but I could do it.
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This guy was nowhere to be found for eight years. Now he's out and about? Now the media and Dems like him? Haha

It's funny to watch how the left always moves on to the next person to call a racist, sexist fascist killer after they defeat one and how they use these guys and other cucks to say, "Well, this last guy we defeated wasn't so bad but this new one, oh he's the worst."
Matt Jones likes to refer to himself as a new democrat. He's too stupid to know it, but that's his problem. The old democrats that people respected like Harry Truman, J.F.K., and Wendell Ford. Well that democrat party is long gone. Truman, J.F.K., and Ford would roll over in their graves if they could see the weirdos that has taken over their party. And I've heard talk that Matt might run against Mitch McConnell for the U.S. Senate. OH what I would give to see this happen. No one would vote for MJ, the Louisville fans would vote against him because he's a jerk. The republicans & moderates wouldn't vote for him because he's a liberal new democrat, as well as being a jerk. Almost no one likes this guy personally & even fewer likes his politics. I don't know where this clown thinks his votes will come from.

Ryan Lemond will.