How will they rule ??!

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i'm not seeing much play on the WNBA allegations that the league is a bunch of hostile bull dykes. Interesting that it hasn't been up much on ESPN ha

Meanwhile Jason Collins got treated like a god for simply being gay.

I have no doubts that an attractive heterosexual basketball player got hassled by disgusting looking lesbians in the WNBA.
Generals May Launch New ISIS Raids Without Trump’s OK

The White House is considering delegating more authority to the Pentagon to greenlight anti-terrorist operations to step up the war on the so-called Islamic State, multiple U.S. officials say.

President Donald Trump has signaled that he wants his defense secretary, retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis, to have a freer hand to launch time-sensitive missions quickly, ending what U.S. officials say could be a long approval process under President Barack Obama that critics claimed stalled some missions by hours or days.

Amazing that according to FBI data that murder rates are higher in the conservative South and mid-West vs the liberal Northeast and West.

Do you think that the majority of the people committing the murders are conservatives or liberals? Also Chicago (the nation's murder capital) is in the Mid-West but its hardly a conservative place.
Look, Donald trump has been one of the most influential and paraded celebrity honkies of all time in the hip hop world, for obviou$$$$ reasons. It's just a matter of time before black people publically love him again.He is wayyy more black than Barry who wasn't even as black as Bill C. Shit. Barry changed his accent when talking to black people. That's racist af, tbh.

Trump is in over 300 rap songs...most about wanting to be him (pre 2015). Nas, Jeezy, Luda, Nelly, Yung Joc, TI, Lil Wayne, K Lamar, Diddy, Meek Mill, Big Sean, J Cole and on and on and on. Funny
Trump also played Waldo's(the little shithead trying to steal Darla away from Alfalfa) father in the iconic movie The Little Rascals.[laughing]

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Trump is in over 300 rap songs...most about wanting to be him (pre 2015). Nas, Jeezy, Luda, Nelly, Yung Joc, TI, Lil Wayne, K Lamar, Diddy, Meek Mill, Big Sean, J Cole and on and on and on. Funny

Hopefully the hip hop culture goes back to it's roots and denounces the hijacking of the gangster movement. Hip Hop is dead.
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Boy, isn't that a slap of reality. Black America keeps voting Dems and actually regressing.

If I was Black, I'd be pissed as to why my party does more social interventions for Muslims than my fellow Black Americans, who have been fighting the system for hundreds of years.

Democrats love Muslims more than Black America
Illegals hurt black people badly as well. A lot of the job illegals get are mostly the same jobs blacks would get. Yet the dem party wants this country filled with 'refugees' and illegals.

The dem party does absolutely nothing to help anybody, but they pretty much shit on black people. How the dem party has just one black voter is beyond me.
BOSTON (CBS) – Democratic Congressman Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts said President Donald Trump’s address to Congress was a “significant shift” from previous rhetoric coming from the White House, adding also that the president has been treated unfairly by the media in recent months.

“I think his words were a significant shift from his previous, sometimes inflammatory rhetoric. I thought he was much more conciliatory,” Lynch told WBZ NewsRadio 1030’s Joe Mathieu. “He urged us at one part to get past the trivial differences and work together. That’s not been his mode of operating, at least up until this point.”
Isn't the end goal of Marxism to form a society with no need for government? And that socialism and Communism just being steps toward that end goal?

Yes - that's in "The Manifesto" as well
All the "Men are enslaving" women though marriage and "down with the patriarchal society" bits that you hear BLM (and many others) regurgitate - comes from Marx/s co-author - F. Engels.....those are HIS quotes......ain't that cute?

Women's marches organized by men- to promote White, Male European ideas from Marx - same from BLM -- JUST CALL THAT SHIT 'MARCHING FOR MARX 'CAUSE HE'S A WHITE, EUROPEAN MALE THAT WE ALL ADMIRE!!!!.... AND AT LEAST YOU'LL BE HONEST

If you take 19th Century Industrial working conditions into consideration then some of the "push back" from Socialists makes perfect sense -- however, right from the get go, Socialism was also combined with the strict materialist philosophy on reality and an embedded belief that there's NO right/wrong/guilt or innocence

In fact you can see the parallel if you look at how the Communists paroled all criminals who had been imprisoned under the Czars -- ALL of them.
Their theory was that the people (regardless of what they'd done) had done nothing wrong....they were victims of a corrupt system that exploited them -- AND --- oh by the way, the Communists were smarter than everyone else so they reminded everyone that they had DONE AWAY WITH bourgeoise notions of 'right and wrong'

The parallel I"m referring to is on the Black Lives Matter website under "About us"

They list every single problem they can think of that impacts Black Lives (there are some glaring omissions however -- like the link between single parent homes and poverty/crime -- as of about 2012 SEVENTY PERCENT of Black Children are born out of wedlock.,...THAT matters)....they specifically state that ALL these problems (poverty,crime rates, ALL of the 2.5 million black folks in jail )...are the result of.....State Violence

Sound familiar -- ? It's the SYSTEM's fault....replace it and we'll have "justice"
Really? Justice like the 15-20 MILLION murdered Russian peasants received?
In the end -- why should we trust your sorry asses anyway?? ABOUT ANYTHING??

Let's see -- you don't believe in right or such thing as guilt or innocence...your founding fathers had LOTS more concentration camps than Hitler -- you exterminated more innocent lives than the Nazi's.....and YOU want to be given the keys to drive the car again? AND YOU WANT A GLOBAL GOVT TOO??

Suurrrrre.....I mean -- what could go wrong?
That all sounds pretty fair.

They then tended to use those thugs, thieves and murders as low level agents of the new "classless society" to intimidate and spread "red terror" against any resistance

You see - a prostitute or even a murder could be excused before someone who wanted to maintain private property (ref: the 6 MILLION that Stalin starved to death in Ukraine in ~ 1937-1938) -- they refused to hand over lands that had been in their care and legal ownership for generations .... so they had to die.

And a thief was the natural enemy of someone who valued private property so they were often placed in low level supervisor positions in the camps....

in fact - it strikes me that there's a conspiracy of silence around the "founding fathers" of socialism ....

I sincerely hope that anyone reading this will consider these respectful and vald questions the next time you happen to see a BLM / Socialist / Marxist or random Social Justice Warrior (hell.....might as well put UL fans in there too....)

1) You're adamant that Capitalism MUST GO --- but you aren't telling me ANYthing about what you would like to replace it with --- or how much control you have over "who does the replacing" ---

2) How do you explain the fact that a 'social justice' group like BLM can openly state that they want to (among other things) end the targeted violence towards black people.......but they never say a word about the volumes of books the founder of Planned Parenthood wrote about weeding out useless people "like immigrants, the poor and minorities"......why don't you protest the fact that her BUST is in the Smithsonian Institution.......when I look at the unique murder rate within the AF-AM population - and I look at the racist / eugenicist intent of the founder of PP -- and where those clinics are located (MUCH more frequently found in urban areas)....I think I would have to address those points

3) How do you make sense out of the fact that while you're noting a repeated history of abused trust/power from those in our current form of govt (something that can be shown to occur all over the world with every race/creed/culture) -- you argue for replacing it (when you're honest anyway) with a form of government that's inherently less accountable to the people and has fewer institutions giving input / checks and balances?

4) If you truly believe the Socialist teachings that there's no right/wrong -- then why are you on my damn case? And why are you protesting/

5) Why doesn't BLM make any mention of black men and black women sticking together and loving their children -- in the "family" section of their website?All you have is a rant against the patricarcial society that doesn't give you free baby sitting WHILE YOU GO PROTEST ((Hell -- aren't you getting paid from that old While Man Soros anyway??))

6) why should anyone trust socialist ever again to manage ANYthing -- your history tells us that your definition of "progressive" (a term the Bolsheviks used as well) includes the PROGRESS of Socialism to Communism .....that's ALWAYS BEEN a brutal and unmerciful series of events......and you want to run things again?

7) why should Marxists be trusted, respected, or tolerated any more than Nazis?

To hell with them ----

Sorry -- I think I just ranted again......PROMISE that's the last time tonight

Time to go hit the Blog --- gonna talk about REPARATIONS for Slavery tonight and into the early morning.....

Yes -- the distinction here isn't race -- it's about logic really

I also I recall hearing a rep from AF-AM Civil Rights group that came on one of the local radio stations and specifically stated that when the Left started copying the Civil Rights model in action and words (moral comparison etc) for the gay marriage movement .... there were many that took offense.....

and if anyone is paying attention to how "Progressive" was originally defined by the Marxists then you weren't surprised that trans-gendered people were the next protected people to be placed in the dome of Communist Holiness

So then --- you won't be surprised at how they're already moving to make pedophilia 'an ok choice' too.......right??

Lots of black churches started jumping off the bandwagon a while back

This is further evidence of how the party has been totally hi-jacked

Wait......if a man can be a woman just by BELIEVING HE IS>....then doesn't that mean I can be Black by BELIEVING I AM?

if you disagree --- explain to me exactly how that works

Marxists are overplaying their hand - this SHIT makes no sense

If anyone can be anything they want to be by insisting that they are -- then NONE OF YOUR INSTITUTIONS HAVE ANY DAMN MEANING and my 4 white-ass hillbill brothers are as black as the Lesbian, Communists who lean BLM



You owe my newly black ass $1M ....... because I BELIVE IT.....and you said there's no such thing as right/wrong

damnit --- i'll really stop no
I'm really not normally this claccakety with the keys

I was INTENSE into politics at the end of my UF career and wanted to go back to TN and help VanHillary run for Congress and launch a political career of my own (one that was aimed only at working within my home state as a career)

That was placed into deep freeze when I moved to GA = long story short I wound up having to walk away from politics in order to prevent blowing a FUSE

The Trump election stone cold SHOCKED ME TO THE CORE -- didn't see it coming at ALL
I just KNEW Hillary ws getting in (something I wasn't happy about)

Trump is far from perfect but the fact that he's placing emphasis on US Economy, Military, Trade, and our Borders --- and RUNNING PERPENDICULAR TO GEORGE SOROS (and the Bushes, and several members of the Statist parties) - tells me it's a step in the right direction

My hope is that he doesn't go power mad or worse....get set up somehow by what has to be the most extensive (and unusual) collection of enemies any US President has ever faced

All that to say that ,.... I sometimes come to the political forum now to vent.....and sometimes it takes a while.........I'll try to be more brief .... but I tend to post the way I Speak to people......which is also how I play guitar come to think about by my pants -- improvise -- see connections everywhere and EMANATE EMOTION!!!!

gotta go =-- love you Wildcat fans to Freakin PIECES AND BITS AND WHATNOT
I appreciate the intelligent if not somewhat rambling response. It's a nice contrast to the frothing spittle-flecked neanderthals swinging on Trump's nuts around here. Sure, you swing on them too but, well, at least you know you're swinging.
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The bar has been set so low for Trump as a president that if he walks out there and doesn't brag about the size of his penis then it is a smashing success.
More empty rhetoric. More Big Spending Republicans with Big Plans for our money with no money to pay for it. More Trickle-Down Bread Crumbs off the Rich Man's Table tax cuts for his rich Wall Street buddies. More of Wall Street flying high while the midwest and the rust belt get nothing but lip service. More taking credit for everything not nailed down no matter how preposterous. More Big Intrusive Government run Healthcare from the Big Spending Big Government Republicans that think they know how to spend our money better than we do as they ramp up their death panels and slash our health coverage.

Spend, spend, spend and more debt, debt, debt, while shoveling a huge wad of horseshit at the poor suckers in the midwest and rust belt that are going to get stuck with the bill.

All planned, plotted, and sculpted by Trump's billionaire Wall Street cabinet. The richest thieves ever assembled that virtually assure the complete destruction of our middle class while they plan on high tailing it to Russia after they've stolen everything that isn't nailed down.

The largest transfer of wealth in human history is about to start, folks. From your pockets into Trump's friends pockets as they spend uncontrollably and get their golden parachutes ready so they can take off with their Russian billionaire friends and leave us stuck holding the bag.
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Yes - that's in "The Manifesto" as well
All the "Men are enslaving" women though marriage and "down with the patriarchal society" bits that you hear BLM (and many others) regurgitate - comes from Marx/s co-author - F. Engels.....those are HIS quotes......ain't that cute?

Women's marches organized by men- to promote White, Male European ideas from Marx - same from BLM -- JUST CALL THAT SHIT 'MARCHING FOR MARX 'CAUSE HE'S A WHITE, EUROPEAN MALE THAT WE ALL ADMIRE!!!!.... AND AT LEAST YOU'LL BE HONEST

If you take 19th Century Industrial working conditions into consideration then some of the "push back" from Socialists makes perfect sense -- however, right from the get go, Socialism was also combined with the strict materialist philosophy on reality and an embedded belief that there's NO right/wrong/guilt or innocence

In fact you can see the parallel if you look at how the Communists paroled all criminals who had been imprisoned under the Czars -- ALL of them.
Their theory was that the people (regardless of what they'd done) had done nothing wrong....they were victims of a corrupt system that exploited them -- AND --- oh by the way, the Communists were smarter than everyone else so they reminded everyone that they had DONE AWAY WITH bourgeoise notions of 'right and wrong'

The parallel I"m referring to is on the Black Lives Matter website under "About us"

They list every single problem they can think of that impacts Black Lives (there are some glaring omissions however -- like the link between single parent homes and poverty/crime -- as of about 2012 SEVENTY PERCENT of Black Children are born out of wedlock.,...THAT matters)....they specifically state that ALL these problems (poverty,crime rates, ALL of the 2.5 million black folks in jail )...are the result of.....State Violence

Sound familiar -- ? It's the SYSTEM's fault....replace it and we'll have "justice"
Really? Justice like the 15-20 MILLION murdered Russian peasants received?
In the end -- why should we trust your sorry asses anyway?? ABOUT ANYTHING??

Let's see -- you don't believe in right or such thing as guilt or innocence...your founding fathers had LOTS more concentration camps than Hitler -- you exterminated more innocent lives than the Nazi's.....and YOU want to be given the keys to drive the car again? AND YOU WANT A GLOBAL GOVT TOO??

Suurrrrre.....I mean -- what could go wrong?
That all sounds pretty fair.

They then tended to use those thugs, thieves and murders as low level agents of the new "classless society" to intimidate and spread "red terror" against any resistance

You see - a prostitute or even a murder could be excused before someone who wanted to maintain private property (ref: the 6 MILLION that Stalin starved to death in Ukraine in ~ 1937-1938) -- they refused to hand over lands that had been in their care and legal ownership for generations .... so they had to die.

And a thief was the natural enemy of someone who valued private property so they were often placed in low level supervisor positions in the camps....

in fact - it strikes me that there's a conspiracy of silence around the "founding fathers" of socialism ....

I sincerely hope that anyone reading this will consider these respectful and vald questions the next time you happen to see a BLM / Socialist / Marxist or random Social Justice Warrior (hell.....might as well put UL fans in there too....)

1) You're adamant that Capitalism MUST GO --- but you aren't telling me ANYthing about what you would like to replace it with --- or how much control you have over "who does the replacing" ---

2) How do you explain the fact that a 'social justice' group like BLM can openly state that they want to (among other things) end the targeted violence towards black people.......but they never say a word about the volumes of books the founder of Planned Parenthood wrote about weeding out useless people "like immigrants, the poor and minorities"......why don't you protest the fact that her BUST is in the Smithsonian Institution.......when I look at the unique murder rate within the AF-AM population - and I look at the racist / eugenicist intent of the founder of PP -- and where those clinics are located (MUCH more frequently found in urban areas)....I think I would have to address those points

3) How do you make sense out of the fact that while you're noting a repeated history of abused trust/power from those in our current form of govt (something that can be shown to occur all over the world with every race/creed/culture) -- you argue for replacing it (when you're honest anyway) with a form of government that's inherently less accountable to the people and has fewer institutions giving input / checks and balances?

4) If you truly believe the Socialist teachings that there's no right/wrong -- then why are you on my damn case? And why are you protesting/

5) Why doesn't BLM make any mention of black men and black women sticking together and loving their children -- in the "family" section of their website?All you have is a rant against the patricarcial society that doesn't give you free baby sitting WHILE YOU GO PROTEST ((Hell -- aren't you getting paid from that old While Man Soros anyway??))

6) why should anyone trust socialist ever again to manage ANYthing -- your history tells us that your definition of "progressive" (a term the Bolsheviks used as well) includes the PROGRESS of Socialism to Communism .....that's ALWAYS BEEN a brutal and unmerciful series of events......and you want to run things again?

7) why should Marxists be trusted, respected, or tolerated any more than Nazis?

To hell with them ----

Sorry -- I think I just ranted again......PROMISE that's the last time tonight

Time to go hit the Blog --- gonna talk about REPARATIONS for Slavery tonight and into the early morning.....

That's some real shit. I 10000% see what's going on, how we've shifted to accept all these points you've hit, but I didn't know this has all been done before. History does repeat itself, and I am ignorant bc I frankly dgaf. What's wrong is wrong, and anybody should see that, but it makes a lot more sense when you lay it all out there like you just did, in a historical and scholarly manner.
I almost feel sorry for people like Z. Deep down they know they are fighting a losing battle. Its not even a fair fight at this point. Trump is kicking his sides ass up and down the field in humiliating fashion. Its like watching the 1985 Chicago Bears playing against the 0-16 Detroit Lions. The first quarter has barely started and its already over.
They're not even bothering to use new terms other than to shift their preferred "useful idiot vehicles" (seriously no offense intended to the unwitting who are being used for Marxist goals that have been in place since the Communist first revolted)....."progressive" -- "a vague sense of justice" coming from swiping to socialism -- which is being verbalized to us by people who don't even believe there IS a such thing as right/wrong ..... AND Socialism was never the intended ultimate goal of Marx or the monstes he spawned like Lenin,. Stalin, Molotov, Trotsky etc etc

They (Marxists / communists) have been flat out lying and purposely eating social disorder for years --- all that's part of their playbook -- they LITERALLY wrote thesis papers and ''how to guides' way back when the Bolsheviks went on their murdering spree for the greater good.......and oh yeah....for "The People" too........and uhhh...ESPECIALLY for the workers -- yeah, they really cared about them too

*(at least not the ~ 66 million they eradicated)

The more I've been studying it the more I'm taken aback about how in the open they are

Which means =- now more than ever -- the true nature AND HISTORY of socialism and communism HAS TO BE OBFUSCATED..........

its waaaY TO LATE in the game to have people start waking up and throwing aside artificial social conflicts that we've been trained to respond / react to

THEIR PLAYBOOK ONLY HAS ONE MORE MOVE LEFT IN IT ---- Open Revolution w/targete violence and terror to seize control of govt / capital / means of production
I almost feel sorry for people like Z. Deep down they know they are fighting a losing battle. Its not even a fair fight at this point. Trump is kicking his sides ass up and down the field in humiliating fashion. Its like watching the 1985 Chicago Bears playing against the 0-16 Detroit Lions. The first quarter has barely started and its already over.
Everyone is kicking his ass on here as well. I don't think he has ever won an argument unless it is the times he goes all Sybil and beats himself.
THEIR PLAYBOOK ONLY HAS ONE MORE MOVE LEFT IN IT ---- Open Revolution w/targete violence and terror to seize control of govt / capital / means of production

love the intelligent reading material. keep it up.

as to that last line, the little thing called the 2nd amendment and the 300 plus million guns in the hands of the more the willing throws a huge wrench in that playbook. they can protest all they want, but they aren't seizing shit!
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THEIR PLAYBOOK ONLY HAS ONE MORE MOVE LEFT IN IT ---- Open Revolution w/targete violence and terror to seize control of govt / capital / means of production

This is why I hope DJT is the real deal. I just hope he is not in place to throw the wedge into the system to force the revolution. Their endgame wants a civil war. They have their troops in place throughout the country.
More empty rhetoric. More Big Spending Republicans with Big Plans for our money with no money to pay for it. More Trickle-Down Bread Crumbs off the Rich Man's Table tax cuts for his rich Wall Street buddies. More of Wall Street flying high while the midwest and the rust belt get nothing but lip service. More taking credit for everything not nailed down no matter how preposterous. More Big Intrusive Government run Healthcare from the Big Spending Big Government Republicans that think they know how to spend our money better than we do as they ramp up their death panels and slash our health coverage.

Spend, spend, spend and more debt, debt, debt, while shoveling a huge wad of horseshit at the poor suckers in the midwest and rust belt that are going to get stuck with the bill.

All planned, plotted, and sculpted by Trump's billionaire Wall Street cabinet. The richest thieves ever assembled that virtually assure the complete destruction of our middle class while they plan on high tailing it to Russia after they've stolen everything that isn't nailed down.

The largest transfer of wealth in human history is about to start, folks. From your pockets into Trump's friends pockets as they spend uncontrollably and get their golden parachutes ready so they can take off with their Russian billionaire friends and leave us stuck holding the bag.
Everyone is kicking his ass on here as well. I don't think he has ever won an argument unless it is the times he goes all Sybil and beats himself.

He is not trying to win an argument. The left wants to "con" troll" control the narrative. The whole "Damn, I'm Good" quote was patting his own back for catching Wett in the troll trap of talking about Obama's spending in comparison to DJT. The sooner you disengage the soup cans on the string will go from his own mouth to his ear. That's fun at first but sooner or later he will quit talking to himself.