How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
** KA -- BOOM **

Thanks, Joe!
More info.

National Public Data experienced a security breach. Billions of records exposed, including SSN and addresses.

You can check if your records were exposed by going to:

NPD Breach Check -


Verified records exposed for wife and I. My little brother's records exposed. Oddly, my daughter's records not. We froze our credit via all three services.

Choice is yours. Simply trying to help. Good luck, everyone.
One reason that there are probably fewer Black Republicans might be that since the Democrats hung up the white sheets, and scrubbed their hands (and their history) to remove the ash stains from all those cross burnings and lynchings, they have instituted a new form of "soft racism' against black people in this country, that has placed more "palatable" obstacles in their way, while whispering empty promises in their ears.
The laptop is real dude. Quit living in fantasy land. Your party has already shitcanned Biden. You can admit he's corrupt now and just pretend that Kamala is squeaky clean.
The laptop was real, and there was nothing on it.
Biden saw he was a liability and withdrew.
"Squeaky clean"? What does that even mean? You believe every insinuation about people you don't like and dig in like a toddler for Trump.
The laptop was real, and there was nothing on it.
😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄


The "nothing" that was or (lol) WASN'T on it, was damaging enough that the FBI hid it in the basement, and then, when they had no choice but to acknowledge it, went balls to the wall to characterize it as "Russian disinformation", and strong arm press outlets and social media into sticking to the story. LOL

You truly ARE dumber than a hammer, aren't you... (that was rhetorical, no need to answer)

Even my staunchest liberal friends can admit that. But not you. That head just goes deeper into the sand, by God. LOL
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LIberals - Life is hard, isn't fair, and we deserve equality of outcome.

Conservatives - Quit whining, set down the stupid signs, venture out of the "safe space", and try getting proactively involved in your life/change your circumstances.

To put it more succinctly:

Liberals - small whiney children

Conservatives - Adults
The laptop was real, and there was nothing on it.
Biden saw he was a liability and withdrew.
"Squeaky clean"? What does that even mean? You believe every insinuation about people you don't like and dig in like a toddler for Trump.
This is what we're up against. No matter how much you inform this individual, he is too stupid to be able to make a decision that is beneficial to society at large.
So we all now agree that proof of citizenship and an ID is required, in order to vote in Federal elections, right?

And so it follows that, if those requirements are not met, then those elections are invalid.

What else can I help you folks with?
It is hard to imagine that there are imbeciles who think a state required ID is the same as a poll tax.
That doesn't solve the problem of US citizens ONLY, being able to vote in Federal elections.

Those documents exist for a reason. It's not my problem if people lose them. If you lose your wallet, for example, it's a pain the ass to recover/protect/cancel/replace what was in it. But one does it even so... It's called doing what is necessary/being an adult.
He has proven, once again, what is wrong with his "movement". He is selfish, lazy and irresponsible. He tries to cloak his argument in "compassion", when it is truthfully "compulsion" and he has zero compassion of his own.
The laptop was real, and there was nothing on it.
Biden saw he was a liability and withdrew.
"Squeaky clean"? What does that even mean? You believe every insinuation about people you don't like and dig in like a toddler for Trump.
except for an ass-load of photos.....

She should swim for the exact same reason she ever has, to beat her times. If she was only swimming for the podium, sorry, but life doesn't hand out participation awards. That's what y'all are always saying, right?
She was the top WOMAN swimmer in the WOMAN's category. That is not participation.

So, taking your argument ... what would stop any of us from joining a middle school girls basketball team? I don't care who is out there, we would most likely be the #1 player in the league. Is that what you're proposing?

And you cannot argue that a competitor MUST be in a given category ... you've eliminated that with your war on women.
The IDs should be made of lead or tranquilizers. If they want into the country, they should apply and wait on the other side of the border until their request is approved. If they don't want to wait, but instead want to cross the border illegally, they should be treated like the criminals they've decided to be and then be sent back across in the form appropriate.

No one has the right to remove anyone else's border/property markers. Period. No one should be going on anyone else's property without permission. If you have no respect for anyone else's life, property, or livelihood, then why should you expect to have any yourself?
Agree. But the powers that be aren't doing that today. So do you want illegals being allowed here to have US ID's or not? Me, I'd rather know who they are.
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As I said, they did not sue the head of state. You can't sue the President. Read the article and see who the defendants are.
Here's another good one, Señor.

Even immigrant's rights groups suing evil, corrupt Biden Administration.

You can't make this shit up.

people of average intelligence hear what she says and are aware of the things she has done
dims don’t hear and are willfully unaware

They had to pay those idiots behind her because it’s hard to grasp how stupid they look sitting back there completely oblivious to the reality that all the problems she is talking about is all due to her and Joe’s administration.