Gas prices have floated around 3.00 for almost 20 years. Supply disruptions due to COVID, that ship getting wedged in the Suez Canal, disruptions due to the Ukraine war, and inflation due to COVID stimulus caused prices to spike. Trump would have waved his magic wand I'm sure.
[pic is of Los Angeles harbor during the COVID disruption. 100 ships]
Everyone loved the stimulus. Letting the economy crater -- aka The Treasury View -- caused the Great Depression in this country to last from 1929-1941. Was there inflation due to the stimulus? Sure. Everybody who imagines there aren't going to be stresses due to externalities raise your hand.
Trump never says where his numbers come from. My bet: stoking anger over strangers is a big win among his base. You sure sound angry. Maybe you're in his target audience. There are agencies which track such things and the number now is just where it was when Trump was president. Around 11 million. I've heard insane numbers: 50 million, 75 million. 1 out of 6 people are illegal aliens? Yeah, that tracks.
The Allies appeased Hitler. How did that work out?