How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I suspect that Trump actually has an above average IQ, but may be "on the spectrum". Asperger's etc. Trouble with impulse control and difficulty recognizing social cues.
Ah, he's disadvantaged. Ought to get bonus votes for that. What do Libs think?
“You don’t have to intend racism to accomplish it.”

He opened his mouth and proved his sound byte.

That fat and drunk socialist "professor" is a bully and a racist, besides being a complete liar and fraud. He's what happens when you promote racism within school campuses. Everything looks like a nail to a rusty hammer, so he treats a white woman with no respect, trying to talk over her instead of letting her have a voice.

That is the essence of the Democrat party and always has been. He's Meathead and George Jefferson all rolled up into one fat sausage of a little man.
No idea why we issue ID's to illegals. In general we shouldn't, whether they ever had one in the home country or not. Now if they've been fully vetted here & we're not kicking them out, then a US ID saying they are illegal is helpful. Shouldn't been a driver's license.
California first had the idea (everything the left wants first starts in California) as it would somehow make driving safer in the state because they have an astronomical amount of hit and runs compared to everyone else.

This of course also led to states automatically registering them for voting and then claiming mistakes later.
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It is not. The goal is to nominate Trump regardless of the outcome.
Which other Republican could’ve won 2016?

I wanted DeSantis this year but that went to crap. Haley surely wasn’t going to win anything and she’s not much better anyway than another leftist.
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I have zero doubt this really happened. We are living in a very DARK period of U.S. history.

Epstein explained how the prosecutors tried to get him to give testimony to support Trump’s impeachment, even if it wasn’t true. Here is Tartaglione’s description of their conversation:

He [Epstein] said, ‘I don’t know anything. . . . But the government told me I don’t have to prove what I say about Trump as long as Trump’s people can’t disprove it.’ I [Tartaglione] said ‘Yes, he’s the President of the United States. His people are the FBI.’ He [Epstein] said, ‘That’s what I said, and they said, no, the FBI’s our people, not his people.
Did you wear clothes? You cannot go nude on a daily basis in public so essentially you have to pay to go vote with the purchase of clothes.
Woman in NH voted topless in 2020 after the poll workers told her her anti-Trump shirt wasn't allowed. It's never been challenged in court so it's unknown where the constitutionality of that lies. Probably can't let decency laws make you pay to vote either. Would have to be litigated though, as it isn't a straight, 'You have to show a shirt to vote!' thing.

Pencil Neck again:
According to the newly released federal election reports, Congressman Adam Schiff, 64, has paid Judge Merchan's daughter almost $8million so far this year as he campaigns to take the late Dianne Feinstein's seat in the Senate.

Congressman Dan Goldman, another Democratic politician who once said Trump "has to be eliminated", also paid Merchan's Authentic Campaigns $57,000 this year for "digital ads".
A PAC for Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, 52, is paying Merchan's firm an $8,000 per month retainer for "digital consulting".
Woman in NH voted topless in 2020 after the poll workers told her her anti-Trump shirt wasn't allowed. It's never been challenged in court so it's unknown where the constitutionality of that lies. Probably can't let decency laws make you pay to vote either. Would have to be litigated though, as it isn't a straight, 'You have to show a shirt to vote!' thing.
Were these biological women or the todays woman? Big difference there Dion.

What policies do you stand for that Harris is proposing and what good has she accomplished for you personally the last 3.5yrs?
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Massie opposes the fight against Russian aggression?


A consequence of communism. China enslaved its own people to harvest grain, which it sold to other countries in exchange for industrial equipment, which it used to grow its industrial base. Between 30 and 70 million Chinese starved to death during this short period. We honestly don't know how many, because China lied about it and got away with it. There was no internet back then.
Hate to break this to you, but your candidate is Donald Trump. Once upon a time he was entertaining and engaging. For the last few years he's rambled incoherently, quickly moving from one half-thought to the next. I could post hundreds of clips of him talking about confusing shit like us defending our airports against the British, windmills causing cancer, and him believing you need an id to buy eggs. The guy your party keeps voting for, three straight times now, is legitimately a terrible speaker. There was a time when he wasn't but he is now.
Trump isn't an angel, but theres NO QUESTION the country was in better shape when he was president, prior to covid. If i owned Apple i would rather have a him in the chair over Kamala, thats as lost as any politician that ive ever seen. We've never had a person running for president that refuses to do interviews due to that fact that she has no clue about the economy or world affairs. She avoids tough questions by trying to make it funny, awkwardly laughing her way out of answering. She wasn't chosen by the people, she was picked by an old man who said "Im only taking a running mate thats a woman, and she has to be black". Would you ask for that if you needed heart surgery?

I know you're not happy with her, because the Dems kicked her out of the primaries before it even started, you guys demolished her 4 years ago....and rightfully so. Now she's brilliant, even though she has no idea what she's doing. Trumps no angel but we're in much safer hands with him. MUCH.
Better stock up on ammo guys. And don't worry in the least about the moral component: If they are foreign invaders, you can just shoot them.

It is hard to imagine that there are imbeciles who think a state required ID is the same as a poll tax.
Like Republicans, SCOTUS, and the entire country? Every state that requires an ID to vote provides a free one. Most of them are Republican dominated. Why is that? Because of the 24th. SCOTUS even had to take up and rule on whether or not voter IDs were constitutional at all, and that case, Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, already had free IDs. Because if it didn't that would've been ruled on immediately in an open and shut case.
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Woman in NH voted topless in 2020 after the poll workers told her her anti-Trump shirt wasn't allowed. It's never been challenged in court so it's unknown where the constitutionality of that lies. Probably can't let decency laws make you pay to vote either. Would have to be litigated though, as it isn't a straight, 'You have to show a shirt to vote!' thing.
They probably weren't women.

Well, legitimate ones, anyway.
Yea, that is a SUPER LAME excuse to not try. We've rescued nearly 200 animals in the past 6-7 years. Do we get them all? of course not, but we make a difference. You just bitch, you little hypocrite.

Starfish on the beach...
Whether you call it an excuse or not, it's still true. As always I'm interested in reality. I commend your work with animals. But as you yourself are forced to acknowledge, it does nothing to alleviate the problem at large. Only triage, never a cure.
She was the top WOMAN swimmer in the WOMAN's category. That is not participation.

So, taking your argument ... what would stop any of us from joining a middle school girls basketball team? I don't care who is out there, we would most likely be the #1 player in the league. Is that what you're proposing?

And you cannot argue that a competitor MUST be in a given category ... you've eliminated that with your war on women.
There can be categories. Lots of sports have weight divisions. Sex just shouldn't be one as it's too malleable.
Trump isn't an angel, but theres NO QUESTION the country was in better shape when he was president, prior to covid.
Better shape than when?

It wasn't simply COVID that tanked the economy. Trump's mixed messages, injecting his "genius" into treatments, and actual opposition to preventative measures when the ijuts grew upset made matters worse. Now, he wasn't worse than Woodrow Wilson who never addressed the Spanish Flu ... at all ... but Trump made Trump the focus of the fight against COVID.
Which other Republican could’ve won 2016?

I wanted DeSantis this year but that went to crap. Haley surely wasn’t going to win anything and she’s not much better anyway than another leftist.
How is 2016 relevant to now? It's not. I don't get why Haley turns so many off other than the Fortress America fans. She correctly predicted Dims getting rid of Biden would help them.
Of course, but why isn't there more white running backs? Its a bit racist how they overlook the white ones.
You're arguing white people have a genetic, born in advantage in politics like the Black population does being a running back? Explain what it is then.
Better shape than when?

It wasn't simply COVID that tanked the economy. Trump's mixed messages, injecting his "genius" into treatments, and actual opposition to preventative measures when the ijuts grew upset made matters worse. Now, he wasn't worse than Woodrow Wilson who never addressed the Spanish Flu ... at all ... but Trump made Trump the focus of the fight against COVID.

Gas prices out of control (except for right this minute due to election)
Ridiculous inflation, something ive never seen in my lifetime.
A record amount of illegals pouring in with zero plan, just cries about "Trump put illegals in cages" garbage..
2 extremely volatile wars going on, with Russia warships practicing 60 miles off Miami.

You have to be biased to point its borderline lunacy to believe the country is better now. We haven't been this close to WW3 since Castro was youthful.
Uhh what? You just say this and then don't cite the case. Not true at all.
There was a North Carolina case about voter id that SCOTUS remanded back to lower courts. They felt that the state hadn't been given the opportunity to defend it.

Voter ID laws that provide for easy access to the ID for the elderly or the poor who do not drive, those seem fine. But in practice alternate ids to drivers licenses and birth certificates are almost always difficult to get.

The SCOTUS did not say they were not a poll tax. But if you have to pay to get them in order to vote, it would be pure sophistry to deny that's what they are.
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Were these biological women or the todays woman? Big difference there Dion.

What policies do you stand for that Harris is proposing and what good has she accomplished for you personally the last 3.5yrs?
Biological woman. And that's not what you said about the trans influencer who went topless on the WH lawn. Y'all were definitely all pearl-clutchy about those titties.

Harris hasn't said much yet about policy to critique. She isn't Trump or a Republican though, so she's got my vote. A socialist isn't going to vote for the right. You expect me to?
One tried to persuade votes by paying student debt with our taxes, now the other is promising 25 grand to persuade votes, again with our taxes. Where do these cheating ass people get off? Then she claims to have worked at McDonalds, the only drive thru she has seen is her mouth..
You're arguing white people have a genetic, born in advantage in politics like the Black population does being a running back? Explain what it is then.
Black population is 13% of the population, how many are Republicans? Maybe 1 out of 50,000? The argument was that the selection of Blacks wanting to run on a Repub ticket are so minimal that theres none to choose from, none at least with the speaking abilities of a Obama. SO why aren't there more white running backs? Answer- Because theres none to choose from. Same with black Repubs.
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A consequence of communism. China enslaved its own people to harvest grain, which it sold to other countries in exchange for industrial equipment, which it used to grow its industrial base. Between 30 and 70 million Chinese starved to death during this short period. We honestly don't know how many, because China lied about it and got away with it. There was no internet back then.
I am semi retired now, but I have posted before about the industry I was in and how China decimated it in the early to mid eighties. I have only second hand stories as proof, but they did sell their goods at a fraction of our cost. People who claimed they saw it said they forced workers in to production plants at slave wages, by gun point if necessary. I had a delegation of Chinese come into my factory led by one of the first Americans to import our product. They wanted me to buy from them and become one of the early distributors. I guess it cost me a fortune, but I said no because it just didn't seem right.