Bullshit. I taught from 1988-2017 and never had problem with getting respect from my students. Kids want discipline, they’re going to see what they can get by with. You gain respect from the alpha and they all fall in line. You know for a fact who the good teachers are when you walk by their rooms. The ones that have discipline are the true teachers. Too many are like their parents and want to be their friend.You are right. But ask why that is?? When I started teaching in the 80s a teacher made about 3 times what a fast food worker makes. Now it is close to the same... Even less if they deliver and make tips.
When I started teaching I had a pension that motivated me to stay in the career.
The pension is gone now. Not only is the new pension crap, you can't get full SS benefits or any SS survivor benefits even if you paid into all your quarters.
The public, politicians and media have demonized teachers. The kids see and hear it every day. They have ZERO respect for their teachers now. Used to be you could count on the conservative parents to have respectful kids. Not anymore. The kids see and hear Fox News/ Right wing radio and their parents bashing away at teachers. They no longer respect their teachers and mind them like they used to. Fewer and fewer want the job any more.
Ky is lowering the teacher standards and it is going to get worse. I feel sorry for the kids.
Red states are the worst places now to be a teacher.
You reap what you sow...