Schumer and the Turtle can both eat a bag of dicks. If you’re just going to keep posting memes all day and shrinking from any substantive conversation you can join them.
Schumer and the Turtle can both eat a bag of dicks. If you’re just going to keep posting memes all day and shrinking from any substantive conversation you can join them.
I have a wife and daughter in education. Despite teaching in 2 different states the one thing they have in common is they can't focus on teaching and educating kids due to the time they have to spend on red tape bureaucracy bull crap. Just like health care, banking and everything else, the federal and state governments want to try to control and micro manage everything and it leads to so much extra stuff that folks can't hardly do the jobs they are supposed to do.Absolutely false on both counts. My son graduated from Signature School in Evansville in 2021. Signature is a charter school and is one of the top high schools in the country. There are other high-performing charter schools around the country. It takes vision and commitment to become a high-performing academic school but it can be done.
As to your second point, significant portions of the public school system put out a shitty product. Maybe if they would focus on academics and not on pronouns and other DEI / LGBTQWERTY bullshit, there wouldn't be a need for charter schools.
Signature School | Globally focused. Nationally recognized. Locally connected. | Signature School
Signature School is a charter high school located in downtown Evansville, Indiana on the Main Street walkway. The school opened in 2002 as Indiana's first public charter high school. It has been consistently ranked, by a number of publications, as one of the top high schools in the United
Hearings ran by the democrats? The same group of democrats that impeached him twice over BS. The same group of democrats that unleashed a deadly virus on its own people just so they can usher in mass mail in voting so they could control the upcoming election? Yeah forgive me if I don’t give a flying fart what that J6 committee came up with.There were hearings into the events surrounding Jan 6. We heard the testimony into Trump's plan to overthrow the election. We heard how his own staff told him there was no evidence to support the claims he was making. We heard how John Eastman, the architect of the disruption plan, knew that it was illegal. And said so. The president does NOT have an official role in overturning elections. He went to the electorate who gave Biden a 7,000,000 vote margin. He went to the courts and was rebuffed. There ended his legitimate means to stay in office. He used his office for political ends. Worse, they were ends to create a constitutional crisis.
So why are the local news stations, national media stations that had reporters well as private citizens all saying that the crowds were as shown?
Please cite a reputable source other than Trump who has verified your AI BS.
One problem. Who is going to save the USA from the US government? We are only a few steps behind Europe in the race to complete socialism and an absolutely woke society.Is the US going to have to send the military into Europe to save them again? This time from themselves/their govt...
The testimony wasn't by Democrats, chum.Hearings ran by the democrats? The same group of democrats that impeached him twice over BS. The same group of democrats that unleashed a deadly virus on its own people just so they can usher in mass mail in voting so they could control the upcoming election? Yeah forgive me if I don’t give a flying fart what that J6 committee came up with.
In the past decade, illegals have bankrupted hospitals in California.The border citiy hospitals are getting crushed. Who's paying for it? The taxpayers, while the illegals get free service.
We ae a complete and utter laughing stock under Democrats.
Well then, we don't have to be concerned about the steal.
Then expect him to lose griping about non-2024 issues vs. focusing on winning. It's not up to anyone but him to win. Don't begin to fault Vance or Vivek if he loses - but MAGA will, blaming anyone but Trump & themselves for sticking with him only.Trump is Trump. He’s an 80 year old man. Has had a very successful business and television career. Beat Hilary Clinton. Beat Joe Biden (aside from fraud).
He’s not changing at this point.
And why would he? He’s been pretty damn successful being the Trump brand. In his mind he won in 2016 and 2020 being himself.
He’s not going to tone it down, he’s not going to stop criticizing Raffensberger and Kemp for their treason, he’s not going to stop talking about his Covid “accomplishments”, etc.
Vance, Vivek and crew just need to find a way to make it work.
Trump is the enigmatic founder of the MAGA startup. Sometimes, from the outside, success looks like it’s in spite of rather than because of.
Sure I wish he could improve on some things, but that’s not who he is. Steve Jobs had his quirks, etc. etc. Just shit you have to deal with, and the media is going to frame Trump in the worst way no matter what he does.
KY has a school choice amendment on the ballot, and next to no one else here talks about it. Let Trump bring it up though & oh, it's a big deal. LOL. And sad to boot.He is promoting school choice as well. Probably needs to lead with that. I can't for the life of me figure out how even the most die-hard leftists would have an issue with a school choice policy, but here we are.
"Accuse your opponent of doing what you're doing. "
If each ballot is paper has a unique bar code, then it can't be counted more than once & if someone still suspects that is happening, the ballots can be recounted by hand or machine. Non-paper ballot machines are another matter. Ballot harvesting is another matter than has nothing to do with machines.
The public schools of 50 years ago when JDV attended were much better than the current mess.Public education is one of the main reasons this country is as great as it is. It is the great equalizer. Ask JD Vance about what education did for him. Without public education he would probably be sniffing glue in a Ky holler today.
Republicans want everyone uneducated and ignorant. Just need mindless workers for their fields and factories that don't ask questions.
Are schools perfect? No...but nothing is.
You are completely ignorant of what public education has done for America.
You get it. Many don't.Paper ballots and get the damn machines off the freaking internet.
JDV is 39.The public schools of 50 years ago when JDV attended were much better than the current mess.
Let KH win & see what they think of living here.A friend spoke to 3 different former Irish nationals now living in the states. All are upset at what's happening to their home country, but love being citizens here. 2 ARE worried that this country is going the same direction.
A third is liberal and from Dublin, which they said is becoming a shthole, and spends less and less of their time there when they visit. The family sold the properties they owned there because of it.
Minnesota Bar Owner Speaks Out After She Was Forced into Bankruptcy By 'Evil' Tim Walz- "Watch the Fall of Minneapolis, and You'll See Who This Man Is" (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin
Lisa Zarza ran several successful bars in Minnesota before Tim Walz’s draconian COVID rules forced her into
This is people with green cards becoming citizens - the right way to do things. It's not illegals. So yea, spell it out to me.Watching our country be given away so one party can rule forever (opposite of a Demorcracy). Liberals are vile.
JDV is 39.
You are right. But ask why that is?? When I started teaching in the 80s a teacher made about 3 times what a fast food worker makes. Now it is close to the same... Even less if they deliver and make tips.The public schools of 50 years ago when JDV attended were much better than the current mess.
Ya never answered the question. Why??? Why hold an enormous rally in THAT location on THAT day?? Why tell thousands of people the election was stolen from them....their vote didn't count.....You gotta FIGHT for your country?It’s a free ****ing country (for now at least). He can hold a rally anytime, anywhere he wants as long as people are willing to come. Millions of people recognize that the 2020 election was indeed stolen. The capitol being raided had nothing to do with Trump and his speech. He offered up to have the national guard there for extra protection which pelosi declined. WTF would he offer that protection if he was looking for an insurrection or unrest of any kind. The crowd was lead on that day by bad actors pretending to be in trumps camp to get the pot boiling and even then very few of actual Trump supporters actually did anything other than walk through the capital as if it was a guided tour.
That is your story. Similar to what I hear, but not exactly the same story that friends and relatives who are teachers tell.You are right. But ask why that is?? When I started teaching in the 80s a teacher made about 3 times what a fast food worker makes. Now it is close to the same... Even less if they deliver and make tips.
When I started teaching I had a pension that motivated me to stay in the career.
The pension is gone now. Not only is the new pension crap, you can't get full SS benefits or any SS survivor benefits even if you paid into all your quarters.
The public, politicians and media have demonized teachers. The kids see and hear it every day. They have ZERO respect for their teachers now. Used to be you could count on the conservative parents to have respectful kids. Not anymore. The kids see and hear Fox News/ Right wing radio and their parents bashing away at teachers. They no longer respect their teachers and mind them like they used to. Fewer and fewer want the job any more.
Ky is lowering the teacher standards and it is going to get worse. I feel sorry for the kids.
Red states are the worst places now to be a teacher.
You reap what you sow...
You are spot on about Jeff Co. I have known people over the years that work there.That is your story. Similar to what I hear, but not exactly the same story that friends and relatives who are teachers tell.
JCPS is located in a county that is as blue at it gets. It is a complete disaster beginning with getting the very basic task of getting the children to school.
Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) is a public school district located in Jefferson County, Kentucky, and operating all but one of the public schools in the county. It is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Education, which selects and hires a superintendent, who serves as the system's chief executive.
JCPS operates 167[1] schools with 96,000 students,[2] making it the 29th-largest school district in the United States. In 2020–21 the system had a $1.8 billion budget[3] and more than 18,000 employees. With a fleet of more than 1,500 vehicles, it operates one of the 10 largest transportation systems in the nation.[citation needed] Jefferson County's total population stands at approximately 760,000 — by far the largest in Kentucky.
JDV attended school 10 years before he was born? Talk about pre-school!!The public schools of 50 years ago when JDV attended were much better than the current mess.
It appears we agree on many points. I don't have the experience or exposure to discuss teaching in rural counties. I will defer to you on that point.You are spot on about Jeff Co. I have known people over the years that work there.
Pay is not the issue there. Discipline is by far the biggest issue there. The far left education/discipline policies, fear of lawsuits, gangs, poverty, lack of respect for education, large district size, and culture of the clientele is why it is such a mess.
Sadly, between the stupid liberal education policies in big cities and the stupid conservative policies from the state Republicans.... The entire public school system in Ky is declining rapidly.
Like I've said before....the far left has made being a cop impossible in big cities and the far right is making being a teacher impossible in the rural counties.
Man lands on moon. LOL.JDV attended school 10 years before he was born? Talk about pre-school!!