How will they rule ??!

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Trump had his speech two miles from the capital and there were people going into the capital before Trump even finished his speech. Why did all the women go to Washington on Inauguration Day in 2016 and wear pussy hats? Bet you loved that but Republican side not allowed to ever have their voices heard. Just STFU!!!!!
Well that’s pretty much the Globalists plan. To silence dissent from their political opposition.
I don’t consider Rhinos to be a great source of the truth either.
And Hippos have great big mouths.

They weren't RINOs. They just knew that Trump was a horrible man. Lots of face-to-face contact. For example, Trump said when the documents he had stolen were taken away by the FBI that they had been planted AND he wanted them back. That is a contradiction and has to be -- by definition -- false. So, at best, you have terrible judgment for the truth. There is a huge paper trail about those docs that spanned a year or so of the government trying to them. They weren't all retrieved in the raid, either. So, a new obstruction of justice charge just waiting.

A laughing emoji as a response to Trump's wretched character is insane.
I mean the dweeb Jan 6 committee cut the video off right before he said “and protest peacefully.” A committee that was put together to lie to Americans. You can’t take any of them seriously. They are mentally sick and won’t fix themselves so F em all.
They literally hired Hollywood producers to orchestrate the prime time sham of a hearing.
You and Sambo need to get a room.
As the race has tightened, MAGA bogeymen come out of the woodwork on here. Predictable as the sun tomorrow. Can't be what their savior is doing or not. BTW, you apparently haven't noticed we're not even voting for the same candidate. But have at it.
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We may all be UK fans, but we don't all live in KY.
1) Good to know you're not here. 2) Why isn't school choice important to you anywhere & particularly when interacting with people who have the chance to make a difference now? Just wtf not??? Why aren't you encouraging them? Pretty dam narrow-minded. 3) If you don't realize overwhelmingly most on here live here, you have a big problem.
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Question for the critical thinkers on the board…. If the Democrats are the guardians of democracy they profess to be, why are they trying so hard to throw RFK Jr off the ballot in so many states?
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Hey @BBBLazing , you clear this up yet
Because you're race obsessed. I don't care what race anyone is. Why do you?
I'm only pointing out the irony of a Republican Party obsessing over DEI and what race a Biracial candidate says she is while simultaneously being the poster child for why DEI is even a thing.
Personally, I couldn't care less about race nearly as much as whether someone is a decent human being.
Anybody else think it's funny that @sambowieshin, who claims to be a public school teacher, posted regularly from 11:26am to 4:55pm today, at least twice an hour, while still teaching school? 🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Yep, he started teaching in the 80’s too. That puts him over 35 years. He must not know how the pension system works or has taught in multiple states. That said, I think he just collects a check.
I'm only pointing out the irony of a Republican Party obsessing over DEI and what race a Biracial candidate says she is while simultaneously being the poster child for why DEI is even a thing.
Personally, I couldn't care less about race nearly as much as whether someone is a decent human being.
Repubs dont give a chit about race, they dont make choices just because of skin color. Dem's live on creating race division and constantly push for handouts due to skin color.

DEI is a joke. MLK would be ashamed of the Dem party. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Except Kamala that was chosen 100% due to color..
Certainly depends on how the government is reducing the “backlog” in applications. If they’re rubber stamping every one without doing any vetting of the applicants, then it’s not the way most of us want things done.
You just can't admit you're FOS & it's green card holders getting citizenship. Tell us how it's being done the wrong way. When are green card holders not rubber stamped? How are they normally approved & how is it different now? You against green carders getting citizenship? I mean they wait years for approval all the time.

As is, you're another MAGA bogeyman case.
If there is a God, we'll get a 269 tie, and it'll be Trump as President and Kamala as VP.

That has the makings of a "must see" sitcom. Plus the "will they or won't they" romantic trope.
Why would that happen? House votes for Prez. Senate for VP.
I'm only pointing out the irony of a Republican Party obsessing over DEI and what race a Biracial candidate says she is while simultaneously being the poster child for why DEI is even a thing.
Personally, I couldn't care less about race nearly as much as whether someone is a decent human being.
NO. You're the one who keeps bringing up which party nominates someone of each race, not us.
Trump had his speech two miles from the capital and there were people going into the capital before Trump even finished his speech. Why did all the women go to Washington on Inauguration Day in 2016 and wear pussy hats? Bet you loved that but Republican side not allowed to ever have their voices heard. Just STFU!!!!!

Here's the big difference. Was the group of women led by a President... Or even a loser President? Hell no. Hillary Clinton conceded the night of the election. She declared Trump the winner and even attended his inauguration.
Trump neither conceded nor attended the inauguration. He's a sore loser POS.
Btw... It was a mile and a half, not 2 miles.
The POS even lied to his mob and told them he was gonna walk to the Capitol with them. Nah, the puzzy went back to the White House and watched his riot on tv.
"We're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue... and we're going to the Capitol and we're going to try and give… our Republicans, the weak ones... the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."
"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore"
" We took them by surprise and this year they rigged an election. They rigged it like they've never rigged an election before."
" All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they're doing."
" We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved."
" Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that's what this is all about."
"We will stop the steal. Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election"
" We will not let them silence your voices. We're not going to let it happen, I'm not going to let it happen.
(Audience chants: "Fight for Trump.")
Thank you."
" All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president.. "

Sounds like a GD speech from Adolph Hitler in pre WW2 Germany.
Correct… if we assume the current control of the House and Senate remains after the election, then the House would deem Trump the winner and the Senate would determine his VP… which ostensibly would/could be Harris.
I don't know if the Senate has to vote for someone who ran for VP or whether they could pick anyone, like Mark Stoops for example, vs. Harris or Walz.
If dems win and the country indeed collapses, it will be much loke the covid stuff. You can barely find anyone now that confesses they were for all the tyranny when in fact tons of people were. Some were frothing at the mouth pushing masks etc even screaming in people's faces.

If they win and the socialist agenda unleashed, most the people pounding their chest for sticking it to the pubs and trump will never admit to their vote.
NO. You're the one who keeps bringing up which party nominates someone of each race, not us.
Again.... I only brought any of it up in RESPONSE to Trump, this board and the Right Wing media making comments about Kamala's "blackness" and calling her the DEI hire. Calling her "Kamaleon" for claiming black and Asian heritage. She's bi-racial for Christ's sake.
Do you live under a rock? Have you not heard any of that BS being said about her?
My point was that if you all are gonna call her DEI or "Kamaleon" ... Then do a better job of explaining why DEI is completely unnecessary when your party has NEVER run a single POC for President or VP.
There's lots of irony there you are not getting.
Making fun of DEI while showing that without DEI it's a whites only club.
The ALL White Presidents Party really just needs to stfu about Kamala's race and DEI.
Again.... I only brought any of it up in RESPONSE to Trump, this board and the Right Wing media making comments about Kamala's "blackness" and calling her the DEI hire. Calling her "Kamaleon" for claiming black and Asian heritage. She's bi-racial for Christ's sake.
Do you live under a rock? Have you not heard any of that BS being said about her?
My point was that if you all are gonna call her DEI or "Kamaleon" ... Then do a better job of explaining why DEI is completely unnecessary when your party has NEVER run a single POC for President or VP.
There's lots of irony there you are not getting.
Making fun of DEI while showing that without DEI it's a whites only club.
The ALL White Presidents Party really just needs to stfu about Kamala's race and DEI.

If YOU didn't constantly bloviate about DEI, it would barely be mentioned on here.

And that leads me to another point. DEI was coined and engineered by the left, which would imply that they think it's a good thing, right?

So, that being the case, why do they get bent out of shape if someone describes another as a DEI hire. That reveals, to me, that deep down, you all actually realize that it's "dirty" LOL

😄 😄 😄 😄 😄
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Question for the critical thinkers on the board…. If the Democrats are the guardians of democracy they profess to be, why are they trying so hard to throw RFK Jr off the ballot in so many states?

They don’t want to get Ross Perot’d.

Honestly dude lobbied to get on the Fox Debate with Hannity and then Hannity started backing up with technicalities as to why it may not be “legal”.

Honestly they should let him do it so that Kamala looks even worse and scared.
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