How will they rule ??!

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Why would they go with that shot of Michelle slipping Barack the ol' trouser trout?
This should tell you all you need to know about what kind of leader Obama was/is. He fired General Mattis for constantly correcting his peaceful Muslim delusions.

And, on top of that incompetence, he didn't have the sack to even tell him. Mattis showed up to work with nary a clue he'd been terminated.

Obama is a total puss. It is insane that this man was ever elected twice. During his time, he did indeed change our nation into accepting the most insane garbage and anti-American BS.

I knew he was going to win in 2008 but I thought people would see what a disaster he was in 2012. The GOP also put out two terrible candidates to help give him the White House.
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Plus, it's not a coincidence that after Mattis was fired from his position as head of CENTCOM in '13, we then find out later down the road that CENTCOM reports on ISIS started being manipulated shortly after in '14-'15, purposely downplaying the threat to paint a pretty picture.

It's not far fetched to believe this is the real reason Mattis was fired. Obama knew Mattis would be unwilling to deceive the American people, be a traitor to his country, and go along with the false reports.
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Trump at the Black History Museum this morning. Maybe Trump will try to call Frederick Douglas up onto the stage with Ben Carson.
this is a great example of the liberal rejection when someone tries to bridge a gap.
Let's try to understand the left's stances and inconsistencies.

Judges and bashes white men as the cause of everything bad. Bashes cops as the bad guys, is quick to blame guns any time something bad happens yet...

Ignores this quick call to judgment when it comes to Islam.
not even ignores, the first thing they do is lecture on you not to over react to Islam cuz that's just what they want lol
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A first grade teacher in Washington was suspended after encouraging people to report illegal aliens on a facebook post.

The left are insane. I mean, you have to be a GD moron brainwashed nut to think it's acceptable to fire someone for telling people to follow the law.

A first grade teacher in Washington was suspended after encouraging people to report illegal aliens on a facebook post.

The left are insane. I mean, you have to be a GD moron brainwashed nut to think it's acceptable to fire someone for telling people to follow the law.

Facing charges? For what? According to the law, it couldn't be anymore clearer, those opposing him and advocating for illegals should be facing charges.

Encouraging/Inducing -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who -- encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.
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We are seriously at war with Islam and the left is the enabler and ally of Islam.

There's a reason why the U.S., Germany, Britain, France, the west do not want this in their countries. We see what Islam does. It's a cancer and it is the opposite of our values.

Ask yourself this. Why is the left and globalists so hellbent on backing Islam? It's not because they're humanitarians. They are using Muslims to destroy the west and achieve an agenda.
Chelsea having the audacity to try and poke fun at others while her mom completely lied about being under Bosnia sniper fire, lied about Benghazi, her dad had a settlement with Paula Jones regarding sexual assault and has been accused by many women and they weren't just plopped out of thin air by the NYT right before an election either.
Chelsea having the audacity to try and poke fun at others while her mom completely lied about being under Bosnia sniper fire, lied about Benghazi, her dad had a settlement with Paula Jones regarding sexual assault and has been accused by many women and they weren't just plopped out of thin air by the NYT right before an election either.
Perfect example of how out of touch the left is.
There should be all out riots regarding politicians dumping these migrants in their countries and using their money to support them. Have you all seen the numbers of these third world savages who actually get jobs? These people are unemployable. They don't belong here AT ALL.

They're brought her to grow the welfare state, get the Dem Party votes and help usher in our demise.
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I want a reporter to ask Spicer if Milo and Bannon ever had sexual relations and if it is true that Milo's pet name for Bannon is "daddy".
Looks like that fake news pedo story about the Clintons and a pizza shop was just a cover story for Bannon's ties to a notorious child predator in his old buddy Milo. I wonder if any romance bloomed in the air on those hot sweaty nights in the newsroom at Breitbart? Just the two of them. Lost souls coming together if only briefly. It couldn't work. But their lust simply would not be denied. He took Milo and he took him fully. It was quite a touching love story, I bet. Passing ships in the night. Two starstruck lovers. It was wrong but they didn't care. It was so... beautiful. I wonder what their song is? Somebody needs to ask Bannon to clear up exactly what his "connection" to this guy was and do they have any plans to bring Milo onto the White House staff now that he needs a job.
I wonder if Milo can pass extreme White House vetting? I'm not sure if Trump has seen him on TV or not, so he might slip through.

How anyone can be in denial about how deceitful and evil our media is, is beyond me. They have unmasked themselves and they are incapable of telling the truth especially when it hurts their agenda.

They do not want the masses to be awakened to reality. Why? Because if they knew, it would be a mass revolt and globalism and the left would be rejected. But when you have these people in charge of delivering the message, truth is tossed aside for propaganda.
If you think Clinton and Lewinski defiled the Oval Office... boy you get Bannon and Milo in there going at it... might have to bulldoze the place. Especially if Trump and his Golden Showers Russian hookers join them. That would be a helluva selfie, though.
Things are bad for the Republicans when Mitch McConnell gets trolled in Lawrenceburg, KY. Has there ever been a protest there before?

Republicans are big favorites in 2018, or were. Will be interesting to see if they get thumped.
Things are bad for the Republicans when Mitch McConnell gets trolled in Lawrenceburg, KY. Has there ever been a protest there before?

Republicans are big favorites in 2018, or were. Will be interesting to see if they get thumped.
The protests and rioting will only help republicans. That turns moderates (the few the DNC has) away. Which is why I hope democrats keep at it.
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The protests are helping Republicans keep the rust belt. Nothing is dumber than the "we are all Muslims today" and all the other nonsense Democrats have been up to since Trump's inauguration. They are focused on doing the same "Love Trumps Hate" stupid shit that caused Hillary to get thumped. They didn't learn a damned thing. They are stuck in a rut. Unless they want to win California by 60 points instead of just 30 their actions make no strategic electoral sense.
I want a reporter to ask Spicer if Milo and Bannon ever had sexual relations and if it is true that Milo's pet name for Bannon is "daddy".

You do understand if so then trump has hired a gay and that in fact would help his appearance with the gays which could become one less voter block democrats could manipulate, right?