How will they rule ??!

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So the same guy from TC was on Don Lemon tonight and actually got to talk. Don was very aggressive in downplaying his numbers but stuck to avg vs raw numbers.

Dude did get in a few shots at the correlation among immigrants and crime. Even admitted it was all terrorist or immigrant crime, but as immigrants increased so did crime. A few times Don stared into the camera with a look that screamed "TALKING POINTS PLEASE!!!".

I mean are we still scared acknowledging terrorism makes it worse? Is that really what the Dems want to go with while it spreads like wildfire?

Serious question to the Z and whoever else can answer why not reporting crime is a good idea?
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Whenever you have 25 minutes of free time, watch this video. I'll go ahead and say that there are probably parts of it that aren't totally truthful or are taken out of context, but at least pay attention to HER words. There can be no mistake about who she is when you listen to HER thoughts. After you watch, show the leftist buffoons on here the respect they deserve by answering their childish insults towards Trump with a hearty [laughing]

So the same guy from TC was on Don Lemon tonight and actually got to talk. Don was very aggressive in downplaying his numbers but stuck to avg vs raw numbers.

Dude did get in a few shots at the correlation among immigrants and crime. Even admitted it was all terrorist or immigrant crime, but as immigrants increased so did crime. A few times Don stared into the camera with a look that screamed "TALKING POINTS PLEASE!!!".

I mean are we still scared acknowledging terrorism makes it worse? Is that really what the Dems want to go with while it spreads like wildfire?

Serious question to the Z and whoever else can answer why not reporting crime is a good idea?

Funniest display of liberal hypocrisy available. They mean nothing they say, total frauds.

Liberals are liberal as long as it does not affect them directly.

Need to call big time Libs and do the same thing. Maxine, Nancy, Chuck and my friend John McCain.

Same for the leftist on this site. Take in some Syrians.
Whenever you have 25 minutes of free time, watch this video. I'll go ahead and say that there are probably parts of it that aren't totally truthful or are taken out of context, but at least pay attention to HER words. There can be no mistake about who she is when you listen to HER thoughts. After you watch, show the leftist buffoons on here the respect they deserve by answering their childish insults towards Trump with a hearty [laughing]

This from the same crowd that's running around screaming "FAKE NEWS!" while simultaneously peddling in Obama is a moslim, 911 is an inside job, and the Clintons are running a child porno ring out of a pizza shop.

And it never occurs to them. They cannot see it. I think religion has so completely blinded them to the differences between make-believe and reality that they can no longer distinguish between the two. If you want something to be real then simply "believe it" then presto... it's real.

That's them in their totality. They have all agreed to create their own little imaginary world and then shut themselves off from all other sources of information that do not conform accordingly to their views. Call it fake news and la la la la la... I'm not listening. Then mass affirm it to each other using social media sources.

A mass delusion has descended on the country and its chief proponent is now the President of the United States. We are in a Dark Age of information. Reality has been weaponized.
A mass delusion has descended on the country

and its chief proponent is now the President of the United States.
Disagree, and so does most of the country. You're in the minority. The main purveyors are the media. They have lower trust ratings than Trump and Congress as a whole. That's pretty bad for the so called harbingers of truth.
Whenever you have 25 minutes of free time, watch this video. I'll go ahead and say that there are probably parts of it that aren't totally truthful or are taken out of context, but at least pay attention to HER words. There can be no mistake about who she is when you listen to HER thoughts. After you watch, show the leftist buffoons on here the respect they deserve by answering their childish insults towards Trump with a hearty [laughing]

This from the same crowd that's running around screaming "FAKE NEWS!" while simultaneously peddling in Obama is a moslim, 911 is an inside job, and the Clintons are running a child porno ring out of a pizza shop.

And it never occurs to them. They cannot see it. I think religion has so completely blinded them to the differences between make-believe and reality that they can no longer distinguish between the two. If you want something to be real then simply "believe it" then presto... it's real.

That's them in their totality. They have all agreed to create their own little imaginary world and then shut themselves off from all other sources of information that do not conform accordingly to their views. Call it fake news and la la la la la... I'm not listening. Then mass affirm it to each other using social media sources.

A mass delusion has descended on the country and its chief proponent is now the President of the United States. We are in a Dark Age of information. Reality has been weaponized.
Actually, remove the part about supporting Trump, and that was a very accurate description of the liberal left today.
Z, I don't know if Obama is a Muslim, and honestly don't care. 9/11 truthers were ALL lefties.

Religion has no part in the nations frustration with the media, the media did that all by themselves. They handled Obama with kid gloves, surely you can admit that.
They peddled the cop shootings solely to bump ratings, enflaming cities and costing lives.
The garbage they spewed during the election was ridiculous, even carrying over to the debates.

They want to control the narrative, they always have. Now we have a President that won't back down to them, and they can't stand it.
In a Democracy, a Republic, if you cannot even agree on what is real and what constitutes an actual fact, then the entire system breaks down into anarchy and that is precisely where we are at.

Because you cannot arrive at a consensus on anything if you do not even agree to a basic fundamental set of facts that represent what reality is. We have two separate equally insane groups of people pulling the center apart. They are now successfully shouting over the middle at each other. The rapidly declining middle that nobody listens to.

That "middle" is where reality resides. You idiots on the poles screaming at each other are what the problem is but good luck in trying to make you realize that. Both of them, Insane Conservative Republicans and Wacky Loonie Bin Democrats. We are left to either join in the fray or be ignored. Actually that is where the media also finds itself. Choose sides as Fox News and MSNBC have done or sit there and get pummeled like CNN. This is a spiraling condition presided over by the internet. If your entire system revolves around who can attract the most attention then you will inevitably succumb to the most extreme and the most abnormal in perpetual succession.
That's why I maintain that a Constitutionally protected "free press" must be different from entertainment. It cannot depend upon ratings to survive and flourish. That incentivizes radicalization and sensationalism.

News needs to be carved out and away from entertainment and viewed as a public service. A public good. It needs to reflect reality on the ground and immune to the assaults of a profit driven model.

Anything that is commercially profitably driven should not be Constitutionally protected as free press. Actual news gathering and reporting should be treated with the same tax shelterings as religion receives. News must be a non-profit venture. Then, having been stripped of their false "news" label, these "entertainment" ventures falsely advertising themselves under the guise of news can be subjected to strict libel laws and like the KKK, have the civil courts strip them of their wealth if they insist on peddling in lies and deceit.

We must find a way to free the news, the press, of being lumped in with entertainment and profit.
In a Democracy, a Republic, if you cannot even agree on what is real and what constitutes an actual fact, then the entire system breaks down into anarchy and that is precisely where we are at.

Because you cannot arrive at a consensus on anything if you do not even agree to a basic fundamental set of facts that represent what reality is. We have two separate equally insane groups of people pulling the center apart. They are now successfully shouting over the middle at each other. The rapidly declining middle that nobody listens to.

That "middle" is where reality resides. You idiots on the poles screaming at each other are what the problem is but good luck in trying to make you realize that. Both of them, Insane Conservative Republicans and Wacky Loonie Bin Democrats. We are left to either join in the fray or be ignored. Actually that is where the media also finds itself. Choose sides as Fox News and MSNBC have done or sit there and get pummeled like CNN. This is a spiraling condition presided over by the internet. If your entire system revolves around who can attract the most attention then you will inevitably succumb to the most extreme and the most abnormal in perpetual succession.
Disagree, this is why we have a populist president. That WAS the voice of the center. Both extremes are extremely unhinged (left more so than the right due to right leanings of Trump) because they don't have representation in this administration. You think Trump is a shill for the right, but a lot of us see him as a voice of the people, not left or right.
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It amazes me how what Wikileaks exposed, pertaining to the the liberal media, has just been forgotten or ignored. These people go around pretending that it never happened.

That genie can never be put back in the bottle, and they only have themselves to blame. The liberal media have been exposed for exactly what they are; hacks, political activists, colluding with the Democrat party to further their agenda, and shove their beliefs and ideology down the throat of the country.

No freethinker should ever trust them after what Wikileaks dropped on us. Not to mention, what are we up to now? Two? - three? blatantly fake news stories every other week. I'm sure, as a liberal, it's quite easy not to accept these facts because they (liberal media) are telling you exactly what you want to hear.
Disagree, this is why we have a populist president. That WAS the voice of the center. Both extremes are extremely unhinged (left more so than the right due to right leanings of Trump) because they don't have representation in this administration. You think Trump is a shill for the right, but a lot of us see him as a voice of the people, not left or right.
Trump was the result of that besieged middle, no longer heard, lashing out at two insanely fighting sides. Trump is a flare from a lifeboat. He's all they had to shock the system. It remains to be seen if all he succeeds in doing is setting the lifeboat on fire.
That's why I maintain that a Constitutionally protected "free press" must be different from entertainment. It cannot depend upon ratings to survive and flourish. That incentivizes radicalization and sensationalism.

News needs to be carved out and away from entertainment and viewed as a public service. A public good. It needs to reflect reality on the ground and immune to the assaults of a profit driven model.

Anything that is commercially profitably driven should not be Constitutionally protected as free press. Actual news gathering and reporting should be treated with the same tax shelterings as religion receives. News must be a non-profit venture. Then, having been stripped of their false "news" label, these "entertainment" ventures falsely advertising themselves under the guise of news can be subjected to strict libel laws and like the KKK, have the civil courts strip them of their wealth if they insist on peddling in lies and deceit.

We must find a way to free the news, the press, of being lumped in with entertainment and profit.

You're right, they are taking this President to task, but they need to do that with ALL Presidents. The media is tasked by the Constitution with keeping the Government in check, you can't do that when you cozy up with a party, thats not how it works.

We have too many news organizations vying for a piece of the market now. In the past simply reporting the news was enough to garner attention, now they have to create drama to garner viewers.
Kelly's new DHS guidelines that were waiting on Trump's signature will probably be signed and announced today.

One of the laws, that I really agree with, states Immigrants who have been here a certain amount of years (the amount of years wasn't reported) who are still mostly dependent on the US government, can be deemed as taking advantage of government assistance, and are subject to deportation.

Makes total since that an immigrant who has been here 5+ years is expected to have a job and support themselves. They came here for a better life, not to sit on their asses and collect a check.
I just listened to the latest Sam Harris podcast talking about Trump. He and David Frum started giving the "best possible case for Trump" which was:
1. The drug problem is real
2. Trade deals are broken
3. Immigration is broken

They even agreed that the left has gone insane shouting down free speech ... but then claimed he wasn't the one to take on these issues and trashed him the rest of the podcast as a crazy person who is obviously bought by Russians. I just don't understand this perspective.
Big Pence fan, but his comments toward NATO and the European Union are of a concern to me. Trump needs to make sure they have an understanding. Pro globalist views will not end well for Mr. Pence and that is not how he became Vice President.
Big Pence fan, but his comments toward NATO and the European Union are of a concern to me. Trump needs to make sure they have an understanding. Pro globalist views will not end well for Mr. Pence and that is not how he became Vice President.
Must have missed what you're talking about. From what little I saw I thought Pence was forceful at relaying Trump's message and made it very clear about NATO members paying their way.

Said if they already do, then great. If they don't and have a plan to, then good. But if they don't, nor do they have a plan to, then they better get one fast.
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Big Pence fan, but his comments toward NATO and the European Union are of a concern to me. Trump needs to make sure they have an understanding. Pro globalist views will not end well for Mr. Pence and that is not how he became Vice President.
Get the sense that why we hear conflicting statements from Trump versus his cabinet members and Pence are by design.

Love the Trump is a moron crowd. Tough choice I have here. On one hand I can listen to a bunch of idiots who are more than likely living paycheck to paycheck or on government assistance versus a billionaire who just pulled off the greatest victory is modern American politics to become POTUS.
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Just heard thats Trump's new NSA, McMaster, is an advance strategy strategist. Said he's spent the last several years preparing the Army just in case of future Russian aggressions, and strategizing a plan to combat it. He's also a man who literally wrote a book revolving around speaking truth to the power.

"The war in Vietnam was not lost in the field, nor was it lost on the front pages of the New York Times or the college campuses. It was lost in Washington, D.C."

- H. R. McMaster
Just heard thats Trump's new NSA, McMaster, is an advance strategy strategist. Said he's spent the last several years preparing the Army just in case of future Russian aggressions, and strategizing a plan to combat it. He's also a man who literally wrote a book revolving around speaking truth to the power.

"The war in Vietnam was not lost in the field, nor was it lost on the front pages of the New York Times or the college campuses. It was lost in Washington, D.C."

- H. R. McMaster
He's sharp. His Cav troop pulverized the Iraqis at the Battle of 73 Easting during Desert Storm. 9 M-1s destroyed 80 enemy tanks and sustained zero losses.
[laughing] Liberal media have coined a new phrase for Democrats/liberal to play the victim and excuse their behavior. It's PESD, post election stress disorder, and they're seriously trying to draw comparisons with soldiers who come home from war with PTSD. It's way past insanity at this point.
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That Arkansas Republican Senator that recommended McMaster to Trump, Tom Cotton... I saw him on Morning Joe this morning and he was fairly impressive. Might be one of your future stars.
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Yeah, Cotton is on the path. He's a straight shooter, very blunt, widely respected. Doesn't take kindly to disparaging the Military. May have a little bit of a temper that could be used against him to paint him as a hot head.

Speaking of, Schumer was close to catching an ass whoppin' on the Senate floor for making a snarky comment, questioning where Cotton was eight years ago and slighting his service.
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Yeah, Cotton is on the path. He's a straight shooter, very blunt, widely respected. Doesn't take kindly to disparaging the Military. May have a little bit of a temper that could be used against him to paint him as a hot head.

Speaking of, Schumer was close to catching an ass whoppin' on the Senate floor for making a snarky comment, questioning where Cotton was eight years ago and slighting his service.
Schumer needs to retire with Mitch.

Lifetime politicians:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
[laughing] Oh, and back to Kelly's new DHS guidelines coming today. The wall must be built using American to the fullest extent possible. That's literally a stipulation within the new DHS guidelines.
Everything Trump knows about the world he gets from watching television just like the Peter Sellers' "Chauncey Gardner" character from "Being There".