How will they rule ??!

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While there is clearly a leaker problem by the deep state, I do wonder if some of the fake news stories are actually being released by the Trump admin itself to discredit the media. Trump has trolled the MSM so many times that I wouldn't be surprised if they are doing that too.

I bet the bogus AP story last week about rounding up illegals with the National Guard was a total troll job by the WH. The AP even said DHS showed them a memo of it, hilarious. I think that story was definitely a set up by the WH.
I'd like to see things broken down for some of the left's voting blocks and explain their justification.

If you're gay, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- Who were generally against gay marriage but it's now legal and that's that. No one cares anymore nor are their rights threatened to be taken away. They're also against importing more Muslims here but support the second amendment to protect yourself.

B) Democrats- They will be all about your LGBT pride parades but most of your politicians were against it until about four or five years ago when it shifted before the 2012 election. However, they want to flood our nation with Muslims who come from a culture that imprisons and executes gays. You were upset about Chick-Fil-A supporting traditional marriage but are not preaching for you to be imprisoned or to be hurt. But Muslims are very hostile toward gays and we just had a mass-shooting of a gay night club by a Muslim.

If you're a woman, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- They fight like hell to protect women, have a more positive view of women and motherhood and they don't want to put you at risk of the third world rape culture that has killed Europe nor are they okay with stupid transgender bills where little girls can be forced to share bathrooms with grown men.

But they're against abortion and don't want to fund it.

B) Democrats- They will claim there is a war on women and they want to fund as many abortions as possible and they believe it's a right to have your birth control and abortion paid for.

However, they want to import Muslims who view women as not being equal, make women wear burqas, hijabs and justify raping them if they're uncovered. They also stone women even if they have been raped and if you have been raped in their countries, you better hope you had multiple male eyewitnesses to verify it. Oh, they also support female genital mutilation and honor killings. This is who the left wants to bring in.

If you're black, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- Believe in personal responsibility and that every man and woman is capable of making their own way without the government help nor do they believe in blaming the world for your problems. Not to mention, it was this party that fought to end slavery and give blacks the right to vote.

B) Democrat- They're the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They will tell you that all of your problems are not your fault but because of white people and "systematic racism." They think so little of you that they don't think you're capable of making it without the government being your daddy.

They think they need to have mandated quotas for race or you'll never get a job. They think we can't have voter ID laws because you're not smart enough to find the DMV nor do you have the money to afford one. They also keep flooding the nation with immigrants, which hurts black youth more than anyone when trying to find a job.

They also have run all of your cities and neighborhoods for decades and they're still as violent and poor as ever with zero interests in fixing this issue.
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Things are bad for the Republicans when Mitch McConnell gets trolled in Lawrenceburg, KY. Has there ever been a protest there before?

Republicans are big favorites in 2018, or were. Will be interesting to see if they get thumped.

I'm sure it had nothing at all to do with soros and obamas paid protesters they've been sending to boot camp. Nothing at all...
There are big riots happening in Sweden tonight.

Appears to be more fake news. Believe this happened 4 years ago due to a police shooting. Check me on that though. Do not know what news to believe anymore.

This really happened last night. Bret Baier just reported on it. A cop made the mistake of arrested a refugee suspected of selling drugs. When he took him into custody the other muzzies surrounded him and started attacking him with rocks. The cop actually had to fire a warning shot to get away. The riot ensued.

Odd our media is all of the sudden reporting on Sweden. I have a suspicion, since Sweden vehemently denied the Tucker segment, basically calling him a liar, a certain media outlet is going to have Sweden under a microscope.
I'd like to see things broken down for some of the left's voting blocks and explain their justification.

If you're gay, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- Who were generally against gay marriage but it's now legal and that's that. No one cares anymore nor are their rights threatened to be taken away. They're also against importing more Muslims here but support the second amendment to protect yourself.

B) Democrats- They will be all about your LGBT pride parades but most of your politicians were against it until about four or five years ago when it shifted before the 2012 election. However, they want to flood our nation with Muslims who come from a culture that imprisons and executes gays. You were upset about Chick-Fil-A supporting traditional marriage but are not preaching for you to be imprisoned or to be hurt. But Muslims are very hostile toward gays and we just had a mass-shooting of a gay night club by a Muslim.

If you're a woman, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- They fight like hell to protect women, have a more positive view of women and motherhood and they don't want to put you at risk of the third world rape culture that has killed Europe nor are they okay with stupid transgender bills where little girls can be forced to share bathrooms with grown men.

But they're against abortion and don't want to fund it.

B) Democrats- They will claim there is a war on women and they want to fund as many abortions as possible and they believe it's a right to have your birth control and abortion paid for.

However, they want to import Muslims who view women as not being equal, make women wear burqas, hijabs and justify raping them if they're uncovered. They also stone women even if they have been raped and if you have been raped in their countries, you better hope you had multiple male eyewitnesses to verify it. Oh, they also support female genital mutilation and honor killings. This is who the left wants to bring in.

If you're black, you can either vote for

A) Republicans- Believe in personal responsibility and that every man and woman is capable of making their own way without the government help nor do they believe in blaming the world for your problems. Not to mention, it was this party that fought to end slavery and give blacks the right to vote.

B) Democrat- They're the party of slavery and Jim Crow. They will tell you that all of your problems are not your fault but because of white people and "systematic racism." They think so little of you that they don't think you're capable of making it without the government being your daddy.

They think they need to have mandated quotas for race or you'll never get a job. They think we can't have voter ID laws because you're not smart enough to find the DMV nor do you have the money to afford one. They also have run all of your cities and neighborhoods for decades and they're still as violent and poor as ever with zero interests in fixing this issue.
Like this x1mm
Quoting breitbart articles? [roll]

What does it matter if the story was published by Breitbart just as long as their sources are reputable and named? It's not like it can be fake news. The sources named in the story could easily say "Hey, I didn't say that."

A handful of lawmakers, led by Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC), are questioning why the contract to produce the planes was awarded to major defense firm L3 Technologies — which has never produced such a plane — while a smaller, disabled veteran-owned company in North Carolina that already make those planes at a lower cost was not considered.

“It looks like politics,” Budd said in a phone interview with Breitbart News on Monday. “Why are they sending it to someone that’s produced zero, for twice the price? This is inappropriate.”

Later this week, Budd and several other GOP congressmen are planning to request the non-partisan investigation.

It is not just Republicans puzzled by the matter. Georgia Democrat Sanford Bishop will join Republicans in signing a letter being sent to the Kenyan ambassador to the U.S. on Tuesday.

Now, do you really think they're going to lie about a phone call with a Congressman, then make up quotes and attribute those words to said Congressman, then proceed to name another Congressman?

This isn't a NYT, WaPo, CNN, etc... fake news story with super secret, anonymous sources. I swear, for a mofo who claims to be so much more "intelligent" than us neanderthals, you sure do come off dumber than f**k.
Well ok Moe, I actually read the article. Now I know all about how we sold kenya some weaponized crop dusters. No bullshit. Crop dusters. Now you're going to tell me how it's all about not going with the disabled vet-owned company and blah blah blah. Who gives a ****? Doesn't effect your life or mine one bit.

Are you guys seriously going to spend the next 4 years calling for Obama and Hillary to be locked up? It's almost as if your side had absolutely no plan whatsoever as to how to run the country. All you know how to do is attack the other side.

Oh, by the way, how's the water tasting in EKY now that the coal mines can dump their waste into your local streams and rivers? Gonna create "tens of thousands" of jobs though. Maybe he means cancer doctors 20 years from now? Dumb shits, I swear.

Why do you care what happens in Eastern Ky? Not that you have a clue as to what you're talking about, just regurgitating talking points.
How would you like it if people that don't live where you do, or have any desire to go there decided the gaming industry needs to be shutdown. Think of all the families that have been hurt from it, kids hurt and suffering, last dime blown on a losing hand. Besides the casinos aren't in the business of losing, it's just the fat cats leeching off the back of the working man. Yet you dumb shits keep lapping it up, beholden to big gaming.
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Well ok Moe, I actually read the article. Now I know all about how we sold kenya some weaponized crop dusters. No bullshit. Crop dusters. Now you're going to tell me how it's all about not going with the disabled vet-owned company and blah blah blah. Who gives a ****? Doesn't effect your life or mine one bit.

Are you guys seriously going to spend the next 4 years calling for Obama and Hillary to be locked up? It's almost as if your side had absolutely no plan whatsoever as to how to run the country. All you know how to do is attack the other side.

Oh, by the way, how's the water tasting in EKY now that the coal mines can dump their waste into your local streams and rivers? Gonna create "tens of thousands" of jobs though. Maybe he means cancer doctors 20 years from now? Dumb shits, I swear.
[laughing] What a fag. Everything you just typed is completely irrelevant, total strawman. You're triggered, throwing a fit, spouting off about nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with what we were discussing.

It's quite simple, really. You laughed at the story because it was published by Breitbart, trying to act like it was fake. I did you a favor and pointed out to you that the story consists of named Congressmen, on record, and couldn't be more real.
Happy hunting. Why not drag a nog behind your pickup as well, just for shits and giggles?
Looks like that was a poll. Polls aren't always correct, per everyone in this thread.

It's also quite extrapolated and didn't ask if they voted:

But James Agresti, who directs the research nonprofit “Just Facts,” applied the 13 percent figure to 2013 U.S. Census numbers for non-citizen Hispanic adults. In 2013, the Census reported that 11.8 million non-citizen Hispanic adults lived here, which would amount to 1.5 million illegally registered Latinos.

Accounting for the margin of error based on the sample size of non-citizens, Mr. Agresti calculated that the number of illegally registered Hispanics could range from 800,000 to 2.2 million.

The poll did not ask if they voted.

So, if there's enough evidence as this article states, this government will expose it... Right??