How will they rule ??!

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I wonder how the "I am a Muslim, too" protests are playing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio?

Seriously, the Democrats have been painted into such a corner by our hopelessly out of touch "BLM, Love Trumps Hate" crowd that my prediction of us losing the Midwest for a generation seems to be an underestimation. We may never get it back.
You ain't kidding. I've rediscovered the joy of watching our money grow online... and it's been a LONG damned time since I've opened those links with any excitement. I like watching the kind of growth that gives off a breeze.

I wonder how the "I am a Muslim, too" protests are playing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio?

Seriously, the Democrats have been painted into such a corner by our hopelessly out of touch "BLM, Love Trumps Hate" crowd that my prediction of us losing the Midwest for a generation seems to be an underestimation. We may never get it back.
Do you go to a liberal site to tell them that they are screwing things up for democrats?
Everything Trump knows about the world he gets from watching television just like the Peter Sellers' "Chauncey Gardner" character from "Being There".

You can't really be this damn dumb!

Everything a highly respected developer knows about the world you think he learned from Fox News? Yet he has 10-100 million dollar projects all over, but Fox News taught him that.

Guess I should watch more Fox News then!

When Trump was an actual developer he lost 917 million dollars. When he switched to just selling his name to put on things he did much better.

I like how he recognized China's one-nation policy and then immediately received a quid-pro-quo from the Chinese in allowing him to put his hotels there now. Sweet deal. He's going to make a lot of money off being President.
Trump at the Black History Museum this morning. Maybe Trump will try to call Frederick Douglas up onto the stage with Ben Carson.
When Trump was an actual developer he lost 917 million dollars. When he switched to just selling his name to put on things he did much better.


Do me a favor and prove this? Not saying he has never lost on projects, as most developers/builders have. I know several that went bankrupt too.......but to say as a developer he lost 917 Million is odd. Does your number include the new building he just built in DC?

I assume not.
Do me a favor and prove this? Not saying he has never lost on projects, as most developers/builders have. I know several that went bankrupt too.......but to say as a developer he lost 917 Million is odd. Does your number include the new building he just built in DC?

I assume not.
See his New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut state tax returns from 1995.
Do you go to a liberal site to tell them that they are screwing things up for democrats?
More fake news. Don't you guys constantly complain that this site is run by liberal mods?

You snowflakes complain so much that you forget what you complained about and are often contradictory and hypocritical. That's what happens when reality intrudes upon your fake newsness.
This from the same crowd that's running around screaming "FAKE NEWS!" while simultaneously peddling in Obama is a moslim, 911 is an inside job, and the Clintons are running a child porno ring out of a pizza shop.

And it never occurs to them. They cannot see it. I think religion has so completely blinded them to the differences between make-believe and reality that they can no longer distinguish between the two. If you want something to be real then simply "believe it" then presto... it's real.

That's them in their totality. They have all agreed to create their own little imaginary world and then shut themselves off from all other sources of information that do not conform accordingly to their views. Call it fake news and la la la la la... I'm not listening. Then mass affirm it to each other using social media sources.

A mass delusion has descended on the country and its chief proponent is now the President of the United States. We are in a Dark Age of information. Reality has been weaponized.
Is this what you've been reduced to? Are you incapable of seeing that you are merely projecting the malady we call the left onto the people who are attempting to save you from yourself?

There are two kinds of people, those that understand and accept when told the stove is hot, and those that get their hands burnt. No doubt your hands are little nubs of scar tissue at this point.

Also this, [laughing]
See his New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut state tax returns from 1995.

So in 1995 he reported to the govt he lost money? Awesome! Are you aware why or how that could be? Or that it was 20 years and that he most likely did not lose 917 million dollars as a developer as you stated.

I think not 1 single liberal has ever been a business OWNER. None of them have a damn clue.
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Let's try to understand the left's stances and inconsistencies.

Judges and bashes white men as the cause of everything bad. Bashes cops as the bad guys, is quick to blame guns any time something bad happens yet...

Ignores this quick call to judgment when it comes to Islam.
Hey just a heads up since Trump self financed 75M of his campaign that too is a write off. Therefore he most likely will lose money last year on is tax return........but I bet you everything I'm worth he didn't "lose money".

Do you understand this?
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So in 1995 he reported to the govt he lost money? Awesome! Are you aware why or how that could be?

I think not 1 single liberal has ever been a business OWNER. None of them have a damn clue.
Great. Another lazy snowflake that doesn't want to do any work and expects somebody else to do it for him.

Trump lumped all this loses into his 1995 return. The loses were due to his poorly run casinos, his attempt to launch his own airlines, and his penchant for paying too much for big name property purchases.

Effectively, the only thing he is successful at is selling his name. Anything else he touches turns to shit almost immediately as he is a terrible talentless manager. Basically, anything that actually requires him to pay attention to he screws up. His casino business was horribly mismanaged, especially.
In a Democracy, a Republic, if you cannot even agree on what is real and what constitutes an actual fact, then the entire system breaks down into anarchy and that is precisely where we are at.

Because you cannot arrive at a consensus on anything if you do not even agree to a basic fundamental set of facts that represent what reality is. We have two separate equally insane groups of people pulling the center apart. They are now successfully shouting over the middle at each other. The rapidly declining middle that nobody listens to.

That "middle" is where reality resides. You idiots on the poles screaming at each other are what the problem is but good luck in trying to make you realize that. Both of them, Insane Conservative Republicans and Wacky Loonie Bin Democrats. We are left to either join in the fray or be ignored. Actually that is where the media also finds itself. Choose sides as Fox News and MSNBC have done or sit there and get pummeled like CNN. This is a spiraling condition presided over by the internet. If your entire system revolves around who can attract the most attention then you will inevitably succumb to the most extreme and the most abnormal in perpetual succession.
What the hell makes you think that YOU are anywhere near the middle? You are way far left and a looney toon to boot. Lefty McLeftist.
So far, in a month as president, Trump's entire staff has had to constantly scramble to cover up for his screw ups and misspeaks. Poor Mike Pence was savaged in that press conference in having to answer for Trump's constant flubs.

Horrible record on his ability to run a business and were it not for selling his name he would be penniless. Translating exactly into how he is incompetently trying to run the country by the seat of his fat ass.
You got anything that mirrors the type of growth the past 3 months have seen? I didn't say there was no growth, I said the kind of growth that excites me by creating a breeze. Calm your tits, bro. You're so overly sensitive to Trump, you overreact to everything, including basic statements. You're a pint of ice cream and Lifetime movie away from other chicks calling you a drama queen.

The market reacted bigly to the Trump election and his influence on the economy, and it still is, try to enjoy it... but, to continue to suck Barry;s dick in any effort possible to prop him up whenever Trump gets mentioned for that success is almost daddy issue-esque. What a way to choose to present one's self.
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So in 1995 he reported to the govt he lost money? Awesome! Are you aware why or how that could be? Or that it was 20 years and that he most likely did not lose 917 million dollars as a developer as you stated.

I think not 1 single liberal has ever been a business OWNER. None of them have a damn clue.

Entrepreneurs tend to have business ventures that don't pan out from time to time. They take risks so they're likely to experience some misses for every success they have.

I'd trust Trump with that over jerks who never worked an actual job in their lives and haven't created a single job.

That's why criticism from career politicians who have done nothing but suck off the gov't tit is rich. Also kind of funny considering his critics from the left also include people who don't even understand basic economics and love the idea of socialism.

So I get a laugh out of Dem voters bashing a businessman as if they have the slightest damn clue of how to run anything.
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There are two kinds of people, those that understand and accept when told the stove is hot, and those that get their hands burnt. No doubt your hands are little nubs of scar tissue at this point.

Also this, [laughing]

Not only do they ignore warnings, they also like to respond to your warnings by calling you a racist or xenophobe before they get burned.
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Entrepreneurs tend to have business ventures that don't pan out from time to time.

1. Trump AirlinesIn 1988, Trump took out a $245 million loan to purchase the planes and routes of Eastern Air Shuttle. He slapped a TRUMP decal and some gold bathroom fixtures on the commuter planes that flew between New York, Boston and Washington, D.C., but customers weren't charmed. Two years after he launched Trump Shuttle, the airline wasn't making enough money to even cover the $1 million monthly interest payment on his loan. Trump ultimately defaulted, surrendering ownership of the airline to his creditors.

2. Trump beveragesPerhaps you're aware of Trump Ice — "one of the purest natural spring waters bottled in the world," according to the Trump's website. The line of water, which is bottled by a third party, is not a failure; according to his FEC disclosure, Trump made $280,000 off it last year. But Trump's other forays into the beverage market have been less successful.Undoubtedly intended to play on his Apprentice catchphrase, Trump Fire was trademarked in 2004, but it does not appear to have ever made it to market. Trump trademarked the name Trump Power at the same time. Both drinks were categorized as "non-alcoholic beverages containing fruit juices... namely, carbonated beverages" on their trademark applications. The only trace remaining of either are the trademark applications that were abandoned in 2006. The same goes for Trump's American Pale Ale, the trademark for which was cancelled in 2007.

3. Trump: The GameIn 1988, Trump teamed up with Milton Bradley to create Trump: The Game. Despite its flashy TV ad, the game sold only 800,000 copies — less than half the 2 million units the company expected to move. When it was discontinued in 1990, Trump chalked the game's dismal sales up to the fact that it might have been "too complicated." The failure apparently didn't deter Hasbro from releasing a re-branded version of the game in 2004 to capitalize on Trump's Apprentice-related popularity. Trump said he expected the Hasbro version of his game to sell more copies than the original, but it too quickly went out of circulation.

1991 — which was $3 billion in debt after just one year in operation. He was back in bankruptcy court in 2004, and not just for the Trump Taj Mahal but for the Trump Marina and Trump Plaza casinos, which along with a riverboat casino in Indiana had a debt burden of some $1.8 billion. After the bankruptcy, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts reorganized as Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc. Four years later, Trump Entertainment Resorts missed an interest payment on a $53.1 million bond; the company declared bankruptcy, and this time Trump stepped down as its chairman.

5. Trump magazineTrump launched his eponymous magazine in late 2007, reinventing a publication that had previously been called Trump Style andTrump World. His idea was to "[cash] in on the booming advertising market for yachts and other high-end commodities." The timing, of course, couldn't have been worse for a magazine, particularly one dependent on luxury advertising. It didn't survive the financial crisis, folding by 2009.

6. Trump Mortgage"I think it's a great time to start a mortgage company," Trump famously predicted to CNBC in April 2006. "The real-estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come." In reality, the market had already begun deflating at that point and would collapse within a matter of months. Unsurprisingly, Trump Mortgage's business fell far short of its projections, doing less than a third of the $3 billion in business executives predicted it would to do in its first year. At the time, Trump blamed the failure on the executives who run the company. He had tapped E.J. Ridings for the company's CEO position; the company's website boasted Ridings as having been a "top executive of one of Wall Street's most prestigious investment banks," but Money Magazine later found he had just six months of experience as a stockbroker before he went to work a small mortgage company. Trump Mortgage shuttered in September 2007. According to the Washington Post, the company never paid a $298,274 judgement it owed a former employee, nor the $3,555 it owed in unpaid taxes.

7. Trump SteaksWhen Trump filed for bankruptcy on his Atlantic City properties for the second of three times, court records showed he owed the Georgia company Buckhead Beef some $715,240. Two years later, in 2007, Trump struck a deal sell Buckhead Beef through the futuristic gadget store the Sharper Image. CEO Jerry Levin would later tell ThinkProgress it was "a bad business idea."

"[W]e literally sold almost no steaks," Levin said. "If we sold $50,000 of steaks grand total, I'd be surprised." The steaks were pulled from shelves after just two months of abysmal sales, but the Trump Steaks commercial has, blessedly, been preserved for posterity.

told the Washington Post it was a "vanity site" that wouldn't make much money. He was right; it folded in 2007. Trump never gave up the URL, though — today it directs back to his campaign website.

9. Trump's comms companyTrump registered a trademark for Trumpnet under the category of "corporate telephone communication services" in 1990. Whatever it was going to be, it never got off the ground; the trademark was abandoned in 1992.

10. Trump Tower TampaThe 52-story Trump Tower in Tampa wasn't conceived of or proposed or drafted up by Donald Trump — he just sold the use of his name to developers of the $300 million condo project for a cool $2 million. They, in turn, collected downpayments from individual buyers drawn in by the Trump mystique. After the project went belly-up in 2008 (it listed two scale models and some office furniture, worth a grand total of $3,500, as its only assets in bankruptcy court) buyers sued Trump for misleading them. He eventually settled, in some cases for as little as $11,115, with plaintiffs who had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

11. Trump University Also known at the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, Trump University was a series of wealth-building seminars for which students paid as much as $34,995 for mentorships that would supposedly get them access to Trump's secrets of success. Instead of the hand-picked instructors Trump promised, the seminars were delivered by motivational speakers, often without degrees, and sometimes with criminal records. According to his FEC filings, Trump brought in $11,819 from the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative last year; he's now the subject of two class-action lawsuits in California related to Trump University, and a third suit, for $40 million, brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

12. Trump VodkaTrump Vodka — "Success Distilled," to quote its press materials — appeared in 2006. Trump said at the time, "I fully expect the most called for cocktail in America to be the T&T or the Trump and Tonic." The liquor flopped, maybe in part because of Trump's reputation as a teetotaler didn't inspire a lot of confidence in his taste in hard alcohol. The trademark was abandoned in 2008, and the liquor was out of circulation by 2011.
Great. Another lazy snowflake that doesn't want to do any work and expects somebody else to do it for him.

Trump lumped all this loses into his 1995 return. The loses were due to his poorly run casinos, his attempt to launch his own airlines, and his penchant for paying too much for big name property purchases.

Effectively, the only thing he is successful at is selling his name. Anything else he touches turns to shit almost immediately as he is a terrible talentless manager. Basically, anything that actually requires him to pay attention to he screws up. His casino business was horribly mismanaged, especially.

Yep Taj Mahal failed miserably. Imagine that! An over priced casino on the New Jersey shore. However once he took the loss I believe it was open until just a few months ago?

Anyway, I'm not lazy, I just know how business works and why people report losses on taxes and still manage to be a billionaire. Makes sense to me, perfect sense TBH.

You know what doesn't make sense? The fact that you think Trump lost all this money but everything he touches or "puts his name on" turns to gold. Sounds like you are contradicting yourself in the same sentence to me.
It amazes me how what Wikileaks exposed, pertaining to the the liberal media, has just been forgotten or ignored. These people go around pretending that it never happened.

That genie can never be put back in the bottle, and they only have themselves to blame. The liberal media have been exposed for exactly what they are; hacks, political activists, colluding with the Democrat party to further their agenda, and shove their beliefs and ideology down the throat of the country.

No freethinker should ever trust them after what Wikileaks dropped on us. Not to mention, what are we up to now? Two? - three? blatantly fake news stories every other week. I'm sure, as a liberal, it's quite easy not to accept these facts because they (liberal media) are telling you exactly what you want to hear.

Of course they're like that Moe. They are all the product of an extremely liberal college system that has indoctrinated them fully.

People like Z can't accept that they have been lied to and they bought it wholesale. Watch him defend his party after he's seen with his own eyes how corrupt they are. Watch him defend the global warming rhetoric as hard as he can, even after seeing without a doubt it has been debunked.

Z and his ilk don't want to accept that they were so easily duped. Their entire self worth is built upon having themselves viewed as intellectuals with special powers of understanding that others do not possess. Too busy chasing boogey men to see they are their own demise.
Facts? All of those were basically achieved with alternative facts.

Stock market - forced, artificial 0% rates just to keep it afloat.

Unemployment - only counted those collecting unemployment, not those who had been unemployed for so long they were out of the job market.

GDP - only president in history who didn't record at least one year of 3%.

I could go on but you get the point. It was all smoke and mirrors.

BTW, mind actually linking where all these graphs for dummies come from. I have a hunch they're from a far left propaganda machine.
More fake news. Don't you guys constantly complain that this site is run by liberal mods?

You snowflakes complain so much that you forget what you complained about and are often contradictory and hypocritical. That's what happens when reality intrudes upon your fake newsness.

?, Fake News, you are confused.

Again, you did not answer the question and I never complain about Mods, have no idea who they are.

I complain about Republicans too. Mitch and McCain need to go.
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Oh, and all of the "jobs" from the biggest job growth since the 90's? All part time, under paying, dead end jobs.

The labor participation is at a 40 year low, and among those in the workforce 46% are underemployed.
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Oh, and all of the "jobs" from the biggest job growth since the 90's? All part time, under paying, dead end jobs.

The labor participation is at a 40 year low, and among those in the workforce 46% are underemployed.
Most of the "manufacturing" jobs are those of people manufacturing hamburgers and tacos.
This should tell you all you need to know about what kind of leader Obama was/is. He fired General Mattis for constantly correcting his peaceful Muslim delusions.

And, on top of that incompetence, he didn't have the sack to even tell him. Mattis showed up to work with nary a clue he'd been terminated.
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