How will they rule ??!

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There needs to be a lot of Obama probes. That entire administration was dirty, they had to leave evidence. I mean more evidence than we already have that he and Hillary were working in the worst interests of America.
There were before, he was probed by aliens before becoming president illegally.
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Race baiting reporter is doubling down on her fake news this morning. She asked Spicer a question about Trump visiting the AA Museum, and after seeing it if Trump still felt that white people built America.

Except Trump never said that. He said "we all", generalizing, referring to all Americans. This morning she tweeted a video, showing him saying exactly that, but she's still claiming he said white people.

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LOL "Here's a video of Trump saying what I said he said"...links 1 hour and 20 minute video no one will ever watch.

Basically proof positive Trump didn't say whatever the hell that lady says he said.
[laughing] Yeah, just noticed that myself. Check last post for the actual clip.
Lol @ "Paraphrased."

That word harbors WAY too much artistic liberty for liberal media types to be throwing it around. I'm not so sure they understand that paraphrasing insists upon no introduction of opinion or new "facts."
Exactly. Now she's claiming she's paraphrasing, but when she first asked this question her exact words were "He said that. I heard him say that." Liberal media getting faker by the day. What is it now? Couple of fake stories a week?
On the heels of the DHS guidelines announced yesterday, since illegals that get arrested will be processed, fingerprinted, put into the system, making ICE aware of their presence, LA and New York are now discussing not even arresting illegals for breaking the law, but issuing them citations instead.
On the heels of the DHS guidelines announced yesterday, since illegals that get arrested will be processed, fingerprinted, put into the system, making ICE aware of their presence, LA and New York are now discussing not even arresting illegals for breaking the law, but issuing them citations instead.
Moe, I'm guessing that when they appear in court to respond to the citation, the Judge will need to be involved in this scam also? Failure to appear should result in additional paperwork that will need to be part of the system?
On the heels of the DHS guidelines announced yesterday, since illegals that get arrested will be processed, fingerprinted, put into the system, making ICE aware of their presence, LA and New York are now discussing not even arresting illegals for breaking the law, but issuing them citations instead.

Every single elected official even discussing this should be removed immediately. They take an oath to uphold the constitution and the law. Obviously they aren't going to do that
Moe, I'm guessing that when they appear in court to respond to the citation, the Judge will need to be involved in this scam also? Failure to appear should result in additional paperwork that will need to be part of the system?

But they are are smart enough to know that if all they're getting is a citation they won't be fingerprinted. Considering they have no documents they can just lie about their name on the citation, never show up for court, then be ghost.
Dude would have been a peaceful goat herder if not for Bush and GITMO...should have given him more money. USA Today:

LONDON — An Islamic State suicide bomber who attacked an army base in Iraq this week was a British former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was awarded more than $1 million in compensation, according to media reports Tuesday.
Just look at this tweet:

"Some". Then they say data is inconclusive, but that it's probably because of trump. Lmao. Ok. Now suddenly trump is antisemitic too? What a joke.

Let's see. Hmmmmm wonder if there's any demographic changes in the us in the last year or so? Wait....surely it isn't due to millions of Muslim immigrants suddenly shipped here. No way they are the likely cause right?

Nope. Definitely trump
Just look at this tweet:

"Some". Then they say data is inconclusive, but that it's probably because of trump. Lmao. Ok. Now suddenly trump is antisemitic too? What a joke.

Let's see. Hmmmmm wonder if there's any demographic changes in the us in the last year or so? Wait....surely it isn't due to millions of Muslim immigrants suddenly shipped here. No way they are the likely cause right?

Nope. Definitely trump

So let me understand this. Trump is bashed for siding with Israel over Palestine and making our relationship with our ally very strong again and his followers overwhelmingly support Israel but now they're anti-Semitic?

Our press is a joke.
Just look at this tweet:

"Some". Then they say data is inconclusive, but that it's probably because of trump. Lmao. Ok. Now suddenly trump is antisemitic too? What a joke.

Let's see. Hmmmmm wonder if there's any demographic changes in the us in the last year or so? Wait....surely it isn't due to millions of Muslim immigrants suddenly shipped here. No way they are the likely cause right?

Nope. Definitely trump

The first 10 minutes of local news last night splotlighted concerns of Trump's racism, sexism, and antisimitiscm. Not one fact, one quote, nothing. Just , as we all know, Trump is all these evil things, that much is understood, and thankfully we have people out there marching in the streeets spreading the word. It's unreal.
Just look at this tweet:

"Some". Then they say data is inconclusive, but that it's probably because of trump. Lmao. Ok. Now suddenly trump is antisemitic too? What a joke.

Let's see. Hmmmmm wonder if there's any demographic changes in the us in the last year or so? Wait....surely it isn't due to millions of Muslim immigrants suddenly shipped here. No way they are the likely cause right?

Nope. Definitely trump
Benjamin Netanyahu will be shocked to hear that Trump is a jew hater.
Looks like the left is fighting a losing battle on this issue.

Poll: Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities.

The poll shows that President Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities.

A survey from Harvard-Harris Poll provided exclusively to The Hill found that 80 percent of voters say local authorities should have to comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come into contact with.

The crackdown on sanctuary cities is the most popular feature of those actions, followed closely by the directive to increase the border patrol, which is backed by 75 percent of voters.

And this was the most surprising to me. Maybe Trump should call it a Muslim ban?

Fifty-six percent say they support the specific aspect of Trump's order that pauses immigration from the seven countries on the terrorism watch list until a new vetting system is in place.

Support for that policy goes up to 60 percent when the seven nations are described as "Muslim majority countries."

Voters are worried that the federal judge's suspension of Trump's order - a ruling that was upheld this month at an appeals court in San Francisco - could put the nation at risk.

Looks like the left is fighting a losing battle on this issue.

Poll: Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities.

The poll shows that President Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities.

A survey from Harvard-Harris Poll provided exclusively to The Hill found that 80 percent of voters say local authorities should have to comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come into contact with.

The crackdown on sanctuary cities is the most popular feature of those actions, followed closely by the directive to increase the border patrol, which is backed by 75 percent of voters.

And this was the most surprising to me. Maybe Trump should call it a Muslim ban?

Fifty-six percent say they support the specific aspect of Trump's order that pauses immigration from the seven countries on the terrorism watch list until a new vetting system is in place.

Support for that policy goes up to 60 percent when the seven nations are described as "Muslim majority countries."

Voters are worried that the federal judge's suspension of Trump's order - a ruling that was upheld this month at an appeals court in San Francisco - could put the nation at risk.

Trump 1. Globalists 0.
[laughing] Suckers.

Canada PM: will not halt illegal border crossing despite opposition

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada will continue to accept asylum seekers crossing illegally from the United States but will ensure security measures are taken to keep Canadians safe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday.

The number of would-be refugees crossing into Canada at isolated and unguarded border crossings has increased in recent weeks amid fears U.S. President Donald Trump will crack down on illegal immigrants, and photos of smiling Canadian police greeting the migrants have gone viral.
Watch this media meltdown of Trump's win and ask yourself, "Is this someone I should be getting news from? Do they act like professionals and do they represent the people?"

The DC, NY and LA media are atrocious, really. These people are liars. There's no reason to trust them about anything as they are hysterical nuts and advocates for the most repulsive party in this nation.
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[laughing] Suckers.

Canada PM: will not halt illegal border crossing despite opposition

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada will continue to accept asylum seekers crossing illegally from the United States but will ensure security measures are taken to keep Canadians safe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday.

The number of would-be refugees crossing into Canada at isolated and unguarded border crossings has increased in recent weeks amid fears U.S. President Donald Trump will crack down on illegal immigrants, and photos of smiling Canadian police greeting the migrants have gone viral.

If I'm ICE, I'm rounding up busses full of them and just dumping them over there.
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Watch this media meltdown of Trump's win and ask yourself, "Is this someone I should be getting news from? Do they act like professionals and do they represent the people?"

Amen! *cues up Alex Jones playlist on Youtube with Sean Hannity on in background*
[laughing] Suckers.

Canada PM: will not halt illegal border crossing despite opposition

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada will continue to accept asylum seekers crossing illegally from the United States but will ensure security measures are taken to keep Canadians safe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday.

The number of would-be refugees crossing into Canada at isolated and unguarded border crossings has increased in recent weeks amid fears U.S. President Donald Trump will crack down on illegal immigrants, and photos of smiling Canadian police greeting the migrants have gone viral.

The Wall: Part 2 (The Great North)
Amen! *cues up Alex Jones playlist on Youtube with Sean Hannity on in background*

I don't watch Alex Jones. I don't take Hannity as anything serious so you can stop projecting your BS on to me.

I'm exposed to multiple views on both sides of the spectrum every single day.