How will they rule ??!

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How is this not front page news, and not being talked about 24/7 on the media. I don't know WTF was going on here, but it sounds pretty sinister.


At least 12 aircraft violated temporary flight restrictions through Monday afternoon for President Donald Trump’s Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago stay, with at least five of those having the unique experience of being buzzed by military aircraft, federal officials confirmed to The Palm Beach Post.

Eight of those crossed the line on Friday alone, with three of those having what likely were unsettling encounters with F-15 jets and one with a military helicopter, according to the Federal Aviation Administration and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
Illegal that had already been deported three times prior, came back a fourth, broke the law again sentenced to prison in '03, escaped from prison, been on the run ever since.

ICE caught this guy during their raids and booted his ass. Odd he's not plastered on TV. Odd no liberals are in the streets protesting, holding signs with his picture on it. Odd Pelosi and Schumer aren't on TV talking about him.
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Or what about the Dreamer kid who's an admitted gang member, which is s clear violation of DACA stipulations?

They're only focused on him but fail to mention why ICE was at his house to begin with. It wasn't for him. They were there for his father, who is a convicted felon and had already been deported from the country eight times.

Why doesn't he get mentioned when they're singing their sad song about how it's so unfair for the Dreamer thug to be deported?
@qwesley Question for you. Do you think Jimmy Carter or Obama is the worst president of the last 50-60 years and if so, why? We've had quite a few bad presidents since the 60s.

And were you a Reagan fan?

Anyone can feel free to chime in for this topic.

I was reading a hypothetical regarding if Reagan would have won the primary in 2968 or 1976 of how different things would have turned out. Imagine Reagan wins the nom over Ford and destroys Carter. That would have put Reagan serving 1977-1985. Or does the same crap that happened to Carter happen to Reagan if he is given that timeline?

Very cool what if's.
I started closely following politics heading up to the Reagan election sitting in a gas station where my dad worked. His first 4 years are the only strong leadership we have had in the past 50-60 years. Hard to say who was worst b/w Carter, GWB, and BO. Tend to lean BO due to future damage but debatable. GWB embodied the worst of both sides.
I may be a little drunk but pretty sure I am watching an HBO show on a court case about give chimps legal rights.
Facebook rant by a Swedish cop. He's now being investigated for hate speech

Migrants ARE to blame for most serious crimes in Sweden, police officer blasts in rant

After posts in social media - the police suspected of incitement to racial hatred

Checked out that Swedish cop's Facebook and he's not backing down. The next day he followed up with the post below and has since continued to post more crime stats.

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You're right, I'm not more advanced because I have indoor plumbing or that I live in a blue state (and yes, Illinois is corrupt as hell). I'm more advanced because I have a rational mind that is able to see through the bullshit that you fools can't.

Our president is a ****ing moron. And if you can't see that, then you're a moron too.

of course you hate alpha males, you want to be a "chaser"........
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Our president is a ****ing moron. And if you can't see that, then you're a moron too.
Donald Trump found an uncompromising path to the presidency.
You found your way to Chicago.
Donald Trump does not shy away from who he is or what he believes.
You assume a new persona every day.
I'm seeing your analysis of who the moron is a little differently than you.
Liberals have been trying to normalize pedophilia for many years. If Milo is a pedo, the left should love him.
I will say one thing that Trump couldn't be more right about. The press is my enemy.

Ever since election day they have shit on my vote, treated it like it was worthless and shouldn't have counted, telling me lie after lie, trying to convince me that Russia put Trump in the WH, and not the 63M people who voted for him.

I can say with 100% certainty, Russia had absolutely no influence on who I voted for.
Liberals have been trying to normalize pedophilia for many years. If Milo is a pedo, the left should love him.

Liberals. Most of them are in psychotherapy.

Got a medical license since Oct. Some old people love to blame Trump.

Me: "awwww, that's sucks. Trump must hurt you".
Patient: : "Do you take Blue Cross?"
Me: "yep. See Hectorina. She will take your insurance.
I will say one thing that Trump couldn't be more right about. The press is my enemy.

Ever since election day they have shit on my vote, treated it like it was worthless and shouldn't have counted, telling me lie after lie, trying to convince me that Russia put Trump in the WH, and not the 63M people who voted for him.

I can say with 100% certainty, Russia had absolutely no influence on who I voted for.
Spot on, but this election isn't even the worst thing the press has done. The press has literally gotten people killed in the streets because of rioting and cop shootings where the narritive was a complete lie. This is a pretty good read on it.
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Remember when liberals used to support free speech, the marketplace of ideas, and the maxim that, although I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it?
Remember when liberals used to support free speech, the marketplace of ideas, and the maxim that, although I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it?

yes. and that being said, this version of the Democratic party isn't liberalism anymore. these people arent' liberals. their party has transformed again, and they ran off the libs in doing so.
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beginning of the clip, the officer repeats "ska jag skjuta?" The 2nd time disgustedly, as if he'd already asked for permission several times. Then, after 1/2 a minute or so he explains he hasn't received permission to young female voice. For her, sorry. Probably take an actual Swede to cypher her frantic weeping.

ska jag skjuta = should I shoot
Donald Trump found an uncompromising path to the presidency.
You found your way to Chicago.
Donald Trump does not shy away from who he is or what he believes.
You assume a new persona every day.
I'm seeing your analysis of who the moron is a little differently than you.

I do love the "Trump is a moron" crowd. Oh yeah? You think a man who became a billionaire, has become a great businessman, ran a successful campaign that defied the odds to become the leader of the world with no help from lobbyists and our mainstream media and you think that is a moron behind that?

Windy works at Little Caesars and he thinks Trump is a moron. :okay:
I do love the "Trump is a moron" crowd. Oh yeah? You think a man who became a billionaire, has become a great businessman, ran a successful campaign that defied the odds to become the leader of the world with no help from lobbyists and our mainstream media and you think that is a moron behind that?

Windy works at Little Caesars and he thinks Trump is a moron. :okay:
The Trump is a moron crowd is pathetic. If Trump is such a moron, what does that makes Hillary, and everyone else who Trump is kicking ass against?
Remember when liberals used to support free speech, the marketplace of ideas, and the maxim that, although I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it?

the advent of fake news before we knew it. those avant-garde cksmoochers deserve a lot of credit for that one.
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