How will they rule ??!

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Very happy to see Rand Paul getting a lot of attention for his healthcare plan. Unlike Graham, McCain, and other Republicans who hate Trump Rand could have held a vendetta against Trump as well but he has moved forward and appears to be working with Trump to get things done.
Graham lost badly to Trump in the last primary. McCain lost to Obama in '08. Both men harbored presidential aspirations.
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Haven't had time lately, but I'll try watching it later today. Interested on viewing MSM spin in retrospect. Thanks.

Their spin will make you hate them even more. There's no reason to try and be a puss and pander to these outlets. For one, they were in collusion with the DNC/Clintons, they have smeared his family, lied about him, taken him out of context, spread fake news among other things.

But let's face it. None of the readers or loyal viewers to those outlets voted or will vote for him so who cares?
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The left are so insane. How are these idiots considered "progress?" Not only that but our education system has been taken over by these radical nuts.

Shame on our people for being so asleep with a false sense of security while these people loaded up in very influential industries- academia, media and Hollywood and we act surprised that the radical left uses this against us.

No way in hell anyone could have foreseen how accepted this craziness would become even 15 years ago.
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The left projecting their sins again. Accusing the Trump campaign of secret contact with Russia because Hillary's aides were actually having secret contact with China. Wikileaks, the gift that keeps on giving.

‘Insistent’ Chinese Ambassador Requested ‘Private’ Talk With Clinton Campaign Aides

"Chinese Ambassador Cui invited me over to the residence Tuesday for a coffee and to make a request. He wants to have an informal, private, off the record get together with a few of us to discuss the next year and the current state of US-China affairs,” wrote Clinton campaign aide Kurt Campbell in the Jan. 7, 2016, email.

“He asked me to host a social meal at my house in the next month. He was fairly insistent and indicated that he wanted to pass along some perspectives. I told him I’d reach out to you all to see about your judgement on this and possible availability. I’m happy to make some chili and cornbread by the fire but let’s first decide whether this makes sense. Please let me know your thinking,” Campbell said.

Curious, does anyone believe even 25% of what Alex Jones and Infowars talks about? Watched some of their videos out of boredom and think they be one of the worst fake news outlets out there.

No. He's an entertainer. That's what I see when I look at him. I never took his website literal. I'm sure there is some "legit" stuff from time to time. But no. Inter-dimensional galactic homo-erotic sapien lizards are not trying to rule this world.
Curious, does anyone believe even 25% of what Alex Jones and Infowars talks about? Watched some of their videos out of boredom and think they be one of the worst fake news outlets out there.
I completely agree. Jones is a nut. I avoid him. But in a very slim defense of him, he has said some crazy, off the wall shit, that you thought could never be true, and it turned out to be exactly that.
I completely agree. Jones is a nut. I avoid him. But in a very slim defense of him, he has said some crazy, off the wall shit, that you thought could never be true, and it turned out to be exactly that.

Pure entertainment. I don't read his website or watch the vids. I listen to the radio podcast on the way home from work because it cracks me up. Treat it like Steve Corbert or John Oliver. You can't take it serious.
Trump has a press conference taking on the media. Trump tweets, calling the media the enemy of the people. And just like that, Flynn/Russia... afterthoughts.

Their TDS is so bad they constantly trample their own narrative because they can't focus on a single thing, and have to attack every single little thing like it's a threat to our democracy.

Trump knows this. He realizes they're so unhinged and deluded by their TDS, that he can change the narrative with a single tweet.
Conspiracy theorists are good at pointing out shit that doesn't make sense . . . then they go off the rails trying to explain "whats really going on". Just don't listen to that second part with intergalactic vampires, and it can be reasonable information.
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Curious, does anyone believe even 25% of what Alex Jones and Infowars talks about? Watched some of their videos out of boredom and think they be one of the worst fake news outlets out there.
I completely agree. Jones is a nut. I avoid him. But in a very slim defense of him, he has said some crazy, off the wall shit, that you thought could never be true, and it turned out to be exactly that.
Alex Jones graduated high school here in Austin and also attended Austin Community College (ACC) for a while. I've visited his website once about 10-12 years ago.

Let me just put it this way: The Austin,Texas area is world-famous for cultivating some truly creative individuals, and Jones is no exception. He's a showman. Everyone has their niche. His niche borders on the outrageous.
Curious, does anyone believe even 25% of what Alex Jones and Infowars talks about? Watched some of their videos out of boredom and think they be one of the worst fake news outlets out there.
Can't take Jones seriously. He had a good platform to actually perform what he feigns to perform handed to him in the absence of Bill Cooper, and he chose to bastardize Bill's legacy. So, **** him.

The ONLY quasi-credible thing I've ever watched that Jones did was his interview with Louis Farrakhan. That interview is what ultimately swayed me to vote Trump.
I'm going to start burning African flags and Muslim gear. Go grab a bunch a weaves I bet they are flammable
Curious, does anyone believe even 25% of what Alex Jones and Infowars talks about? Watched some of their videos out of boredom and think they be one of the worst fake news outlets out there.

Jones sucks but Paul Joseph Watson is very good. You should watch his videos on YouTube and Twitter ( @PrisonPlanet). He's been ruthless to SJWs too.

But yeah, I don't like Jones at all. It drives me nuts how he talks over people.
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So the Obama admin decided with 17 days left in the presidency to allow this NSA surveillance program where they can ultimately break the law, create a shadow government to spy and leak on anyone and it's harder to find out who did it.

Now why would a president do this with a little over two weeks away? If it was important, why didn't he do it eight years ago or four years ago? Why wait until the next admin is coming in?

You know the answer to that.

Obama is one evil POS.
He is an Islamic muslim terrorist. His terrorism was covert and divided this country worse than I have seen in my lifetime.
Honest question- what do you think the liberal media out in D.C., NY & LA say about Middle America when they're alone with each other? What do you think their thoughts are of white working class people? We already know they think very little of minorities.

The idea that writers from these three locations "speak" for the people is ridiculous.
If Trump wants support for his mass deportations then how about zeroing in on some of these Los Angeles hardcore gang bangers instead of some housewife in Idaho or wherever the hell he's concentrating on?

I believe there is a STRONG National Security interest to getting what amounts to a standing army out of your country. We have millions of people here that would present a logistical nightmare for us if tensions sparked between the US and Mexico. We're not talking about lawful residents, we are talking about people we know absolutely nothing about.

Need to pound the shit out of the gang bangers to draw support for this program. Make it visible as to who you are going after. Show the public what kind of vermin we're kicking out then you'll have broad support. Mexican gangs in California are BY FAR the most dangerous in the US. Easily pushing the blacks out as they pour in as these guys are like they are already dead. Fearless in combat and they are structured more like military units than the black gangs ever dreamed of being. We absolutely want as many of these people out of this country as we can deport and there would be mass public approval if the folks knew the kind of animals we were kicking out:

If Trump wants support for his mass deportations then how about zeroing in on some of these Los Angeles hardcore gang bangers instead of some housewife in Idaho or wherever the hell he's concentrating on?

I believe there is a STRONG National Security interest to getting what amounts to a standing army out of your country. We have millions of people here that would present a logistical nightmare for us if tensions sparked between the US and Mexico. We're not talking about lawful residents, we are talking about people we know absolutely nothing about.

Need to pound the shit out of the gang bangers to draw support for this program. Make it visible as to who you are going after. Show the public what kind of vermin we're kicking out then you'll have broad support. Mexican gangs in California are BY FAR the most dangerous in the US. Easily pushing the blacks out as they pour in as these guys are like they are already dead. Fearless in combat and they are structured more like military units than the black gangs ever dreamed of being. We absolutely want as many of these people out of this country as we can deport and there would be mass public approval if the folks knew the kind of animals we were kicking out:

Z, I agree about the focus on the hard core violent gangs. Not sure if the housewife was targeted or simply caught in the net. Assuming she has nothing more than a minor vehicle traffic violation, letting her off the hook might ease a lot of tension.
Reconquista is a real thing. These hordes in the Southwest really do believe they are taking their land back.

Right now, today, it is doubtful that for much of California you could even hope to crack down on it. It would take massive Federal intervention just to return what is overwhelmed already. Mexico already extends deep into the US and is ungovernable insomuch as enforcing our borders go.

For example, all of Trump's orders will simply not be complied with for hundreds of miles up into California. Can't do it. On paper Southern California belongs to the US but folks it has almost wholly been swallowed by Mexico already, or at least huge portions of it. Everything on the US side of the border is Spanish only for miles. The border is just a meaningless line in the dirt. The United States doesn't begin until somewhere North of Los Angeles as far as actually being able to govern it without completely losing control of it. Of the land being recognizable as the United States instead of Northern Mexico.

Look at Iraq and Afghanistan, even our most elite units cannot control large populations of people intent on resisting, you think Barney Fife and the LAPD or our pathetic undermanned Border Patrol are going to do any better against millions?

Better take this opportunity to get the RIGHT ONES out of this country and do it mercilessly or be prepared to cede large portions of the US already, today, to Mexico.
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Honest question- what do you think the liberal media out in D.C., NY & LA say about Middle America when they're alone with each other? What do you think their thoughts are of white working class people? We already know they think very little of minorities.

The idea that writers from these three locations "speak" for the people is ridiculous.

Man, I see first-hand on a daily basis people from southern Indiana treating people from just across the river like thy're from some third world country. People who, literally, live 20 miles from each other... expand that bubble by 2,000 miles and i'm sure its inherent ideology increases with it, exponentially even.
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If Trump wants support for his mass deportations then how about zeroing in on some of these Los Angeles hardcore gang bangers instead of some housewife in Idaho or wherever the hell he's concentrating on?
Gmafb. That's exactly what he is doing. One women happened to be a housewife, and that's the only reason she was reported on.

75% of rest of the 600-700 illegals picked up were exactly as those you describe, who had been convicted of felonies such as rape, murder, child molestation, etc... The other 25%? They had already been ordered deported by a judge, and were on the run.
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