How will they rule ??!

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I am Pro-birth and Pro-life. Their is a difference.

I can not live in a country that has only one political party.
The Donald: Free Speech forever!! Except when I'm in the WH madda fadda!
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The Donald: Free Speech forever!! Except when I'm in the WH madda fadda!
Did you call out Obama when he almost weekly took shots at Fox News, and right wing media? Or when he was actually spying on journalists?

Something tells me the answer to this is a big fat no.

But its an attack on free speech when Trump calls out CNN for fake reporting? No hypocrisy there at all.
Yeah, because a lawful phone call (from all reports) to Russia and a lie that cost a man his job is exactly what we need to be demanding answers for. Never mind the treasonous, illegal leaks of highly classified information by the intelligence community.

I mean, who cares if our intelligence community has stooped to third world, banana republic levels, undermining and sabotaging political opponents? Michael Flynn, even though nothing illegal was discussed (from all reports), made a phone call to Russia, and then told a lie. We must have answers!

Don't worry, though. Both Flynn and the leaks are going to be fully investigated. I have a feeling it might turn out just like the recounts. Remember those? Where Trump was vindicated and the only voter fraud/irregularities uncovered was done by Democrats?

This is just a hunch/guess, but after the investigations, look for Trump to be vindicated and the only people facing prison time are the leakers.
Probably most hated behind Trump.
Heard Pruitt speak a month before the election at a luncheon, he was about as smart, tactful, and measured as they come. In a lot of ways opposite of Trump. In fact I have would have thought he was a little bit on the moderate side of the conservative spectrum and hell he certainly wasn't ra-ra Trump.

Basically, Dems have been potty trained to hate him. If his name was Larry Sanders from Charlotte not into politics they'd like him fine.
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So if you put a random screaming homeless street nut up on the stage then all of you are "proud" because they can't control him?

That's your standard for success?

Look, Trump is a total raving unbalanced lunatic and forget my previous prediction of an impeachment within 2 years because this nut isn't going to last 6 months.
Remember when it was sexist and inappropriate to speculate on a candidates health. There are some questions he didn't answer, sure. But they didn't once ask him of the successes he's had thus far, and he has had a few that he's kept promise on. Yes, that was a much different press conference because he didn't get asked if he's "the comeback kid" or "what enchants you most about the whitehouse"...hard hitters for sure that put obama in the hot seat.
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Oregon lawmaker pushing legislation for a repeal of state's sanctuary status. He has a valid point and reason why. 32% of Oregon's budget is federal money, and he's afraid of losing it.

[laughing]That poor man. He just lost his seat. His bill is going to be used as shit paper, then he's going to be ran out of the state, tarred and feathered.
Government functions are any function that is done by the government.
How is providing healthcare for an individual any different than providing roads or public parks for individuals to use? Who do you think pays for the operation of our roads, parks, fire and police protection, schools? Who pays for the military? Are they not paid for with taxpayer money? I can't trade my healthcare for something else of value. It has nothing to do with redistributing wealth and everything to do with providing utility for the common good. It is good not to have people with contagious illnesses spreading them around just like it is good to have good clean drinking water and sewers available to process waste as to not spread disease.
But Muh Roaaaaadss! Yeah roads, a technological advancement so complex that only the government not the private sector could figure it out.
Not true at all. That statement presupposes that the government has the Constitutional authority to provide any service or anything they desire. They don't have the authority to do anything they want. The Constitution limits the kinds of things government has the authority to do. Unfortunately, that document is worthless when you have people running the country who interpret it to fit whatever agenda they may have.
I presented you multiple ways in which the federal government "takes money" to provide for the common good and your response was "The difference is that most of those are government functions". Nowhere did I claim that the government had the authority to provide any service or anything they desire.
Since the object you commented on was Obamacare and healthcare in general that is the service about which I commented. We've had Medicare for 52 years and I don't see anyone challenging its constitutionality or calling for its repeal. You characterized healthcare as a "redistribution of wealth". How is it any different than any of the other services I mentioned?
The Donald: Free Speech forever!! Except when I'm in the WH madda fadda!
Who said they couldn't have free speech...they can say whatever they want...however it's not violating the first amendment to tell them they suck.

It's not only conservatives calling out the media, it's only those crying and defending them who are made bc they want something to stick. Remember when Obama did a press conference the day after one of his myriad of scandals and took questions from 17 press you don't, bc he never did, and when he did he took softballs like "how do you like to eat your hotdog"


Here's the real story & real Trump opportunity:

"Video footage from a town hall meeting in Cudahy, California shows an African-American Trump supporter passionately slamming sanctuary cities as a racist assault on the black community.

“Sanctuary cities are racist – black communities have been destroyed by illegal immigration,” says the woman, adding that the situation called for a “second civil rights movement.”

Tracing her ancestry back to slave ships, the woman said, “I’m not going anywhere….sanctuary cities are racist, all the jobs are going to illegals….that is wrong, you’re not going to be allowed to get away with it….the black community has been destroyed by racist illegal immigration and we’re not gonna have it.”"

This is the chance for Trump & Pubs to turn the tide with AA's with speeches in Detroit City & South Chicago & DC & Philly about this true crap with this lady at his side. Bravo to her.
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If you're thinking the sports pages have become more political lately, and with a left lean to boot, this guy from The Ringer says it's not your imagination:

It used to be that Sports Illustrated was the only sports site that was overtly political. Practically every prominent writer there is openly and usually aggressively liberal. Lately, ESPN has become more and more invested in social justice and social issues. But since Trump won the election, every Tom Dick and Harry with a column or a twitter account has something to say......
I really do think Trump is going to drive a wedge right up the illegals' asses between them and the black community. Anyone with a pulse can tell that illegal immigration has harmed the black community.

Go ahead and run Julio Castro on a pro illegals platform next time, Dems. Just do it. Trump's black vote will double (not a huge raw number, but percentage wise enough to blow him out).

Anyways, I think this makes Booker or Fake Indian the pick and that, Wildcat Friends, is fantastic.
Odd that the AP would try to fear monger with this bit of fake news, like it's some unprecedented, horrifying Hitlerish act.

Obama actually did send Nation Guard troops into four different states to back up ICE deportations and to help secure the border. He was praised for it.

One of the state's was Arizona, where he sent 1,200, and McCain told him that it wasn't sufficient enough and that they needed 6,000 more.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer today praised Obama's decision saying in a statement, "with the accountability of this election year, I am pleased and grateful that at long last there has been a partial response from the Obama Administration to my demands that Washington do its job."

Members of Arizona's congressional delegation also supported sending additional troops.

"The White House is doing the right thing," said Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., who began calling on the president to deploy the National Guard in March. "Arizonans know that more boots on the ground means safer and more secure border. Washington heard our message."

But for some Arizonans, including Republican Sen. John McCain, 1,200 troops is insufficient.

"It's simply not enough," he said during debate on the Senate floor this afternoon during which he described Arizonans who live in fear of cross-border violence from drug lords. "We need 6,000."
Here's the real story & real Trump opportunity:

"Video footage from a town hall meeting in Cudahy, California shows an African-American Trump supporter passionately slamming sanctuary cities as a racist assault on the black community.

“Sanctuary cities are racist – black communities have been destroyed by illegal immigration,” says the woman, adding that the situation called for a “second civil rights movement.”

Tracing her ancestry back to slave ships, the woman said, “I’m not going anywhere….sanctuary cities are racist, all the jobs are going to illegals….that is wrong, you’re not going to be allowed to get away with it….the black community has been destroyed by racist illegal immigration and we’re not gonna have it.”"

This is the chance for Trump & Pubs to turn the tide with AA's with speeches in Detroit City & South Chicago & DC & Philly about this true crap with this lady at his side. Bravo to her.

Good point.

Blacks and whites should have been united against illegals. In no time, blacks fell to third in the population size. Their youth is affected more by illegals than anyone.

Republicans would be super smart to really try and do something about Flint. That could swing a big portion of AA's their way especially considering the left has really aligned with Islam and illegals now.
Yeah, because a lawful phone call (from all reports) to Russia and a lie that cost a man his job is exactly what we need to be demanding answers for. Never mind the treasonous, illegal leaks of highly classified information by the intelligence community.

I mean, who cares if our intelligence community has stooped to third world, banana republic levels, undermining and sabotaging political opponents? Michael Flynn, even though nothing illegal was discussed (from all reports), made a phone call to Russia, and then told a lie. We must have answers!

Don't worry, though. Both Flynn and the leaks are going to be fully investigated. I have a feeling it might turn out just like the recounts. Remember those? Where Trump was vindicated and the only voter fraud/irregularities uncovered was done by Democrats?

This is just a hunch/guess, but after the investigations, look for Trump to be vindicated and the only people facing prison time are the leakers.
You keep barking up this tree but have yet to produce any "highly classified information" that was leaked. No transcripts have been made public. He called and he either lied about it or fell on the sword as not to take down Trump...take your pick.

You've been reading too many alternative facts with regards to the recounts. FYI: Michigan has a GOP governor and their Bureau of Elections just released the finding below...

Bureau of Elections releases Detroit precinct audit findings
FEBRUARY 9, 2017

Statewide audit of possible double voting also released

The Michigan Bureau of Elections today released its audit findings for 136 Detroit precincts from the Nov. 8, 2016 general election, largely finding that human error, not illegal activity, resulted in mismatches between the number of ballots and recorded voters.

Elections staff found no evidence of pervasive voter fraud or that widespread voting equipment failure led to the imbalances. To correct the problems identified in the audit, Bureau of Elections staff will work collaboratively with city officials to better train Election Day precinct workers beginning with the Aug. 8 city primary election.

The audit found that the precinct imbalances, which did not affect the ability of Detroit residents to cast a ballot and have their vote counted, almost entirely were caused by precinct worker mistakes, specifically:

  • There were 782 over-counted votes in 248 Detroit precincts.
  • There were 362 under-counted ballots in 158 Detroit precincts.
You keep barking up this tree but have yet to produce any "highly classified information" that was leaked. No transcripts have been made public. He called and he either lied about it or fell on the sword as not to take down Trump...take your pick.

You've been reading too many alternative facts with regards to the recounts. FYI: Michigan has a GOP governor and their Bureau of Elections just released the finding below...

Bureau of Elections releases Detroit precinct audit findings
FEBRUARY 9, 2017

Statewide audit of possible double voting also released

The Michigan Bureau of Elections today released its audit findings for 136 Detroit precincts from the Nov. 8, 2016 general election, largely finding that human error, not illegal activity, resulted in mismatches between the number of ballots and recorded voters.

Elections staff found no evidence of pervasive voter fraud or that widespread voting equipment failure led to the imbalances. To correct the problems identified in the audit, Bureau of Elections staff will work collaboratively with city officials to better train Election Day precinct workers beginning with the Aug. 8 city primary election.

The audit found that the precinct imbalances, which did not affect the ability of Detroit residents to cast a ballot and have their vote counted, almost entirely were caused by precinct worker mistakes, specifically:

  • There were 782 over-counted votes in 248 Detroit precincts.
  • There were 362 under-counted ballots in 158 Detroit precincts.
Precinct workers are Dems in Detroit - they couldn't begin to find a Pub - & they came out ahead.
You keep barking up this tree but have yet to produce any "highly classified information" that was leaked.
His name is supposed to be classified. As an American, in this situation, getting caught "accidentally" on a wire tap, the people on the other end listening are supposed to go through extra steps to sheild the American's name, not reveal his name in the transcripts, then leak his name to the press.

That is classified information, which was leaked, which was against the law. No other way to put it. There's not a single quote, from a single person that says those leaks were lawful. If there is, show me, link it, and then I'll show you five, from people who actually enforce the laws, saying it's classified and illegal as hell.
  • There were 782 over-counted votes in 248 Detroit precincts

[laughing] And I just saw this. You debate my point of voter fraud/irregularities, saying I must be reading too many alternative facts, then link a story citing 782 counts of voter irregularity in all Democrat precincts, where Democrats came out ahead. Also, what about the other states? Michigan wasn't the only recount.

C'mon, man. I keep entertaining this back and forth, giving you a chance, but you keep letting me down. You're starting to bore me.
[laughing] And I just saw this. You debate my point of voter fraud/irregularities, saying I must be reading too many alternative facts, then link a story citing 782 counts of voter irregularity in all Democrat precincts, where Democrats came out ahead. Also, what about the other states? Michigan wasn't the only recount.

C'mon, man. I keep entertaining this back and forth, giving you a chance, but you keep letting me down. You're starting to bore me.

I have whoever you're speaking to on ignore so I'd like to see what their thoughts are about the voting in Orange County, California where Democrats have not won since the Great Depression but somehow Hillary wins by nearly 40,000 votes.

No flipping way.

How could anyone trust these people? In that one guy's tweet, there are three headlines of the left. They are as followed

"Republicans are women haters"
"GOP out to kill senior citizens"
"On women's health, Clinton compares Republicans to terrorists"
"Obama: Trump would tolerate Klan if elected"

And just their choice on images for the inauguration. Instead of this one


They choose to go with this one


And even the time on this has been debated.
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