How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] Yeah, because Obama was real strong on Russia, especially while he was letting them bend him over, and do whatever the hell they wanted.

Moscow bristled this week when Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Washington should negotiate with Russia from a “position of strength.” It could have been just another day under the Obama administration.
Has there ever been an administration that has got so much accomplished in their first month?

Trump has barely had a cabinet, hes had deep state obama appointees trying to sabotage him, and has had democrats and even Republicans like McCain and Graham trying to stop him. The media has constantly worked to destroy him. Theres been dumb snowflake leftists rioting. Asshole judges working to stop him.

And Trump STILL kicked royal ass. Its going to be a fun 8 years. Believe me!
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Has there ever been an administration that has got so much accomplished in their first month?

Trump has barely had a cabinet, hes had deep state obama appointees trying to sabotage him, and has had democrats and even Republicans like McCain and Graham trying to stop him. The media has constantly worked to destroy him. Theres been dumb snowflake leftists rioting. Asshole judges working to stop him.

And Trump STILL kicked royal ass. Its going to be a fun 8 years. Believe me!
Please list all his accomplishments thus far. Thanks.
Wall? Needs 20 billion as Mexico isn't paying for it.

Immigration/Moslims? Bitchslapped by courts.

Obamacare? Nothing. Not repealed on his first day like he promised. Already being walked back as fast as they can walk. Will wind up being an Obamacare-light version that just plasters his name on it like one of his hotels.

Blah, blah, blah... nothing on taxes. Nothing on nothing. Just marketing to rubes with ZERO accomplishments.
LMAO that you idiots think meaningless EOs are accomplishments. What actual legislation has be passed/pushed through? You know, the stuff that actually means something and becomes the law of the land. Please, enlighten me?
Broken campaign promise after broken campaign promise yet marketed wildly as "successes" without thus far actually following through on a single one of his hallmark pledges.

Was Obamacare repealed on day one?

Is Mexico going to pay for the wall?

Are Muslims banned for 90 days?

Has all the inner city violence been stopped on "day one" when he became President like he bragged about?

Seriously, you rubes are the easiest marks ever. I am going to quit my job and go into business just suckering conservatives. No wonder the religious mega preachers prey on them like minnows. They are begging to be fleeced. I've got to get in on this action. Found me a group like "Save Our Country and Give It Back to God" and let the money start rolling in. I can't wait to get started.
Hi! Our great country is going to hell. We cannot let the liberal child molesters and their black ex-president sabotage our great leader. We need more guns and bibles, folks. And those are not cheap. Please send your generous donation to 555-555-5555 and help us do God's work. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May the light of God shine on your bank account numbers long enough for you to send all you can my way.

-Save Our Country and Give It Back to God -
How many times you going to make this same exact post? Admit it. You have it on WordPress or some shit, and copy and paste it once or twice a day. Don't lie.

Wall? Needs 20 billion as Mexico isn't paying for it.

Definitely being built. Kelly has already made that known. Two years is what he says he needs. It's coming.

Immigration/Moslims? Bitchslapped by courts.

New EO coming next week that judges won't be able to unconstitutionally tie up in courts.

It's titled "America's Safe Space". Liberals are sure to get behind it with a name like that.

Will wind up being an Obamacare-light version that just plasters his name on it like one of his hotels.

Announced during press conference this is happening in March. R. Paul and Price already have a plan in the works. From what they have said it's nothing like Obamacare. Your incessant ramblings to the contrary have less credibility than Hillary's 98% of winning the election.
Haven't there been some people in this thread who have said they actually like Joe? The guy is a total clown.

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Announced during press conference this is happening in March. R. Paul and Price already have a plan in the works. From what they have said it's nothing like Obamacare. Your incessant ramblings to the contrary have less credibility than Hillary's 98% of winning the election.
Oh, so actually nothing has been done yet and it is not an accomplishment and it was not repealed on DAY ONE like we heard a million times in the campaign so as of right now it is complete bullshit. Thanks.
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Who is paying for it and how?
Mexico. The ways behind how have been explained over and over. You only mention the border tax one brought up by Spicer, in passing, one time only, because it feeds into your anti agenda.

Bottom line is, Trump has a few ways to make them pay, where they don't even have a say so in the matter. Only a fool thought when he said Mexico was going to pay, he meant the were going to mail him a check.
on DAY ONE like we heard a million times in the campaign so as of right now it is complete bullshit
Because a politician has never said something during a campaign that turned out not to happen exactly the way he said it? Seriously? Mighty high standards you're trying to hold Trump to.

But your racist ass sure in the hell lowered the bar for the black man, not once, but for eight years, because you thought he was way too incompetent to be held to normal standards. You're a lame.

Doesn't matter day 1, March, or next year. The catastrophe known as Obamacare will most certainly be repealed and replaced. That's what really matters. Not when it happens, only that it does happen.
Hi! Our great country is going to hell.
Agreed. Left-libs are trying their GD best to send it there. Meanwhile,

WaPo: Betsy DeVos being guarded by U.S. Marshals Service.

Agreed. Left-libs are trying their GD best to send it there. Meanwhile,

WaPo: Betsy DeVos being guarded by U.S. Marshals Service.

How sad is that. And imbeciles on here are outraged over Trump not being able to do something he campaigned on on day 1.

Never mind they're working their asses off trying to get it done, and have set a date for when they think it'll be done. OMG! IT DIDN'T HAPPEN ON DAY 1. IMPEACH HIS ASS.

Meanwhile, the United States Secretary of Education can't even live life without a personal bodyguard because these f*cking lunatics on the left are so unhinged. Third world peasants, the lot of 'em.

What it is is simple. They couldn't stop her confirmation so they're threatening, harassing and bullying her, trying to force her to quit.
How sad is that. And imbeciles on here are outraged over Trump not being able to do something he campaigned on on day 1.

Never mind they're working their asses off trying to get it done, and have set a date for when they think it'll be done. OMG! IT DIDN'T HAPPEN ON DAY 1. IMPEACH HIS ASS.

Meanwhile, the United States Secretary of Education can't even live life without a personal bodyguard because these f*cking lunatics on the left are so unhinged. Third world peasants, the lot of 'em.

What it is is simple. They couldn't stop her confirmation so they're threatening, harassing and bullying her, trying to force her to quit.
Well said, explains so much of what Trump is up against.

While I believe that Trump should be held to a higher standard than Obama, because he is not a liberal. But....Why do politicians on both sides of the aisle and the media expect Trump to work miracles immediately?
Oh, so actually nothing has been done yet and it is not an accomplishment and it was not repealed on DAY ONE like we heard a million times in the campaign so as of right now it is complete bullshit. Thanks.

TPP is dead.
Trump's EO on the 7 nations was not unconstitutional, you know it, I know it even the judges that blocked it know it, emotion is why it was blocked.
Trump stated in the Press Conference, that you said nothing was said, that replacement of Obamacare would be ready to go Mid March.
Easement of coal regulations have already began.
Tax cuts will be after Obamacare, again stated in press conference.
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TPP is dead.
Trump's EO on the 7 nations was not unconstitutional, you know it, I know it even the judges that blocked it know it, emotion is why it was blocked.
Trump stated in the Press Conference, that you said nothing was said, that replacement of Obamacare would be ready to go Mid March.
Easement of coal regulations have already began.
Tax cuts will be after Obamacare, again stated in press conference.
There was also the law enforcement EO. The EO that stopped all grossly, overreaching penalties of not having Obamacare, essentially ending the Obamacare insurance requirement. Neil Gorsuch is a bona-fide rock star, especially compared to the smarmy eccentric that Hillary would have nominated.

His first month has been plenty productive when compared to his predecessors, and trying to deny that is disingenuous and agenda driven. Has everything been perfect? Hell no, but it definitely hasn't been the chaotic mess liberal media and their sheep try to spin.

It's easy to make someone look bad when you only focus and the negative, but it doesn't make it true, though.
WaPo: If Russia tried to influence the U.S. election, things aren’t going as planned.


Well, well, well. Talk about 180° change in narrative.
U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Russian hackers directed by President Vladimir Putin sought to put Trump in the White House instead of Hillary Rodham Clinton, seeing the New York businessman as far friendlier to Moscow’s interests. The Kremlin denies the charge.

I guess we're supposed to believe that the content of the emails had nothing to do with exposing how corrupt her, her cronies, the msm, and the piece of shit muslim president were? It was simply the act of hacking that did it.

She was instrumental in allowing Russia access to 20% of our uranium deposits, why would they give up a golden goose like her? I realize the media is talking to leftists idiots but damn it, the rest of us can see it too.
The lines for the Florida Trump rally are freaking massive from the pictures I see on twitter. Gonna be yuge.

Wish I went, but UK game is on about the same time.

Plus, I am not sure if they are serving beer at Trump's rally. I only go to places that sell alcohol.

But I'm sure it will be awesome. Lots of people of color here love Trump. Don't let the garbage media say otherwise.