How will they rule ??!

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I presented you multiple ways in which the federal government "takes money" to provide for the common good and your response was "The difference is that most of those are government functions". Nowhere did I claim that the government had the authority to provide any service or anything they desire.

[laughing] And I just saw this. You debate my point of voter fraud/irregularities, saying I must be reading too many alternative facts, then link a story citing 782 counts of voter irregularity in all Democrat precincts, where Democrats came out ahead. Also, what about the other states? Michigan wasn't the only recount.

C'mon, man. I keep entertaining this back and forth, giving you a chance, but you keep letting me down. You're starting to bore me.
Why did you not cite the under reported precincts? They too were Democratic. You also ignored the BoE report that determined that there was no fraud.
Here's a question for the dems on here.

Were you upset in 2014 when Obama had the DOJ subpoena the AP's phone records to see who their sources were? If not, why weren't you? Is it bc you didn't care or didn't know? And if it's bc you didn't know, that should tell you something about the media.

Obama not only attacked the media, okay. But he spied and forced private citizens to give him information. And, nothing. Sorry the media again led you to believe he was more than a mediocre president. You know, following up with that hard hitting coverage.

I anticipate your responses.
Why did you not cite the under reported precincts?
[laughing] Okay, fine. You want me cite the under reported? You debate my point of voter fraud/irregularities, saying I must be reading too many alternative facts, then link a story citing 1144 (782+362) counts of voter irregularity in all Democrat precincts, where Democrats came out ahead 420 (782-362) votes.

So, either way you want to spin it, you proved my point for me. There were irregularities uncovered during the recounts.
Here's a question for the dems on here.

Were you upset in 2014 when Obama had the DOJ subpoena the AP's phone records to see who their sources were? If not, why weren't you? Is it bc you didn't care or didn't know? And if it's bc you didn't know, that should tell you something about the media.

Obama not only attacked the media, okay. But he spied and forced private citizens to give him information. And, nothing. Sorry the media again led you to believe he was more than a mediocre president. You know, following up with that hard hitting coverage.

I anticipate your responses.

They seriously have the perception that Obama was a good president. He was a horrendous president. That's why 16 years of crap presidents really hurt us.

But if you talk to libs, they seriously have no clue about his scandals nor have they bothered to read about them. For instance, you go find me a single Democrat voter that read all of the WikiLeaks stuff. You won't find one. Why? Because they're not interested in knowing the truth. I'm not talking about made up BS. I'm talking about words straight from these people and their puppet media.

Dems had ZERO criticism regarding
-Spying on the AP
-Using the IRS to target his enemies (This cannot be denied and Lerner destroyed records and took the fifth)
- Lied about Benghazi and we have proof of that and the intent of that
- Lied about Obamacare. Forced it on us and fined us for it too.
- Fast and furious
- Bowe Bergdahl
- Although it's stupid, Clock Boy was another example of him intentionally jumping the gun on anything to do with race instead of waiting for info.
- Eric Holder debacle
- Iran deal
- Lying about the Hillary server

Just a ton of things that the left never effing said anything about nor does any of their voter base believe any of it.
Here's a question for the dems on here.

Were you upset in 2014 when Obama had the DOJ subpoena the AP's phone records to see who their sources were? If not, why weren't you? Is it bc you didn't care or didn't know? And if it's bc you didn't know, that should tell you something about the media.

Obama not only attacked the media, okay. But he spied and forced private citizens to give him information. And, nothing. Sorry the media again led you to believe he was more than a mediocre president. You know, following up with that hard hitting coverage.

I anticipate your responses.
This is the kind of thing agrivates me the most. Even if the MSM's news is legitimate real news, they pick and choose what they want to report.
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fuzz's other personality coming to defend his b.s. that's cute
I have no idea why he does that. I do understand why he welches on a bet- he doesn't want to pay, and, although I disagree with him for that, as it shows a lack of honor, I understand it; it's possible that he just doesn't have the money to pay it.

But I don't understand why he uses two alts- what's the point? If he's doing it, to try to artificially magnify his support by pretending that his moonbat philosophy has many other supporters, why not use fifty alts instead of just two? It's a baffling question, but Fuzz/RQ is a man with baffling attributes.
You keep barking up this tree but have yet to produce any "highly classified information" that was leaked.

And since you're back as @rqarnold, I want to touch on this again. Not only was Flynn's name classified information that was leaked, but Trump's phone calls with Mexico/Australia was also classified information that was leaked. So if you're talking about the truth tree? Yeah, I'm barking up it.
Ambassador Bolton new NSA director? He supposedly came in second to Tillerson for SoS, so he's definitely on Trump's radar. Trump could be trading an Iranian hard-ass for a Russian hard-ass.
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Ambassador Bolton new NSA director? He supposedly came in second to Tillerson for SoS, so he's definitely on Trump's radar. Trump could be trading an Iranian hard-ass for a Russian hard-ass.
I'd love to see Bolton get that spot. Hes one of the few things the Bush administration got right. A very tough, no nonsense guy.
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Do you guys remember this?

Blacklist: Obama Campaign Punishes Station for Tough Questions of Biden

Florida WFTV-Channel 9’s Barbara West thought that she was using her five minutes with Sen. Joe Biden to get at the toughest questions being raised by critics of the campaign. None of the usual softball, scripted questions in the video below. The choice reportedly resulted in the campaign canceling future interviews with the station. Blacklisting is a Nixonian trick and not something that most modern campaigns openly embrace.

West raised Sen. Obama’s comment about spreading wealth. That fact is that the comment is part of a variety of statements from democratic leaders connected to the campaign, including Biden, indicating that the Democrats intended to use their prior pattern of tax increases as a core agenda item. Indeed, a recent video show Obama using the expression in a 2001 radio interview on a failure of the Supreme Court. West asked why spreading the wealth does not make you a Marxist. Right subject, wrong delivery.

For the video of the interview, click here.
Instead of shrugging off the questions as awkward, the campaign went out of its way to cut off the entire statin and make it clear that it was being punished. It canceled an interview with Jill Biden, stating in a letter from Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign:”This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election.” So not to leave anything to speculation, McGinnis wrote that the cancellation was “a result of her husband’s experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West.”

So, here is how Obama handled the media when they tried to get to the truth. Censorship.
I remembered when this happened and it was just another reason why I knew that muslim piece of shit should not be our president.
Do you guys remember this?

Blacklist: Obama Campaign Punishes Station for Tough Questions of Biden

Florida WFTV-Channel 9’s Barbara West thought that she was using her five minutes with Sen. Joe Biden to get at the toughest questions being raised by critics of the campaign. None of the usual softball, scripted questions in the video below. The choice reportedly resulted in the campaign canceling future interviews with the station. Blacklisting is a Nixonian trick and not something that most modern campaigns openly embrace.

West raised Sen. Obama’s comment about spreading wealth. That fact is that the comment is part of a variety of statements from democratic leaders connected to the campaign, including Biden, indicating that the Democrats intended to use their prior pattern of tax increases as a core agenda item. Indeed, a recent video show Obama using the expression in a 2001 radio interview on a failure of the Supreme Court. West asked why spreading the wealth does not make you a Marxist. Right subject, wrong delivery.

For the video of the interview, click here.
Instead of shrugging off the questions as awkward, the campaign went out of its way to cut off the entire statin and make it clear that it was being punished. It canceled an interview with Jill Biden, stating in a letter from Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign:”This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election.” So not to leave anything to speculation, McGinnis wrote that the cancellation was “a result of her husband’s experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West.”

So, here is how Obama handled the media when they tried to get to the truth. Censorship.
I remembered when this happened and it was just another reason why I knew that muslim piece of shit should not be our president.
I remember it well. Seems like yesterday.
I presented you multiple ways in which the federal government "takes money" to provide for the common good and your response was "The difference is that most of those are government functions". Nowhere did I claim that the government had the authority to provide any service or anything they desire.
Since the object you commented on was Obamacare and healthcare in general that is the service about which I commented. We've had Medicare for 52 years and I don't see anyone challenging its constitutionality or calling for its repeal. You characterized healthcare as a "redistribution of wealth". How is it any different than any of the other services I mentioned?
You conveniently truncate my comments to fit your purpose. Nothing you mentioned, building roads, fire protection, police protection, military, takes money from one individual and gives to another individual, so your examples are apples and oranges. Some of your examples aren't directly funded by the federal government.
Middle schools are now indoctrinating children. This is the homework of an 11 year old. Look at the other questions as well. They're all about social issues.

Teacher under fire for slipping anti-Trump question into homework

A Staten Island educator slipped in an anti-President Trump question on a middle school homework assignment — and then defended it to outraged parents as freedom of speech.

Ungro, 46, told his kid not to answer the two questions.

Zawatsky took 15 points off for the three blank answers, giving Ungro’s daughter an 85 – which he blasted as “vindictive.”

“This woman is forcing my child to put words on a piece of paper describing our president in a disparaging manner,” Ungro told The Post Thursday. “Her political opinion should be left at home.”

On Monday, the dad of four, whose 12-year-old son also goes to the school, got an email from Zawatsky — but it wasn’t the apology he was looking for.

“Firstly, I do not believe I was expressing a political view at all on my vocabulary sheet. My reference to President Trump was about his personality traits rather than his ability as a president,” the teacher wrote.

"The media is nonstop on very similar references. This is considered freedom of speech and I feel I have the same right as they do.”

IS 75’s principal Kenneth Zapata spoke to Zawatsky, who makes $102,000 a year, and a disciplinary letter was placed in her file, officials.

Ungro called the punishment “basically nothing” for Zawatsky, who’s been teaching since 1996 and at IS 75 since 2005.

Do you guys remember this?

Blacklist: Obama Campaign Punishes Station for Tough Questions of Biden

Florida WFTV-Channel 9’s Barbara West thought that she was using her five minutes with Sen. Joe Biden to get at the toughest questions being raised by critics of the campaign. None of the usual softball, scripted questions in the video below. The choice reportedly resulted in the campaign canceling future interviews with the station. Blacklisting is a Nixonian trick and not something that most modern campaigns openly embrace.

West raised Sen. Obama’s comment about spreading wealth. That fact is that the comment is part of a variety of statements from democratic leaders connected to the campaign, including Biden, indicating that the Democrats intended to use their prior pattern of tax increases as a core agenda item. Indeed, a recent video show Obama using the expression in a 2001 radio interview on a failure of the Supreme Court. West asked why spreading the wealth does not make you a Marxist. Right subject, wrong delivery.

For the video of the interview, click here.
Instead of shrugging off the questions as awkward, the campaign went out of its way to cut off the entire statin and make it clear that it was being punished. It canceled an interview with Jill Biden, stating in a letter from Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign:”This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election.” So not to leave anything to speculation, McGinnis wrote that the cancellation was “a result of her husband’s experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West.”

So, here is how Obama handled the media when they tried to get to the truth. Censorship.
I remembered when this happened and it was just another reason why I knew that muslim piece of shit should not be our president.
@jameslee32 care to comment on this? Or are you too much of a hypocrite?
So the Obama admin decided with 17 days left in the presidency to allow this NSA surveillance program where they can ultimately break the law, create a shadow government to spy and leak on anyone and it's harder to find out who did it.

Now why would a president do this with a little over two weeks away? If it was important, why didn't he do it eight years ago or four years ago? Why wait until the next admin is coming in?

You know the answer to that.

Obama is one evil POS.
Last edited:
Middle schools are now indoctrinating children. This is the homework of an 11 year old. Look at the other questions as well. They're all about social issues.

Teacher under fire for slipping anti-Trump question into homework

A Staten Island educator slipped in an anti-President Trump question on a middle school homework assignment — and then defended it to outraged parents as freedom of speech.

Ungro, 46, told his kid not to answer the two questions.

Zawatsky took 15 points off for the three blank answers, giving Ungro’s daughter an 85 – which he blasted as “vindictive.”

“This woman is forcing my child to put words on a piece of paper describing our president in a disparaging manner,” Ungro told The Post Thursday. “Her political opinion should be left at home.”

On Monday, the dad of four, whose 12-year-old son also goes to the school, got an email from Zawatsky — but it wasn’t the apology he was looking for.

“Firstly, I do not believe I was expressing a political view at all on my vocabulary sheet. My reference to President Trump was about his personality traits rather than his ability as a president,” the teacher wrote.

"The media is nonstop on very similar references. This is considered freedom of speech and I feel I have the same right as they do.”

IS 75’s principal Kenneth Zapata spoke to Zawatsky, who makes $102,000 a year, and a disciplinary letter was placed in her file, officials.

Ungro called the punishment “basically nothing” for Zawatsky, who’s been teaching since 1996 and at IS 75 since 2005.


A teacher is making 102,000 dollars a year? Seriously? There are doctors who make less than that.

Quite frankly, I hope that the school janitor makes double that. He's undoubtedly more productive and competent than this idiot.
I swear, you have to be a batshit crazy and stupid if you're an elected California official- Waters, Pelosi, Brown, etc.

Did you notice Waters said that Trump said he would get rid of the sanctions during the campaign? Ha. Um Russia was not sanctioned until after he was elected.
So I finally watched that press conference that everyone was freaking out about . . . Another example that the world is insane. He literally says in the presser "I'm having a good time, but tomorrow they will take this very news conference and say 'he was ranting and raving' " Unbelievable. He may not have been "presidential", but he made sense to me.
So the Obama admin decided with 17 days left in the presidency to allow this NSA surveillance program where they can ultimately break the law, create a shadow government to spy and leak on anyone and it's harder to find out who did it.

Now why would a president do this with a little over two weeks away? If it was important, why didn't he do it eight years ago or four years ago? Why wait until the next admin is coming in?

You know the answer to that.

Obama is one evil POS.

While I agree with your post, I honestly think he was after either of Clinton or Trump. Even if policy was in place 2 weeks previous it had to be negotiated well before that.


The left is very obvious how they view these groups. They just try to find ways to instill a victim complex in them and with a little bit of pandering and bashing of whites, the left presents themselves as their savior.

The left absolutely has a vile view on these groups but wants them for votes. They also have an absolute hatred for Middle America.