How will they rule ??!

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I always laugh when one of our posters talks about the right wing nuts having guns and are prepared to resist. They have no idea of the inhumanity of the people already in our midst as far as these gangs go. What these people are capable of. Getting your head cut off is the easy way out. These people will set you on fire and put it out just so they can keep you going for more. Their appetite for violence is as sadistic as the world has ever seen. I honestly would be willing to suspend the damned US Constitution and allow open execution of these folks in combat. Everyone can laugh and think everything is a big joke, but if you had any real idea of the level of violence that is right at our doorstep on the border and the sheer inhumanity of what is going on...

These little sissy groups talking about women's rights... they have slaughtered women by the thousands right on our own border. Forget the middle east, a stone's throw from El Paso (just for a minor example) was a killing ground for women. Skeletons everywhere. Women are less than dogs to these people and we're acting like some housewife is Mother Teresa. They must be laughing their asses off at us. Such weaklings. We are broadcasting weakness to the entire world and that border is going to give. All the vileness that is beyond your imagination is just waiting to spill across and it will connect to an already massive embedded network already in place then metastasize like cancer.

My point is, now that Trump has started this shit he better be willing and able to finish it. No going back now. No half-measures. They better know what and who to focus on and get it done right otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable for much of the Southwest.
It would be much easier to deport the worst of the worst if the local cities would cooperate with the Feds to remove them, rather than protecting them. Work together instead of protecting those that are here illegally and represent the biggest danger to society? No, that makes too much sense.
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Snopes says that Obama deported 2.5 million people between 09-15. The most of any president in history.

Where's the outrage on that?
Okay, we deport them. Drop them off right at the border. Concentrate them right on our border. All together. Hmmm... wonder how that's going to work out. I guess they'll just mill around until they retire peacefully of old age.
Okay, we deport them. Drop them off right at the border. Concentrate them right on our border. All together. Hmmm... wonder how that's going to work out. I guess they'll just mill around until they retire peacefully of old age.

I hear Arizona is nice for retirement.
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So, most legal, natural born Americans look for ways to avoid taxation... but I'm supposed to believe that those willing to lay brick for $5 hour are paying tax willfully?

Some of you are too GD stupid to waste gas and a match on.

It's absolutely true. I'm sure it's uncommon. But it does happen
Snopes says that Obama deported 2.5 million people between 09-15. The most of any president in history.

Where's the outrage on that?
And we should thank him for that. Unfortunately, like Trump. they tend to be chickenshit and focus on the easy ones to deport instead of shooting it out with these gangs. We need a special law enforcement group that just loves to fight gangs and then friggen' pull an Elliot Ness and allow then to do what needs to be done. Get right up in these mf'ers kitchens because that's all they understand.
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Z has fallen victim to liberal media propaganda and has been brainwashed. There were 600-700 illegals picked up by ICE, but you won't hear about all the hardcore gang members, cartel drug pushers, murderers, rapists, etc... on the news.

Only two made the news. Why is that? Because the media can spin those two and push the victim angle. One is a housewife with kids, and the other is a young man here under DACA. Boo hoo. It's not fair for them.

What the media fails to report is the woman is a convicted felon, who has already been ordered by a judge to leave the country. The young man is an admitted gang member. DACA has specific stipulations and clauses that, if broken, lead to termination. Needless to say, one of those is zero gang affiliation, activities, etc...
Can't wait to read all of the "This warm February air proves Al Gore was right" articles that are surely being written right now.
It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen a President do. I have never seen anything like it.
What does it amount to? What was productive from it?

Let's see, more empty promises that are complete bullshit while making the entire world think we've elected a completely unstable lunatic that has no grasp on reality.

How about you wait and hold your praise for when he actually succeeds at doing something instead of flapping his big mouth? You idiots do realize that Trump has spent his entire life marketing, right? He makes money from selling his name. Putting his name on things. The greatest, biggest, more unbelievable than ever, the winningest bestest ever of all time... just invest in me and I'll give you a 1 million percent return in five minutes...

It is embarrassing that you idiots are so susceptible to what essentially is a little more than an infomercial line of bullshit. Exactly how many Ginsu knives do you mindless lemmings have, anyway?
And we should thank him for that. Unfortunately, like Trump. they tend to be chickenshit and focus on the easy ones to deport instead of shooting it out with these gangs. We need a special law enforcement group that just loves to fight gangs and then friggen' pull an Elliot Ness and allow then to do what needs to be done. Get right up in these mf'ers kitchens because that's all they understand.

Agreed 100%
Z has fallen victim to liberal media propaganda and has been brainwashed. There were 600-700 illegals picked up by ICE, but you won't hear about all the hardcore gang members, cartel drug pushers, murderers, rapists, etc... on the news.

Only two made the news. Why is that? Because the media can spin those two and push the victim angle. One is a housewife with kids, and the other is a young man here under DACA. Boo hoo. It's not fair for them.

What the media fails to report is the woman is a convicted felon, who has already been ordered by a judge to leave the country. The young man is an admitted gang member. DACA has specific stipulations and clauses that, if broken, lead to termination. Needless to say, one of those is zero gang affiliation, activities, etc...
Great. Where it the film? Plaster all over television you deporting hardcore gangbangers.

Oh, wait... you're too busy trying to dynamite some housewife out of a church because you think that is good marketing for your deportation program. Nice. Matches up well with the rest of the stupid.
This picture is from an ICE arrest six days ago


This one three days ago


There are hundreds more just like them.

Here are the only two, out of 600-700, the MSM chose to show, around the clock.


If I were running things:

Federal agents will not be pursuing Ms.Church Housewife. While her non-compliance with immigration laws and her criminal record make her a priority for our program, we , under the President's orders, are focusing our efforts on criminal gang members as our highest priority and we look forward to bringing you more information on the success of those efforts in the coming days.
What does it amount to? What was productive from it?

Let's see, more empty promises that are complete bullshit while making the entire world think we've elected a completely unstable lunatic that has no grasp on reality.

How about you wait and hold your praise for when he actually succeeds at doing something instead of flapping his big mouth? You idiots do realize that Trump has spent his entire life marketing, right? He makes money from selling his name. Putting his name on things. The greatest, biggest, more unbelievable than ever, the winningest bestest ever of all time... just invest in me and I'll give you a 1 million percent return in five minutes...

It is embarrassing that you idiots are so susceptible to what essentially is a little more than an infomercial line of bullshit. Exactly how many Ginsu knives do you mindless lemmings have, anyway?

It was a press conference Z, in reality none of them amount to anything.

However, where most elected officials hem haw around, ride the fence, choose preselected reporters and generally say nothing, Trump did the opposite.

That's the beauty of it, that's why he was elected, he isn't a career politician.

The whole purpose of the press conference was to show the press he won't be pushed around, and fire up his base, it worked.
He went straight from there and signed paperwork to reverse Obama coal regulations, and the press didn't even notice because their feelings were hurt.
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If Trump wants support for his mass deportations then how about zeroing in on some of these Los Angeles hardcore gang bangers instead of some housewife in Idaho or wherever the hell he's concentrating on?

Do you really think you need to come here each day and remind us that you are a mindless lemming who gets all of his talking points from the liberal media? Well, from them, Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx.

Hillary lost and it cut you deep, watching you bleed out here on this forum is supremely satisfying but too much of any good thing is too much. Why not just stop in once a week or so to remind us of your pain?
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The point being you have to get that woman out of that church and stop letting her be a martyr against your deportation efforts. Terrible optics. Somebody should have shut that down on day one.

But unfortunately as I have said repeatedly, we have idiots in charge of important things.

Same thing that killed the Democrats this year. Idiots in charge. There are not enough of me's in the United States that can get shit done right.
Good point.

Blacks and whites should have been united against illegals. In no time, blacks fell to third in the population size. Their youth is affected more by illegals than anyone.

Republicans would be super smart to really try and do something about Flint. That could swing a big portion of AA's their way especially considering the left has really aligned with Islam and illegals now.
my 20 year old female employee said "im going to a trump rally". I was like OMG im so proud of you. Then she effing told me she's going to protest. I was like, man (she's beautiful too and very hard working) so I told her , you're not going to conform to their beliefs. You're beautiful successful and driven, that is not liberalism. You will look back in 10 years and say" what a dumbass I was". I just couldn't believe she's going to protest ha
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Snopes says that Obama deported 2.5 million people between 09-15. The most of any president in history.

Where's the outrage on that?
Each time a Mexican was turned away at the border it was counted as a deportation. He actually only deported 27 people and that was a family that needed a free ride to a wedding in Juarez. They were back here in 3 days.
my 20 year old female employee said "im going to a trump rally". I was like OMG im so proud of you. Then she effing told me she's going to protest. I was like, man (she's beautiful too and very hard working) so I told her , you're not going to conform to their beliefs. You're beautiful successful and driven, that is not liberalism. You will look back in 10 years and say" what a dumbass I was". I just couldn't believe she's going to protest ha

I'm sure your condescension and close-mindedness was a huge turn-on to her. Well played.
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This picture is from an ICE arrest six days ago


This one three days ago


There are hundreds more just like them.

Here are the only two, out of 600-700, the MSM chose to show, around the clock.



It's what they do. Just like with refugees, they ignore that over 70 percent are men but show you women and children. And with black criminals, they show you pictures of them blowing out birthday candles and graduation pictures.
Snopes says that Obama deported 2.5 million people between 09-15. The most of any president in history.

Where's the outrage on that?

But don't those numbers include turning them back at the border?

We've already seen the leftist media not give a crap about anything their guy has done so don't expect consistency in their fake outrage.
I honestly believe the majority of people are so ignorant of history and political truth. So much of the stuff taught is utter garbage and we've replaced feelings and ideology over actual truth.

Tell these refugee loving morons what happened to Lebanon. Tell them what happened when the the numbers became in the Muslims' favor. Show them what that place used to be before Lebanon got taken over and show it to them now.

It kills me to watch Europe be destroyed and this nation as well. Immigration from certain groups always destroys what it touches and the downfall of our nation will be rooted in immigration, which the left gladly embraced as a weapon.