How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Totally. Remember that time he was a fake Catholic, illegally changed election laws, got mass mail-in ballots, spied on his opponent, imported millions of new voters and gave them drivers licenses and registered them to vote, fought against any audits of the voter rolls, raided his opponent, tried to bankrupt his opponent, arrested his opponent, tried to get them off the ballot, shot his opponent, and got put on the ballot with no votes?

Can't believe he tried to erase democracy like that.
Fake news on the stolen election. When will you people learn?

First you tell me how Trump could achieve what you and the TDS nuts so want us to believe?

Second, he was saying he is going to fix the issue so that it won’t be a voting concern anymore. You cannot dump on Robert Kennedy for being a conspiracy nut and post a lot of the crackpot things you post.

Practice comprehension. Just a little is all it takes.
Weak reply. Trump is a simpleton and says things bluntly. What he said you take at face value - there's no spinning it.
Simple straightforward is what politicians need to be, not background lyin' coup managers with their puppets out front for show.
They don't need to be a threat to democracy by assuring Christians they won't need to vote again after this election. Trump isn't even Christian, he's a fraudster who simply wants total power and will do whatever it takes to gain it.
Omg, the fine people and bleach hoaxes are back.

At least tell us if you’re lying or you simply cannot understand context. Can you at least do that?
He said what I said. That's the context. I don't think you understand it, and that's scary because that means a lot of narrow-minded on the right will shrug it off.
They don't need to be a threat to democracy by assuring Christians they won't need to vote again after this election. Trump isn't even Christian, he's a fraudster who simply wants total power and will do whatever it takes to gain it.
Did Trump have "total power" the last time he was in office? How did that work out? Did he abolish elections? Throw all his political opponents in jail? Ban abortion?

What a timely tweet. Who do we know here that has hopelessly fallen for this nonsense?

Did Trump have "total power" the last time he was in office? How did that work out? Did he abolish elections? Throw all his political opponents in jail? Ban abortion?

That's what's hilarious...they clsim.all these things will happen but forget he was already president once and none of it happened.

They're clueless on how congress works
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Did Trump have "total power" the last time he was in office? How did that work out? Did he abolish elections? Throw all his political opponents in jail? Ban abortion?

Did you forget about him destabilizing our country by dividing people to the point where he got a bunch of his moron base into a frenzy that attacked the U.S. Capitol because he pushed a dangerous lie about widespread voter fraud - because he lost? Yeah....
Andy seems to be a favorite amongst Dems now.

You do realize they used our podunk state to test cheating right? He wasn’t even elected as a governor his first term.

Then again a lot of people mail in to a place like Kentucky and Jefferson county is the perfect place to find the votes.
It'll be interesting how @DreadLox and the like can square supporting Andy. He's a trust fund baby and has has a nepotism career. His first job was right in to his dad's law office.

I thought this was the kind of thing they claimed they hated.
Did you forget about him destabilizing our country by dividing people to the point where he got a bunch of his moron base into a frenzy that attacked the U.S. Capitol because he pushed a dangerous lie about widespread voter fraud - because he lost? Yeah....
Did biden heal the nation? Or keep the divisivness? The former president gets shot and he can't take responsibility for calling everyone hitler amd has instead spent his time sending his doj to school board meetings, etc.

It's fun do be dogmatic and only take in confirmation bias
Meanwhile, back in the real world...

An ATV driver ran over an 80-year-old man posting Trump signs in his yard, police say.​

Damned liberal loons! You can't make this stuff up.
Both sides... It's weird how many Republicans are dying during these attacks and Pubs just are so inept that we can't kill Democrats....