How will they rule ??!

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Well if the liberals in the west were willing to work a coal mine I'd agree, but there is 0.0% chance those Nancy's are digging for coal.

Especially at the lower price tag meaning less labor pay!

Let's Go Borderless!!! Cha, cha, cha cha cha!!!
Which might mean little to nothing for the future of Appalachian coal jobs.

Coal's demise threatens Appalachian miners, firms as production moves West

"We see central Appalachian thermal coal as dying," IHS coal analyst James Stevenson said. "The center of gravity of U.S. coal mining is moving westward."

Appalachian miners are "having to dig a little deeper into thinner seams to get the coal out," EIA coal analyst Greg Adams said. "It's high-quality coal, but it’s more expensive to mine."

"Spot prices of coal in northern and central Appalachia were $46.60 per ton and $42.30, respectively, in the week ended April 8,according to the EIA. Coal mined from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming and Montana are $9.35 per ton

You're right, it might not, but it's definitely not going to hurt.

Powder river coal is garbage, and it's a step above dirt. It's also extremely dangerous, very susceptible to a bleavy explosion.

Eastern Ky coal has a much higher BTU content, as you stated it's a better product.
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We "take money" for many things in the name of public good and it has served this nation pretty well. Our roads, schools, police and fire protection, our water and sewer systems, military, parks...
Claiming you or anyone was harmed by Obamacare is pure speculation. Fact is healthcare costs and insurance costs were rising and continued to rise at about the same rate before and after. It is likely that insurance rates would be what they are today had it never gone through.

If you can remove all the "takers" from the system and remove their costs with them then we could substantially lower our premiums and costs. But you can't do that. People get sick, people go to the hospitals regardless if they can pay or cannot. If they can't, that cost gets passed on to you and me.

The thing with insurance is that it adds costs to healthcare without providing one ounce of care. So why do you want an added layer of cost on top of a service that is used when needed regardless of ability to pay? Why do you want a system that delivers healthcare in the most expensive manner possible? It's a hell of a lot cheaper to GIVE someone blood pressure medication or diabetic insulin for 80 years than to deal with the consequences if they don't know they have the need or don't have the money for the medication. They're going to have a heart attack, stroke or diabetic coma, 9-1-1 will be called and they'll be hauled to the hospital and treated.
You can pay now or pay later...but you'll pay.
The difference is that most of those are government functions. I would argue schools is not, but that's another day. Those government functions do not take money from one individual and give it to another individual. It is inappropriate for government to redistribute wealth. They have no business, or Constitutional authority, to take money from one person and give it to another person. That flies in the face of individual liberty.

Obama Care harming people is not speculation at all. Anytime money is taken from one group and given to another group, there is harm done. The group that has their money taken from them is being harmed. There is no way around that. It has nothing to do with insurance premiums or health care cost.
You know, if you really step back and look at's pretty stunning that the Dems/Media are collectively blowing their wads of semen on some downright dumb stuff.

You'd think they'd keep their powder dry for real screw ups by Trump which wil inevitably happen as they do by all presidents. Sh*t fire, they literally can't help themselves. In 6 mo there won't be anything left to cry wolf about.

Russia Russia Putin Putin. At *most*, they exposed the DNC rigging the deal for HC and that John Podesta is a weird asshole which most people knew anyways. Hack an election they did not.

I mean, if they have us by the sack, why didn't they "hack" the election in '12? Romney was a weaker personality than Trump, why not just do it then? Couldn't have foreseen Trump was on the way in 4 years. All while Romney was correct about Russia, allegedly, during the debate.

Anyways, they whole thing is *really* dumb and the people that truly believe it are *really* dumb for getting played by their Dem/Media overlords.
We need to learn to turn coal into fiber optic. The wave of the future.

I will not live in a country that has only one political party.
So this new labor secretary is an amnesty RINO POS, fully endorsed by Liddle Marco...

Terrible choice... don't get it...

Makes Puzder look like Jeff Sessions.
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Apparently, after taking the survey you're redirected to a donation page to help raise funds to fight against big bad media.

I don't have first-hand knowledge of that seeing that I didn't take the survey so it could just be another case of fake news.

Come on boys. Let's open up our wallets and let the tithings flow!!!

Edit: Corrected link
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Kucinich: Intelligence leaks point to possible ‘trap’ set by Washington Post owner, CIA.

Former Ohio U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich agreed with President Trump’s assessment yesterday that intelligence leaks to the media are more worrisome than the sudden resignation of now former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn....


Kucinich agrees with President Trump? End of times.
We need to learn to turn coal into fiber optic. The wave of the future.

I will not live in a country that has only one political party.
Then you had better vote Independent or GOP because if the left had their way the only party we would have here is a vodka induced socialist/communist orgy. If you don't, change your sig to ISUK.
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Kucinich: Intelligence leaks point to possible ‘trap’ set by Washington Post owner, CIA.

Former Ohio U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich agreed with President Trump’s assessment yesterday that intelligence leaks to the media are more worrisome than the sudden resignation of now former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn....


Kucinich agrees with President Trump? End of times.
"We want to know who is really running the United States of America and we sure don’t want it to be a cadre of intelligence officials who are trying to use headlines and innuendo to upend a new administration,” he said.
1- the owner can speak English but chose not to.

2- I had several builder tell me today their guys didn't show up and they hope the materials I delivered aren't stolen. Ha. I told everyone of them to tell the Mexicans they buy from 84 in support of Mehico since that commercial was a big hit in that community.
How do you know he just chose not to speak English? And even if that is true, it doesn't help his cause.
Yes, it goes to Mexico or what ever country they are from.

Actually they can voluntarily request an fein and voluntarily pay taxes.

On one hand, major kudos to those that do. And I think that should be THE primary/sole factor to determine if someone gets to stay or not, if anyone gets to.

On the other, how infuriating is it that our government had mailing addresses of these people and never bothered having anyone deported?
Actually they can voluntarily request an fein and voluntarily pay taxes.

On one hand, major kudos to those that do. And I think that should be THE primary/sole factor to determine if someone gets to stay or not, if anyone gets to.

On the other, how infuriating is it that our government had mailing addresses of these people and never bothered having anyone deported?
Yes but, I have also read reports about how much money is going back to Mexico. But, when it comes down to it, better than giving it to Iran.
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So University of Wisconsin students are demanding free tuition for black students as a form of reparations. I love the spirit. BUT.

Won't that backfire? If I'm a parent, why would I pay or allow my kid to take "loans" when other students get it for free. What happens when attendance declines? Who pays for the tuition then? The state of Wisconsin pay it then? Somehow, I don't think these SJWs really thought this idea through.
What, exactly, is the incentive to go thru the trouble of illegally immigrating into the US... just to pay taxes out of sub-standard wages? You could pay tax legally, ya know. In fact, that's like 80% of the illegal immigration issue.

Anyone who believes these people came here to pay tax and not remittances back to the homeland needs their head examined.
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Can't wait to hear Abbott's response. Dude has been owning it lately.

Austin teachers union members caught giving students instructional literature on resisting ICE

Educate Austin trustees Jayme Mathias, Paul Saldaña and Ann Teich attended a press conference outside of Lanier High School, and all spoke in favor of illegal immigrant students, and are believed to be putting pressure on other district board members to adopt a resolution that will essentially make the school district a sort of sanctuary district.

Should the Austin School District fall to the suggestions of Educate Austin, there’s little doubt that Abbott will come down hard on them as well.
So, most legal, natural born Americans look for ways to avoid taxation... but I'm supposed to believe that those willing to lay brick for $5 hour are paying tax willfully?

Some of you are too GD stupid to waste gas and a match on.

To be fair, there isn't a bricklayer worth a darn out there paying $5/hour to his laborers.

Try $15+/hour.
[laughing] 2018 Michigan Senate race -- Kid Rock vs Ted Nugent.

After this last election cycle I was convinced we would never see anything as entertaining as Trump again, but Nugent and Kid Rock has the makings of being pretty epic. Having either one of them in the Senate would be Al Franken (things you thought you would never see happen) times 100.
Paul is giving Trump major props this morning for rolling back those coal regulations. Just saw Paul give an interview, saying him being a part of helping to get this done for Trump was, in his opinion, the greatest thing he (Paul) has personally been a part of since coming to D.C.
After this last election cycle I was convinced we would never see anything as entertaining as Trump again, but Nugent and Kid Rock has the makings of being pretty epic. Having either one of them in the Senate would be Al Franken (things you thought you would never see happen) times 100.
Yup. Trump broke the glass ceiling for non lawyers and that's phenomenal. Certainly not advocating Mr Nugent or Mr Rock, just axing a hearty number of lawyers. Doctors/executives/military/teachers/carnies/circusfolk......whatever. Have seen what 585 lawyers can do, results speak for themselves.
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Can't wait to hear Abbott's response. Dude has been owning it lately.

Austin teachers union members caught giving students instructional literature on resisting ICE

Educate Austin trustees Jayme Mathias, Paul Saldaña and Ann Teich attended a press conference outside of Lanier High School, and all spoke in favor of illegal immigrant students, and are believed to be putting pressure on other district board members to adopt a resolution that will essentially make the school district a sort of sanctuary district.

Should the Austin School District fall to the suggestions of Educate Austin, there’s little doubt that Abbott will come down hard on them as well.
Related: From yesterday's Fox7 KTBC report.

Gov. Abbott demands Sheriff Sally Hernandez to end ICE policy.
Democrats held another all night, bitch and moan marathon to try to stop Pruitt's confirmation. Their other two all nighters failed. Doubtful, but maybe third time is the charm?
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I still think it's 50/50 that Trump finishes his term. No real friends in Congress or the media and he's taking on everybody.

On a funny side note, my wife, who's not very political, watched some of Trump's presser on the news yesterday and said 'it's driving them crazy that they can't control him', and walked out of the room.

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I still think it's 50/50 that Trump finishes his term. No real friends in Congress or the media and he's taking on everybody.

On a funny side note, my wife, who's not very political, watched some of Trump's presser on the news yesterday and said 'it's driving them crazy that they can't control him', and walked out of the room.


Most the republicans are slobbering over Trump...McCain doesn't like him, but Ryan, McConnell etc love the way he has the balls to try to get stuff done. They are closet fanboys.

He thrives on attention/conflict from the media - he loved the presser yesterday. I do think he would rather be accepted by them, but hate is the next best thing to love in the business world...means they are thinkin about ya.

I think he will last and think he will try for another 4 first I thought he might just put 4 in to say he did I think he'd rather try to stick it to certain people for longer.