How will they rule ??!

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Most the republicans are slobbering over Trump...McCain doesn't like him, but Ryan, McConnell etc love the way he has the balls to try to get stuff done. They are closet fanboys.

He thrives on attention/conflict from the media - he loved the presser yesterday. I do think he would rather be accepted by them, but hate is the next best thing to love in the business world...means they are thinkin about ya.

I think he will last and think he will try for another 4 first I thought he might just put 4 in to say he did I think he'd rather try to stick it to certain people for longer.
Trump's ego alone will make him go for another 4 years. He has already filed for a 2020 run (I think the earliest anyone has ever filed). Ultra successful folks like him see things through and he gave up too much to only do this for 4 years. Too much to fix. Will take 8 full years to complete most of his agenda.
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So if you put a random screaming homeless street nut up on the stage then all of you are "proud" because they can't control him?

That's your standard for success?

Look, Trump is a total raving unbalanced lunatic and forget my previous prediction of an impeachment within 2 years because this nut isn't going to last 6 months.
So if you put a random screaming homeless street nut up on the stage then all of you are "proud" because they can't control him?

That's your standard for success?

Look, Trump is a total raving unbalanced lunatic and forget my previous prediction of an impeachment within 2 years because this nut isn't going to last 6 months.
Just curious, who did you support for prez? Better yet, if you could chose anyone, who would you like to be prez?
Watch how many liberals celebrate this just because they think it's negative for Trump, too dumb to even realize that it's actually negative for America.

Libs love anything that's bad for us. You know that. This is the same group who doesn't want to take a 90-day break to not allow possible terrorists to get in here. The same people who want open borders who bring crime, drive wages down and are a huge economic burden. These are the same people who think it's wrong to be "America First."

The left does not have the best interests of this nation.
Tax the shit out of them Donald.

Ford not scrapping plans to build Mexico factories: company exec
Down the line you RUBES are going to find out this is all carnival barking. He is claiming he is doing everything when in reality its just marketing con jobs. He holds meetings that mean NOTHING. He writes EOs that will never see the light of day. This is all bullshit but you idiots are eating it up like its caviar.
Be awesome if they dropped a few different drafted items, see which stories hit the news and find some leakers.
Very well could be what happened with this story.

I wouldn't be surprised either if the Trump white house dropped fake stories to the media, just to rip the media when they actually report it. Like a troll job on the MSM.
Down the line you RUBES are going to find out this is all carnival barking. He is claiming he is doing everything when in reality its just marketing con jobs. He holds meetings that mean NOTHING. He writes EOs that will never see the light of day. This is all bullshit but you idiots are eating it up like its caviar.
It's ok, man. Election's over. Just calm down.
So if you put a random screaming homeless street nut up on the stage then all of you are "proud" because they can't control him?

That's your standard for success?

Look, Trump is a total raving unbalanced lunatic and forget my previous prediction of an impeachment within 2 years because this nut isn't going to last 6 months.
The difference is that most of those are government functions. I would argue schools is not, but that's another day. Those government functions do not take money from one individual and give it to another individual. It is inappropriate for government to redistribute wealth. They have no business, or Constitutional authority, to take money from one person and give it to another person. That flies in the face of individual liberty.

Obama Care harming people is not speculation at all. Anytime money is taken from one group and given to another group, there is harm done. The group that has their money taken from them is being harmed. There is no way around that. It has nothing to do with insurance premiums or health care cost.
Government functions are any function that is done by the government.
How is providing healthcare for an individual any different than providing roads or public parks for individuals to use? Who do you think pays for the operation of our roads, parks, fire and police protection, schools? Who pays for the military? Are they not paid for with taxpayer money? I can't trade my healthcare for something else of value. It has nothing to do with redistributing wealth and everything to do with providing utility for the common good. It is good not to have people with contagious illnesses spreading them around just like it is good to have good clean drinking water and sewers available to process waste as to not spread disease.
Government functions are any function that is done by the government.
How is providing healthcare for an individual any different than providing roads or public parks for individuals to use? Who do you think pays for the operation of our roads, parks, fire and police protection, schools? Who pays for the military? Are they not paid for with taxpayer money? I can't trade my healthcare for something else of value. It has nothing to do with redistributing wealth and everything to do with providing utility for the common good. It is good not to have people with contagious illnesses spreading them around just like it is good to have good clean drinking water and sewers available to process waste as to not spread disease.
Not true at all. That statement presupposes that the government has the Constitutional authority to provide any service or anything they desire. They don't have the authority to do anything they want. The Constitution limits the kinds of things government has the authority to do. Unfortunately, that document is worthless when you have people running the country who interpret it to fit whatever agenda they may have.
Up until yesterday, for a week straight, the MSM was whining, accusing Trump of ducking them and only calling on conservative media at his last two press conferences, claiming the fix was in, and that he was afraid of the tough questions.

So what does he do? He calls a spur of the moment press conference, takes on all comers for more than hour, and shoves their "the fix is in" and "he's ducking/afraid of us" accusations right back in their faces.

He treated them exactly the way the treat him, pulled zero punches, no holds barred, in your face. Now, today, they're all whining... again, accussing him of being too mean to them.

These people are worthless sacks of shit, plain and simple. They think freedom of the press literally means they're entitled to zero accountability and unwavering support/respect. Thankfully Trump won't cower to that shit.
Up until yesterday, for a week straight, the MSM was whining, accusing Trump of ducking them and only calling on conservative media at his last two press conferences, claiming the fix was in, and that he was afraid of the tough questions.

So what does he do? He calls a spur of the moment press conference, takes on all comers for more than hour, and shoves their "the fix is in" and "he's ducking/afraid of us" accusations right back in their faces.

He treated them exactly the way the treat him, pulled zero punches, no holds barred, in your face. Now, today, they're all whining... again, accussing him of being too mean to them.

These people are worthless sacks of shit, plain and simple. They think freedom of the press literally means they're entitled to zero accountability and unwavering support/respect. Thankfully Trump won't cower to that shit.
Is there anything the lefty eccentrics won't politicize? These people literally want this country governed by their feelings. Wegmans says shove it, you're feelings don't matter to our profits.

Grocery Chain Wegmans Faces Boycott for Selling Trump Wines

"Our role as a retailer is to offer choice to our customers," Natale said. "How a product performs is our single measure for what stays on our shelves and what goes."