How will they rule ??!

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I'm sure you get your news the same places that reports the Bowling Green massacre, the crime rate being the highest in 47 years and that terrorist attacks aren't being covered by the media...AFN. The Alternative Facts Network.
Nothing you posted there refuted anything I posted. Only that they were compressing the timeframe from 18-24 months to 90 days. Most of that time compression is being done by employing more people in the process to do the vetting. If you have 6x the resources to do the vetting you can complete the process in 1/6th the time. I'm not sure what you think one would find out about somebody in 2 years that they couldn't find out in 90. The vetting IS done by US officials.

Proof for statement in BOLD. Probably more fake news and it still would not be enough time to properly vett refugees from that area.
It sounds like Trump is considering drafting a new EO. I like the sound of that. Make one that is crystal clear that nobody with a green card or visa will be affected. Make it understood that Christians get no special treatment over (peaceful) Muslims and stop wasting time in court.
Thats the best move to make IMO
The democrats want to paint anyone who speaks out against there brand a racist, bigot or homophobic. They are nothing more than globalist elite's who use hate labeling as a bullying technique to make others conform to their will.
globalist elite? I think you're talking about the billionaires and multi, multi millionaires in the current cabinet and in the WH. I mean it's only the wealthiest cabinet in history. I'm sure they are really just like the rest of us.

Not to mention the complete lack of ethics being displayed daily. Not even 3 weeks in and one has broken an ethics rule and Flynn maybe broke a Federal Law. Dept of Labor guy hires illegals. HHS guy used his insider knowledge to deepen his pockets. Nothing to see here right? Good times!
It sounds like Trump is considering drafting a new EO. I like the sound of that. Make one that is crystal clear that nobody with a green card or visa will be affected. Make it understood that Christians get no preferential treatment over (peaceful) Muslims. Expand the ban to more countries like Turkey and SA. If he doesn't feel those countries should be added to the ban then state your reasons why not. There is way too much of this speculation going around that it is because of business ties which is bullshit of course. But sometimes you really have to spell it out for petulant children.

That's what I suggested a day or so ago. Get something in place. Appeal the other one so scotus can hopefully actually apply the law and uphold it.

This initial decision will set the tone for the rest of his term. If scotus won't apply the law, then he's basically lame duck
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Right now, anything that isn't liberal is deemed radical or alt right. Pretty concerning actually

It's just part of their marketing and shame tactics. For instance...

If you're against abortion, they don't refer to you as pro life. They refer to you as anti-choice or portray you as waging war against women.

Wanting to protect your borders and considering the safety of everyone= xenophobic.

Thinking a kid needs both a mom and a dad= homophobe.

Being concerned with your own heritage and culture or race is okay unless you're white. Then you're racist.

Knowing the history of Isam and paying attention to what they have done to Europe and being skeptical about Muslim migration= Islamophobe

Not believing in the leftist doctrine and insanity= alt right/ Nazi.

It's all they have. If they're not calling you names or protesting and assaulting you, they have zero to offer.
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She was a registered Republican. Almost all Mexican immigrants are devout Catholics and thus have a strong hatred of abortion. Voter fraud almost never happens but it's just as likely to be for 'your' team as not if illegal immigrants are your hope for finding all those millions of frauds.
WTF? Could be a few smart outliers voting republican, but the majority are afraid of going back to that shithole of a burrito eating country they're so proud of.
She was a registered Republican. Almost all Mexican immigrants are devout Catholics and thus have a strong hatred of abortion. Voter fraud almost never happens but it's just as likely to be for 'your' team as not if illegal immigrants are your hope for finding all those millions of frauds.

Ha. Tell California that. Why don't you check the history of how they turned blue, buddy.
globalist elite? I think you're talking about the billionaires and multi, multi millionaires in the current cabinet and in the WH. I mean it's only the wealthiest cabinet in history. I'm sure they are really just like the rest of us.

Not to mention the complete lack of ethics being displayed daily. Not even 3 weeks in and one has broken an ethics rule and Flynn maybe broke a Federal Law. Dept of Labor guy hires illegals. HHS guy used his insider knowledge to deepen his pockets. Nothing to see here right? Good times!
You must have missed the last 8 years of favors for money given out by the Obama admin and the recent article about 4 or 5 of the richest men in the world that are American liberal democrats. The convenience of omission and lies. That should be the left rallying cry in the next election. At least it would be truthful.
She was a registered Republican. Almost all Mexican immigrants are devout Catholics and thus have a strong hatred of abortion. Voter fraud almost never happens but it's just as likely to be for 'your' team as not if illegal immigrants are your hope for finding all those millions of frauds.
Good question. I actually glanced at my own voter registration card for Travis County after reading this response.

Registered Republican: True. Party affiliation is optional in Texas. She voted fraudulently, was caught, and paid the requisite price.
I guess freedom in this country is only for those who believe in the left's agenda. If you believe anything else you are not allowed the freedoms to go where you want. Nazi party anyone? This is becoming all too familiar.
Again, where are the cops? They have the right to protest but when they block her car, the police should step in right away, seems like they are waiting for someone to get hurt before they act.
Serious question for liberals. Why are you guys so hot for more questionable foreigners pouring into the US? How does it help the Average American?

A very serious answer for you my friend is found among some of the most gripping, prophetic words known to literature, by that great woman's epic novel, now well more than a 1/2 century ago:

You have reached the blind alley of the treason you committed when you agreed that you had no right to exist. Once, you believed it was "only a compromise": you conceded it was evil to live for yourself, but moral to live for the sake of your children. Then you conceded that it was selfish to live for your children, but moral to live for your community. Then you conceded that it was selfish to live for your community, but moral to live for your country. Now, you are letting this greatest of countries be devoured by any scum from any corner of the earth, while you concede that it is selfish to live for your country and that your moral duty is to live for the globe.
A very serious answer for you my friend is found among some of the most gripping, prophetic words known to literature, by that great woman's epic novel, now well more than a 1/2 century ago:

You have reached the blind alley of the treason you committed when you agreed that you had no right to exist. Once, you believed it was "only a compromise": you conceded it was evil to live for yourself, but moral to live for the sake of your children. Then you conceded that it was selfish to live for your children, but moral to live for your community. Then you conceded that it was selfish to live for your community, but moral to live for your country. Now, you are letting this greatest of countries be devoured by any scum from any corner of the earth, while you concede that it is selfish to live for your country and that your moral duty is to live for the globe.
Nailed it bro!
Nailed it bro!

She did, not me. A confusing passage to many, as portions of it may seem to imply that it immoral to serve country. However, that is not her meaning. The key to understanding the quote is in the first sentence. If you believe you should depend on govt. instead of yourself for your well being, for example, you have conceded your right to exist. If you are ashamed of your desire to succeed, as another example, you have conceded your right to exist. Once an individual has done that, he spells doom, and for not only himself.
She was a registered Republican. Almost all Mexican immigrants are devout Catholics and thus have a strong hatred of abortion. Voter fraud almost never happens but it's just as likely to be for 'your' team as not if illegal immigrants are your hope for finding all those millions of frauds.
[laughing] Good one. Welcome aboard.
She did, not me. A confusing passage to many, as portions of it may seem to imply that it immoral to serve country. However, that is not her meaning. The key to understanding the quote is in the first sentence. If you believe you should depend on govt. instead of yourself for your well being, for example, you have conceded your right to exist. If you are ashamed of your desire to succeed, as another example, you have conceded your right to exist. Once an individual has done that, he spells doom, and for not only himself.
Yes, she did.
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I am tired of protesters. It is organized and fake. There are protestors for everything. Mostly paid.

My issues with protesting today are 1. What the hell are you even protesting? and 2. why are they protesting such non-benifical issues like police brutality and immigration. Two things that are not happening to a rate that's worthy of weekly protest or not beneficial to the masses in general. Oh look, a Syrian can't get it. Burn this mother down?

Seems to me it's largely selective outrage which the left has been guilty of for a very long time.

To get the right motivated enough to protest in numbers this size you'd have to be taking away American rights Bigly. I'm talking confiscation of private property and the second amendment. Maybe throw in extreme reparations as taxes; add a 90% death tax. You'll get middle America to miss work for that.

The fringe left made up of foreigners and city rats will protest over a ham sandwich spread with mayonnaise instead of miracle whip. The soros checks don't hurt either.
globalist elite? I think you're talking about the billionaires and multi, multi millionaires in the current cabinet and in the WH. I mean it's only the wealthiest cabinet in history. I'm sure they are really just like the rest of us.

Not to mention the complete lack of ethics being displayed daily. Not even 3 weeks in and one has broken an ethics rule and Flynn maybe broke a Federal Law. Dept of Labor guy hires illegals. HHS guy used his insider knowledge to deepen his pockets. Nothing to see here right? Good times!
Yeah, Trump should've picked all of those uber successful poor people for cabinet positions.
I've always been major fan of The Rock and I was glad he was one of the few celebs to not run his mouth with leftist BS. But like most, he became a total pussy and bowed down to the leftist mob regarding Under Armor's CEO praising Trump for being pro business.

The Rock said he disagreed with the CEO's statements and beliefs and thought it was "divisive." WTF?

It's divisive to be pro jobs and businesses?

For the most part I don't have any problems with Trump's cabinet that have had to be confirmed... I'm more concerned with the Bannon, Flynn, and Giuliani hovering around as those are the ones that are going to bring him down.

Mattis and Tillerson are just top flight picks, IMO. They are quality people for any cabinet. Pompeo is a solid pick. I actually like Priebus as he tries to keep Trump from doing all kids of illegal shit. Those are all quality people to have in the White House... but Bannon, Flynn, and Giuliani are pure poison and are all frankly, bad for the country.
I've always been major fan of The Rock and I was glad he was one of the few celebs to not run his mouth with leftist BS. But like most, he became a total pussy and bowed down to the leftist mob regarding Under Armor's CEO praising Trump for being pro business.

The Rock said he disagreed with the CEO's statements and beliefs and thought it was "divisive." WTF?

It's divisive to be pro jobs and businesses?

I don't remember which one it was but recently a conservative celebrity on a conservative youtube show said in his experience he believes half of Hollywood doesn't believe in the majority of the BS they say. He emphasized half and said he didn't think it was an exaggeration. Might have been Baldwin.

I think there's truth to it. I might not go that high but I'd be winning to bet 30% of them don't buy in. They just do it for money. Most execs and directors are liberal to the core and you won't work if you don't. The left will absolutely destroy careers and go after you if you don't fit inside of "their" moral standard.
For the most part I don't have any problems with Trump's cabinet that have had to be confirmed... I'm more concerned with the Bannon, Flynn, and Giuliani hovering around as those are the ones that are going to bring him down.

Mattis and Tillerson are just top flight picks, IMO. They are quality people for any cabinet. Pompeo is a solid pick. I actually like Priebus as he tries to keep Trump from doing all kids of illegal shit. Those are all quality people to have in the White House... but Bannon, Flynn, and Giuliani are pure poison and are all frankly, bad for the country.

Bannon is an excellent choice in the white house. Solid education and military background, solidly at the right on most issues, and doesn't give a damn about what anyone on the left thinks.

My guy.
I am for physically removing them if they impede your progress. Peaceful demonstrations OK, but, when you infringe on the rights of other Americans then, you should lose your right to protest and be removed.
Jeff Sessions will hopefully someday soon open an investigation into these radical leftist hate mobs and their leaders. These people are going to get someone killed if they aren't stopped.