Of course they were. This conversation is about the intent of the Founders though, not post-Civil War America. Which was to include everyone in apportionment, even slaves at the allotted 3/5 rate. The 14th just reinforced that and made everyone equal instead of some being worth less.While it’s entertaining to watch Dion repeatedly cite a provision of the Constitution that was replaced by the 14th Amendment, I’ll go ahead and point out the provisions Dion is citing were replaced with the 14th Amendment.
BS. Canada has the smallest % defense budget of just about an NATO member, like 1.4%. They're US Defense parasites. NZ is toothless. They've long banned US nuke powered ships from docking there.No offense, Israel is far from our strongest or best ally. The UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand occupy one through four.
This is just factually incorrect. An idea never posited until the modern era. Here you have Ignatius of Antioch (who knew and learned from St John) writing around the year 110:
“See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. […] Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. […] Whatsoever [the bishop] shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.”
There are an almost limitless supply of other pre-Constantine references to "the Church" and meaning it explicitly in the way in which I am referring to the Church. I mean, Our Lord himself creates the Church by ordaining the Apostles and placing Peter over them. "Feed my sheep." "What you bind on Earth is bound in Heaven...". etc.
Perhaps we're talking past each other to a certain extent. I am not saying Jews can never be accepted into the Church or that they lost salvation simply by once being Jews. You are correct in that we are all grafted into the vine and should claim no special privilege for having been grafted in. And I definitely do not suppose that anyone being grafted in "takes the spot" of someone else.
What I am saying is that rejecting Christ, which Jews must do or else they are no longer Jews, means that you cannot be grafted on.
That is the absolute bare minimum for being seen as a good servant of Our Lord. Again, they can be grafted on at any moment by abandoning Talmudic Judaism and accepting authentic Christian teaching.
I am not claiming they are cast out and can never return. But they actually have to accept Our Lord for that return to happen. As of now, that is not the case and probably won't be until the end, if you accept that interpretation of Revelation.
To head off the old covenant still being in place argument, I must ask how a Jew today can ever faithfully uphold the covenant without a Temple? Why would God allow the Temple to be destroyed if he expected the Jews to still faithfully follow the Mosaic Law? Isn't it much more reasonable to see the destruction of the Temple (and it's never having been rebuilt for 2000 years) as a sign from God that the old covenant can no longer be fulfilled by humans. The only way is through Our Lord Jesus Christ
Say whatever you want about academia, Ranked Choice Voting passed in Alaska and Alaska is markedly not all leftist academics.
Of course they were. This conversation is about the intent of the Founders though, not post-Civil War America. Which was to include everyone in apportionment, even slaves at the allotted 3/5 rate. The 14th just reinforced that and made everyone equal instead of some being worth less.
By whom? Kamala Harris, in her role as President of the Senate? Maybe she should just acknowledge whichever electors she wants and Trump will never be certified, even if he won.Can't wait to see the mayhem they cause when the election is getting certified for Trump in January.
I already knew, bud.As a boomer, I'm all in on Israel, Ukraine, & Taiwan.
By whom? Kamala Harris, in her role as President of the Senate? Maybe she should just acknowledge whichever electors she wants and Trump will never be certified, even if he won.
It's true.
Any vote on a losing candidate is wasted.This is what I just don't understand about these people who claim to be Democrats who are moderate and good Christian family men like BBBlazing and others on here. Their is literally a moderate democrat running as an independent who's not lockstep in with the Globalist destruction of America agenda, that they can easily champion and pull the trigger for. But like sooooo many they consider it a wasted vote. Well if all the people that thought it was a wasted vote would actually vote for the guy, then maybe he would surprise everyone. Being of the mindset that we only have two options is what's got us into this gnarly predicament. And no, I'm not in the RFK, jr. camp. I won't be voting for him either, but it's not because I think it's a wasted vote. I voted for Perot back in the day and if another independent came along that I could get behind I'd vote that way again.
Don't you know DC is an anomoly that's in the Mountain Time Zone.?Yeah, I thought last night’s address was supposed to be at 8. I didn’t watch it. Was it earlier?
Not if that Jew person denounces Israel.
Doesn't leave much time for MO, does it?
... I must ask how a Jew today can ever faithfully uphold the covenant without a Temple? Why would God allow the Temple to be destroyed if he expected the Jews to still faithfully follow the Mosaic Law? Isn't it much more reasonable to see the destruction of the Temple (and it's never having been rebuilt for 2000 years) as a sign from God that the old covenant can no longer be fulfilled by humans. The only way is through Our Lord Jesus Christ
We live under the rule of law though. Your "logic and common sense" is just your opinion. So you're admitting you have no legal basis for your position and just want the Constitution changed to reflect your personal feelings?
Speaking of screwing over voters...The prosecution alleges thousands. But that's irrelevant. You have outed yourself here as the worst kind of hypocrite. Intentionally lying on media about voting to disenfranchise people is terrible scummy behavior that's rightly criminalized. It is not partisan. Everyone has their vote. If you actually cared about election integrity like you claim you'd be just as concerned about this real case as you are about Trump's 2020 allegations. But not you, this is, as you say, frivolous to you as your interest in 'election integrity' is purely partisan.
I know I waste a lot of time here, but I have no idea why anyone gives joy Reid a millisecond of attention.
At least with someone stupid like Biden or Harris, the dumb shit they say May have an impact. Reid, Olberman, etc. just say stupid shit purely for attention.
I thought you would get a laugh at this, my Dad is a great guy, sadly he probably won't be with us in a year or two. But he cracks me up cause we text a lot but about once a month he forgets to get out of our conversation and sends me messages he clearly meant to Google. I will get a message like "pain in my left side by the belt" haha. I'm going to miss that dude.
Which is why i said "Claims to be". We can all see he isn'tI think you give BBBLazing to much credit for being moderate. From what I've seen, he's got the brain f**k of an anointed liberal.
All of the five eyes are deeper in our intelligence than other nations. Israel US is a one way relationship. It is cultural as well.BS. Canada has the smallest % defense budget of just about an NATO member, like 1.4%. They're US Defense parasites. NZ is toothless. They've long banned US nuke powered ships from docking there.
UK & Oz Land are good allies. But just how are they better than Israel?
You stated in your original post on this "people disenchanted with Trump" (paraphrasing) Trump supporters tend to lean more Anti-Covid "Vax" so my whole point originally was he was an alternate for never Trump Republicans. and besides the Covid Vax nonsense is pretty much out the window anymore as an issue.I understand you think that, he’s antivax though. He was never an alternative as the Democratic electorate hates him.
Dangerous Liberal is redundant
It isn't House representatives' job to do that, but yes, violent criminals should be deported. The vast majority of what y'all call 'illegals' though, who this conversation about apportionment concerns, has been encountered and processed and is not currently subject to deportation under our laws.Do you also think that is rational to expect EVERY single one of those representatives to uphold their oath to the Constitution and see that the very laws that they have written are enforced? Thereby securing our border and immediately deporting every single one that broke our laws the moment they entered this country illegally and many have broken other laws (including rape and murder) since.
I will answer in two ways:Read the Church founders years ago. Saying someone learned from John doesn't automatically give them standing. Judas learned from Jesus himself and still rejected the truth. If you're quoting not from the Bible but from elsewhere so early in a conversation, we'll probably just need to agree to disagree. You've chosen one over the other, and that's your right.
I feel that you are mistaking what replacement theology states. Replacement theology states that the Mosaic Law is no longer in force and the new and eternal covenant exists within the confines of the Church (you could extend this to a Protestant understanding of the Church being all believers for the purposes of this discussion). All a Jew has to do to not be "replaced" is accept the Incarnation, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord and his divinity. Their "place" was not taken. It's still there and will be until they meet their eternal reward. But they can no longer live as if the Old Covenant was not fulfilled and expect to be in the same place their pre-Christ ancestors were in.Because that "taking the place of" is the sole reason for posting in opposition. That's the ESSENCE of replacement theology.
Unfortunately they may have a sincere belief in this, but it is incoherent and misguided. You cannot perform Jewish rituals (which all point to the coming of the Messiah) after the Messiah has already come. It's blasphemous at worst and completely nonsensical at best. If there is neither Jew nor Greek in the Kingdom of Heaven, how does that comport with maintaining rituals and beliefs that existed in a time when their was a difference between Jew and Greek. It's an explicit acceptance of Christ with the implicit rejection of him happening at the same time.There are independent branches of Judaism that don't require rejection of Jesus (and yes, they are persecuted by the ones you mention).
Well, in the case of Daniel, the Temple was still to be rebuilt without the Messiah having come. So while he himself could not fulfill the entirety of the Law, it was not impossible for Jews to do so. As to Abraham and Enoch, simple, they were not under the same covenant which we are talking about. The covenant of Sinai is the basis for the OT religion. Prior to that God had given natural law precepts for the Patriarchs to follow. After Sinai, there were legal qualifications for being within Israel. Now that the Temple is gone, it tells us that God no longer wants that system for His people. Trying to force it into the modern context is rejecting God's providenceHow did Daniel, Abraham, and Enoch faithfully uphold the covenant without a temple?
People said the same when Blacks and women were admitted to the armed forces. It's gonna be fine accepting all Americans into the AF.
Diversity is a strength not a weakness.
You voted for Hillary. Did she win? Did you waste your vote?And you’d throw your vote away again. Did Perot win? Can any third party presidential candidate?
Sounds like pop is an awesome guy. Sorry to hear he may not be with you long. Please, for your sake and pops, cherish every minute, phone call, text, and visit. Even after a loved one is gone, building those memories ensures pops will always be here. Yes, I have in the past done similar things with my boys. I deleted the last part of this post as some Karen may complain!