How will they rule ??!

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My issues with protesting today are 1. What the hell are you even protesting? and 2. why are they protesting such non-benifical issues like police brutality and immigration. Two things that are not happening to a rate that's worthy of weekly protest or not beneficial to the masses in general. Oh look, a Syrian can't get it. Burn this mother down?

Seems to me it's largely selective outrage which the left has been guilty of for a very long time.

To get the right motivated enough to protest in numbers this size you'd have to be taking away American rights Bigly. I'm talking confiscation of private property and the second amendment. Maybe throw in extreme reparations as taxes; add a 90% death tax. You'll get middle America to miss work for that.

The fringe left made up of foreigners and city rats will protest over a ham sandwich spread with mayonnaise instead of miracle whip. The soros checks don't hurt either.
In a word, DIRECTION. Today's Social Justice Warriors have no direction. Liberal leaders and the Democratic party have used fake news and scare tactics for so long now that their followers are all over the place on the issues. Moreover.....they are completely confused. As stated by the young lady in the video, she was a communist, socialist, anarchist. While protesting against all of the social injustices in America she is contributing to them simply by telling you you can't say this or that because basically everything or almost everything is offensive so....well....she really did not know. She said her brain was not working well the week before because she had been in the hospital so leaving out the choice of asexual on the form was just an oversight. See how easily manipulated they are? If they continue on their present course, they will be under das boot I referenced in an earlier post. It is inevitable, (see all post be Z, Fuzz, Killa and other liberals on this site for more proof).
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Would be a good gesture for Lohan to take in several refugees and pay all their expenses. Would have some respect for her. Otherwise, she can go meet with ISIS to fix their idle minds and we then see ISIS have their first pay per view beheading.

My guess. Lohan is broke. Flat broke. Needed to whore herself out for money. Now on the Soros payroll.
You're comparing apples to rocket ships. Those immigrants came to America wanting to become American, more than willing to assimilate, to love this country and its people, adapt, take part in, add to and celebrate our way of life, cultures, holidays.

Pretty sure this doesn't need explaining, but that's not what is happening with a certain set of immigrants that we are allowing into the country this day and age.

They're doing the total opposite. They hate America and Americans, are only here to take advantage of our freedoms, feeling that we owe them something, putting their third world beliefs and laws above our Constitution and laws, trying to force Americans to drop, stop celebrating, ignore certain parts of our culture and way of life because it offends them. Basically, they'd much rather turn America into the shithole they came from than assimilate.
Someday you may realize how ignorant you are...or perhaps you will die ignorant.

Yeah, all the immigrant groups came here and immediately assimilated. That is why we don't have Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Havana and dozens more ethnic neighborhoods not just in NYC but in about every major city. Oh wait a minute...we do.
Birds of a feather flock together as they say. .

I get the sense that the Marxist Left truly believed they were about to deliver an era ending death blow to the Republic and Capitalism with the Hillary election

Marx ultimately taught that capitalism would extinguish all its markets and eventually collapse - I think they truly believed the moment was at hand as it were

Which means that the Trump election - which (at least to this point) bears all the marks of a TRUE opposition that's moving perpendicular to the New World Order types ....

Which means the Hard/Marxist Left only has two choices at this point
a) retreat and regroup
b) double down on the chaos theory and start using stronger intimidation / terror tactics

Which will lead to more of a backlash from an increasingly weary and pissed off "non Marxist' population -- which combines people from Libertarians, R-Party and the D-Party as well....if tins admin can keep it between the lines and not get power hungry / fall apart -- then they should be able to pick up some of the fence sitters out there as well (the ones Orwell claims are practicing "political quietism")

The wildcard that really bothers me is all the other non-American entities who have an axe to grind

North Korea, Cuba, Iran, China, Pakistan, elements within Saudi, Yemen, Sudan and other places where weapons and other things can be moved etc

I'm not saying this out of spite or hatefulness -- I really consider it a utilitarian stance
But if the Hard Left truly starts taking aggressive action on our soil -- like the old weathermen / SDS days -- then the response needs to be swift, violent and decisive -- don't play around with them

Cut the damn head off the snake (more like a hydra, right?) and make a public display of people getting their asses busted up, going to jail and fighting losing street battles.

I know how that sounds and I know that that approach creates new problems as well -- but unfortunately I 100% believe we're hurtling towards internal conflict that will - at least - resemble the Vietnam era once again

Hopefully it gets no worse than that

The more I read up on the foundations for Marxist principles - the more I believe that NORMAL LIVE AND LET LIVE AMERICAN CITIZENS (traditional Left / Right / all races / all walks of life) --- are seriously underestimating what's at stake and how prepared the Hard Left is to fight and kill without remorse

They have a strong hold right now in our early to advanced education system and with most families (who have both parents at work) it is hard to offset the brainwashing now being done to our youth.
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Someday you may realize how ignorant you are...or perhaps you will die ignorant.

Yeah, all the immigrant groups came here and immediately assimilated. That is why we don't have Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Havana and dozens more ethnic neighborhoods not just in NYC but in about every major city. Oh wait a minute...we do.
Birds of a feather flock together as they say. .



You are a goddam idiot.
Someday you may realize how ignorant you are...or perhaps you will die ignorant.

Yeah, all the immigrant groups came here and immediately assimilated. That is why we don't have Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Havana and dozens more ethnic neighborhoods not just in NYC but in about every major city. Oh wait a minute...we do.
Birds of a feather flock together as they say. .

That is when people looked within their community for support rather than the federal government.
It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.
So, why do you stop legal Americans from going to and fro with protest if you value liberty? Why do you allow unlawful acts to be committed to Americans and the American tax payer has to pay for it? Why are you allowing hard working middle class Americans to lose ground monetarily with illegal immigration? No one here is against legal immigration, we are against unlawful and dangerous immigration practices because, it is destroying that dream you referenced for those who have already worked so hard for it.
Yeah, all the immigrant groups came here and immediately assimilated. That is why we don't have Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Havana and dozens more ethnic neighborhoods not just in NYC but in about every major city. Oh wait a minute...we do.
Birds of a feather flock together as they say. .

Pretty sad this needs to be explained to you. None of those communities hate America, the American people, want to live under their own rule of law, and feel it's superior to US Constitution and law.

They may have their own little communities, but they have also become ingrained into American society. They are as American as you and I. They've taken their culture and mix it with ours, adding to the American way of life.

They've most certainly assimilated. Chinatown is a tourist attraction for crying out loud. "Little Syrias" all across Germany and France are literally no go zones, even for the police. Are any of those you listed so dangerous that Americans literally cannot step foot in?
Someday you may realize how ignorant you are...or perhaps you will die ignorant.

Yeah, all the immigrant groups came here and immediately assimilated. That is why we don't have Little Italy, Chinatown, Little Havana and dozens more ethnic neighborhoods not just in NYC but in about every major city. Oh wait a minute...we do.
Birds of a feather flock together as they say. .



Good grief, why are you so thick?
How many immigrants traveling with Fuzz's ancestors on the long journey threw themselves overboard just to get some peace and quiet?
All of them. By the way, they came over on a fishing "TROLLer" Which gives some insight to Fuzz's posting style.
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MarketWatch: The surprising profession poised to get rich under President Donald Trump.

Therapists are working overtime to make America feel great again.

Psychologists say the Donald Trump era has created a bipartisan boon for their businesses. Online therapy site Talkspace saw traffic to its site triple right after the election and remain high (at about 150% of expected January volume) this month


Winning with jobs, jobs and more jobs.
MarketWatch: The surprising profession poised to get rich under President Donald Trump.

Therapists are working overtime to make America feel great again.

Psychologists say the Donald Trump era has created a bipartisan boon for their businesses. Online therapy site Talkspace saw traffic to its site triple right after the election and remain high (at about 150% of expected January volume) this month


Winning with jobs, jobs and more jobs.

Shit, i need to get in on that money
MarketWatch: The surprising profession poised to get rich under President Donald Trump.

Therapists are working overtime to make America feel great again.

Psychologists say the Donald Trump era has created a bipartisan boon for their businesses. Online therapy site Talkspace saw traffic to its site triple right after the election and remain high (at about 150% of expected January volume) this month


Winning with jobs, jobs and more jobs.
Trumps even unintentionally creating jobs lol
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Why doesn't Trump force his State Department to back off the immigration flow?
That's a good question. I'm assuming he's handcuffed by the temporary halt on his and doesn't have the authority to make those decisions.

Not to mention, a lot of low level State Department employees are career employees, probably liberal, hate Trump, and are against the ban.

Plus, since Tillerson just got confirmed, several top positions are either empty or holdovers from Obama's administration. Slowly but surely they'll be weeded out and replaced. Matter of fact, it's already started.

At State Department, 'Dissent Channel' In High Gear With Refugee Ban Protests

On Monday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer was dismissive of the dissent cable. "I think they should get with the program or they can go," he said.

All this comes at a time when the Trump administration has cleared out top management positions at the State Department without naming anyone new to replace them. Rex Tillerson, Trump's nominee for secretary of state, is still awaiting confirmation.

Warrior- he needs help.

Bill Shy- ha ha ha Wendy is a dead twin for Defoe
He can get help, our tax dollars will pay for it if he would just get out of his mothers basement.

Well, got to go for now folks, softball tournament in the local city of Lawton. Scheduled a little while back and called a freeze ball tournament. They do one every year. Thing is, it is going to be around 88 to 90 degree here today. God loves me, my old bones could not take another freeze ball tournament.
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Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

"That undocumented immigrants with no criminal records were arrested and could potentially be deported sent a shock through immigrant communities nationwide amid concerns that the U.S. government could start going after law-abiding people."

It is criminal to enter this country illegally just like it is to enter my house without my permission. No illegal invader is law abiding. I hope these raids ramp up from here because this was a drop in the bucket.
Aww shucks. I'm sure you've signed up to allow a Syrian family to live in your moms basement with you, correct?

Maybe you could sign your sister up for and let her be dogged out by some Syrians. That'd squash out your white guilt that haunts you.

Seriously though, why aren't you sponsoring a refugee family? Prolly just a mom and we 3 year old. So why don't you put your money and life where your guilty white mouth is?
Let me know when he signs up, I'll take everything I said about him back.