How will they rule ??!

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I get the sense that the Marxist Left truly believed they were about to deliver an era ending death blow to the Republic and Capitalism with the Hillary election

Marx ultimately taught that capitalism would extinguish all its markets and eventually collapse - I think they truly believed the moment was at hand as it were

Which means that the Trump election - which (at least to this point) bears all the marks of a TRUE opposition that's moving perpendicular to the New World Order types ....

Which means the Hard/Marxist Left only has two choices at this point
a) retreat and regroup
b) double down on the chaos theory and start using stronger intimidation / terror tactics

Which will lead to more of a backlash from an increasingly weary and pissed off "non Marxist' population -- which combines people from Libertarians, R-Party and the D-Party as well....if tins admin can keep it between the lines and not get power hungry / fall apart -- then they should be able to pick up some of the fence sitters out there as well (the ones Orwell claims are practicing "political quietism")

The wildcard that really bothers me is all the other non-American entities who have an axe to grind

North Korea, Cuba, Iran, China, Pakistan, elements within Saudi, Yemen, Sudan and other places where weapons and other things can be moved etc

I'm not saying this out of spite or hatefulness -- I really consider it a utilitarian stance
But if the Hard Left truly starts taking aggressive action on our soil -- like the old weathermen / SDS days -- then the response needs to be swift, violent and decisive -- don't play around with them

Cut the damn head off the snake (more like a hydra, right?) and make a public display of people getting their asses busted up, going to jail and fighting losing street battles.

I know how that sounds and I know that that approach creates new problems as well -- but unfortunately I 100% believe we're hurtling towards internal conflict that will - at least - resemble the Vietnam era once again

Hopefully it gets no worse than that

The more I read up on the foundations for Marxist principles - the more I believe that NORMAL LIVE AND LET LIVE AMERICAN CITIZENS (traditional Left / Right / all races / all walks of life) --- are seriously underestimating what's at stake and how prepared the Hard Left is to fight and kill without remorse

Holy crap, I have not seen this before. Obama is the biggest hypocrite and phony to ever live. Where were the lib snowflakes at back then?

This is why we have to name this demon for what it is "MARXISM"

Using logic will only go so far
Once you accurately identify the elements that are truly Marxist
And once you show people that the Marxists have more blood on their hands than the Nazi's

Then we start to move from tit for tat political arguments like we've had for the past several decades

To preparing for War

And that's what you need to be going -- mentally if nothing else
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Bannon is an excellent choice in the white house. Solid education and military background, solidly at the right on most issues, and doesn't give a damn about what anyone on the left thinks.

My guy.
Shhhhhhh! He's Karl Rove Jr.

True story: My mother in-law worked for Karl Rove & Co. direct mailing here in ATX back in the 80s. Fast forward 20 years later: "They (the Dems) should leave that boy (Rove) alone. I loved working for him. He's a great guy."

The left are like a cult. They become so crazy when you disagree with them. They just know how to yell and chant and become violent.

I was thinking, what's the damn difference between leftist whack jobs and someone like Westboro except Westboro doesn't become violent & let's you speak?

They're unhinged. They use labels, threats and violence against anyone who dare goes against them.

Let me ask you this. What would be the reaction of a Christian/conservative if you told them you didn't believe in God and then compare it to the left's reaction if you said you didn't believe in man-made climate change, that there's only two genders & question multiculturalism?

And one more thing, at what point did the left become so crazy? Were they just empowered under Obama and came out or is the indoctrination so much more prevelant now with media/universities?
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Shhhhhhh! He's Karl Rove Jr.

True story: My mother in-law worked for Karl Rove & Co. direct mailing here in ATX back in the 80s. Fast forward 20 years later: "They (the Dems) should leave that boy (Rove) alone. I loved working for him. He's a great guy."


Man, I can't stand Karl Rove. He's an anti-Trump douche. Watching him on election night was like watching a Democrat grieving.
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The left are like a cult. They become so crazy when you disagree with them. They just know how to yell and chant and become violent.

I was thinking, what's the damn difference between leftist whack jobs and someone like Westboro except Westboro doesn't become violent & let's you speak?

They're unhinged. They use labels, threats and violence against anyone who dare goes against them.

Let me ask you this. What would be the reaction of a Christian/conservative if you told them you didn't believe in God and then compare it to the left's reaction if you said you didn't believe in man-made climate change, that there's only two genders & question multiculturalism?

And one more thing, at what point did the left become so crazy? Were they just empowered under Obama and came out or is the indoctrination so much more prevelant now with media/universities?
Mixture of things but social media has to be at the very top of the list. Twitter, FB, etc are now a platform for idiots in all walks of life to communicate with one another and political pursuasion has gotten out of control on these platforms.
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Serious question for liberals. Why are you guys so hot for more questionable foreigners pouring into the US? How does it help the Average American?
It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.

It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.

perhaps you misunderstood the question in your estrogen-laced urgency to pour out your bowl full of moral tears. Specifically, the question was about "more questionable foreigners". Are you now conceding that 1/32 of your ancestry, this Scot line you have detailed for us, was "questionable" in the same sense that foreigners from Syria, and other marginally trustworthy tribal regions as deemed such by obamo et al, are very much "questionable"?
I already know I won't shoot unless I'm blowing the shit up.

I haven't spent much time with the saint. I'd like to do a review if my uncle can get one for me through the show.

I just recently bought a new house and it's sucking my time up. But yesterday I went shooting with a friend of mine and he brought a few 19 year olds who've never shot. Females. Lots of holding and teaching. Ended just right too.

Pussy, guns, middle of nowhere.

In two months my new Scar will be in. Paid on it for 9 months. I've got a great dealer in Missouri who does 9 month layaway on anything over 750.00.

Those scars man woooo. Thought I'd never love again after my LWRC'S. I was wrong. I've got quite a lot of AR's, but these two are more important to me than an education.

**** scary man photos. Known to make the left shit their pants on sight. Notice to @cardkilla and @fuzz77 stop reading now.



Layaway photo of the scar


Daaaaamn. Those are sick. I've already put 300 rounds of the shittiest steel cased ammo I can find. Works like a champ.

What's that scar run?the saint is my first .223 but that baby is sick and I'm definitey going to be adding to the arsenal.
who cannot love those virtuous words engraved in bronze on our Great Statue? "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . ." And though this poem was never ratified by any formal act, it is considered sacred and sovereign.

Yet do not devalue those words "yearning to breathe free" and do not disallow those words to denote a clear command for qualification. As to do so inherently forbids entering our lands with any intention to restrict freedom, any intention which may impose ANY cultural barrier resulting in a diminished quality of freedom. Yet this is what the culture of Islam does in radicalized and even lesser forms.

Breathe free? They will take it in. They will not let it out. Keep them out.
It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.

Aww shucks. I'm sure you've signed up to allow a Syrian family to live in your moms basement with you, correct?

Maybe you could sign your sister up for and let her be dogged out by some Syrians. That'd squash out your white guilt that haunts you.

Seriously though, why aren't you sponsoring a refugee family? Prolly just a mom and we 3 year old. So why don't you put your money and life where your guilty white mouth is?

So laws are racist. Add that to the neverending book of "Things that the left find racist."

It is impossible to ever compromise with people like this. This type of craziness is why I would love to split the country to get away from the left's politics.
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It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.
You're comparing apples to rocket ships. Those immigrants came to America wanting to become American, more than willing to assimilate, to love this country and its people, adapt, take part in, add to and celebrate our way of life, cultures, holidays.

Pretty sure this doesn't need explaining, but that's not what is happening with a certain set of immigrants that we are allowing into the country this day and age.

They're doing the total opposite. They hate America and Americans, are only here to take advantage of our freedoms, feeling that we owe them something, putting their third world beliefs and laws above our Constitution and laws, trying to force Americans to drop, stop celebrating, ignore certain parts of our culture and way of life because it offends them. Basically, they'd much rather turn America into the shithole they came from than assimilate.
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It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.

Not all immigrant groups are the same. That's the problem. So Stop playing dumb and pretending all cultures are identical and have similar lifestyles and ethics . It's also intellectually dishonest to take this conversation and try and conflate "settling" and "immigration".

People from large parts of said countries during your grandparents time actually returned. They came here to work, save money, and go back to live a far better life than they previously had. Last century the US had a totally different need pertaining to immigration anyway. Today the US needs far more skilled workers than we did during the gilded age. Assimilation is also held down far worse than it was then. Immigrants from your great great great grandparents generation spread out, and became mixed into American culture, or do you remember your great grandpappy celebrating hogmanay, and other Scottish holidays? Of course you don't. Modern third world immigrants don't assimilate. Period. Never do and never will; our cultures are just too different.

Other issues such as population needs during that time were a main issue for the security of the nation. We also have chain migration today, so we've already got millions and millions in line waiting because of family already assimilated into the US. What more do you want the US to do? Be the nanny of the world?

Admit it, you fall into one of two camps

. 1. What you're really doing is trying to grow the progressive base with permanent "entitlement" driven civilians (not your scottish grandad) and form new voter blocks to push previously unattainable alt left goals, like socialism and the end of capitalism.


2. You became brainwashed at college to believe in utopian ideals and taught to fight for the "moral high ground" which is nothing more than the alt left's current way to pusuade opposition to the constitution and American way of life. You don't really think you're harming the country, you're taught to think it's the ethical position.

The Democrats have a silent war going on right now, and you probably didn't notice it due to the liberal propaganda pouring out of the main steam media. Liberals and progressives. Which one are you? Because they are two totally different ideologies and it's something the democrats need to be called upon to explain.
Democrats playing with fire. A total disregard for national security. More worried about pandering and sticking it to Trump.

77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries

The State Department has more than doubled the rate of refugees from Iraq, Syria and other suspect countries in the week since a federal judge’s reprieve, in what analysts said appears to be a push to admit as many people as possible before another court puts the program back on ice.

A staggering 77 percent of the 1,100 refugees let in since Judge James L. Robart’s Feb. 3 order have been from the seven suspect countries. Nearly a third are from Syria alone — a country that President Trump has ordered be banned altogether from the refugee program. Another 21 percent are from Iraq. By contrast, in the two weeks before Judge Robart’s order, just 9 percent of refugees were from Syria and 6 percent were from Iraq.
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Crowder did a hilarious undercover video of infiltrating a group of these socalist SJW tards about to protest.

Watch all the way to the end to see how they let them know they had been had.

LOL. That was funny and sad at the same time. Sad because this is our future. Funny because I will probably be dead when das boot is up these peoples asses when the oppressive type governments they are opining for have control of this nation and now these people can't say or do anything without being punished.
It allows them to know that they still live in a country that values liberty and offers opportunity to all. It extends the American dream to a new set of immigrants just as that dream was extended to my great-great-great-great grandparents that immigrated here from Scotland. It helps the average American in the same way that every other immigrant group has done so.
Not sure if serious?
We welcome the Scottish that come here legally and aren't terrorists.
We welcome Muslims that want to become peaceful Americans, fully vetted.
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State universities also are unable to spend any money on capital items without the state's approval. If the legislature wanted them to spend less, then why do they approve more?
And where would you like to see expenditures cut?
Schools are all in competition for students, especially top students. Because top students go on to run companies and bestow gifts back to their alma mater which allows the school to offer better programs, attract better faculty which attracts better students.
Most all universities run on a pretty tight budget. The faculty and staff at UK recently went 3 years without raises. When you do that your best people are going to leave and go elsewhere. Those "best people" are the ones that secure grants for research which is a major function of the university and again is what attracts the top people.

Thanks for you reasonable response, though I have a much different "educational" perspective. Public school employees went and have gone several years with 2-3% raises, though there have been years with no raises. I've been in the position to have to make difficult choices in order to give those small increases. Invariably, those choices involved reducing personnel. We NEVER cut programs first. We cut administration; we cut support personnel; we increased class sizes; etc....Unlike colleges/universities, we could not increase tuition and that's what gets my goat.
On a personal note, it kills me to have to get rid of a great primary school teacher when I know FROM EXPERIENCE colleges/universities can raise tuition in order to keep a professor that pales in comparison, pedagogically. I'm sure we've both had professors that couldn't teach a dog to bark or didn't give a rat's arse about students.
I can tell you horror stories about public school financing that colleges don't have to deal with.

If I'm in a legislative position, when looking at school funding, I'd look for fat. There is more fat at the post secondary level than at lower levels. I would throw a fit if I knew how KEES money had been used NOT to make school more affordable for middle class students, but to make up for loss of state funding. I'd insist on seeing how college boards and presidents have reduced costs before allowing them to increase any fees.
[laughing] Lindsay Lohan, who recently converted to Islam, has demanded a sit down with Trump and Putin. She also plans to invite Rachel McAdams, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie.

The reasons behind her meeting are to talk about solving the Syrian refugee crisis, and to somehow decipher and fix the idle minds of ISIS.
Send Lindsay on a paid middle east peace walk thru. Let her walk the streets and profess her ideals to peaceful Muslims
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