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Here's some more for @fuzz77

A researcher with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) said that while it is not widely reported when debating the vetting of refugees entering the United States, it’s the United Nations that controls most of the vetting process – a practice of “total reliance” on that global organization that should end.

“The United States needs to revise its total reliance on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for refugee determination, assistance, and resettlement referrals,”
Nayla Rush, senior researcher at CIS, said in a report on the agency.

“The United States chooses the refugees it resettles solely based on referrals from UNHCR,” Rush said. “It entrusts this UN agency staff with the entire selection and screening process of refugees eligible for resettlement in the United States.”

Moreover, Rush said that the actual vetting process at the U.N. is not transparent, nor can it eliminate security risks if resettlement does not include integration into the new culture.

“We know very little about this selection process except that it is based on a benefit-of-the-doubt policy and can be somewhat subjective,” Rush said. “We also don’t know much about UNHCR's employees, the men and women the U.S. government believes possess the good judgment and expertise needed to make refugee determinations and resettlement referrals.

“Even if refugees themselves were to pose no threat, the risk could come later on as terrorist groups prey on vulnerable communities and recruit young people who feel somewhat estranged in their host country,” Rush said in a report on UNHCR. “Americans witnessed this past November a tragic example of such risks when a young Somali refugee drove his car into a group of students at Ohio State University and then started stabbing people.

“The initial screening of this Somali family was not necessarily flawed; if U.S. officials found nothing, it was probably because there was nothing to find,” Rush said. “Radicalization came later for one of them.”

Rush also said she believes the current arrangement with the U.N. allows the organization to wield a great deal of power in shaping the U.S. population and future citizens.

“UNHCR is deciding not only who can move to the United States, it is also choosing who ultimately gets a chance to become American and who doesn't,” Rush said. “Given the large stakes: access to U.S. citizenship and possible security threats, this blind trust must be revisited,” Rush said.

In her reporting on UNHCR, Rush explains the challenges the agency faces and of U.S. reliance on it.

According to the UN refugee agency, the projected number of refugees in need of resettlement in 2017 is calculated at 1,190,519. This forecast is 72 percent higher than 2014’s projected needs of 691,000 persons. Since then, the large-scale resettlement of Syrian refugees was set in motion.

In 2017, Syrians will account for 40 percent of the 1.19 million refugees that UNHCR says will be in need of resettlement. Other major refugee groups are as follows: Sudan (11 percent), Afghanistan (10 percent), and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (9 percent).

Last week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to put a temporary ban on immigrants coming into the U.S. from seven nation states with ties to terrorism. It also halted all immigration from Syria indefinitely.

The order calls for prioritizing religious minority refugees who are facing persecution in their home country.

“It is time the United States reconsiders, not its commitment and humanitarian call to helping refugees, but the manner and the means by which this help is implemented,” Rush said. “The Trump administration does not need to put a permanent halt to the refugee resettlement program.

“What it can do is refuse to play God by picking a ‘lucky few’ out of millions who are undergoing common hardships,” Rush said. “It can instead focus its efforts toward empowering millions of refugees close to their home, and working on ending conflicts to secure their safe return.

“It can also provide better and longer help to those who have no choice but to be resettled here, making sure successful integration is achieved and wounds (mental and physical) are fully healed,” Rush said.
When it comes to the Syrian refugee program, absolutely false, all of it. Obama set a goal of a number of Refugees to meet, set up a "surge" center in Jordan, fast tracked the vetting process from 18-24 months to 3 months, vetted by members of the UN on site.

I come up with the shit because I pay attention and do not watch CNN. If you turn off the propaganda as well, then maybe you would have seen Collins on national TV blasting the Obama administration about it.

The Obama administration’s fast-tracking of Syrian refugee applications is “a threat to our national security,” Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) said on Tuesday.

Collins was responding to reports that processing time for Syrian refugee applications has been cut to three months – down from the standard 18-24 months – as part of a “surge” aimed at reaching President Obama’s target of admitting 10,000 in fiscal year 2016.

As we noted in April, the Administration has set up a “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan to process the refugee applications expeditiously. While the American people were promised a vetting process of 18-24 months per refugee, this new “surge” agenda has condensed the process to just three months. The Center for Immigration Studies posted an analysis of the expedited process.
I'm sure you get your news the same places that reports the Bowling Green massacre, the crime rate being the highest in 47 years and that terrorist attacks aren't being covered by the media...AFN. The Alternative Facts Network.
Nothing you posted there refuted anything I posted. Only that they were compressing the timeframe from 18-24 months to 90 days. Most of that time compression is being done by employing more people in the process to do the vetting. If you have 6x the resources to do the vetting you can complete the process in 1/6th the time. I'm not sure what you think one would find out about somebody in 2 years that they couldn't find out in 90. The vetting IS done by US officials.
Here's some more for @fuzz77

A researcher with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) said that while it is not widely reported when debating the vetting of refugees entering the United States, it’s the United Nations that controls most of the vetting process – a practice of “total reliance” on that global organization that should end.

“The United States needs to revise its total reliance on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for refugee determination, assistance, and resettlement referrals,”
Nayla Rush, senior researcher at CIS, said in a report on the agency.

“The United States chooses the refugees it resettles solely based on referrals from UNHCR,” Rush said. “It entrusts this UN agency staff with the entire selection and screening process of refugees eligible for resettlement in the United States.”

Moreover, Rush said that the actual vetting process at the U.N. is not transparent, nor can it eliminate security risks if resettlement does not include integration into the new culture.

“We know very little about this selection process except that it is based on a benefit-of-the-doubt policy and can be somewhat subjective,” Rush said. “We also don’t know much about UNHCR's employees, the men and women the U.S. government believes possess the good judgment and expertise needed to make refugee determinations and resettlement referrals.

“Even if refugees themselves were to pose no threat, the risk could come later on as terrorist groups prey on vulnerable communities and recruit young people who feel somewhat estranged in their host country,” Rush said in a report on UNHCR. “Americans witnessed this past November a tragic example of such risks when a young Somali refugee drove his car into a group of students at Ohio State University and then started stabbing people.

“The initial screening of this Somali family was not necessarily flawed; if U.S. officials found nothing, it was probably because there was nothing to find,” Rush said. “Radicalization came later for one of them.”

Rush also said she believes the current arrangement with the U.N. allows the organization to wield a great deal of power in shaping the U.S. population and future citizens.

“UNHCR is deciding not only who can move to the United States, it is also choosing who ultimately gets a chance to become American and who doesn't,” Rush said. “Given the large stakes: access to U.S. citizenship and possible security threats, this blind trust must be revisited,” Rush said.

In her reporting on UNHCR, Rush explains the challenges the agency faces and of U.S. reliance on it.

According to the UN refugee agency, the projected number of refugees in need of resettlement in 2017 is calculated at 1,190,519. This forecast is 72 percent higher than 2014’s projected needs of 691,000 persons. Since then, the large-scale resettlement of Syrian refugees was set in motion.

In 2017, Syrians will account for 40 percent of the 1.19 million refugees that UNHCR says will be in need of resettlement. Other major refugee groups are as follows: Sudan (11 percent), Afghanistan (10 percent), and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (9 percent).

Last week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to put a temporary ban on immigrants coming into the U.S. from seven nation states with ties to terrorism. It also halted all immigration from Syria indefinitely.

The order calls for prioritizing religious minority refugees who are facing persecution in their home country.

“It is time the United States reconsiders, not its commitment and humanitarian call to helping refugees, but the manner and the means by which this help is implemented,” Rush said. “The Trump administration does not need to put a permanent halt to the refugee resettlement program.

“What it can do is refuse to play God by picking a ‘lucky few’ out of millions who are undergoing common hardships,” Rush said. “It can instead focus its efforts toward empowering millions of refugees close to their home, and working on ending conflicts to secure their safe return.

“It can also provide better and longer help to those who have no choice but to be resettled here, making sure successful integration is achieved and wounds (mental and physical) are fully healed,” Rush said.
As for the source you reference above..."Reports published by the CIS have been widely deemed misleading and riddled with basic errors by scholars on immigration; think tanks from across the ideological and political spectrum; media of all stripes; several leading nonpartisan immigration-research organizations; and by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists.
I'm sure you get your news the same places that reports the Bowling Green massacre, the crime rate being the highest in 47 years and that terrorist attacks aren't being covered by the media...AFN. The Alternative Facts Network.

It's funny how you tried to call it fake news because it proves you dead wrong. That was a Congressman going off a report released by The Center for Immigration Studies.

Nothing you posted there refuted anything I posted.

Everything I posted proved everything you posted, which was the vetting process is 18-24, and that the UN wasn't in charge of the vetting process, completely wrong.

The vetting IS done by US officials.

Absolutely false. No matter how many times you repeat it.
It's funny how you tried to call it fake news because it proves you dead wrong. That was a Congressman going off a report released by The Center for Immigration Studies.

Everything I posted proved everything you posted, which was the vetting process is 18-24, and that the UN wasn't in charge of the vetting process, completely wrong.

Absolutely false. No matter how many times you repeat it.

Absolutely false? Ok, I'll be leaving this afternoon to attend my uncle's funeral in St. Louis. The funeral has been delayed about a week so his eldest son, my cousin, could attend. That cousin is a lawyer for the Dept of Homeland Security and has been in Jordan working processing refugees.

You can call something false just like our POTUS calls news story's that he doesn't like...I actually know someone who is very involved in the process. Keep yourself ignorant if that makes you happy.
Absolutely false? Ok, I'll be leaving this afternoon to attend my uncle's funeral in St. Louis. The funeral has been delayed about a week so his eldest son, my cousin, could attend. That cousin is a lawyer for the Dept of Homeland Security and has been in Jordan working processing refugees.

Fake news?

Seriously, I and it would appear several others, don't believe anything you post anymore. No credibility what so ever.
So a Trump supporter posted a response to Trump's Facebook page asking for the nuclear option to be used and she's getting jumped by a slew of libtards who thought she was talking about using an actual bomb. They jumping in, insulting her, calling her a special kind of stupid, etc. It's quite hilarious.
As for the source you reference above..."Reports published by the CIS have been widely deemed misleading and riddled with basic errors by scholars on immigration; think tanks from across the ideological and political spectrum; media of all stripes; several leading nonpartisan immigration-research organizations; and by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists.

[laughing] According to who? Liberal hacks? WaPo? NYT? Politico? Spouting off about someone posting alternative facts, then return with straight up fake facts.

You know how I know? This line right here "The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists."

You're literally taking someone who called the Center for Immigration Studies racists seriously.

I guess that's the liberal MO, though. Anytime they're hit with facts that they can't refute, they immediately start with the racist bullshit.
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That cousin is a lawyer for the Dept of Homeland Security and has been in Jordan working processing refugees. I actually know someone who is very involved in the process. Keep yourself ignorant if that makes you happy
Then how come you had no clue the vetting process was fast tracked from 18-24 months down to three months? It's not like it happened yesterday and snuck up on you. It's been that way since April.

Let me guess, your "cousin" who's working there had no clue either? You're right about one thing, though. There's definitely an ignoramus in this situation.
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[laughing] According to who? Liberal hacks? WaPo? NYT? Politico? Spouting off about someone posting alternative facts, then return with straight up fake facts.

You know how I know? This line right here "The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists."

You're literally taking someone who called the Center for Immigration Studies racists seriously.

I guess that's the liberal MO, though. Anytime they're hit with facts that they can't refute, they immediately start with the racist bullshit.
How about the Cato Institute and Cato again...? They left wing? Heritage Foundation? National Review?
Then how come you had no clue the vetting process was fast tracked from 18-24 months down to three months? It's not like it happened yesterday and snuck up on you. It's been that way since April.

Let me guess, your "cousin" who's working there had no clue either? You're right about one thing, though. There's definitely an ignoramus in this situation.
Perhaps because I don't talk to him every day. He's been overseas now for a couple of years.
How about the Cato Institute and Cato again...? They left wing? Heritage Foundation? National Review?
Doesn't matter what they are. Throwing around the term racists because they disagree automatically loses them any and all credibility.

Provide one shred of evidence that CIS is a racist organization, then I might entertain this further, actually click on your links and read them.

Until then, not wasting my time reading any race baiting bullshit.
Perhaps because I don't talk to him every day. He's been overseas now for a couple of years.

All I know is you went from confidently calling me out and claiming this:

Not sure where you come up with this shit because it simply isn't true. All told, the average vetting takes 18 to 24 months - with the process continuing for many years for some.

To you being shown otherwise, then backtracking, making excuses, twisting words and completely contradicting yourself in the very next post.

Nothing you posted there refuted anything I posted. Only that they were compressing the timeframe from 18-24 months to 90 days. Most of that time compression is being done by employing more people in the process to do the vetting. If you have 6x the resources to do the vetting you can complete the process in 1/6th the time. I'm not sure what you think one would find out about somebody in 2 years that they couldn't find out in 90 days.

Tells me all I need to know. Even when you know you're wrong, when it's staring you directly in the face, you still won't admit it. Only continue to make shit up, trying to twist it around to support your argument. Just like a damn woman. You're a lame.
Here you go fuzz, this guy knows more about the refugees than your imaginary cousin.

Having led the Department of Homeland Security transition team and briefed Trump when he was president-elect, I know first hand that this policy is driven by a heartfelt desire to keep Americans safe while making America a safe haven for those affected by the horrors of ISIS and brutal dictators.

Some have denounced this action as a radical, “un-American” break from past practice. Yet, for years, the Obama administration essentially shut Syrian refugees out of the admissions process. From 2011 to 2014, the Obama administration allowed a mere 201 Syrian refugees into the country. Last year, that number spiked to more than 13,000, with no change in the vetting process.

Well, what about the way this policy was implemented? Here, we can agree, there was much to criticize. The lack of consultation between executive agencies and the confusion on whether green-card holders would be affected, for example, were unforced errors -- altogether avoidable and unnecessary.

Thankfully, implementation problems can be and are being overcome. Constructive criticism helps improve the process. But ignoring the rationale behind the policy and demonizing well-meaning Americans who believe it is a measured attempt to balance the responsibility to protect American citizens while helping those in need is despicable.
[laughing] Nevermind the sacred process of American democracy that her not even supposed to be in this country, illegal ass just shit on like it was a Mexican hooker.

Ortega’s attorney said the mother of four will undoubtedly be deported.

“What’s going to happen to the kids? So it’s not fair,” Rosa’s uncle, Felipe Ortega said.

I love them using the "What about the kids?" argument. What's stopping these dickheads from going to Mexico? Should we let bank robbers go if they have kids?

Oh, and the left cares about kids yet supports slaughtering them as a "right" that we must pay for.

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Just got my new baby. Springfield saint and it is the shit. Literally kills snowflakes at just the sight of it.

Also bought some tannanite and had a lot of fun this weekend. That crap is CRAZY.

I already know I won't shoot unless I'm blowing the shit up.

I haven't spent much time with the saint. I'd like to do a review if my uncle can get one for me through the show.

I just recently bought a new house and it's sucking my time up. But yesterday I went shooting with a friend of mine and he brought a few 19 year olds who've never shot. Females. Lots of holding and teaching. Ended just right too.

Pussy, guns, middle of nowhere.

In two months my new Scar will be in. Paid on it for 9 months. I've got a great dealer in Missouri who does 9 month layaway on anything over 750.00.

Those scars man woooo. Thought I'd never love again after my LWRC'S. I was wrong. I've got quite a lot of AR's, but these two are more important to me than an education.

**** scary man photos. Known to make the left shit their pants on sight. Notice to @cardkilla and @fuzz77 stop reading now.



Layaway photo of the scar

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Serious question for liberals. Why are you guys so hot for more questionable foreigners pouring into the US? How does it help the Average American?

It doesn't. They're brainwashed into believing the white race is awful and that's the best way to win for progressivism. Uninformed, dark, 3rd world voters.

They are far more racist than anyone in the nation. Don't believe it? Watch how they treat African American's than don't think like them. You want to see true racism?
Does anyone really believe these asswipes at GOP townhalls are anything but liberals going to them to stir up shit?
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Iranians protested and had their usual shindig, chanting "Death to America", burning the American flag, you know the drill.

Now "Death to America" is tending on Twitter with liberals swearing up and down that Trump is to blame for it all.

Wonder what it's like to be so utterly clueless? BTW, there's all the evidence one should need to impose a travel ban from that shithole of a country.
Iran should've been turned into a glass beach after 1979
It doesn't. They're brainwashed into believing the white race is awful and that's the best way to win for progressivism. Uninformed, dark, 3rd world voters.

They are far more racist than anyone in the nation. Don't believe it? Watch how they treat African American's than don't think like them. You want to see true racism?
I agree, but I want to hear what lie, I mean explanation they have.
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Mike pence "far right"

Is that what we're calling common sense now? Far right?

The guy doesn't want near fully developed babies murdered by doctors. He wants legal immigration that benifits Americans by being selective. He wants small government that protects and stays out of your life. Oh man he believes marriage should be defined as man and woman.

OMG totally radical right wing alt conservative KKK nazi holy shit someone save us!!!!!

Someone get both Clintons, obama, and the 2001 democrats on line 1!!!!! They don't realize half of their positions are ALR RIGHT PROPOGANDA!!!
Progressives (anti-American party) have done great convincing the world that common sense is now "the right". Damn America you're losing it.
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Mike pence "far right"

Is that what we're calling common sense now? Far right?

The guy doesn't want near fully developed babies murdered by doctors. He wants legal immigration that benifits Americans by being selective. He wants small government that protects and stays out of your life. Oh man he believes marriage should be defined as man and woman.

OMG totally radical right wing alt conservative KKK nazi holy shit someone save us!!!!!

Someone get both Clintons, obama, and the 2001 democrats on line 1!!!!! They don't realize half of their positions are ALR RIGHT PROPOGANDA!!!

Right now, anything that isn't liberal is deemed radical or alt right. Pretty concerning actually
It sounds like Trump is considering drafting a new EO. I like the sound of that. Make one that is crystal clear that nobody with a green card or visa will be affected. Make it understood that Christians get no preferential treatment over (peaceful) Muslims. Expand the ban to more countries like Turkey and SA. If he doesn't feel those countries should be added to the ban then state your reasons why not. There is way too much of this speculation going around that it is because of business ties which is bullshit of course. But sometimes you really have to spell it out for petulant children.
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