How will they rule ??!

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I don't watch SNL, and don't really give a shit, but have they given up on trying to be funny, and are now just concentrating on antagonizing the POTUS as best they can?

I'd imagine Rosie Odonnell playing Bannon, and all the skits will lack any sort of comedic value. But man, if you can antagonize the POTUS to the point he sends a tweet, who gives a shit about comedy.
I don't care who you are or what you believe... but that spoof of Spicer was funny as shit:

65% of our naval planes don't work. wtf are we??? China owns us, imo. We are totally dependent on foreign shit to run our country.

This per some head of something talking on the radio right now...

We don't have money or parts to repair all sorts of military equipment. Wtf.
He's correct. We are also 100% dependent on China for classified, military grade, rare Earth minerals critical to the development of high-grade magnets used in aircraft and missile systems.
Is this a complaint? Lord, I hope not. Rhetorically questioned anyway. Borrowing this as encouragement to younger posters. Part of my wealth building "you can do it" thing I like to do from time to time. And I certainly hope the young people can grab the powerful and virtuous truth in Fuzz's words here, although I suspect he meant them differently from how I welcome it. Yes, you will be taxed the more you spend, the more you possess, the more space you take up, etc., etc., etc. It is a monumental savings opportunity for each of you.

In the perfect world the is no such thing as tax on income, no such thing as being penalized for your productivity. In the perfect world a govt. collects revenue by how money is spent, not by how money is earned. However, in our society, and likely most, we do both.

That is not to say some forms of tax against consumption do not reflect quality investments (land, real estate, etc.). But choose wisely your lives throughout, as repetitious, frivolous spending adds up to many needless possessions, interferences to quality investment could-have-been, and scores upon scores of consumption taxes you did not want to pay.

I agree that taxation of income penalizes productivity. IMO, everything one can purchase should be taxed with a frew exceptions:
1. Food staples such as basic canned veggies, dried beans, flour, meal, etc... A grocer could have a couple aisles of tax free foods. Poors, as well as the rest of us, would have a choice to purchase food sufficient to sustain life without paying taxes;
2. Automobiles. Auto companies could develop a basic car (roll up windows, small engine, no ac, no radio, ) Sorta like the old American motors cars the gov used to use. No tax on those.
3. Clothing: A nondescript, unisex line of basic clothing that both poors and the rest of us could purchase if we didn't want to pay tax.

Imagine the incentive to save !
.@AlvedaCKing: Why didn't Sen Warren read the letter when my aunt Coretta said immigration would be bad for the African-American job market?

Why do athletes think their opinion is more valuable than others? Most of them had to be tutored to get through school. Yeah, that C student, thanks to the tutor, has all the answers because he averages 30 points a game. Shut up and play ball.
Why do media types think their opinions are more valid than others? They are no more qualified to opine, much less engineer society as they attempt to do, than anyone else. It's just that they buy ink by the barrel and own the airwaves.
Making Barry look like an incompetent boob.

Trump should point to ALL his job creation work in his first MONTH and say, "You didn't build that."
Difference between a community organizer and a man who built a multi billion dollar empire.

I am no rocket scientist but I will take the experience of a billionaire who built his empire over a career politicians/do nothing scumbags any day of the year. Obviously, the business world and Wall Street are taking notice as well. Trump knows how to speak their language.
Congress votes which ever way the wind is blowing these days and not with common sense or in reality.
It seems like we currently have a very unintelligent crop of Representatives. Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, John Lewis, Hank Johnson. It's scary that people like them have so much power. So while delegating responsibility to Congress sounds good, I don't want the morons I listed to have any authority on matters of national security.

BTW yall, the honorable Judge James Robart is a Democrat in spite of being appointed by Bush.
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He knows how to speak the language of the court system, too... apparently. Doing swimmingly with those folks.

Weak. Doesn't matter if Trump had Johnny Cochran up in that bitch, the ruling was already made before the hearing even began.

Throughout the entire hearing the judges never once discussed the statute that gives Trump the constitutional power to make such a decision. It's almost as if they completely ignored the Constitution and laws all together.

A wise man once said -- "One of these days the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals may declare the Constitution unconstitutional."
Topics this week:

(I've started doing reviews of the books in my collection to a) promote history and b) share the sources that I'm using as a kind of 'talking bibliography' and c) believe it or not...lighten up the mood.......(the review below notwithstanding)

** An ongoing, fairly in-depth review of dissident Soviet Literature (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago") in order to illustrate what happened when Marxists last seized control of country and had no checks on their powers.....continuing to ask the question of "how has all this been forgotten" and "once we are clear on what they did (and how it was worse than what the Nazi's did) - WHY are they permitted to openly engage in the political discourse of this nation?

We should no more tolerate Marxists in our political system than we should Nazi's
(understand that I mean ACTUAL Marxists who intend to change the fundamental nature of our government -- I'm not assigning a new slang term for "the Left")

It also begs the question of why we aren't' seeing more traditional Leftist call our (whether boldly or subtly) what's happening within the D-Party.

(and yes, I grant that it's possible that the R-Party under Trump could swing Fascist -- I've written an article on "two possible paths" for this admin and hope to update it (with good news and optimistic thoughts) over the course of 2017.

Also - I'm drafting an article on Black Lives Matter
And this needs to be said --- it isn't JUST that they don't represent all black lives....but their Marxist footprint is obvious when you read their website and examine their methods

I planning to compare the ideology and statements from Marx,, F. Hegel and others and place them side by side with statements on the BLM website ...

I also have some questions about the Really Big things that they're NOT attacking....and some of the glaringly obvious omissions from their website and overall identity

Quick question -- does anyone here really believe that group is a bona fide, grassroots, civic organization who's primary goal is to "improve" all black lives?


Somehow picked up visitors from Romania and Malaysia this week -- I was thinking they were just bots -- but then I started seeing people join from these places.
I seem to have a small but growing overseas Muslim following........

but I'm sure they're Sunni so that makes it cool.....
cause Saudi Arabia would never teach anything that would harm me.....


Qui k update on the "quit the job thing" -- I'm picking up strong (mutual) interest in a contract position with the TVA up in Knoxville

Sweet Whore of Babylon.....I may get to move to Knoxville soon!!!!!

FINALLY -- if anyone else here uses Wordpress- I could stand to bounce some questions off of you's surprisingly unwieldy
What's the name of your site again, Sarge?

howdy doody Transy -- even though I've never met you
I think of you every time someone mentioned Transy-College
Which happened over Christmas - I can't recall the context though because I was testing multiple types of rum at the time.....and whatnot

On the wordpress domain.....I think that's what you call it anyway

Whatever happened to that really sharp IT guy we had on here......can't recall his name
I'd know it if heard it though
howdy doody Transy -- even though I've never met you
I think of you every time someone mentioned Transy-College
Which happened over Christmas - I can't recall the context though because I was testing multiple types of rum at the time.....and whatnot

On the wordpress domain.....I think that's what you call it anyway

Whatever happened to that really sharp IT guy we had on here......can't recall his name
I'd know it if heard it though
Excellent. Any time you make it to Lexington, I'll buy you enough beer to float you back home.

Read this the other day and thought you might enjoy it, if you haven't already

Status451 - Days of Rage
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Excellent. Any time you make it to Lexington, I'll buy you enough beer to float you back home.

Read this the other day and thought you might enjoy it, if you haven't already

Status451 - Days of Rage

That item is now an open tab along with a few other things
Will read it this morning, sir - I really appreciate you sharing it (and offering to buy me as much beer as I want and a UK sweater, and a UK pinwheel and an anti-communist magnet and a few other things.....) - the next time I'm in Lexington

Hey Hewyyyyy HEYYYYYY its BILLL COSSSSS --- stopitwyvern

Yes -- it WAS Herm!
Didn't he get into like .. an actual "IT war" with someone on here and scanned their freaking CPU and .... turned off their refrigerator or something like that?

That's how I remember it anyway......also, I still think about Hort's Little Pool and to this day -- because of him -- I occasionally blurt out

Excellent. Any time you make it to Lexington, I'll buy you enough beer to float you back home.

Read this the other day and thought you might enjoy it, if you haven't already

Status451 - Days of Rage

quick pick quick quick note ONE MO' 'GAIN!!!!

I've started reading up on Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers recently --- it looks like your shared article is in PERFECT TIMING, sire

Well done

It's also the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
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Making Barry look like an incompetent boob.

Trump should point to ALL his job creation work in his first MONTH and say, "You didn't build that."

Cue Obama with his town hall right before the elections making fun of Trump saying he can create jobs. OH YA THEN HOWS HE GOING TO DO IT? Id imagine about like this.

65% of our naval planes don't work. wtf are we??? China owns us, imo. We are totally dependent on foreign shit to run our country.

This per some head of something talking on the radio right now...

We don't have money or parts to repair all sorts of military equipment. Wtf.

Not to mention our ability to mine coal was completely disabled. No coal means no steel.

.@AlvedaCKing: Why didn't Sen Warren read the letter when my aunt Coretta said immigration would be bad for the African-American job market?


Because Libs only like minorities when they are useful.

Read through her timeline and saw this as well.

Guessing we'll never ever see this on the MSM

Throughout the entire hearing the judges never once discussed the statute that gives Trump the constitutional power to make such a decision. It's almost as if they completely ignored the Constitution and laws all together.

They did. It was the only way they could make the ruling they did. But we all knew that was coming. They dont get reversed 86% of the time because they follow the law.
You are absolutely wrong about the lottery not bringing money to education. It funds the KEES scholarships. It did not impact public ed. I have experience working in school finances. Ultimately, KEES money was seen by university boards as "free" money, allowing them to increase fees for students. From the late 90's when KEES began, it took only about 8-10 years for costs of tuition, fees, etc... to absorb all the KEES money a student could receive. So the brilliant idea of this money enabling kids to obtain post secondary schooling is hogwash.

University presidents will say the Kees money made for the years state government cut funds or limited tuition increases. IMO, those moves were intended to cause universities to REDUCE expenditures. Imagine that....a university actually reducing expenditures.

You are correct when you say lottery scholarships haven't made up for the rise in tuition costs. If lawmakers had any fortitude, they would have told universities that not only are they not getting any more money, but neither are they increasing student fees. Why not have the prof that teaches 2-3 courses a week add another course??? For college classes, class size is not a big issue....have more lecture hall classes with 150-200 students. boards are appointed by the governor and to claim that these boards see the KEES money or any other lottery funded scholarships as "free money" just doesn't jive with the facts. Tuition and fees have increased at pretty much the same rate at all colleges and universities across the country in both states with similar scholarship plans and in those without. At schools that participate in the program, and schools that do not.
State universities also are unable to spend any money on capital items without the state's approval. If the legislature wanted them to spend less, then why do they approve more?
And where would you like to see expenditures cut?
Schools are all in competition for students, especially top students. Because top students go on to run companies and bestow gifts back to their alma mater which allows the school to offer better programs, attract better faculty which attracts better students.
Most all universities run on a pretty tight budget. The faculty and staff at UK recently went 3 years without raises. When you do that your best people are going to leave and go elsewhere. Those "best people" are the ones that secure grants for research which is a major function of the university and again is what attracts the top people.
Maybe somebody should have said some shit like this whne Obama was busy forcing midnight EO's through? Just a stab in the dark.

Precedent, man. It;s a HUGE ****ing thing here.

They did, but of course the Republicans take advantage of it when it's their turn. And then the Dems will again even more so when they're president. It's just wonderful
the trainer is obviously a lesbian. She bragged about training michelle Obama. they perceive conservatives as hateful, there's nothing someone can do about anothers' perception. And then libs act out violently or try to negatively affect another person based on what the lib thinks. ha


The left is using immigration to completely destroy the west.

And let's just take a second to understand what the left protested and went judge shopping for.

They were against taking a 90-day pause from terrorist hot spots with no centralized government, so we can find a way to properly vet these people and protect us from allowing in terrorists.

The left seriously went against that. You cannot convince me the left isn't anti-American and the biggest threat to our nation.
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Iranians protested and had their usual shindig, chanting "Death to America", burning the American flag, you know the drill.

Now "Death to America" is tending on Twitter with liberals swearing up and down that Trump is to blame for it all.

Wonder what it's like to be so utterly clueless? BTW, there's all the evidence one should need to impose a travel ban from that shithole of a country.
Make no mistake. This President is prepared to protect. If the Supreme Court doesn't back him up his next move is against the entire visa program. He won't discriminate against any damn body.
And if he tries to do so in the same sloppy way he tried to enact this EO, it too will get overruled by the courts.

Not to mention, the vetting is done by the UN at a resettlement surge center, not the DHS/FBI.
Not sure where you come up with this shit because it simply isn't true.
Of the Syrian refugees who have been referred to the U.S. by the United Nations and others, about half end up accepted into the country, officials said. The American process includes security screenings from multiple agencies and extended in-person interviews with Homeland Security officers.

Syrian resettlement seekers undergo a further "enhanced review," which sees specialists review biographical claims. The Department of Defense and the FBI vet the refugees' biographic information against internal and shared databases, officials explained. The Defense Department, the FBI and Homeland Security all check fingerprints against their information holdings.

All told, the average vetting takes 18 to 24 months — with the process continuing for many years for some.

Obviously if the Scotus overturns the temporary halt, when the ban is finally fully implemented, the 90 day travel and 120 day refugee counter will be reset and start anew.
Actually, that would require another EO as the EO is dated and has an expiration date.
And if he tries to do so in the same sloppy way he tried to enact this EO, it too will get overruled by the courts.

Not sure where you come up with this shit because it simply isn't true.
Of the Syrian refugees who have been referred to the U.S. by the United Nations and others, about half end up accepted into the country, officials said. The American process includes security screenings from multiple agencies and extended in-person interviews with Homeland Security officers.

Syrian resettlement seekers undergo a further "enhanced review," which sees specialists review biographical claims. The Department of Defense and the FBI vet the refugees' biographic information against internal and shared databases, officials explained. The Defense Department, the FBI and Homeland Security all check fingerprints against their information holdings.

All told, the average vetting takes 18 to 24 months — with the process continuing for many years for some.

Actually, that would require another EO as the EO is dated and has an expiration date.
I wonder if pools that muslims attend if you have to post signs instructing them not to touch women.
^^I'm sure that would take forever to rollout...what would he have to do, change the start date and sign it again?
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65% of our naval planes don't work. wtf are we??? China owns us, imo. We are totally dependent on foreign shit to run our country.

This per some head of something talking on the radio right now...

We don't have money or parts to repair all sorts of military equipment. Wtf.
This has been going on for a long time now with the military. Many reports on equipment status are pencil whipped due to ratings reports on officers and high ranking NCO's. Officers careers can be easily damaged with bad OER's (officer evaluation report) and to avoid that, many adjust readiness reports to avoid scrutiny. It is the same with soldier readiness as well.
Not sure where you come up with this shit because it simply isn't true.
Of the Syrian refugees who have been referred to the U.S. by the United Nations and others, about half end up accepted into the country, officials said. The American process includes security screenings from multiple agencies and extended in-person interviews with Homeland Security officers.

Syrian resettlement seekers undergo a further "enhanced review," which sees specialists review biographical claims. The Department of Defense and the FBI vet the refugees' biographic information against internal and shared databases, officials explained. The Defense Department, the FBI and Homeland Security all check fingerprints against their information holdings.

All told, the average vetting takes 18 to 24 months — with the process continuing for many years for some.

When it comes to the Syrian refugee program, absolutely false, all of it. Obama set a goal of a number of Refugees to meet, set up a "surge" center in Jordan, fast tracked the vetting process from 18-24 months to 3 months, vetted by members of the UN on site.

I come up with the shit because I pay attention and do not watch CNN. If you turn off the propaganda as well, then maybe you would have seen Collins on national TV blasting the Obama administration about it.

The Obama administration’s fast-tracking of Syrian refugee applications is “a threat to our national security,” Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) said on Tuesday.

Collins was responding to reports that processing time for Syrian refugee applications has been cut to three months – down from the standard 18-24 months – as part of a “surge” aimed at reaching President Obama’s target of admitting 10,000 in fiscal year 2016.

As we noted in April, the Administration has set up a “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan to process the refugee applications expeditiously. While the American people were promised a vetting process of 18-24 months per refugee, this new “surge” agenda has condensed the process to just three months. The Center for Immigration Studies posted an analysis of the expedited process.
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