How will they rule ??!

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glad to hear that Republicans have finally admitted what we've known all along, the Benghazi investigation is nothing more than a political ploy to defeat Clinton. The longest investigation in history, btw. Bet it tries to continue till next November. Not.fooling.anyone.
glad to hear that Republicans have finally admitted what we've known all along, the Benghazi investigation is nothing more than a political ploy to defeat Clinton. The longest investigation in history, btw. Bet it tries to continue till next November. Not.fooling.anyone.

Did she not intentionally lie about the cause of Benghazi? That administration created the BS anti Islam video as a scape goat. They concocted that when they knew it wasn't true. They should have all resigned because of that alone.
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glad to hear that Republicans have finally admitted what we've known all along, the Benghazi investigation is nothing more than a political ploy to defeat Clinton. The longest investigation in history, btw. Bet it tries to continue till next November. Not.fooling.anyone.

Irrelevant. Ploy or not, Hill needs to fry for what she did, then she can go simmer in a cell for putting the country at risk w/ the email fiasco.

Anyone who supports her candidacy is 100% dumbass.
You guys are missing one crucial piece on the Carson thing - his backstory is completely compelling. But I agree, he'll fizzle eventually, as will Trump and Fiorina - although I won't be surprised to see her land a VP slot on the ticket.....

I'll be interested in hearing how all those folks who railed against the current president's lack of experience justify a candidate that's never ran anything.

Carson's obviously a brilliant and accomplished neurosurgeon but he isn't qualified to run a McDonalds much less the world's only remaining superpower.
I'll be interested in hearing how all those folks who railed against the current president's lack of experience justify a candidate that's never ran anything.

Carson's obviously a brilliant and accomplished neurosurgeon but he isn't qualified to run a McDonalds much less the world's only remaining superpower.
Hypocrisy from you if you attack them for it. Obama had no experience either and you think he has done a great job. Shows how much you really know or show how corrupt you really are.
glad to hear that Republicans have finally admitted what we've known all along, the Benghazi investigation is nothing more than a political ploy to defeat Clinton. The longest investigation in history, btw. Bet it tries to continue till next November. Not.fooling.anyone.

McCarthy is a fool. He just handed the Chipmunk a get-out-of-jail-free card. Now she has something she go on the offense with and his comments will marginalize any testimony she gives. I'll bet Trey Gowdy would like the strangle this clown. And he now is going to be the new Speaker? [roll]
Hypocrisy from you if you attack them for it. Obama had no experience either and you think he has done a great job. Shows how much you really know or show how corrupt you really are.

I'll bet you never had one of those "follow the dots" books as a kid, becasue you are just totally incapable of following a logical train of thought no matter how clearly expressed. Instead the minute you read something you don't like you simply spring for an personal insult.

You should just do us all a favor, cut and past your insults at will but don't bother trying to actually respond to a post as you obviously aren't capable of doing it in an intelligible manner.
I'll bet you never had one of those "follow the dots" books as a kid, becasue you are just totally incapable of following a logical train of thought no matter how clearly expressed. Instead the minute you read something you don't like you simply spring for an personal insult.

You should just do us all a favor, cut and past your insults at will but don't bother trying to actually respond to a post as you obviously aren't capable of doing it in an intelligible manner.
No intelligent come back from you as expected. Simply deflect as you always do without actually responding to the point.

Now to your comment of McCarthy, below is the quote of what he said:

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy said on Fox News. "But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought."

Does not sound like it just a political ploy. Moreover, it sounds like someone who was trying to make sure that the American public knew what they were getting into with Clinton. Sure, it also hurts her politically but, is that not the purpose? Keeping an evil corrupt person out of the most powerful position in the World? If anyone needs to learn how to connect the dots it is you because, you have sold your sole to the devil with Hillary.
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sold your sole

D wears stripes, amiright?

Bodies not at room temperature yet and BO and top 3 Dem candidates are using it to call for more gun control. And don't care if what laws they want would have prevented. Party of trolls.
This shooting today has taken a lot of the attention off of the total embarrassment of this administration by its terrible foreign policy. Our world and the rest of the world is in total disarray and Obama has played a very large part in making this happen. No clue as to how to deal with our own country let alone others who think nothing like us. I had him a little ahead of Carter just recently but now, he has surpassed Carter as the worst president of our lifetime. Somewhere tonight Carter is thanking Obama.
Bodies not at room temperature yet and BO and top 3 Dem candidates are using it to call for more gun control. And don't care if what laws they want would have prevented. Party of trolls.

Over 50 shootings in Chicago the last two weekends,where the gun laws are the most strict in the country. Yet you never hear Obama, or his lemmings EVER saying anything about that, but let one insane person do this and they are all over the TV wanting even more laws. Now, what if it turns out this loon was radicalized and this was a terror act? Will Obama say this is just workplace violence?

Putin has bitch slapped Obama and Kerry really hard this time, and neither of them have the balls to stand up to him. What a pathetic country we have now.
I had him a little ahead of Carter just recently but now, he has surpassed Carter as the worst president of our lifetime. Somewhere tonight Carter is thanking Obama.

I have felt for a few years now that Obama is the worst of my lifetime. I had, LBJ as the worst followed by Carter, but Obama has taken over first place. Will the Liberal historians print this, I doubt it. The media put so much time, effort, money an lies into electing him twice, that they may lie again to try and save face. Obama is really good and taking vacations and giving speeches.
glad to hear that Republicans have finally admitted what we've known all along, the Benghazi investigation is nothing more than a political ploy to defeat Clinton. The longest investigation in history, btw. Bet it tries to continue till next November. Not.fooling.anyone.

I think its hilarious how the MSM wants us to forget that Obama and Hillary blamed all this on some random person and one of the goofiest vidoes ive ever seen. They want us to forget them parading the man to jail with a hood over his head. They want us to forget the man had his supervised release revoked and sent back to federal jail because of it, although come to find out he really had nothing to do with it; and they knew that all along.

Then the truth comes out that everyone knew an attack was going to happen, and that reinforcements were told to stand down while our own people were slaughtered.

This was arguably the worst political scandal in american history. Way worse than watergate. Worse than the intern blowjob. Yet libs and the MSM try to act like it was nothing.

Also I now know why dems were suddenly Snowden again. In an interview, Snowden points out the obvious fact that Hillary's email server was gross incompetence at best, traitorous at worst. Also there was news that Russia tried to hack her server on multiple occasions, and maybe succeeded. Combine that with whitewater, and all the other scandals, and you have who is probably the worst presidential candidate in the history of the US. Yet to dems, she walks on water.
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From a new book. The portrayal of Hilary is believable - even her defenders would admit it:

‘Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.

“F*** off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of First Family Detail, a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and at those whom they guard.

Kessler writes flatteringly and critically about people in both parties. Regarding the Clintons, Kessler presents Chelsea as a model protectee who respected and appreciated her agents. He describes Bill as a difficult chief executive, but an easygoing ex-president. And Kessler exposes Hillary as an epically abusive Arctic monster.

“When in public, Hillary smiles and acts graciously,” Kessler explains. “As soon as the cameras are gone, her angry personality, nastiness, and imperiousness become evident.” He adds: “Hillary Clinton can make Richard Nixon look like Mahatma Gandhi.”
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Now to your comment of McCarthy, below is the quote of what he said:

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy said on Fox News. "But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought."

Does not sound like it just a political ploy.

It does to Republcian Congressman Chaffetz, Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee who said: "its an absolutely terrible comment"

now I guess you're going to tell us Chaffetz is a "liberal" Dude you're a friggin joke
It does to Republcian Congressman Chaffetz, Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee who said: "its an absolutely terrible comment"

now I guess you're going to tell us Chaffetz is a "liberal" Dude you're a friggin joke
Not at all, he like most with a functioning brain realizes how the mainstream media have and will further distort the meaning to ensure that their (and your) choice for the next president is still Hillary. You lemmings are too easily controlled as is evidence by your support of Obama after such a disaster of a presidency. Please, for your own sake, never go out again. It is not safe out there for people as ignorant as you.
Carson's obviously a brilliant and accomplished neurosurgeon but he isn't qualified to run a McDonalds much less the world's only remaining superpower.

This statement in it's entirety shows why you are a special kind of dumbass.

The bolded part shows you definitely haven't been paying attention.
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In this Politico piece, this Yale business professor shares my concern that Fiorina is unwilling to admit and learn from her mistakes. He goes on to call her one of the worst tech CEO's in history....
Feeling a little nostalgic for the old days when deee and albany would use the stock market as proof that the economy was great and Obama caused it.

HRC and Miley on SNL this weekend. Wrecking Ball duet?
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The bolded part shows you definitely haven't been paying attention.

It's a subjective opinion as to if the US is the only remaining superpower, some would argue China has become one. Regardless it has nothing to do with my point about Carson's lack of qualifications.

This statement in it's entirety shows why you are a special kind of dumbass.

The real dumbasses are people like you and Warrior-Clown that supported a functional illiterate like Palin. The thought of that moron having her finger on the nuclear button would scare the bageezes out of any normal person.o_O

That same sort of dumbassery is in abundance again in this years Republican circus with Carnival Barker Trump leading the parade, and fools like you following in lock step.
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I'll be interested in hearing how all those folks who railed against the current president's lack of experience justify a candidate that's never ran anything. Carson's obviously a brilliant and accomplished neurosurgeon but he isn't qualified to run a McDonalds much less the world's only remaining superpower.

Some thoughts.

1. That shoe fits both feet: Be interesting to watch those who defended Obama's lack of experience as not relevant attack anyone else for same.
2. I suspect that wall is knocked down now forevermore. Just like an exposed affair doesn't necessarily mean a disgraced exit from office after Clinton/Lewinski, now a lack (even an embarrassing lack) of experience is no longer a disqualifier after Obama.
3. Carson was the youngest division head in the history of Johns Hopkins. He can run a major unit of a pre-eminent hospital (managing all the egos and administrative nightmares that assumedly go along with that job), but he can't manage a fast food store? I mean, he's not gathering people to chant/protest in Riverdale - doesn't have those kind of chops - but c'mon.....
In this Politico piece, this Yale business professor shares my concern that Fiorina is unwilling to admit and learn from her mistakes. He goes on to call her one of the worst tech CEO's in history....
First, I won't presume to argue with you about this - you're entitled to make up your own mind about what bothers you and how you'd characterize any candidate. Obvious. But I'm struck by the irony of regarding Fiorina as dishonest when juxtaposed against the other female candidate. Yeah, call me sexist for naturally comparing the two based only on their gender. As I said yesterday, I'm willing to tolerate some amount if disingenuity in politicians. Actually, not a matter of what I'll tolerate: it's just part of the package, and I accept that. What has distinguished the Clintons, both of them, is their mendacity even in that crowd. All politicians lie, or so we think - so just how dishonest do you have to be to be a politician who is distinguishable for your dishonesty? I'm reminded of the infamous David Geffen quote: " "Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it's troubling,".......Yes, I know it's possible both of them are dishonest, that Clinton is a liar has no bearing on the other. Still, it's like seeing Danny Devito and Tom Cruise on stage and remarking how short Cruise is......
First, I won't presume to argue with you about this - you're entitled to make up your own mind about what bothers you and how you'd characterize any candidate. Obvious. But I'm struck by the irony of regarding Fiorina as dishonest when juxtaposed against the other female candidate. Yeah, call me sexist for naturally comparing the two based only on their gender. As I said yesterday, I'm willing to tolerate some amount if disingenuity in politicians. Actually, not a matter of what I'll tolerate: it's just part of the package, and I accept that. What has distinguished the Clintons, both of them, is their mendacity even in that crowd. All politicians lie, or so we think - so just how dishonest do you have to be to be a politician who is distinguishable for your dishonesty? I'm reminded of the infamous David Geffen quote: " "Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it's troubling,".......Yes, I know it's possible both of them are dishonest, that Clinton is a liar has no bearing on the other. Still, it's like seeing Danny Devito and Tom Cruise on stage and remarking how short Cruise is......

If youve read any of my posts on here, you should know I hate the Clintons with the fire of 1000 burning suns. Nothing Im saying about Fiorina is meant to suggest I like Hillary. I definitely dont. In fact a few posts ago, I called Hillary the worst presidential candidate in US history.

I was just parsing through the reasons I dont like Fiorina, or Carson, as candidates for the GOP. Its pretty futile to discuss the Dem nomination, since Hillary had the red carpet rolled out for her beginning last year.
If youve read any of my posts on here, you should know I hate the Clintons with the fire of 1000 burning suns. Nothing Im saying about Fiorina is meant to suggest I like Hillary. I definitely dont. In fact a few posts ago, I called Hillary the worst presidential candidate in US history.

I was just parsing through the reasons I dont like Fiorina, or Carson, as candidates for the GOP. Its pretty futile to discuss the Dem nomination, since Hillary had the red carpet rolled out for her beginning last year.
Got it. Actually, hadn't noticed that in your posts - we're all just lines of text rolling down a screen. Unless someone is amazingly persistent, I don't usually register much about individual personas.....
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Barry is swinging major nuts on TV right now. This is not good.

And this ****** media just asked if there was something Obama could do personally to stop these mass murders.

Our media, ladies and gentleman. Worse than our government.
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It's a subjective opinion as to if the US is the only remaining superpower, some would argue China has become one. Regardless it has nothing to do with my point about Carson's lack of qualifications.

The real dumbasses are people like you and Warrior-Clown that supported a functional illiterate like Palin. The thought of that moron having her finger on the nuclear button would scare the bageezes out of any normal person.o_O

That same sort of dumbassery is in abundance again in this years Republican circus with Carnival Barker Trump leading the parade, and fools like you following in lock step.
Once again, Mr. Hypocrisy rears his ugly head. You have supported every crook that has come down the pike lately. Selling your soul to the devil's helpers. You are such a loser.
Got it. Actually, hadn't noticed that in your posts - we're all just lines of text rolling down a screen. Unless someone is amazingly persistent, I don't usually register much about individual personas.....

NBD I understand and agree. I just wanted to clear that up lol.
Obama likes to kill Non-Profit Doctors.

When's that "Anti-violence" speech going to happen?
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Feeling a little nostalgic for the old days when deee and albany would use the stock market as proof that the economy was great and Obama caused it.

HRC and Miley on SNL this weekend. Wrecking Ball duet?

Via CNN on the PR help from SNL and NBC:

But notably absent from the skit were any jokes pointed enough to draw blood. There were no references to questions about classified communications ending up on Clinton's private email server, or about ethics issues related to the money raised and spent by the Clinton Foundation.
So it was smart of the seasoned campaign operatives on Clinton's team to avoid letting their candidate be displayed as a fool. While "SNL" is well past the days of serving as a uniquely edgy, unorthodox way to connect with younger voters -- there are now far better venueswhere that can happen -- the appearance was a clear attempt to steer the national conversation about Clinton away from emails and Benghazi.
Beyond the actual appearance, in fact, it's safe to assume the Clinton campaign directly or indirectly negotiated her appearance as part of a de facto package deal with NBC to showcase the candidate.

On the morning after her "Saturday Night Live" appearance, Clinton showed up in an exclusiveinterview with the Rev. Al Sharpton for the debut of his "Politics Nation" show in its new Sunday slot, a way to connect with black voters. And the following day, Clinton is set to appear on the top-rated "Today" show, seen by 4.2 million people on a typical morning, including more than its rival networks in the coveted 25- to 54-year-old demographic.
Via CNN on the PR help from SNL and NBC:

But notably absent from the skit were any jokes pointed enough to draw blood. There were no references to questions about classified communications ending up on Clinton's private email server, or about ethics issues related to the money raised and spent by the Clinton Foundation.
So it was smart of the seasoned campaign operatives on Clinton's team to avoid letting their candidate be displayed as a fool. While "SNL" is well past the days of serving as a uniquely edgy, unorthodox way to connect with younger voters -- there are now far better venueswhere that can happen -- the appearance was a clear attempt to steer the national conversation about Clinton away from emails and Benghazi.
Beyond the actual appearance, in fact, it's safe to assume the Clinton campaign directly or indirectly negotiated her appearance as part of a de facto package deal with NBC to showcase the candidate.

On the morning after her "Saturday Night Live" appearance, Clinton showed up in an exclusiveinterview with the Rev. Al Sharpton for the debut of his "Politics Nation" show in its new Sunday slot, a way to connect with black voters. And the following day, Clinton is set to appear on the top-rated "Today" show, seen by 4.2 million people on a typical morning, including more than its rival networks in the coveted 25- to 54-year-old demographic.

What a joke. Some unbiased media.