How will they rule ??!

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and FTS. I have heard people say right and left Libertarian. But I don't agree with that.

Edit: I'll tell you why. There's not a democrat, nor a republican that I will vote for. Yeah, I re-registered in 2012 to republican to vote for Ron Paul in the primary. But as soon as they started black balling him, I changed it back to Libertarian. That's a diifference. Ron Paul knew he couldn't get enough votes as a Libertarian to win. So he had to go to the republican party to compete. If he had won, I think he wins the presidency or gets waaaaay more electoral votes than Romney.

Tell what am I conservative about that gives you the impression that I'm a conservative Libertarian?

I'd like to see how your liberal Libertarian differs.
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and FTS. I have heard people say right and left Libertarian. But I don't agree with that.
Well there are always contradictions. I still struggle with allowing wiretapping to aid in the prevention of another 9-11. I was always kinda for it, which is not left- libertarian at all. But then I heard it hadn't helped thwart a single attack and I reconsidered. Like I said we're not all gonna agree. But right now either party in control is just going to keep things moving in the same wrong direction.
Well there are always contradictions. I still struggle with allowing wiretapping to aid in the prevention of another 9-11. I was always kinda for it, which is not left- libertarian at all. But then I heard it hadn't helped thwart a single attack and I reconsidered. Like I said we're not all gonna agree. But right now either party in control is just going to keep things moving in the same wrong direction.

And if we had scaled back presence and meddling in the middle east and put our troops on the border and subjected visitors through a rigorous screening process, then maybe 911 never happens. Better than wire tapping your own people. J Edgar Hoover???
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I wish I could say yes, but I can't.

I think FTS brings talking points that may appear Libertarian, but it sure gets overlooked by a lot defensiveness for the democrat party.

I think a lot of democrats think they are Libertarian, because they get individual freedoms mixed with social welfare.

As a Libertarian, we believe in individual freedom, but not at the expense of hard working tax payers.

Libertarian here and couldn't agree more.
Damn, Jamo. I really wish you would give Carson a chance. You are so dead set against him, tho. Is it simply because he has little political experience? Seems to be the case.

<----- still solidly behind Rubio. Kasich not far behind simply because he can win the general. Carson a solid third.
Besides the facts that he stood on national television advocating torture, said homosexuality is both a choice and sometimes the result of imprisonment, and generally sounds like a creepy old man, he would likely be a spectacularly awful president whose naivete would be utterly ravaged by the corrupt influences in Washington all while fanning the jihadist flames by casting the war on terror as a Christian Nation (TM) vs Islam conflict.

All that being said, there are roughly 30-50 million (not exaggerating) Americans with just as much government (much less executive) experience who could stand on a debate stage and say the same unlettered and generally empty sh*t that he says. Why people are enamored with him I'll never understand (although I presume it's due to his skin color, his previous occupation, or both and none of which qualify him for the oval office)

100% honest when I say I would give more respect to a Trump voter than a Carson voter. It's that unintelligible to me.
and FTS.

Tell what am I conservative about that gives you the impression that I'm a conservative Libertarian?

I'd like to see how your liberal Libertarian differs.

Rand Paul is a right leaning Libertarian and you like him enough to vote for him. I would prefer Johnson because of his views on abortion, the fact that he doesn't pander to the religious right, and he's more open in his support of what the EPA does to protect our right to a less polluted environment. I know Paul has to say certain things to have any chance of becoming GOP nominee, but there are positions he publicly holds that I can't agree with.
And if we had scaled back presence and meddling in the middle east and put our troops on the border and subjected visitors through a rigorous screening process, then maybe 911 never happens.

I agree with this completely. Bin Laden hated having US forces in Saudi Arabia and that caused the genesis of his campaign against us.
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Rand Paul is a right leaning Libertarian and you like him enough to vote for him. I would prefer Johnson because of his views on abortion, the fact that he doesn't pander to the religious right, and he's more open in his support of what the EPA does to protect our right to a less polluted environment. I know Paul has to say certain things to have any chance of becoming GOP nominee, but there are positions he publicly holds that I can't agree with.

I respect that. But I'm not sure that Paul is an actual Libertarian. But he is the only non-Libertarian talking actual gov't reform. For that, I can I vote for him. All the others, just campaign speak.

I'll prolly end up voting Johnson again.

BTW, what are the positions that he holds publicly that you disagree with? I know he has personal opinions, but that is different from political opinions.
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So Carson wants to electrocute some terrorists' nuts? BFD and good.

He's also on record saying he advised Bush against going into not only Iraq, but Afghanistan. So, not sure where where this holy war is coming from. Because he understands Islamic extremism is a danger to pretty much everyone?

Finally, it's getting to the point - fiscally speaking - that the American voter better quit giving two fooks about these ridiculous social issues that mean jack shit to the overall health of this nation.

Welp, he said something about the gays!!! Done with that one.

Welp, he's pro life!!! Done with that one.

Welp, he mentions God too often. Done with that one.

It doesn't make one GD difference what the POTUS thinks about any social issues.... It ain't gonna stop the social justice train from plowing over everything in its path anyway.

It's way past time we start caring more about how this country is going to succeed economically and less about what so and so thinks about the gays and Susie's abortion.
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He's also on record saying he advised Bush against going into not only Iraq, but Afghanistan. So, not sure where where this holy war is coming from. Because he understands Islamic extremism is a danger to pretty much everyone?
there's a difference between knowing it and going in front of cameras and throwing gasoline on the fire. Speak softly, as Teddy once said.

And if you care about fiscal issues, it's probably not wise to support a guy who doesn't know the first touching thing about balancing a company's books, much less a federal government's.

Again, why Carson instead of any grouchy old man in a Sunday school classroom?
Boehner was right when he said there would be no Government shutdown over the spending bill. Obama has signed the Bill that will fund the Government for another 10 weeks.
President: None of the above

The GOP guys like church too much. The Dems waste money and lie too much. I'll wait until later in the game after primary season. (And yes, I'll vote for Cankles Clinton only IF she's against Cruz, Suck-a-dee, Santorum or Trump)


Write in vote for a random heavy metal guitarist. (Thinking Slayer's Jeff Hanneman who has been dead since 2013)

Curtis is meh. Conway is an arrogant, limp-wristed douche and I think Bevin might for real be retarded.

Joke time:

Q: What's the easiest way to get rid of Planned Parenthood?
A: Make Carly Fiorina its CEO
At least your honest, wrong headed imo but honest. Some on here pretend to be centrist and try to convince people they are but will vote Cankles regardless. I won't name any names I will just sit back here and wait playing Deeefense until then.
And if we had scaled back presence and meddling in the middle east and put our troops on the border and subjected visitors through a rigorous screening process, then maybe 911 never happens. Better than wire tapping your own people. J Edgar Hoover???
Something I have been railing about when discussing how we could cut back on military spending. (bringing troops home and putting them on our borders instead)
Something I have been railing about when discussing how we could cut back on military spending. (bringing troops home and putting them on our borders instead)
With the Iran/Assad/Putin coalition in place we can go ahead and do that. It is going to test our public's stomach for genocide.
Are you saying our presence in the Middle East is a genocide deterrent?
If you don't think it could be much much worse you aren't paying attention. As our policy over there has gotten more muddled, to protect BO and HRC the narrative has been that Iraq created ISIS thus Bush's fault. It is not rational to think that men shooting girls in the back of the head for going to school would be peaceful goat farmers if we had not gone to Iraq. There are no decent answers.
As for Gary Johnson, I do support his viability abortion stance and 40% cuts in the EPA (5 times the amount the GOP has cut) and other agencies. I can't imagine someone pointing out those two stances as their favorites of his and yet exhibiting all out hatred for the GOP and TP.
the Bluegrass poll has Conway winning 42 37 over Bevin

that means reality it is Bevin 47 Conway 42, given the recent awful dem bias from that 2 bit outfit. Still LOL at Allie Grimes being up 1 per BG on Mitch a few weeks before being blown out by almost 20.
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If you don't think it could be much much worse you aren't paying attention. As our policy over there has gotten more muddled, to protect BO and HRC the narrative has been that Iraq created ISIS thus Bush's fault. It is not rational to think that men shooting girls in the back of the head for going to school would be peaceful goat farmers if we had not gone to Iraq. There are no decent answers.
Believe whatever narrative you want.
Lol "overall health of this nation"

That's problem. That's the issue. People dgaf about the overall health of this nation. Not even the leaders who dgaf because they people dgaf enough to vote good. In fact, many people want the US to get what they think it deserves. The younger demographic, especially, as they have been lied to their entire lives about the US and its role in foreign affairs. I think our president views are kind of similar. It's not good for the health of the nation, but it is real. Our country has done some very shitty things for money and power. We have neglected our own country to do so.
I've been trying to understand that universal based income thing by stanton friedman. Anyone know about it? It has something to do with not paying any taxes if your at $40K a year and under. If you make under $40K, there is a negative % cut that gets added to your income. Eliminates social welfare and social security.

I fully don't understand it. But going back to what I said earlier, if you had a federal tax on legal prostitution, legal gambling, legal weed, you could eliminate social security and social welfare. Then lower payroll taxes to the point that you could pay for your own medicare.
I would imagine what Curtis loses goes to Conway, not that he really needs them. I see him winning by 5-7 points. Bevin is just not a good campaigner.

Bevin is a liar and an idiot. I came to that conclusion after the cock fighting fiasco, where he claimed he didnt know he was at a cockfight. He wont release his taxes. I could go on. Hes just unelectable imo.

I wish I could say yes, but I can't.

I think FTS brings talking points that may appear Libertarian, but it sure gets overlooked by a lot defensiveness for the democrat party.

I think a lot of democrats think they are Libertarian, because they get individual freedoms mixed with social welfare.

As a Libertarian, we believe in individual freedom, but not at the expense of hard working tax payers.

Excellent post. Someone cant be libertarian AND favor "income redistribution" aka socialism.

Besides the facts that he stood on national television advocating torture, said homosexuality is both a choice and sometimes the result of imprisonment, and generally sounds like a creepy old man, he would likely be a spectacularly awful president whose naivete would be utterly ravaged by the corrupt influences in Washington all while fanning the jihadist flames by casting the war on terror as a Christian Nation (TM) vs Islam conflict.

All that being said, there are roughly 30-50 million (not exaggerating) Americans with just as much government (much less executive) experience who could stand on a debate stage and say the same unlettered and generally empty sh*t that he says. Why people are enamored with him I'll never understand (although I presume it's due to his skin color, his previous occupation, or both and none of which qualify him for the oval office)

100% honest when I say I would give more respect to a Trump voter than a Carson voter. It's that unintelligible to me.

I dont understand his appeal either, other than hes not a career politician. He has some insightful views on race relations, but thats about it. He has no clue about policy in general, or any policy for that matter. He will be torn to shreds in a smaller debate, where he has to talk for more than just a few seconds.

I really think his appeal is alot of far right voters hear a black man saying what they want to hear regarding racism or lack thereof. None of them will admit that, but I really think thats it.

If you don't think it could be much much worse you aren't paying attention. As our policy over there has gotten more muddled, to protect BO and HRC the narrative has been that Iraq created ISIS thus Bush's fault. It is not rational to think that men shooting girls in the back of the head for going to school would be peaceful goat farmers if we had not gone to Iraq. There are no decent answers.

This is the problem. No matter what we do, itll still be this way. So we should just pull back and let them deal with it themselves.

Lol "overall health of this nation"

That's problem. That's the issue. People dgaf about the overall health of this nation. Not even the leaders who dgaf because they people dgaf enough to vote good. In fact, many people want the US to get what they think it deserves. The younger demographic, especially, as they have been lied to their entire lives about the US and its role in foreign affairs. I think our president views are kind of similar. It's not good for the health of the nation, but it is real. Our country has done some very shitty things for money and power. We have neglected our own country to do so.

Absolutely true. A large part of the Dem voting block are than willing to set fire to this country. Thats why theyre so motivated. Theyll do anything to try to hit the reset button.
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Besides the facts that he stood on national television advocating torture, said homosexuality is both a choice and sometimes the result of imprisonment, and generally sounds like a creepy old man, he would likely be a spectacularly awful president whose naivete would be utterly ravaged by the corrupt influences in Washington all while fanning the jihadist flames by casting the war on terror as a Christian Nation (TM) vs Islam conflict.

All that being said, there are roughly 30-50 million (not exaggerating) Americans with just as much government (much less executive) experience who could stand on a debate stage and say the same unlettered and generally empty sh*t that he says. Why people are enamored with him I'll never understand (although I presume it's due to his skin color, his previous occupation, or both and none of which qualify him for the oval office)

100% honest when I say I would give more respect to a Trump voter than a Carson voter. It's that unintelligible to me.

Rack this. I don't get the Carson thing at all. He's like a cross between Santorum and that Democratic Congressman that said some Pacific island was going to tip over.

On the Republican side I'd go Kasich (moderate, executive experience) then, maybe, Rubio. I think a lot of Rubio's pandering is just that, but I'd have to read up on him a bit more. I like that Jeb has at least run a state, but another Bush (and I liked HW)? FFS. Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee, Santorum are all just big nos. Just awful. Cruz just looks creepy. Like he should have been cast in "American Horror Story: Freakshow" instead of Doogie Howser.

On the Democrat side, Sanders is just a flat out no. Clinton? I think she'd be competent, but she's a vicious hawk, and I don't trust her. Biden, I really know little about him. Not worried about his gaffes (which are pretty funny... no GW Bush, but good).

Whoever we get, I hope the person is science literate.
Carson is a bad candidate but is intelligent and a christian. The GOP desperately wants to fight the racist label. Hell Herman Cain got into the double digits and was ran his campaign as a cross between Leon the ladies man and a pizza promo.
If you don't think it could be much much worse you aren't paying attention. As our policy over there has gotten more muddled, to protect BO and HRC the narrative has been that Iraq created ISIS thus Bush's fault. It is not rational to think that men shooting girls in the back of the head for going to school would be peaceful goat farmers if we had not gone to Iraq. There are no decent answers.

Going into Iraq created a power vacuum in a region of crazies. Creating a power vacuum was a necessary, but hardly sufficient, condition for a crazy religious band of murderers and rapists taking over half of Iraq.The Neo-Con (the foreign policy position held by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kristol and that little band of idiots) fantasy that our invasion would usher in an era of hand-holding democracy was laughably naive. That said, blaming ISIS on Bush is dumb because there are too many other factors at play, including said murderers and rapists.
Carson is a bad candidate but is intelligent and a christian. The GOP desperately wants to fight the racist label. Hell Herman Cain got into the double digits and was ran his campaign as a cross between Leon the ladies man and a pizza promo.

I miss Herman Cain so much. His stuff is gold. That promo with the creepy slow smile? The insane 9-9-9 tax plan that looked suspiciously like a pizza promotion? The Pokeman poem? Such brilliance.
Going into Iraq created a power vacuum in a region of crazies. Creating a power vacuum was a necessary, but hardly sufficient, condition for a crazy religious band of murderers and rapists taking over half of Iraq.The Neo-Con (the foreign policy position held by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kristol and that little band of idiots) fantasy that our invasion would usher in an era of hand-holding democracy was laughably naive. That said, blaming ISIS on Bush is dumb because there are too many other factors at play, including said murderers and rapists.
Agreed....escalated would be a better word but what is going was there was inevitable. And they could also use Afg as a similar basis for their acts.
I miss Herman Cain so much. His stuff is gold. That promo with the creepy slow smile? The insane 9-9-9 tax plan that looked suspiciously like a pizza promotion? The Pokeman poem? Such brilliance.
I will always argue that the stench of standing on the same stage as Cain, Santorum, and Bachman cost Romney 3-5 points easy. No doubt DWS is afraid of a similar issue this go around with the Dem debates and why there are so few.
Saying, not from the onion is so deficient in describing this:

Salon.comVerified account‏@Salon
I’m a pedophile, you’re the monsters: My week inside the vile right-wing hate machine

Ive seen this. Its ridiculous. I wonder how much support the lefties are willing to give it. Id be surprised if it were given much PUBLIC support, but you can guarantee theyre privately collecting data to see how this polls; because you know they want to support it.
Ive seen this. Its ridiculous. I wonder how much support the lefties are willing to give it. Id be surprised if it were given much PUBLIC support, but you can guarantee theyre privately collecting data to see how this polls; because you know they want to support it.

well, guess NAMBLA will be getting federal protection soon.

wow, just, wow.
Anybody still think Snowden is a hero? I don't......

Why? How?

Explain yourself I'm willing to listen...

...but I don't personally believe anything he did was wrong and I would appoint him President of the new USA right now if I could...or at least some kind of advisor to Rand Paul because those mf'ers talk more sense than he entire media/political world. They do not talk as of we live in some fantasy world.

Like Willy said, we need many more like Ed who actually care about this country and the people that live here.
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Why? How?

Explain yourself I'm willing to listen...

...but I don't personally believe anything he did was wrong and I would appoint him President of the new USA right now if I could...or at least some kind of advisor to Rand Paul because those mf'ers talk more sense than he entire media/political world. They do not talk as of we live in some fantasy world.

Like Willy said, we need many more like Ed who actually care about this country and the people that live here.